998 resultados para Método estruturado
Este trabalho apresenta uma extensão do provador haRVey destinada à verificação de obrigações de prova originadas de acordo com o método B. O método B de desenvolvimento de software abrange as fases de especificação, projeto e implementação do ciclo de vida do software. No contexto da verificação, destacam-se as ferramentas de prova Prioni, Z/EVES e Atelier-B/Click n Prove. Elas descrevem formalismos com suporte à checagem satisfatibilidade de fórmulas da teoria axiomática dos conjuntos, ou seja, podem ser aplicadas ao método B. A checagem de SMT consiste na checagem de satisfatibilidade de fórmulas da lógica de primeira-ordem livre de quantificadores dada uma teoria decidível. A abordagem de checagem de SMT implementada pelo provador automático de teoremas haRVey é apresentada, adotando-se a teoria dos vetores que não permite expressar todas as construções necessárias às especificações baseadas em conjuntos. Assim, para estender a checagem de SMT para teorias dos conjuntos destacam-se as teorias dos conjuntos de Zermelo-Frankel (ZFC) e de von Neumann-Bernays-Gödel (NBG). Tendo em vista que a abordagem de checagem de SMT implementada no haRVey requer uma teoria finita e pode ser estendida para as teorias nãodecidíveis, a teoria NBG apresenta-se como uma opção adequada para a expansão da capacidade dedutiva do haRVey à teoria dos conjuntos. Assim, através do mapeamento dos operadores de conjunto fornecidos pela linguagem B a classes da teoria NBG, obtem-se uma abordagem alternativa para a checagem de SMT aplicada ao método B
With the increasing complexity of software systems, there is also an increased concern about its faults. These faults can cause financial losses and even loss of life. Therefore, we propose in this paper the minimization of faults in software by using formally specified tests. The combination of testing and formal specifications is gaining strength in searches mainly through the MBT (Model-Based Testing). The development of software from formal specifications, when the whole process of refinement is done rigorously, ensures that what is specified in the application will be implemented. Thus, the implementation generated from these specifications would accurately depict what was specified. But not always the specification is refined to the level of implementation and code generation, and in these cases the tests generated from the specification tend to find fault. Additionally, the generation of so-called "invalid tests", ie tests that exercise the application scenarios that were not addressed in the specification, complements more significantly the formal development process. Therefore, this paper proposes a method for generating tests from B formal specifications. This method was structured in pseudo-code. The method is based on the systematization of the techniques of black box testing of boundary value analysis, equivalence partitioning, as well as the technique of orthogonal pairs. The method was applied to a B specification and B test machines that generate test cases independent of implementation language were generated. Aiming to validate the method, test cases were transformed manually in JUnit test cases and the application, created from the B specification and developed in Java, was tested. Faults were found with the execution of the JUnit test cases
This paper presents a contribution to the international Verified Software Repository effort through the formal specification of the microkernel FreeRTOS real-time system. Such specification was made in abstract level making use of the B method . For thus, properties of the microkernel were chosen and selected as specification requisites, which was constructed centered at the functionalities responsible for the utilization of these properties. This properties weres setting as specification requirements. The specification was constructed modeling the function of microkernel that implement this properties. This work intended to encourage the formal verification of FreeRTOS and also contribute to the formal creation of a microkernel real-time systems, based in FreeRTOS. Furthermore, this model brings a formal documentation point view of the microkernel, demonstrating features and how this internal states is changing. Finally, this work could be an example of specification of the actual system by the B method.
