998 resultados para 122-764A


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In, revista "O Direito", Ano 122, II (Abril-Junho) 1990


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In, revista "Fisco", Ano XVII, Nº 122/123-124/125, 2007


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Introduction The aim of the present study was to assess the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as a method for detecting Trypanosoma cruzi infection in triatomines that had been previously determined by microscopic examination in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Methods In total, 515 specimens were collected. Material from the digestive tract of each triatomine was analyzed for the presence of T. cruzi by microscopic examination and PCR using the 121/122 primer set. Results Among the 515 specimens tested, 58 (11.3%) were positive by microscopy and 101 (19.61%) were positive by PCR and there was an association between the results of the techniques (χ2 = 53.354, p = 0.001). The main species of triatomine identified was T. sordida (95.5%) Conclusions The use of PCR in entomological surveillance may contribute to a better assessment of the occurrence of T. cruzi in triatomine populations.


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Introduction This work presents the initial findings of a molecular epidemiological investigation of Trypanosoma cruzi in triatomine insects in State of Mato Grosso do Sul. Methods A total of 511 triatomines from different regions of the state were examined. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was extracted from the intestinal contents of the insects using phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers 121/122 targeting DNA kinetoplast (kDNA) was then performed to identify T. cruzi, and positive samples were subjected to PCR using the primer pair TcSC5D-F/R followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) with the restriction enzymes SphI and HpaI (1 U/reaction), cloning and sequencing. Results One hundred samples were positive for T. cruzi, and three discrete typing units (DTUs) were identified (TcI, TcII, and TcBat). Triatoma sordida had the highest T. cruzi occurrence (83.3%), and DTUs were found in three samples: 58.3% of the samples were TcI, 33.3% were TcII and 8.3% were TcBat. There was a clear geographical distribution of the DTUs throughout the state, with TcI, TcII and TcBat located in the center, TcI located in the east, and TcII located in the west. Conclusions This study showed the occurrence of overlapping DTUs in State of Mato Grosso do Sul. The distributions of the DTUs were different, with TcI, TcII and TcBat in the center of the state, TcI predominantly in the east, and TcII in the west. Further studies may reveal a more defined mosaic distribution of DTUs in MS.


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Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide and one of its underlying causes is hypercholesterolemia. Hypercholesterolemia can have genetic (familial hypercholesterolemia, FH) and non-genetic causes (clinical hypercholesterolemia, CH), the first much more severe, with occurrence of premature atherosclerosis. While the pathophysiological role of homocysteine (Hcy) on CVD is still controversial, molecular targeting of protein by S and N-homocysteinylation offers a new paradigm to be considered in the vascular pathogenesis of hypercholesterolemia. On this regard, the present study aims to give new insights on protein targeting by Hcy in both CH and FH conditions. A total of 187 subjects were included: 65 normolipidemic and 122 hypercholesterolemic. Total (tHcy) and free (fHcy) fractions were quantified in serum samples after validation of an HPLCFD method, to assess S-homocysteinylation. Also, the lactonase (LACase) activity of paraoxonase-1 (PON1) was quantified by a colorimetric assay, as a surrogate of N-homocysteinylation. tHcy does not differ among groups. Nevertheless, fHcy declines in the hypercholesterolemic groups, with more evidence to the FH population. Consequently, there seems to be an increase of Shomocysteinylation, regardless of lipid lowering therapy (LLT). Also, despite of LLT use, LACase activity is lower in FH, thus the risk for protein N-homocysteinylation seems to be higher. Moreover, the decrease in LACase/ApoA1 and LACase/HDL ratios in FH, shows that HDL is dysfunctional in this population, despite its normal concentration values. Data supports that the pathophysiological role of Hcy on hypercholesterolemia may reside in its ability to post-translationally modify proteins. This role is particularly evident in FH condition. In the future, it will be interesting to identify which target proteins are modified and thus involved in vascular pathology progression.


