1000 resultados para Educació ambiental -- Michoacán (Mèxic)
El país ha de fer una aposta decidida per l'educació. No és només un problema de currículums; amb el mateix currículum formal tenim molts models escolars, uns de relativament bons i altres de dolents. Cal fer canvis profunds i ser més exigent en les condicions per accedir a la professió de mestre. Aptitud i actitud. S'han fet visites a Finlàndia, model de sistema educatiu i país innovador, per entendre com funciona allà l'educació. No podem pensar que sense canvis en els comportaments socials podem tenir un sistema educatiu similar. Podem tenir un bon sistema, però serà sempre diferent
Environmental education is a big challenge in this century and the University has an important role to play in it. This paper presents a practical experience of environmental education in the university teaching at the University of Bahia. That experience involves the creation of an interdisciplinary group that has been developing research and teaching activities with interdisciplinary perspectives. The paper also discusses a methodology proposed by this group aiming to include environmental education in science teaching using social and cultural approaches.
La present comunicació neix amb la voluntat d'ordenar i repensar les estratègies que disposa qualsevol educador que treballi des del cos per treure'n el màxim rendiment i així poder fer més eficient el costós procés d'avaluació, que tants mals de cap porta, al mestre d'educació física.
In this work, a partial least squares regression routine was used to develop a multivariate calibration model to predict the chemical oxygen demand (COD) in substrates of environmental relevance (paper effluents and landfill leachates) from UV-Vis spectral data. The calibration models permit the fast determination of the COD with typical relative errors lower by 10% with respect to the conventional methodology.
The main environmental impacts related to the gravel pits in the medium course of the Fluvià river have been assessed. In order to compute the global impact and index based on the numerical values of different impacts has been defined. This index is applied to different areas and the results reveal that the environmental impact expected for a gravel pit is high or moderate close to the main streams and low in the rest of the territory
En la literatura arqueológica, el uso del término Estdo para las sociedades antiguas se aplica profusamente desde la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Alrededor de ello la academia de investigaciones ha desarrollado diversos modelos para comprender el modo de organización de dichas sociedades atentiendo a cuestiones políticas, económicas, medioambientales e ideológicas. La bibliogradia es ingente e inabarcable para un artículo, y tal vez incluso para un libro; por lo que no deben de tomarse estas líneas como una descripción exhaustiva de qué es el Estado, ya que habrá colegas que incidirán en la definición del Estado, con mucho más detalle, así que aprovecho para marcar lo que considero procedente en este espacio tratar, tal vez, con cierta ligereza académica. A mi entender, considero que en forma muy amplia podemos denominar Estado a aquellas sociedades con un nivel de organización sociopolítica de su definición más que económica o ambiental.
L'experiència que es presenta aquí s'ha portat a terme en un centre escolar de Girona. És un centre obert a la realitat social, que assumeix com a funció principal la formació de persones íntegres, amb l'objectiu de desenvolupar uns bons ciutadans i ciutadanes. És una escola sensibilitzada en l'educació en valors. La nostra intenció és la de donar a conèixer una pràctica realitzada per uns nois i unes noies de quart curs d'educació secundària, amb la intenció de potenciar actituds de cooperació, per estimular el compromís efectiu en la construcció d'una societat més justa
Sugar cane cultivation in the State of São Paulo has expanded in the last years, with an annual production of 20010(6) t in an area of 2.5 10(6) hectares. The use of herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers in sugar cane plantations, together with deforestation of riparian vegetation, have caused impacts on the hydric resources of the adjacent areas. The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of sugar cane plantations on streams in the central region of the State of São Paulo, studying 16 organochlorinated compounds and 7 metals (Cu, Fe, Cd, Zn, Mn, Cr and Ni) found in the sediments of 11 streams. The results show that there is a higher concentration of metals and organochlorinated compounds in streams without riparian vegetation when compared to forested areas.
An alternative application of the humid sludge from the Passaúna WTP, located in Curitiba's metropolitan area, is proposed for concrete structures, partially replacing aggregates and cement. For the investigation, a reference concrete and four concrete mixtures with sludge were produced, and from these, two mixtures, containing 4% and 8% of sludge (m/m), were analyzed by different techniques: X ray fluorescence, X ray diffraction, thermo-gravimetric analysis, physicochemical analysis, compressive strength, etc. The properties were evaluated and the results indicate that the mixtures can be applied in different situations as cast structures for construction of concrete walls. Mixtures with more than 4% of sludge are restricted to applications where the workability of the concrete is not required, such as for residential pavements, sidewalks and stepping floors.
This study is a result of undergraduate student participation in the Environmental Chemistry discipline provided by the Chemistry Institute/UFBA. The students were involved in the development of passive samplers, a project of the LAQUAM (Environmental Analytical Chemistry Laboratory). The students' residences and other neighborhoods were used to create a passive sampling network, allowing the measurement of atmospheric levels of pollutants in urban areas and in those under industrial influence. The assembly of the passive samplers, including impregnation of filters and chemical analysis were part of the students' practice tasks. The results were analyzed taking into consideration the Brazilian legislation.