This present work is intended to analyze Petrobras at its contextual dimensions verifying the organization model (or role) adopted, and consequently analyzing if the organizational structure is congruent or incongruent to its context in which it is used. The revision of the literature intends to clarify key concepts such as: organization, bureaucratic organization, organic organization, organizational environment, strategy, technology and structure which will be the basis to answer the principal question: Is the organizational structure of Petrobras congruent to its organizational reality?
The purpose of this study is to identify the strategic vision of the Internal Audit Department of Petrel Brasileiro S.A. PETROBRAS, in comparison with the audit function's proposals and practices in competitive organizations and their reality. It also aims at the verification of the possible solutions, within Petrobras itself, so as to constantly add value to the business and to the shareholders. With this in mind, a research was carried out, contemplating the conceptual proposals and market practices related to auditing and to the current diagnosis and the organizational model of Petrobras, so as to choose elements for comparison and analysis of such vision. The results of this research pointed in the direction of questioning the organizational value of the internal audit action, concluding that it will only be possible to continuously attain such value by means of a permanent coordination with the organization's strategic level. This is especially true if the audit action participates effectively in the process of Corporate Governance, in defining the risks, the internal control system and the measurement of corporate performance, as related to the development of the strategic plan. However, any action along these lines is still heavily impacted and limited by several aspects of culture and relationship of the organizational power as well as by the beliefs of the organization and of the body of auditors. The involvement of the auditors as employees was also considered relevant in the auditing process, by means of the participation of the audited entities in self assessment2. This procedure is still not sufficiently guaranteed by successful experiments in major organizations, considering that there is not a clear demonstration of the effective benefits of adopting this practice, as ompared to the central control, seldom shared but strongly monitored by integrated information systems. Finally, this research points to the need to renew the concept of the formation and role of the auditors in modern competitive organizations, in the face of information technology and of automation of the instrument controls of the business. Therefore, one may conclude that the trend will be toward an action aiming at the revision of formal internal control matrixes, as they are established in such systems. On the other hand, the majority of audit human resources will be increasingly deployed to the evaluation of risk and control, as related to relevant events of a more abstract nature, as in the case of those connected with the uncontrollable factors of the external environment.
This study exploits the Organizational Culture theme by a not very conventional way of the Theories of the Organization. Seeking solid bases in the anthropology and in the sociology with Geertz, Bourdieu, Guerreiro Ramos, Hofstede, Peter Berger, among others admirable thinkers, escapes from the common place established in the decade of 70 and mimetically repeated since then, by those who are arranged to study the cultures of the organizations. Instead of understand the culture as a variable of the reality, it treats like a form of access it. Instead of the purpose, it treats like a way. With a powerful instrument of diagnosis based on methods originated from the semiology and from the analysis of discourses, we study the case of a big Brazilian company that faces problems in the implementation of his program of excellence in security, environment and health. From the identification of the Organizational Culture as the element that hindes the full implementation of this program, we develop considerations as to the cultural factors that limit its implementation and that are going to be worked by the individuals that share this culture, in case of wanting effectively its implementation. Dimensions of the national culture as distance of power, legalism, formalism, posture of spectator, among others, are well-defined from the analysis we did and suggestions of how the manager should deal with these characteristics in the everyday life of its activities are presented.
This research had the objective to verify if the current organization design of the Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN) facilitates or makes it difficult the reach of the organization performance. In order to make the analysis, the used ways had been bibliographic, documental and field researches. The bibliographical survey allowed to conclude that it has a necessity of searching a balance between the objectivist and subjectivist approaches of the theory of the organization design. The documental survey supplied elements that they make possible to understand the main phases of the development of the CNEN in elapsing of the time and that they explain the current organization design. Finally, the research of field, carried through with the main managers of the institution, made possible the data-collecting that contributed to ratify the initial assumption of the research of that the current organization design of the CNEN makes it difficult the performance of the organization.
The "Observatório de Inovação Social do Turismo" was created due to the need of studies and researches related to tourism and its social impacts. The Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas, of Fundação Getulio Vargas, in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and the Childhood Brazil, started in 2007, studies about the sexual exploration of children and adolescents. The present work has the objective to analyze, based on the results of the "Observatório de Inovação Social do Turismo", its contributions to the prevention and repression of sexual exploration of children and adolescents associated to the tourism.
This present study aims the human being¿s change aptness in the Judicial Power of The State of Rio de Janeiro, considering the Judiciary¿s historical, organizational and institutional characteristics. The introduced study is guided by the objective that social relations within some institutions have educational features and how these relations can generate knowledge. The analysis relates the maintenance or the rupture of the paradigms that the institution stimulates to be adopted by the human beings when they need to face reality.
Esta dissertação apresente o conceito Organização de Aprendizagem e propostas paradigmáticas inovadoras para administração. Dentre eles, o Paradigma Paraeconômico idealizado por guerreiro Ramos, o Paradigma Consciencial de Waldo Vieira e os Paradigmas sociais de Burrel e Morgan. O objetivo é por meio do estudo de caso de uma organização sem fins lucrativos, dedicada à Pesquisa do Fenômeno da Consciência, o IIPC, entender o pré-sistema, Organização de aprendizagem e estudar novos paradigmas para gestão com pessoas, no contexto atual. Além disso, se busca também, classificar o Instituto Internacional de Projeciologia e Conscienciologia como ajustado ou não ao pré-sistema de Peter Senge, dentro da realidade de empresas de Terceiro Setor. Por fim, se conclui que o modelo Conscienciocêntrico, originário do Paradigma Consciencial, se aproxima bastante do modelo de Senge, baseado nas cinco disciplinas, indo além no que diz respeito ao autoconhecimento e cultura organizacional fomentadora da reciclagem e aprendizagem.
Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar um modelo organizacional capaz de contemplar a Aduana brasileira com o nível ideal de interiorização necessário para suportar a expansão do comércio internacional. Inicialmente, os seguintes referencias foram investigados: o modelo organizacional atualmente empregado, os compromissos aduaneiros assumidos no âmbito do MERCOSUL e os novos paradigmas inseridos na proposta de reforma da administração pública federal. A escolha estratégica, que pretende indicar o nível de interiorização ideal, foi formulada considerando-se diferentes opiniões colhidas de personalidades envolvidas interna com a atuação aduaneira. A partir desta escolha e dos referencias considerados, promoveu-se então a reconcepção do modelo organizacional. Para elaborar o estudo, o autor teve que conduzir uma estruturada reflexão sobre alguns dos graves problemas que enfrenta a administração da mais importante instituição tributária do País. A partir de uma investigação dialética ,interessantes soluções puderam ser formuladas para os problemas diagnosticados. Como resultado, diversas propostas foram então inseridas no contexto da escolha estratégica ideal e do novo modelo organizacional.