1000 resultados para Linguagem oral e escrita


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No presente estudo, destacamos como a estrutura da poesia trágica em partes cantadas e dialogadas resulta num grande espetáculo dominado pela palavra. Nos cantos corais e nos cantos de ator, os estados emocionais são marcados pelo viés da tradição do dialeto dórico. Nos diálogos, o ritmo próximo da fala quotidiana, em dialeto ático, acelera os acontecimentos em cena, põe em ação e movimenta o que Aristóteles depois vai chamar de “ação”. O resultado da mescla de tradição e novidade, de canto e fala, de dança e gestos, é um espetáculo contendo mito e “realidade”, poesia e retórica, entre outras dicotomias, em que o poder da linguagem é colocado em cena. Na tragédia, então, a palavra em todos os seus modos de expressão é o espetáculo a ser visto e ouvido. Assim, a tragédia grega insere-se numa longa tradição iniciada pela poesia oral homérica e anuncia o estabelecimento da filosofia.


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Based on functional theory, the text discusses the relations between spoken language and written language, defending not only the existence of a sole grammatical system for both, but also the relevance of studies contemplating specificities of use, some of these being more directed toward interaction, and others being more directed toward system. The investigation that aims to prove these premises used the chronicle as examination material, due to its linguistic colloquialism in general and due to the chronicler’s personal engagement, which involve linguistic strategies available for the expression of information and for the reader’s understanding. The investigation was concentrated on the discourse parenthesis, especially on its connection with the degree of language planning and with the creation of view plans and the establishment of emphasis. It was concluded that the resource of parenthesis both represents linguistic informality (which is more directed toward speaking) and shows the care with preparation and marking of style (which is more directed toward writing), illustrating specificities.


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The novel As intermitências da morte, by José Saramago (2005a), presents an imaginary narrative that treats one of the most classical themes of universal literature. Besides that, the novel discusses the question of fictional discourse construction, showing the potentialities (and limits) of language as an intermediation between life and art.


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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Written language is a form of communication between humans and, as is not acquired naturally, needs educational interventions systematized to be learned. However, the teaching of writing is still mechanically imposed on the student, and could make use of other features such as games and plays. As a result, this research we analyze the writing development of phases, the psychic functions present in its development and the construction of a paradigm games and games that can be used as auxiliary tools in the teaching of writing. We describe the operation of each and identify how they can be used in the classroom. The survey was conducted through a qualitative approach of empirical type. The data concluded that these instruments are not used in class and often writing has no social relevance for the child. We also conclude that some usage scenarios of play occurred among children, are not used for didactic purposes as an example of sign-symbol relationship by teachers to teach writing


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC