1000 resultados para Hidrocarbonetos alifáticos. Sedimentos de fundo. Estuário do Rio Potengi - Natal-RN


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A presente pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo o campo religioso espírita no aspecto de sócio-espiritual, junto aos trabalhadores do Departamento de Assistência Social em duas instituições: O Centro Espírita Irmãos do Caminho e Grupo Espírita Oscar Nelson, para tanto analisando comparativamente aspectos de duas instituições espíritas na cidade de Natal, respectivamente com 27 e 46 anos de funcionamento. O critério de escolha das referidas casas foi pela relevância das atividades sociais e assistenciais desenvolvidas pelas mesmas. O que se quer é verificar se existe a consciência desses trabalhadores em relação à universalidade na sua prática de acolher a todos que adentram em suas instituições, independente de religião que professem ou se expressam preconceitos ou qualquer intolerância em relação aos assistidos no Departamento de Assistência Social. Assim, compreender as casas espíritas como sistema de apoio para as pessoas em suas enfermidades quer sejam físicas, psicológicas ou espirituais, levando em conta princípios de moralidade


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Se trata de una incursión histórica por el pensamiento y por la enseñanza médica, discutiéndose la formación médica de manera contextualizada, con el objetivo de comprenderla para interpretarla a través del recuerdo que haya sido fijado por los alumnos. Se dará un enfoque a la mediación pedagógica de esa formación, intentando proporcionar el diálogo entre la historia social de la Medicina y los recuerdos de alumnos, ubicándolas en un contexto histórico-social y cultural, al mismo tiempo en que se ha buscado sujetar las imágenes de los profesores que hayan dejado huellas significativas en la vida de los alumnos, en cuestiones profesionales, sociales y culturales. Se configura, asimismo, una memoria de la formación médica de la Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), desde su creación en el 1955, como Faculdade de Medicina de Natal, hasta el 1963, como Faculdade de Medicina da UFRN. Los recuerdos han sido recolectados por medio de entrevistas temáticas con alumnos ya formados de las tres primeras turmas concluyentes, de los años del 1961, 1962 y 1963, de la referida Facultad y fueron interpretadas utilizándose la cartografía como técnica que envuelve la construcción de cuadros interpretativos, teniendo como unidad de análisis las palabras representativas de los elementos constituyentes de la mediación pedagógica, sacadas de las narrativas de los sujetos, que cargan también las imágenes de los profesores que han compuesto dicho diálogo por sus contribuciones para la existencia del saber y hacer de la educación médica en Natal/RN. Aún se comprende que esa Facultad fue creada en un momento histórico-social y cultural en que Brasil y el mundo todavía intentaban encontrar nuevos caminos, después de turbulencias causadas por la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y la intelectualidad natalense visualizaba el encaje de la ciudad en los parámetros de la modernidad. El currículum implantado era técnico/racional, pero al ser interpretado por la acción, a través de la reconstrucción de los recuerdos de los alumnos, en los vestigios de la mediación pedagógica de la formación médica y en las imágenes de los profesores todavía vivas en sus memorias, se vuelve posible entender que a esos alumnos ha sido enseñado: un saber relacional que permitía el diálogo, la transmisión de experiencia y el compromiso médico con vista a un atendimiento a la populación en primer lugar, siguiéndole el sentimiento que fomentaba deseos de ayuda al próximo, siendo los propios profesores el ejemplo, conformándose, así, con un saber contextual, agregado a una participación política y de responsabilidad ética para con la sociedad


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This present study aimed to examine the use of games with rules in working with math education in regular classes included in Elementary School, in the municipal education schools of Natal/RN, observing the learning process and development of all students, especially those with disabilities. The theoretical references used are based on Vygotsky's works and other authors from the historical-cultural perspective, as well as researchers in the field of Inclusive Education and Mathematics Education. The investigation was based on the qualitative research guidelines, with the application of semi-structured interviews with educational coordinators and teachers from the schools involved as well as classroom observations, looking for, in the speeches of those involved and in their teaching practices, elements to reflect on the Mathematics Inclusive Education, the use of games with rules -starting from its goals, the participation of disabled students, the pedagogical mediations, up to its accessibility - and from the learning of disabled students. The analysis results showed that the concepts underlying the development of inclusive teaching practices still refer to the clinical-medical paradigm, understanding the student with disabilities from their deficiencies; which teachers use, in their majority, the mathematical games with rules in their classes, but which the teaching mediation, during these activities, still needs to be qualified so that they can, effectively, contribute to the learning and development of all students; students with disabilities do not always participate in games with others colleagues; games with rules are rarely accessible; and that the Universal Design principles are not adopted in the selected classrooms for this study. Thus, it is clear that much remains to be done so that Mathematics Education can contribute to the learning and development of all students, and among those actions the teacher continuing education is recommended


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OBJETIVO: As doenças osteomusculares são as afecções ocupacionais mais prevalentes em cirurgiões-dentistas. Nosso propósito: 1) investigar os conhecimentos, aplicabilidades clínicas dos princípios ergonômicos em discentes e docentes em atividades clínicas de uma universidade pública 2) pesquisar a incidência de sintomatologias dolorosas no pescoço, ombros, parte superior e inferior das costas, cotovelos, quadris, coxas, joelhos, tornozelos e pés no universo de alunos em estágios clínicos. 3) incitar discussões de normas e diretrizes ergonômicas na universidade. MÉTODOS: Esse estudo investigou o universo de alunos matriculados em disciplinas clínicas (148) e respectivos professores (30) do curso de odontologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal-RN a respeito dos princípios ergonômicos utilizados na rotina clínica. Paralelamente foi pesquisada a incidência de sintomatologia dolorosa nos alunos por intermédio do questionário nórdico e a partir dos resultados foi mensurado o índice de severidade dos sintomas em alunos. The Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) é um instrumento de diagnóstico, proposto para padronizar a mensuração de relatos de sintomas osteomusculares. A análise dos dados foi através do programa SPSS-Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, versão 17.0 realizada analítica e descritivamente, com determinação das médias (x), desvio-padrão para variáveis quantitativas, freqüências simples e relativas para as variáveis categóricas, além da estatística de associação entre grupos (teste t) e a análise de associação do quiquadrado com nível de significância 5% entre as variáveis (Person). As respostas das questões abertas foram codificadas e transformadas em freqüências, descritas posteriormente. RESULTADOS: A aplicabilidade de medidas ergonômicas nas clínicas universitárias não foi evidenciada pelo universo de discentes e docentes. Quanto ao relato de sintomas osteomusculares o sexo feminino foi o mais acometido qualquer que seja o nível acadêmico cursado. As regiões anatômicas de maior grau de severidade de relatos dos sintomas foram: pescoço, parte inferior das costas, punhos, mãos e ombros, com significância etatística p<0,001. CONCLUSÃO: Em função dos achados os autores apresentam um protocolo de intervenção clínica baseado nos determinantes ergonômicos da Associação internacional de ergonomia (EAI) como medida de prevenção da saúde ocupacional dos futuros cirurgiões-dentistas ainda em processo de formação nas clínicas odontológicas das universidades.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Estudos têm demonstrado elevada prevalência de fatores de risco cardiovascular em adolescentes a redor do mundo, entretanto, é possível que esses fatores de risco se comportem de modo diferente em diferentes localidades. Objetivos: Examinar a prevalência do sobrepeso/obesidade e sua associação com outros fatores de risco cardiovasculares, em adolescentes, da cidade do Natal-Brasil. Métodos: Estudo observacional de delineamento transversal, realizado em 626 adolescentes (10 a 19 anos) de ambos os sexos. Foram estudadas as variáveis: peso, idade, gênero, cor, escolaridade, renda familiar, hábitos de vida, história familiar, peso, estatura, índice de massa corporal, relação cintura/quadril, pressão arterial, perfil lipídico, Glicose e Insulina de jejum e pós Dextrosol. Resultados: Foram avaliados 273 (43,6%) adolescentes do sexo masculino e 353 (56,4%) feminino. 26,4% dos adolescentes apresentaram sobrepeso/obesidade. A presença de obesidade familiar foi relatada por mais de 30 % da nossa amostra. Na análise de regressão logística múltipla; Idade, renda familiar, percentil de pressão sistólica, história familiar de hipertensão e obesidade, triglicerídeos, HDL colesterol, e HOMA RI mostraram-se associados com sobrepeso/obesidade. A relação cintura quadril apresentou-se mais elevada nas mulheres, e encontramos 10,9 % dos adolescentes com percentil de pressão sistólica (PAS) 95, e 7,4 % com percentil de pressão diastólica (PAD) 95. As dosagens de triglicerídeos, colesterol HDL e HOMA-RI alterados foram mais prevalentes nos que apresentavam IMC aumentado. As alterações do xi colesterol total, triglicerídios, glicemia pós dextrosol e HOMA teste, tiveram maior prevalência no gênero feminino. Na regressão logística binária, foram observadas associações do sobrepeso / obesidade com idade; OR 0,85, IC de 95% (0,78-0,92); p<0,001, pressão arterial sistólica; OR 2,65, IC de 95% (1,18- 5,94); p< 0,020, renda familiar; OR 2,34, IC de 95% (1,53-3,58); p< 0,001, história familiar de hipertensão arterial; OR 1,76, IC de 95% (1,15-2,71); p< 0,009, história familiar de obesidade; OR 1,50, IC de 95% (1,09-2,27); p< 0,04, aumento dos trigliceridios; OR 2,74, IC de 95% (1,69-4,43); p< 0,001, redução do colesterol; HDL OR 0,58, IC de 95% (0,38-0,87); p< 0,009 e o aumento do HOMA OR 3,16, IC de 95% (1,64 - 6,02); p<0,001. Conclusão: A prevalência de fatores de risco cardiovascular em Natal – Brasil se constitui em grave problema de saúde pública, atingindo níveis que se igualam ou até superam os de outras cidades tanto no Brasil, como em outros países


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Haplotypes linked to the βS gene represent patterns of DNA polymorphisms along chromosome 11 of individuals bearing the βS gene. Analysis of haplotypes, in addition to serving as an important source for anthropological studies about the ethnic origin of a population, contributes to a better understanding of the variations in clinical severity of sickle cell anemia. The aim of the present study was to determine βS gene haplotypes in a group of patients with sickle cell anemia treated at the Dalton Barbosa Cunha Hematology Center (Hemonorte) in Natal, Brazil and the Oncology and Hematology Center in Mossoró, Brazil. Blood samples were obtained from 53 non-related patients (27 males and 26 females), aged between 3 months and 61 years (mean age: 16.9 ± 12.1 years). Laboratory analyses consisted of the following: erythrogram, reticulocyte count, hemoglobin electrophoresis at alkaline pH, measurement of hemoglobin A2 and Fetal hemoglobin, solubility test and molecular analysis to determine βS gene haplotypes. DNA samples were extracted by illustra blood genomicPrep Mini Spin kit and βS gene haplotypes were determined by PCR-RFLP, using Xmn I, Hind III, Hinc II and Hinf I restriction enzymes for analysis of six polymorphic restriction sites in the beta cluster. Of 106 βS chromosomes studied, 75.5% were Central African Republic (CAR) haplotype, 11.3% Benin (BEN) and 6.6% Cameroon (CAM). The atypical haplotypes had a frequency of 6.6%. More than half the patients (58.5%) were identified as CAR/CAR genotype carriers, 16.9% heterozygous CAR/BEN, 13.2% CAR/CAM and 1.9% BEN/BEN. Patients with atypical haplotype in one or two chromosomes accounted for 9.5% (CAR/Atp, BEN/Atp and Atp/Atp). The genotype groups showed no statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in their laboratory parameters. This is the first study related to βS haplotypes conducted in state of Rio Grande do Norte and the higher frequency of Cameroon halotype found, compared to other Brazilian states, suggests the existence of a peculiarity of African origin


