999 resultados para La rencontre manquée


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L'hypothèse de recherche que nous souhaitons vous présenter ici a pour objet l&s fonctions pragmatiques de Ia prosodie. L'ensemble de notre Projet de Recherche s'organise en effet autour d'une seule (mais fondamentale) hypothèse de travail: c'est dans et par Ia prosodie que pour Vessentiel le langage contribue activement à Ia construction du lien social. La formulation de cette hypothèse resulte des travaux que nous avons menés dans le champ de FAnthropologie des rites, étudiés dans une perspective sémiologique (au sens large), visant à mieux saisir dans quelle mesure et selon quelles modalités, dans et par le rite, Vordre du signe est signe de 1'ordreK Le rite constitue un système complexe de comrpunication symbolique qui contribue en effet activement à definir sur le plan sémantique et à structurer sur le plan dramaturgique les situations d'interaction sociale.


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Para obter o Grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas apresento este projecto de tradução do ensaio de Vincent Jouve “La Littérature selon Roland Barthes” e análise crítica das dificuldades tradutórias encontradas. Para a tradutora é uma actividade inovadora e aliciante. A selecção da obra reveste-se de argumentos tanto pessoais como profissionais sendo particularmente oportuna, pois coincide com o centenário de nascimento de Barthes. Roland Barthes é um autor rico, complexo e desconcertante que, embora pouco estudado à época, levanta emoções extremas: adorado por uns e detestado por outros. O ensaio de Vincent Jouve reflecte essa riqueza quer de forma quer de conteúdo. Participar na divulgação, mesmo que só académica, destes autores é muito gratificante. O ensaio literário tem características próprias, que o tornam semelhante a uma manifestação artística, privilegia-se o sentido traduzindo a obra sem recorrer a progamas de tradução. Este relatório é composto por três partes fundamentais: a preparação prévia, a tradução e a análise das dificuldades. O apêndice é constituido pela obra traduzida e pelos capítulos analizados (I e IV), en Francês.


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Ángel Piedras naciô en Nava dei Rey província de Valladolid (Espana), en 1910. Hijo de una família de jomaleros, tambiên él ti"abajó en ei campo hasta los veintiséis afios. Fue detenido y encarcelado en los dias de Ia terrible represión que sucedíó ai alzamíento franquista. Trás 101 dias de condena a muerte, su pena fue conmutada por Ia de cárcel. Salíó indultado en 1944. Ángel Piedras era hermano de mi abuelo, fusílado en Cáceres en enero de 1938. Su testímonio tiene que ver decisivamente con mi ínterés y mi dedicación a Ia historia. Este pequefío ensayo, primera piedra de un trabajo más amplio, es ante todo una prueba de mi admíración y mi agradecimiento hacia él. Guando Ángel Piedras muere en 1997, deja en casa de su hija Petra, persona clave en nuestro trabajo, una caja con materíales muy diversos, entre los que se encontraban vários cuademos, varias listas de represaliados y diversos manuscritos más, principalmente con ripios y poemas memorizados y transcritos por él.


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The building of social Europe: companies, territories, movement of the workforce. For ten years, companies have been obliged to standardize the quality of their products interaationally, which goes along with a dismantling of the landmarks of the territories of political action in France. This article presents some current research about the movement of the labour force in Europe and raise the issue of coordination between the different legitimate categories and the attitude of the various administrations (work, health) concemed by this phenomenon.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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L'auíeur a vérifié la susceptibilité de deux espèces de rongeurs domestiques de la ville de Recife. Etat du Pernambuco, R. norvegicus et Rattus rattus frugivurus, les comparant aux souris albinos de la souche "Swiss" avec deux souches de P. pestis dont une était isolée au municipe d'Exu, Etat du Pernambuco âenommée PEXU 19 et Vautre provenante du Venezuela dite RANGEL. Les deux espèces de rongeurs ont montré une resistence modérée par rapport aux deux souches de P. pestis tandis que les souris ont révélé d'être hautement susceptibles.


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The literature on the thermosensitive properties of strains or species of Leishmania and of other miercorganisms is revised. Cutaneous or mucocutaneous strains that infect animais in the coldest areas of the skin or mucosa in general can not grow in tissue culture at 37°C or higher temperatures and their respiratory metabolism decreases at these temperatures. These facts suggest a thermosensitive event in some important metabolism phase of the organisme. The strains or species that are able to produce visceral leishmaniasis were probably originated from cutaneous strains after genetioally determined physiological adaptation, to warmer temperatures. These strains can not only visceralize in animais and man but will also grow in tissue culture at 36-37°C and the respiratory metabolism will be higher at such temperatures. There are reasons to believe that intermediate strains, i. e., with properties of both groupsí do exist. A thermosensitive physiological event is a more general phenomenon and examples of it can also be found in the fields of virology, bacteriology and mycology. It has practical applications since some of the diseases produced by these agents can be cured by treatments with heat or artificial fever. Experiments along these line were performed on hamsters with a Costa Rican strain of L. braziliensis as an experimental model. Even after intraperitoneal inoculation lesions appear in the nose, ears, paws and tail with a subcutaneous temperature bellow 33°C at 22-24°C. Healing of the lesión is accomplished by increasing room temperature. A good lesión is produced in the rump of the animal if the area is depilated (comercial cream depilatory) previously and the naked skin cooled artificially. Elevated temperature, or the growing back of the hair will tend to diminish or cure the lesion.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.