993 resultados para Maxillary osteotomy
The gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one of the main causes of dental erosion. The aim of this case presented is to describe the prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient with GERD after 4 years of followup. A 33-year-old male patient complained about tooth sensitivity. The lingual surface of the maxillary anterior teeth and the cusps of the upper and lower posterior teeth presented wear. It was suspected that the feeling of heartburn reported by the patient associated with the intake of sports supplements (isotonics) was causing gastroesophageal changes. The patient was referred to a gastroenterologist and was diagnosed with GERD. Dental treatment was performed with metal-free crowns and porcelain veneers after medical treatment of the disease. With the change in eating habits, the treatment of GERD and lithium disilicate ceramics provided excellent cosmetic results after 4 years and the patient reported satisfaction with the treatment.
A white female patient presented to the university clinic to obtain implant retained prostheses. She had an edentulous maxillary jaw and presented three teeth with poor prognosis (33, 34 and 43). The alveolar bone and the surrounding tissues were healthy. The patient did not report any relevant medical history contraindicating routine dental treatment or implant surgery, but self-reported a dental history of asymptomatic nocturnal bruxism. The treatment plan was set and two Branemark protocols supported by six implants in each arch were installed after a 6-month healing period. A soft occlusal splint was made due to the patient's history of bruxism, and the lack of its use by the patient resulted in an acrylic fracture. The prosthesis was repaired and the importance of using the occlusal splint was restated. In the 4-year follow-up no fractures were reported.
The aim of this paper was to present a rehabilitation of a patient with a dynamic universal castable long abutment (UCLA) for a single tilted implant in the anterior maxillary area. A 57-year-old male patient attended the dentistry college clinic complaining of a vertical fracture of a residual root of the dental element 22. The tooth extraction was indicated for the implant installation. Due to the socket buccal wall thickness, the implant was installed with an inclination to the palate. It was done in a two-stage surgical protocol, and an external hexagon implant (3.75×11.5mm) was placed. After a six-month healing period to correct the implant position, a dynamic UCLA was set in place, rectifying the implant emergence profile at 20°. The ceramic structure fitting was performed and, after the patient's consent, the prosthesis was finalized and installed. After a follow-up period of twenty months, no complications were observed. The installation of tilted implants with a dynamic UCLA may be a viable option, faster and less invasive than bone grafts.