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Foi feito um inventário de seis hectares de floresta de. terra firme na área de influência da Estrada Cuiabá-Porto Velho (BR-364). Destes seis hectares, dois foram feitos no Município de Jaru, vicinal 605 e quatro na área do Projeto Machadinho, vicinais MC-2, MA-9. A flonesta apresenta uma altura média de 15m e um total de 278 espécies diferentes, representadas por 2.235 indivíduos e 57 famílias nos seis hectares estudados. Os hectares I e II do Município de Jaru apresentaram, respectivamente, uma diversidade florística de 113 e 136 espécies de 10cm ou mais de diâmetro (DAP), enquanto que os hectares III, IV, V e VI da área do Projeto Machadinho apresentaram respectivamente, 103, 115, 122 e. 121 espécies. A espécie mais importante no hectare I é o breu manga (Tetragastris altíssima (Aubl.) Swartz) com o IVI (Índice de Valor de Importância) de 12,07, o que representa 4,0%do total; no hectare II, muiraquatiara (Astronium lecointelDucke) com o IVI 28,94, ou se,ja 9,6% do total; no hectare III, Macrolobiumsp., com o IVI de 28,94, representando 9,6% do total; no hectare IV, pau d'alho (Gallesia integrifolia(Sprenq.) Harms), com IVI de 39,41, representando 13,1% do total; no hectare V, tauari (Couratari macrospermaA.S. Smith), com IVI de 11,32, ou seja, 3,8% do total; no hectare VI, violeta Peltogyne catingae Ducke subsp. glabra(W. Rodr.) M.F. da Silva), com o IVI de 11,68, representando 3,9% do total. As seis famílias mais importantes em ordem de importância são: Leguminosae, Moraceae, Sapotaceae, Lecythidaceae, Bursenaceae e Pal mae. Os dados quantitativos da regeneração natural indicaram que as espécies que apre-sentaram maior número de indivíduos regenerando, foram: Duguetia flagellaresHuber e Maquirasp. no Município de Jaru e Coussareasp. e. Micrandrasp. na área do Projeto Macha dinho, em Ariquemes.


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This study deals with the characterization of masonry mortars produced with different binders and sands. Several properties of the mortars were determined, like consistence, compressive and flexural strengths, shrinkage and fracture energy. By varying the type of binder (Portland cement, hydrated lime and hydraulic lime) and the type of sand (natural or artificial), it was possible to draw some conclusions about the influence of the composition on mortars properties. The results showed that the use of Portland cement makes the achievement of high strength classes easier. This was due to the slower hardening of lime compared with cement. The results of fracture energy tests showed much higher values for artificial sand mortars when compared with natural sand ones. This is due to the higher roughness of artificial sand particles which provided better adhesion between sand and binder.


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A cultura do girassol (Helianthus annuus L.) pode ser conduzida em diversas épocas do ano, destacando-se desta forma, entre as culturas viáveis de serem exploradas nas savanas (lavrados) de Roraima. Entretanto, as cultivares podem apresentar diferenças de adaptação e desenvolvimento dependendo da área de cultivo. Assim, desenvolveu-se este estudo comparativo em área experimental da Embrapa Roraima em 2000, visando avaliar o desempenho de seis cultivares (Agrobel 910; Agrobel 920; Cargill 11; Embrapa 122; Morgan 742; e Rumbosol 91) semeadas em duas épocas (seca, com irrigação suplementar; e chuvosa) em Boa Vista, Roraima. Utilizaram-se parcelas subdivididas num delineamento de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições, sendo as duas épocas de semeadura em 20 de janeiro e 19 de julho. As subparcelas constaram de quatro fileiras de 6 m, distanciadas de 0,90 m, sendo 0,30 m o espaçamento entre plantas. As cultivares Cargill 11, Rumbosol 91 e Agrobel 910 foram as mais produtivas para cultivo nas condições climáticas das savanas de Roraima, e a semeadura em janeiro é mais indicada, comparada a de julho.