999 resultados para Brain repair


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Background: Maturation of amplitude-integrated electroencephalogram (aEEG) activity is influenced by both gestational age (GA) and postmenstrual age. It is not fully known how this process is influenced by cerebral lesions. Objective: To compare early aEEG developmental changes between preterm newborns with different degrees of cerebral lesions on cranial ultrasound (cUS). Methods: Prospective cohort study on preterm newborns with GA <32.0 weeks, undergoing continuous aEEG recording during the first 84 h after birth. aEEG characteristics were qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated using pre-established criteria. Based on cUS findings three groups were formed: normal (n = 78), mild (n = 20), and severe cerebral lesions (n = 6). Linear mixed models for repeated measures were used to analyze aEEG maturational trajectories. Results: 104 newborns with a mean GA (range) 29.5 (24.4-31.7) weeks, and birth weight 1,220 (580-2,020) g were recruited. Newborns with severe brain lesions started with similar aEEG scores and tendentially lower aEEG amplitudes than newborns without brain lesions, and showed a slower development of the cyclic activity (p < 0.001), but a more rapid increase of the maximum and minimum aEEG amplitudes (p = 0.002 and p = 0.04). Conclusions: Preterm infants with severe cerebral lesions manifest a maturational delay in the aEEG cyclic activity already early after birth, but show a catch-up of aEEG amplitudes to that of newborns without cerebral lesions. Changes in the maturational aEEG pattern may be a marker of severe neurological lesions in the preterm infant.


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In vivo 13C NMR spectroscopy has the unique capability to measure metabolic fluxes noninvasively in the brain. Quantitative measurements of metabolic fluxes require analysis of the 13C labeling time courses obtained experimentally with a metabolic model. The present work reviews the ingredients necessary for a dynamic metabolic modeling study, with particular emphasis on practical issues.


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The repair process of damaged tissue involves the coordinated activities of several cell types in response to local and systemic signals. Following acute tissue injury, infiltrating inflammatory cells and resident stem cells orchestrate their activities to restore tissue homeostasis. However, during chronic tissue damage, such as in muscular dystrophies, the inflammatory-cell infiltration and fibroblast activation persists, while the reparative capacity of stem cells (satellite cells) is attenuated. Abnormal dystrophic muscle repair and its end stage, fibrosis, represent the final common pathway of virtually all chronic neurodegenerative muscular diseases. As our understanding of the pathogenesis of muscle fibrosis has progressed, it has become evident that the muscle provides a useful model for the regulation of tissue repair by the local microenvironment, showing interplay among muscle-specific stem cells, inflammatory cells, fibroblasts and extracellular matrix components of the mammalian wound-healing response. This article reviews the emerging findings of the mechanisms that underlie normal versus aberrant muscle-tissue repair.


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PURPOSE: To assess the usefulness of combining hyperthermia with a DNA repair inhibitor (double-strand break bait [Dbait]) and its potential application to radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in a preclinical model of human colorectal cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The local ethics committee of animal experimentation approved all investigations. First, the relevance was assessed by studying the survival of four human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell cultures after 1 hour of hyperthermia at 41°C or 43°C with or without Dbait. Human colon adenocarcinoma cells (HT-29) were grafted subcutaneously into nude mice (n = 111). When tumors reached approximately 500 mm(3), mice were treated with Dbait alone (n = 20), sublethal RFA (n = 21), three different Dbait schemes and sublethal RFA (n = 52), or a sham treatment (n = 18). RFA was performed to ablate the tumor center alone. To elucidate antitumor mechanisms, 39 mice were sacrificed for blinded pathologic analysis, including assessment of DNA damage, cell proliferation, and tumor necrosis. Others were monitored for tumor growth and survival. Analyses of variance and log-rank tests were used to evaluate differences. RESULTS: When associated with mild hyperthermia, Dbait induced cytotoxicity in all tested colon cancer cell lines. Sublethal RFA or Dbait treatment alone moderately improved survival (median, 40 days vs 28 days for control; P = .0005) but combination treatment significantly improved survival (median, 84 days vs 40 days for RFA alone, P = .0004), with approximately half of the animals showing complete tumor responses. Pathologic studies showed that the Dbait and RFA combination strongly enhances DNA damage and coagulation areas in tumors. CONCLUSION: Combining Dbait with RFA sensitizes the tumor periphery to mild hyperthermia and increases RFA antitumor efficacy.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Energy metabolism is increasingly recognized as a key factor in the pathogenesis of acute brain injury (ABI). We review the role of cerebral lactate metabolism and summarize evidence showing that lactate may act as supplemental fuel after ABI. RECENT FINDINGS: The role of cerebral lactate has shifted from a waste product to a potentially preferential fuel and signaling molecule. According to the astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle model, glycolytic lactate might act as glucose-sparing substrate. Lactate also is emerging as a key signal to regulate cerebral blood flow (CBF) and a neuroprotective agent after experimental ABI. Clinical investigation using cerebral microdialysis shows the existence of two main lactate patterns, ischemic - from anaerobic metabolism - and nonischemic, from activated glycolysis, whereby lactate can be used as supplemental energy fuel. Preliminary clinical data suggests hypertonic lactate solutions improve cerebral energy metabolism and are an effective treatment for elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) after ABI. SUMMARY: Lactate can be a supplemental fuel for the injured brain and is important to regulate glucose metabolism and CBF. Exogenous lactate supplementation may be neuroprotective after experimental ABI. Recent clinical data from ABI patients suggest hypertonic lactate solutions may be a valid therapeutic option for secondary energy dysfunction and elevated ICP.


