1000 resultados para Campagne de Belgique
Influence of the nature of the twine on the codend selectivity: Reminder: During the “SELECT 12” campaign in April 1996, we demonstrated that the nature of the material used for the manufacture of the trawl codend has an influence on the selectivity. Results showed that the use of single twine made of polyamide in the codend was more selective on hake and Nephrops than single twine made of polyethylene. Nevertheless single twine made of polyamide codend loses “flexibility” with use and therefore a study should be done to investigate its impact on selectivity (fishermen do not often use this equipment: however this 150 mesh net is particularly selective and it would be premature to discard it). Influence of the diameter of the twine and the mesh number on the selectivity of codends: These results show the high variability of codend charactistics tested on hake. The parameters tested during this campaign - e.g., diameter of the twine and mesh number (length of codend) - influence the selectivity of codends. It seems that the capture volume and the length of the codend are essential for the selectivity, while the nature of the equipment is secondary. However each parameter should be investigated in a future campaign. Furthermore, any regulatory measure that would seek to suppress the use of double twine polyethylene codend would be premature. Perspective: further experiment should be considered with the standard polyamide codend of 32.5 mm. • An additional experiment with the 100 mesh and 65 mm polyethylene double twine test codend to determine the influence of the mesh number on the selectivity; • An additional experiment with the 100 mesh deep and 65 mm polyethylene double twine (4 mm diameter) test codend to determine the influence of the diameter of the twine on the selectivity.
In questo progetto di tesi vengono descritte le fasi che hanno portato alla creazione di una web application per automatizzare campagne pubblicitarie attraverso Google Shopping. Partendo dall'analisi dello stato dell'arte del web advertising, vengono successivamente trattate le fasi di progettazione ed implementazione. Infine vengono valutati i risultati ottenuti e discussi i possibili sviluppi futuri.
L’article montre que la trajectoire de la réforme de l’inspection en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB) est loin d’être linéaire. Elle est marquée par des processus de reconversion institutionnelle d’institutions existantes, mais aussi de sédimentation et d’hybridation entre l’« ancien » et le « nouveau ». En effet, elle participe à la fois d’une politique de changement institutionnel ambitieuse et de construction du « système scolaire » dans un paysage au départ assez décentralisé et fragmenté ; mais, simultanément, elle est marquée par des « contraintes » institutionnelles existantes, des négociations et transactions entre différents acteurs politiques et scolaires qui déterminent les contours et les compétences du nouveau corps d’inspection en gestation après le décret de 2007 comme les rôles des inspecteurs et leur division du travail avec d’autres acteurs. De plus, dans la mise en œuvre du décret, les orientations normatives, cognitives et professionnelles des acteurs, la permanence de la diversité institutionnelle des réseaux comme la variance structurelle des territoires « modulent » et « tempèrent » l’ambition du changement institutionnel affiché par la politique de la FWB. Cela change mais pas complètement : il y a un processus de conversion partielle et « en tension » de l’institution qu’est l’inspection.
Méthodologie: Investigation à caractère heuristique et réflexif, inscrite dans une énonciation autobiographique se traduisant par la rédaction et l’analyse de deux récits
Ce mémoire porte sur la réception par des hommes de publicités sociales développées dans le cadre de la campagne My Strength is Not for Hurting par l’organisme américain Men Can Stop Rape. Le but était de comprendre le sens qu’ils donnent à des messages publicitaires conçus pour les interpeller par une caractéristique traditionnellement associée au masculin afin qu’ils se mobilisent dans la prévention des agressions sexuelles. Le concept de genre, élaboré en référence au système normatif qui crée les sexes et les hiérarchise, les notions de masculinité hégémonique et de masculinités plurielles ont servi de cadre théorique à cette étude féministe, tout comme la réception médiatique. Les propos de sept hommes engagés politiquement ou socialement ont été analysés avec l’approche de la psychologie discursive en analyse de discours. L’analyse qualitative réalisée montre que les participants articulent une réception négociée du message publicitaire. Ils en captent le sens sans s’y identifier, critiquent le discours hégémonique sur la masculinité perçu dans le message publicitaire, et s’engagent dans un processus d’altérisation pour résoudre leur malaise à l’égard du viol en construisant une subjectivité masculine spécifique et opposée à celle d’hommes qu’ils considèrent à risque de commettre ce crime. Les rapports de pouvoir femmes-hommes sont évacués de la discussion, bien que les participants tiennent, hors de la discussion sur My Strength, un propos avisé sur la mobilisation des hommes pour prévenir les agressions sexuelles. Cette analyse qualitative met au jour le caractère pluriel et hiérarchique de la masculinité et l’obligation d’en tenir compte dans un processus de persuasion visant à mobiliser les hommes pour prévenir les agressions sexuelles. Elle souligne également la nécessité d’éviter la reconduction de la masculinité hégémonique dans les messages pour que soient mis au jour les rapports de pouvoir qui forgent l’agression sexuelle, enjeu dévoilé par le mouvement féministe.
