997 resultados para MAGNETIZATION


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The titanomagnetite oxidation state of "zero age" ocean floor basalts was investigated. For this purpose the oxidation parameter, z, of Hole 648B basalts was determined by SEM observation of "shrinkage cracks" in individual titanomagnetite grains and by Curie temperature measurements. A mean z-value of 0.1 has been deduced for the Hole 648B basalts. Assuming a linear relationship between titanomagnetite low-temperature oxidation state and age of the oceanic basalt, an age of 0.7 m.y. is deduced for Hole 648B.


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During the Geological Expedition to the Shackleton Range, Antarctica (GEISHA) in 1987/88, samples were taken from twenty-one basaltic dykes for palaeomagnetic investigations. The directions of characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) of the dykes were determined by thermal and alternating-field demagnetization of 268 cores drilled from the specimens collected. Moreover, on account of the hydrothermal and sometimes low-grade metamorphism of the dyke rock and the resulting partial modification of the primary magnetization, not only were comprehensive magnetic studies carried out, but also ore-microscopic examination. Only thus was it possible to achieve a reasonable assessment and interpretation of the remanent magnetization. Jurassic and Silurian-Devonian ages were confirmed for the dykes of the northern and northwestern Shackleton Range by comparison of the paleopole positions calculated on the basis of the ChRM of the dykes with the known pole positions for the eastern Antarctic, as well as with polar-wandering curves for Gondwana. Radiometric ages were also determined far some of the dykes. Middle and Late Proterozoic ages are postulated far the dykes in the Read Mountains. Conclusions on the geotectonic relations of the Shackleton Range can also be drawn from the palaeomagnetic data. It has been postulated that the main strike direction, which differs distinctly from that of the Ross orogen, is due to rotation or displacement of the Shackleton Range crustal block; however, this was not corroborated. The pole positions for the Shackleton Range agree with those of rocks of the same age from other areas of East Antarctica and its positions in the Palaeozoic-Mesozoic polar-wandering path for Gondwana are evidence against the idea of rotation and rather suggest that the position of the Shakleton Range crustal block is autochthonous.


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The basalts recovered at Holes 651A and 655B appear to carry a single component remanent magnetization, which is generally of reversed polarity. These magnetizations are consistent with eruption during the Matuyama (651A) and Gilbert (655B) polarity epochs. The blocking temperature spectra and the Js/T curves indicate that titanomaghemite is the principal remanence carrier. The lower mean destructive field (MDF) and higher susceptibility at 651A probably indicates a lower mean oxidation state at this hole relative to 655B, which may simply reflect the age difference between the two basalt sequences. At both holes, a decreasing downcore trend both in natural remanent magnetization (NRM) and susceptibility probably indicates that maghemitization (from primary titanomagnetite) increases downcore. An interval of high coercivity at hole 655B (119.80-151.45 mbsf) appears to define a magnetically distinct unit within the basalt sequence.


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More than 60 basalt samples from two Deep Sea Drilling Project holes on the Costa Rica Rift were studied for magnetic properties and were found to have no properties significantly different from other DSDP basalts. Opaque mineralogical and thermomagnetic properties of these samples, however, to some extent show differences from normal submarine basalts; a new type of thermomagnetic curve and wide range of chemical compositions were recognized. Oxidized samples possibly containing incipient ilmenite exsolution lamellae were reduced and re-equilibrated during heating. The Curie temperatures of the re-equilibrated titanomagnetites are interpreted to be those of the original crystallized phase before oxidation.


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We have determined the azimuth of bottom-current flow in drift deposit sediments recovered at ODP Sites 1095 and 1101, Antarctic Peninsula, using paleomagnetic reorientation of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) ellipsoids. A total of 38 cores from the two ODP sites have been measured, providing spatial and directional information on the physical record of the ACC (Antarctic Circumpolar Current) in the Plio-Pleistocene. Declination and inclination of the paleomagnetic vector of each core segment were used to reorient the AMS principal axes to the geographic coordinates. The cores were reoriented using the measured direction of the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) with respect to a common reference line for the core, from which we are able to determine the orientation of the paleocurrent flow for Sites 1095 (Drift 7) and 1101 (Drift 4) relative to the geographic coordinates. Both sites have paleocurrent directions trending ~NW-SE, which in the former locality are parallel to a sediment wave field. Our study shows that a combination of magnetic fabric analysis and paleomagnetism allows deep-sea sedimentary fabric to be used as a long-term proxy of bottom-current flow history.


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Lower Cretaceous sediments were sampled for magnetostratigraphy at three sites. ODP Site 765 and DSDP Site 261, in the Argo Abyssal Plain, consist primarily of brownish-red to gray claystone having hematite and magnetite carriers of characteristic magnetization. ODP Site 766, in the Gascoyne Abyssal Plain, consists mainly of dark greenish-gray volcaniclastic turbidites with magnetite as the carrier of characteristic magnetization. Progressive thermal demagnetization (Sites 765 and 261) or alternating field demagnetization (Site 766) yielded well-defined polarity zones and a set of reliable paleolatitudes. Magnetic polarity chrons were assigned to polarity zones using biostratigraphic correlations. Late Aptian chron M"-1"r, a brief reversed-polarity chron younger than MOr, is a narrow, 40-cm feature delimited in Hole 765C. Early Aptian reversed-polarity chron MOr is also present in Hole 765C. Polarity chrons Mir through M3r were observed in the Barremian of all three sites. Valanginian and Hauterivian polarity chrons can be tentatively assigned to polarity zones only in Hole 766A. The paleolatitude of this region remained at 35° to 37°S from the Berriasian through the Aptian. During this interval, there was approximately 16° of clockwise rotation, with the oriented sample suites of Site 765 displaying a Berriasian declination of 307° to an Aptian declination of 323°. These results are consistent with the interpolated Early Cretaceous apparent polar wander for Australia, but indicate that this region was approximately 5? farther north than predicted.


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Pliocene and Miocene magnetostratigraphy from ODP Site 1218 (Equatorial Pacific) has been obtained by measurements made on u-channel samples, augmented by about 50 discrete samples. U-channel samples were measured at 1 cm intervals and stepwise demagnetized in alternating fields up to a maximum peak field of 80 mT. The component magnetization directions were determined by principal component analysis for demagnetization steps in the 20-60 mT peak field range. A relatively small number of discrete samples were subject to both thermal and alternating field (AF) demagnetization and gave results compatible with u-channel measurements. Magnetostratigraphy from u-channel samples are compared with shipboard data that were based on blanket demagnetization at peak AF fields of 20 mT. U-channel measurements add more detail to the magnetostratigraphic record and allow identification of thin polarity zones especially in the upper part of the section were the sedimentation rates are very low (~2 m/Myr). The component magnetization directions determined from u-channel measurements also gave more reliable and precise estimates of inclination (paleolatitude). The magnetostratigraphy from Site 1218 can be unambiguously correlated with the reference geomagnetic polarity time scale and gives a means of dating the sedimentary sequence. Both Miocene-Pliocene and Oligocene-Miocene stage boundaries were easily identified from the magnetostratigraphic record. Although calculation of paleomagnetic poles is hindered by the low precision of the cores' azimuthal orientation, the data from both u-channel and discrete samples allow determination of the paleolatitude of the Site through time with good precision. Paleomagnetic data indicate that the paleolatitude of Site 1218 has increased form nearly equatorial latitude in the Oligocene to its present-day latitude close to 9°N. Within the precision of the paleomagnetic data, this is in agreement with current predictions of plate motion models based on fixed hotspots.