The development of smart card applications requires a high level of reliability. Formal methods provide means for this reliability to be achieved. The BSmart method and tool contribute to the development of smart card applications with the support of the B method, generating Java Card code from B specifications. For the development with BSmart to be effectively rigorous without overloading the user it is important to have a library of reusable components built in B. The goal of KitSmart is to provide this support. A first research about the composition of this library was a graduation work from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, made by Thiago Dutra in 2006. This first version of the kit resulted in a specification of Java Card primitive types byte, short and boolean in B and the creation of reusable components for application development. This work provides an improvement of KitSmart with the addition of API Java Card specification made in B and a guide for the creation of new components. The API Java Card in B, besides being available to be used for development of applications, is also useful as a documentation of each API class. The reusable components correspond to modules to manipulate specific structures, such as date and time. These structures are not available for B or Java Card. These components for Java Card are generated from specifications formally verified in B. The guide contains quick reference on how to specify some structures and how some situations were adapted from object-orientation to the B Method. This work was evaluated through a case study made through the BSmart tool, that makes use of the KitSmart library. In this case study, it is possible to see the contribution of the components in a B specification. This kit should be useful for B method users and Java Card application developers
The software systems development with domain-specific languages has become increasingly common. Domain-specific languages (DSLs) provide increased of the domain expressiveness, raising the abstraction level by facilitating the generation of models or low-level source code, thus increasing the productivity of systems development. Consequently, methods for the development of software product lines and software system families have also proposed the adoption of domain-specific languages. Recent studies have investigated the limitations of feature model expressiveness and proposing the use of DSLs as a complement or substitute for feature model. However, in complex projects, a single DSL is often insufficient to represent the different views and perspectives of development, being necessary to work with multiple DSLs. In order to address new challenges in this context, such as the management of consistency between DSLs, and the need to methods and tools that support the development with multiple DSLs, over the past years, several approaches have been proposed for the development of generative approaches. However, none of them considers matters relating to the composition of DSLs. Thus, with the aim to address this problem, the main objectives of this dissertation are: (i) to investigate the adoption of the integrated use of feature models and DSLs during the domain and application engineering of the development of generative approaches; (ii) to propose a method for the development of generative approaches with composition DSLs; and (iii) to investigate and evaluate the usage of modern technology based on models driven engineering to implement strategies of integration between feature models and composition of DSLs
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o método de Ulson de fixação intramedular associado à fixação externa variando a altura do travamento externo dos fios de Kirschner e sem fixação externa. MÉTODO: Foram utilizadas 18 tíbias de porcos, sendo realizada osteotomia transversal na região da tuberosidade e introduzidos dois fios de Kirschner intramedulares em cada peça, em três diferentes padrões de montagem: grupo I - travamento com minifixador externo com 3,0cm de altura; grupo II - travamento com 4,5cm de altura; grupo III: sem travamento externo. Realizaram-se ensaios mecânicos de cisalhamento, obtendo-se: carga máxima, limite de proporcionalidade e coeficiente de rigidez. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas de carga máxima e limite de proporcionalidade entre os grupos; o grupo II apresentou maior coeficiente de rigidez. CONCLUSÃO: A altura do travamento dos fios de Kirschner no método de Ulson, dentro dos limites avaliados, não prejudicou a estabilidade do sistema de fixação da fratura.
In the context of Software Engineering, web accessibility is gaining more room, establishing itself as an important quality attribute. This fact is due to initiatives of institutions such as the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and the introduction of norms and laws such as Section 508 that underlie the importance of developing accessible Web sites and applications. Despite these improvements, the lack of web accessibility is still a persistent problem, and could be related to the moment or phase in which this requirement is solved within the development process. From the moment when Web accessibility is generally regarded as a programming problem or treated when the application is already developed entirely. Thus, consider accessibility already during activities of analysis and requirements specification shows itself a strategy to facilitate project progress, avoiding rework in advanced phases of software development because of possible errors, or omissions in the elicitation. The objective of this research is to develop a method and a tool to support requirements elicitation of web accessibility. The strategy for the requirements elicitation of this method is grounded by the Goal-Oriented approach NFR Framework and the use of catalogs NFRs, created based on the guidelines contained in WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guideline) proposed by W3C
Os parâmetros de análise social fornecidos pelos fundamentos da obra weberiana apontam algumas determinações necessárias à análise de fenômenos sociais. Defendendo uma sociologia capaz de compreender os sentidos e conexões presentes nas ações sociais, Weber propõe uma concepção específica de método e de objeto na sociologia, que se assenta na explicação de ações sociais individuais, sob condições determinadas, e busca, ao mesmo tempo, explicitar as significações das instituições sociais, nas quais os indivíduos agem, como resultantes também da ação humana. A partir de tais idéias, o breve ensaio ora apresentado, propõe-se a debater alguns elementos trabalhados nos conceitos weberianos de método e sociologia