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Brain spectrin, a membrane-related cytoskeletal protein, exists as two isoforms. Brain spectrin 240/235 is localized preferentially in the perikaryon and axon of neuronal cells and brain spectrin 240/235E is found essentially in the neuronal soma and dendrites and in glia (Riederer et al., 1986, J. Cell Biol., 102, 2088 - 2097). The sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia, devoid of any dendrites, make a good tool to investigate such differential expression of spectrin isoforms. In this study expression and localization of both brain spectrin isoforms were analysed during early chicken dorsal root ganglia development in vivo and in culture. Both isoforms appeared at embryonic day 6. Brain spectrin 240/235 exhibited a transient increase during embryonic development and was first expressed in ventrolateral neurons. In ganglion cells in situ and in culture this spectrin type showed a somato - axonal distribution pattern. In contrast, brain spectrin 240/235E slightly increased between E6 and E15 and remained practically unchanged. It was localized mainly in smaller neurons of the mediodorsal area as punctate staining in the cytoplasm, was restricted exclusively to the ganglion cell perikarya and was absent from axons both in situ and in culture. This study suggests that brain spectrin 240/235 may contribute towards outgrowth, elongation and maintenance of axonal processes and that brain spectrin 240/235E seems to be exclusively involved in the stabilization of the cytoarchitecture of cell bodies in a selected population of ganglion cells.


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Subplate neurons are among the earliest born cells of the neocortex and play a fundamental role in cortical development, in particular in the formation of thalamocortical connections. Subplate abnormalities have been described in several neuropathological disorders including schizophrenia, autism and periventricular eukomalacia (Eastwood and Harrison, Schizophr Res, 79, 2005; McQuillen and Ferriero, Brain Pathol, 15, 2005). We have identified and confirmed a range of specific markers for murine subplate using a microarray based approach and found that different subplate subpopulations are characterized by distinct expression patterns of these genes (Hoerder-Suabedissen et al., Cereb Cortex, 19, 2009). In this current study, we are making use of these markers to investigate neuropathological changes of the subplate after cerebral hypoxia-ischemia (HI) in the neonatal rat. First, we characterized the expression of a number of murine subplate markers in the postnatal rat using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. While several genes (Nurr1, Cplx3, Ctgf and Tmem163) presented very similar expression patterns as in the mouse, others (Ddc, MoxD1 and TRH) were completely absent in the rat cortex. This finding suggests important differences in the subplate populations of these two rodent species. In a neonatal rat model of HI, selective vulnerability of subplate has been suggested using BrdU birthdating methods (McQuillen et al., J Neurosci, 15, 2003). We hypothesized that certain subplate subpopulations could be more susceptible than others and analyzed the above subplate markers in a similar yet slightly milder HI model. Two-day old male rat pups underwent permanent occlusion of the right common carotid artery followed by a period of hypoxia (6% O2, 1.5h or 2h) and were analyzed six days later. Preliminary counts on three subplate subpopulations (Nurr1+, Cplx3+ and Ctgf+ cells, respectively) showed similar reductions in cell numbers for all three groups. In addition, we found that the majority of cases which show changes in the subplate also exhibit lesions in the deep cortical layers VI (identified by FoxP2 expression) and sometimes even layer V (revealed by Er81 immunoreactivity), which questions the selective susceptibility of subplate over other cortical layers under the conditions we used in our model. Supported by MRC, FMO holds a Berrow Scholarship, Lincoln College, Oxford.