999 resultados para Aporrhais alata


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During the latest Cretaceous cooling phase, a positive shift in benthic foraminiferal d18O values lasting about 1.5 Myr (71.5-70 Ma) can be observed at a global scale (Campanian-Maastrichtian Boundary Event, CMBE). This d18O excursion is interpreted as being influenced by a change in intermediate- to deep-water circulation or by temporal build-up of Antarctic ice sheets. Here we test whether benthic foraminiferal assemblages from a southern high-latitudinal site near Antarctica (ODP Site 690) are influenced by the CMBE. If the d18O transition reflects a change in intermediate- to deep-water circulation from low-latitude to high-latitude water masses, then this change would result in cooler temperatures, higher oxygen concentration, and possibly lower organic-matter flux at the seafloor, resulting in a major benthic foraminiferal assemblage change. If, however, the d18O transition was mainly triggered by ice formation, no considerable compositional difference in benthic foraminiferal assemblages would be expected. Our data show a separation of the studied succession into two parts with distinctly different benthic foraminiferal assemblages. Species dominating the older part (73.0-70.5 Ma) tolerate less bottom water oxygenation and are typical components of low-latitude assemblages. In contrast, the younger part (70.0-68.0 Ma) is characterized by species that indicate well-oxygenated bottom waters and species common in high-latitude assemblages. We interpret the observed change in benthic foraminiferal assemblages toward a well-oxygenated environment to reflect the onset of a shift from low-latitude toward high-latitude dominated intermediate- to deep-water sources. This implies that a change in oceanic circulation was at least a major component of the CMBE.


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Two hundred and seventy five mollusc species from the continental shelf off Southern Spanish Sahara (depth: 32-60 m) were identified. Their distribution pattern is strongly influenced by the nature of the bottom (firm substrate, shelter, stability of sediment) rather than other factors at that depth interval. This faunal assemblage shows great affinity to the Mediterranean and Lusitanian faunas, and comprises only few (22 %) exclusively Senegalese and species living south of Senegal.


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Recent benthic foraminifera (> 125 µm) were investigated from multicorer samples on a latitudinal transect of 20 stations between 1°N and 32°S along the upper slope off West Africa. Samples were selected from a narrow water depth interval, between 1200 and 1500 m, so that changes in water masses are minimized, but changes in surface productivity are important and the only significant environmental variable. Live (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera were counted from the surface sediment down to a maximum of 12 cm. Dead foraminifera were investigated in the top 5 cm of the sediment only. Five live and five dead benthic foraminiferal assemblages were identified using Q-mode principal component analysis, matching distinct primary productivity provinces, characterized by different systems of seasonal and permanent upwelling. Differences in seasonality, quantity, and quality of food supply are the main controlling parameters on species composition and distribution of the benthic foraminiferal faunas. To test the sensitivity of foraminiferal studies based on the uppermost centimeter of sediment only, a comparative Q-mode principal component analysis was conducted on live and dead foraminiferal data from the top 1 cm of sediment. It has been demonstrated that, on the upper slope off West Africa, most of the environmental signals as recorded by species composition and distribution of the 'total' live and dead assemblages, i.e., including live and dead foraminifera from the surface sediment down to 12 cm and 5 cm, respectively, can be extracted from the assemblages in the top centimeter of sediment only. On the contrary, subsurface abundance maxima of live foraminifera and dissolution of empty tests strongly bias quantitative approaches based on the calculation of standing stocks and foraminiferal numbers in the topmost centimeter.


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Five sites were drilled on the Iberia Abyssal Plain, west of the Iberian Peninsula. Four holes (897C, 897D, 899B, and 900A) yielded Eocene sediments that consist of turbidites and contourites. The Eocene section above the continental crust at Site 900 is continuous (from nannofossil Zones NP10 to NP20) and considerably expanded because of the site's relatively shallow depth, which remained consistently above the carbonate compensation depth (CCD). Sites 897 and 898, situated in deeper water above the ocean/continent transition, on the other hand, have noncontinuous, relatively short Eocene sections (from Zones NP14 to NP20 at Site 897 and from Zones NP19 to NP20 at Site 899). Nannofossils are abundant, diverse, and moderately to poorly preserved; they provide the primary means of dating the Eocene sediments recovered during Leg 149.


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The Southern Ocean (SO) plays a key role in modulating atmospheric CO2 via physical and biological processes. However, over much of the SO, biological activity is iron-limited. New in situ data from the Antarctic zone south of Africa in a region centered at -20°E - 25°E reveal a previously overlooked region of high primary production, comparable in size to the northwest African upwelling region. Here, sea ice together with enclosed icebergs is channeled by prevailing winds to the eastern boundary of the Weddell Gyre, where a sharp transition to warmer waters causes melting. This cumulative melting provides a steady source of iron, fuelling an intense phytoplankton bloom that is not fully captured by monthly satellite production estimates. These findings imply that future changes in sea-ice cover and dynamics could have a significant effect on carbon sequestration in the SO.


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Potato type II serine proteinase inhibitors are proteins that consist of multiple sequence repeats, and exhibit a multidomain structure. The structural domains are circular permutations of the repeat sequence.. as a result or intramolecular domain swapping. Structural studies give indications for the origins of this folding behaviour, and the evolution of the inhibitor family.


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This paper describes the first systematic study of nutritional deficiencies of greater yam (Dioscorea alata). Yam plants (cv. 'Mahoa'a') were propagated from tuber discs and grown in nutrient solution, with nutrients supplied following a modified programmed nutrient-addition method. After an establishment period of four weeks, deficiencies of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S), iron (Fe), boron (B), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and molybdenum (Mo) were induced by omitting the relevant nutrient from the solution. Foliar symptoms were recorded photographically. Notably, deficiencies of the mobile macronutrients failed to induce senescence of oldest leaves, while vine growth and younger leaves were affected. Leaf blades of the main stem were sampled in sequence and analyzed chemically, providing the distribution of each nutrient from youngest to oldest leaves in both adequately supplied and deficient plants. The nutrient-concentration profiles, together with the visible symptoms, indicated that little remobilization of mobile macronutrients had occurred. For both macro- and micronutrients, young leaves gave the best separation of nutrient concentrations between well-nourished and deficient plants.