993 resultados para Microchip electrophoresis


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This study presents a solid-phase PCR (SP-PCR) for rapid detection, identification, and sub-typing of various Salmonella species, the major food-borne cause of salmonellosis. The target DNA is firstly amplified with PCR primers (one primer is labeled with fluorophores) in the liquid phase. Simultaneously on the solid phase, the amplified PCR amplicons interact with the nested DNA probes immobilized on the solid substrate as an array. If the immobilized probes match the sequence of the DNA templates they are extended by the polymerase and serve as template for the second strand elongation primed by the liquid phase primer thus generating new templates for the SP-PCR. After the reaction, PCR products labeled with fluorophores remain attached to the substrate and can be visualized directly by fluorescence readout devices. Using this method, S. enteritidis, S. typhimurium and S. dublin can be detected at the same time. The method offers several advantages over conventional multiplex PCR: less competition between different primer pairs thus increasing multiplexing capability, only single wavelength optical readout needed for the multiplexing detection, and less time-consuming owing to reduction of the post-PCR gel electrophoresis. The method will be useful for development of point-of-care devices for rapid detection and identification of Salmonella spp. A solid-phase PCR for rapid detection and identification of S. enteritidis, S. typhimurium and S. dublin is developed. The method offers advantages such as better multiplexing capability, only single wavelength optical readout needed, and less time-consuming.


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A Nicotiana plumbaginifolia plant (apm5(r)) resistant to amiprophos-methyl (APM), a phosphoroamide herbicide, was isolated from protoplasts prepared from leaves of haploid plants. Genetic analysis revealed that the resistance is coded for by a dominant nuclear mutation and is associated with the increased stability of cortical microtubules. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, combined with immunoblotting using anti-tubulin monoclonal antibodies, showed that part of the beta-tubulin in the resistant plant possessed lower isoelectric points than the beta-tubulin of susceptible wild-type plants. These results provide evidence that the resistance to APM is associated with a mutation in a beta-tubulin gene. The APM-resistant line showed cross-resistance to trifluralin, a dinitroaniline herbicide, suggesting a common mechanism of resistance between these two classes of herbicides.


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Interspecific and intertribal somatic hybrids were obtained to study the composition and function of microtubules in hybrid plants. The amiprophosmethyl-resistant mutant Nicotiana plumbaginifolia L. was used as donor; canamycin-resistant mutants N. sylvestris L. and Atropa belladonna served as recipients. Cytogenetic analysis confirmed the hybrid nature of the clones selected. Immunoflourescent analysis showed that constitutions of mitotic spindles in regenerating protoplast, isolated from the hybrid NpAb-107 and the mutant N. plunbaginifolia, show no change after a 2-hour treatment with 5 mu M of amiprophosmethyl; in A. belladonna, the division spindle is completely destroyed under these conditions. Tubulin was isolated from the hybrid NpAb-107 and separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. The results showed that NpAb-107 has the beta-tubulin isoform specific for N. plumbaginifolia in addition to all isoforms of A. belladonna.