This dissertation explores the practice of transcreation as a consulting service aimed at companies wishing to enter the global market. Since a universally accepted definition of such term does not exist, different players use it to refer to different activities. In an attempt to investigate the meaning and scope of transcreation, as well as the skillset it requires, this dissertation consists of a theoretical part (Chapters 1 and 2) and a practical part (Chapter 3). The first chapter presents the opinions of academics, language services providers (LSPs) and transcreation experts. The different positions collected in this section are compared and discussed in order to better define transcreation and avoid any further misunderstanding about the practice. Lastly, the first chapter analyses the role of the transcreation expert by explaining in detail the four main skills it requires and the reasons for its increasing importance in the global market. The second chapter examines advertising and promotional materials, i.e. the kinds of texts to which transcreation applies. Not only does it illustrate the difference between above-the-line and below-the-line communications, but it also covers the different media used in advertising. In addition, the analysis of a billboard and two web pages in their Italian transcreation will help to further clarify the difference between translation and transcreation, both in the approach to a text and in the actual workflow followed. The third and final chapter of the dissertation, which entails the English to Italian transcreation of five different print ads performed by this author, aims to show how transcreation works in practice. By highlighting the main strategies used and difficulties encountered, it will also contribute to the notion of transcreation as a hybrid practice – something halfway between translation and copywriting, performed by professionals who possess the skills of both translators and copywriters.
Con il termine "crowdsensing" si intende una tecnica in cui un folto gruppo di individui aventi dispositivi mobili acquisiscono e condividono dati di natura diversa in maniera collettiva, al fine di estrarre informazioni utili. Il concetto di Mobile Crowdsensing è molto recente e derivante dalle ultime innovazioni tecnologiche in materia di connettività online e cattura di dati di vario genere; pertanto non si trova attualmente una vera e propria applicazione in campo reale, la modellazione solo teorica e fin troppo specifica pone un limite alla conoscenza di un ambito che può rivelarsi molto utile ai fini di ricerca. YouCrowd è un piattaforma web che va ad implementare un sistema di crowdsourcing completo, in grado di leggere dati dai numerosi sensori di uno smartphone e condividerli, al fine di ottenere una remunerazione per gli utenti che completano una campagna. La web application vede la sua implementazione di base supportata da NodeJS e si configura come una piattaforma dinamica che varia la propria interfaccia con l'utente in base alle richieste di dati da parte degli administrators. Il test di YouCrowd ha coinvolto un buon numero di partecipanti più o meno esperti nell'utilizzo degli strumenti informatici, rivelando delle buone prestazioni in relazione alla difficoltà del task e alle prestazioni del device in test.
The energy spectrum of cosmic rays above 2.5 x 10(18) eV, derived from 20 000 events recorded at the Pierre Auger Observatory, is described. The spectral index gamma of the particle flux, J proportional to E(-gamma), at energies between 4 x 10(18) eV and 4 x 10(19) eV is 2.69 +/- 0.02(stat) +/- 0.06(syst), steepening to 4.2 +/- 0.4(stat) +/- 0: 06 (syst) at higher energies. The hypothesis of a single power law is rejected with a significance greater than 6 standard deviations. The data are consistent with the prediction by Greisen and by Zatsepin and Kuz'min.
The surface detector array of the Pierre Auger Observatory is sensitive to Earth-skimming tau neutrinos that interact in Earth's crust. Tau leptons from nu(tau) charged-current interactions can emerge and decay in the atmosphere to produce a nearly horizontal shower with a significant electromagnetic component. The data collected between 1 January 2004 and 31 August 2007 are used to place an upper limit on the diffuse flux of nu(tau) at EeV energies. Assuming an E(nu)(-2) differential energy spectrum the limit set at 90% C. L. is E(nu)(2)dN(nu tau)/dE(nu) < 1: 3 x 10(-7) GeV cm(-2) s(-1) sr(-1) in the energy range 2 x 10(17) eV< E(nu) < 2 x 10(19) eV.
We describe the measurement of the depth of maximum, X(max), of the longitudinal development of air showers induced by cosmic rays. Almost 4000 events above 10(18) eV observed by the fluorescence detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory in coincidence with at least one surface detector station are selected for the analysis. The average shower maximum was found to evolve with energy at a rate of (106 +/- 35-21) g/cm(2)/decade below 10(18.24) +/- (0.05) eV, and d24 +/- 3 g/cm(2)/ecade above this energy. The measured shower-to-shower fluctuations decrease from about 55 to 26 g/cm(2). The interpretation of these results in terms of the cosmic ray mass composition is briefly discussed.