1000 resultados para Economia ambiental - Regulamentação


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Article d'economia, adreçat a tot tipus de població, en especial estudiants de batxillerat i cicles formatius de la rama administrativa i comercial.


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Article 2 de la sèrie Tastets d'economia, adreçada al target: principiants, estudiants de batxillerat i de cicles formatius, de l'àrea de les ciències socials.


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Article tastets d'economia número 4, que explica el paradigma dels diamants i l'aigua, adreçat al target de les ciències socials.


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El actual incremento de medusas en las costas mediterráneas, percibido como un factor negativo en la calidad de las playas, supone un factor reductor de la demanda turística en las ubicaciones costeras, sobre todo en aquellas más afectadas por éstas proliferaciones. Debido a que la época de mayor presencia de fitoplacton disponible (principal fuente de alimento de las medusas), relacionada a la alta incidencia lumínica, coincide con la temporada alta de turismo en el verano; las notificaciones de incidencias por picaduras de medusa en esta época son frecuentes. Ejemplo de ello, es el caso de Denia (Alicante, España) donde, desde 2008, se ha detectado un considerable aumento de incidencias sanitarias a causa de picaduras de medusa, paralela a la aparición de la especie invasora de cubomedusa Carybdea marsupialis (Bordehore et al, 2011). En este estudio se ha realizado una valoración económica de la playa como un bien ambiental recreativo, mediante encuestas semi-estructuradas elaboradas por Paulo Nunes (CIESM), aplicadas a una muestra inicial de 300 individuos; y evaluado cual sería el impacto social y económico en la valoración ambiental de Denia, si las proliferaciones de medusa no se estabilizaran. Se ha estimado el valor económico del impacto sicial causado por las bioinvasiones marinas en las playas recreacionistas según Nunes and Van den Bergh (2004) y Nunes and Markandya (2008); el método que también ha sido aplicado en el mismo estudio aplicado en Israel (B. Galil, J. Gowdy and P. Nunes 2012) y en Cataluña (2013, Paulo Nunes, M. Loureiro, L. Piñol, S. Sastre, L. Voltaire). En ambos casos los resultados en el impacto económico son considerables pero menores a los esperados, al igual que en los resultados obtenidos en Denia (Alicante).


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Tercer tastet, dels articles d'economia, adreçat al target de les ciències socials.


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DDT and others organochlorine insecticides are very persistent substances. Clinical symptoms of intoxication have been reported in humans, although the main problem concerning such substances is bioaccumulation and biomagnification along throphic chains, leading to contamination of top predators and humans after them. In this review these characteristics are described, as well as some aspects of the control of vector borne diseases, like leishmaniasis and malaria, which were until recently, controlled by the health authorities using DDT.


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Defining environmental chemistry is a not an easy task because it encompasses many different topics. According to Stanley E. Manahan, author of a classical textbook of Environmental Chemistry, this branch could be defined as the one centered in the study of the sources, transport, effects and fates of chemical species in the water, soil, and air environments, as well as the influence of human activity upon these processes. More recently, new knowledge emerged from the Environmental Toxicology allowed to go even deeper in the meaning of 'effects' and 'fates' of a continuous growing number of organic and inorganic species disposed in water bodies, soils and atmosphere. Toxicity tests became an important tool to evaluate the environmental impact of such species to a great number of organisms, thus allowing to set quality criteria for drinking water, sediments and biota. The state of art shows that environmental chemistry is a multi-inter disciplinary science by nature; therefore, it needs more than a limited, unique-approach and non-oriented set of data to understand the nature of natural processes. Taking all these aspects into consideration, one can say that Environmental Chemistry in Brazil is now a well established area of research within the classical areas of the Chemistry, with a large number of emerging groups as well research groups with worldwide recognition.


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The article shows how the monitoring of the water quality can be utilized in an inter-disciplinary pedagogical project involving Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry and Microbiology making the apprenticeship more dynamic and consolidating the link between the student and the community.


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The toxic heavy metals can not be transformed in other less toxic substances as organic wastes through chemical process. Various chemistry courses at Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Humanities (FFCLRP/USP) use heavy metals in their experimental classes. In this context, a course were created: "Heavy Metal Wastes generated in the teaching and research laboratories: disposal or recovery" and has a specific goal to capacitate the students to define the adequate strategy for disposal or recovery of the chemical wastes, in particular heavy metals, through an interdisciplinary approaching. This course was given to 25 students during the second semester of 2000 and 2001. The environmental responsibility desired for the professional and citizen can be promoted.


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The toxicity of the major As species present in the environment justifies the effort for quantifying the element in environmental organic samples, which can vary from animal and vegetal tissues to coal and industrial residues. This paper comments about the applicability of the O2 bomb digestion, as a general procedure for all environmental organic materials. A rapid and straightforward method is suggested, which consists in burning the sample in the bomb at high O2 pressure, dissolving the vapours in diluted HNO3 and determining As in the resulting solution by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization. The method was applied to certified materials and plant samples.