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The relationship between mayors and patients Who use a Casa de Apoio in Natal, RN, shows us some traditional political features anda t the same time happens in na urban and modern context, regulated by a formal institution, the State. The Oestana, as is named this Casa de Apoio, offers daily that are paid by some City Halls located in the West of Rio Grande do Norte where people go away to capital from which they have medical and hospital care. This assistance includes paid services like accommodation, food, transportation, etc., as well as services that aren´t paid as information, support and hospital material, for example. When the patients access these service, they will gain a debt with a services provider (the mayor) which its eventually paid with the vote in the municipal elections. The goal is to understand the social, the political, the symbolic and mainly the life meaning of this relationship. Our research was developed by interviews with Oestanas users and regular visits to this house that showed a political bond regulated by moral and subjection, but is reconfigured by new social categories as the affection and the logical networks.


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This paper concern the general subject of teacher career construction, since the period of the initial formation in the teaching course of pedagogy crossing the first effectives experiences of professional performance, until the reflections about the results of the continuous formation propositions. The specifics subject is the formative quotidian in the teacher s life beyond of the traditional stereotypes about individuals and institutions bring up for discussion a micro sociological approach about the professionals uncertainty and the personal hopes, the teacher displeasures and the pedagogical satisfactions. The epistemological reflection about the different formatives experiences, taking as example the Programa de Formação de Alfabetizadores PROFA (Alphabetizers Formation Program) developed by the Secretaria Municipal de Educação of Natal City, consider the ambiguous tension between the knowledge that the teachers acquire in their formation and the concrete teachers practical since those experiences. The study methodology is based in the qualitative comprehensive research, sustained by observations, impressive reflective accounts, and also in the theoretic analyses with contemporary references to the critical pedagogical through and education sociology. I used the autobiographic reflective account by the writer-researcher in her owner academic and professional way. I propose an image of a teacher s factory in such a way for its conformist aspects to the continuity stands as much the internal contradictions of the system. Gears, pieces and manual instructions are the educational components of this factory as ideological, institutional and technical structures to aim at to limit the critics and the changes. However the teachers thinking and acting with their owner creativity to adapted uncontexted professional knowledge s to their pedagogical lives. Under those analogies I propose the problem of this research the teacher s formation and theirs pedagogical practices- and also examine briefly its theoretic-philosophical and methodological basis. From the analysis and interpretation of my owner experiential life as teacher s educator I put the necessity of re-thinking the teacher s formation in terms to rebound more meaningfully in their pedagogical actuation. I believe an important part of the teacher s formation process is the personal wish to learn more about the office, explicitly connected to human convictions and values such as to a positive professional identity. Thus, the teacher able to reflect about your owner educator life can find the best way to help the students to think critically about their culture and history, valorizing creative exits by themselves to face the conformist social stands connected with school education


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The human being has a fundamental role in issues concerning scarcity of energy resources as well as in the success of technologies which favor the use of renewable sources, such as wind energy. But what does wind energy mean for people? What are the psychological meanings concerning this term? Aiming to answer these questions, the general objective of this dissertation was to identify and to analyze the knowledge about wind energy taking into account a network of psychological meanings. One hundred and ninety one (191) university students from Natal-RN participated in the study, being male the majority (53%); aged between 17 and 51 years old (M=23.3 years; SD=5.7). Participants responded to self reports using the Natural Semantic Networks (NSW) technique, as well as to several sociodemographic questions. The results showed a consistent, positive and useful general semantic network. In this semantic network, knowledge about wind energy was represented by words that correspond to the appeal of (pro) environmental stance (e.g., clean and nature), that evinced both the technological aspect (e.g., force) and the economic aspect (e.g., economy). Results from different groups were also analyzed. The first set of groups (non-environemental and environmental) was divided considering the course (e.g., ecology and economy). The second set of groups(non-caretaker and caretaker) was divided based on the practice of environmental care expressed. Subtle differences were observed in the semantic networks of caretakers, who emphasized environment, an attribute not mentioned by non-caretakes. This indicates a construction of knowledge that is influenced by the presence or absence of the environmental commitment. Such findings may be useful in the construction of instruments for surveys and in the development of public and educational policies. Additionally, they may assist the media towards a more objective performance concerning wind energy