993 resultados para youth soccer


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Given current rates of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in youth ages 15–24, comprehensive care is imperative in order to manage the virus and to prevent further transmission. In the past decade, the Internet has become an immensely popular source for information, including health information. Due to the increase in Internet use for this purpose, the assessment of the quality, accuracy, and timeliness of health information on the Internet is necessary since the information delivered may not be current or accurate. The purpose of this study was to determine the quantity and quality of websites containing health information and resources directed specifically towards HIV positive youth. Three general search terms, “HIV + teens”, “HIV teens info”, and “HIV infected teens,” were searched using the current top three search engines: Google, Yahoo!, and MSN/Bing. The first hundred hits of each search were then categorized by type of website. The examination of the search results yielded 7 sites that met the inclusion criteria. These sites were consequently evaluated on functionality and content using an adapted version of a pre-existing instrument. The functionality analysis revealed that no websites that contained self management information were dedicated specifically to HIV positive youth. The content analysis showed that the sites chosen for evaluation were mostly consistent with the guidelines provided by the Department of Health and Human Services. The most discussed topics in the sites included the importance of safer sexual behavior, HIV counseling, partner notification, safer behavior choices, such as condom use, and mental health. These results highlight the need for the development of accessible websites that contain accurate information targeting youth infected with HIV. This study provides a snapshot of the available web-based resources and health information for HIV positive youth, and is relevant for health educators, care providers, researchers, and others intervening with HIV+ youth. ^


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Smoking is often initiated in adolescence through trying or experimenting with cigarettes. Smoking initiation is the beginning critical stage in the smoking trajectory often resulting in addiction. This dissertation examined the effect of parenting variables on smoking initiation behavior among 11–14 year old Mexican origin adolescents, a largely understudied group. The participants in this study were part of a population-based cohort of Mexican origin adolescents residing in Houston, Texas. ^ Aim 1 of this study assessed the appropriateness of the Family Life Questionnaire (FLQ) among Mexican origin adolescents. Second order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to examine the factor structure of the FLQ and measurement invariance testing was conducted to evaluate the cross-cultural validity of this scale. Aim 2 analyzed cross-sectional associations between parenting variables and adolescent ever tried smoking behavior while aim 3 focused on prospective examination of changes in parenting variables from baseline to final follow-up on ever tried smoking behavior among never smokers. ^ Overall, the results of the CFA indicated that the original factor structure of the FLQ, with alterations, was a good fit for the Mexican origin adolescents. The measurement invariance analysis of the modified FLQ scale indicated adequate measurement invariance. The aim 2 cross-sectional analyses indicated that family cohesion was significantly associated with lower odds of ever tried smoking. Authoritarian parenting was significantly associated with smoking initiation only at the baseline while family conflict was significantly associated with smoking initiation only at the two-year final home visit. The findings from the aim 3 prospective analysis indicated that changes in levels of family cohesion and conflict are important predictors of smoking initiation among those who have never tried smoking. Specifically, perceiving low levels of family cohesion and a decrease in the family cohesion over two years, as well as perceiving high levels of family conflict and an increase in conflict over two years was associated with smoking initiation among never smokers. ^ In general, the findings of this study provide important insights on the links between parenting and adolescent smoking and assist in designing prevention and intervention programs that emphasize the role of family bonding to prevent adolescent smoking behavior. Family education programs for Mexican culture could also highlight the positive effects of authoritarian practices and good family communication to prevent family conflict and subsequent smoking behavior.^


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Study 1: Schools provide a range of opportunities for youth to be active, however, over the past decade, these opportunities have been declining. Sports teams are a promising venue to promote physical activity yet limited research has examined the gender an ethnic differences in sport participation. The purpose of this study is to examine trends in sport participation from 1991-2009 among US high school students. Secondly, we examined the association between gender and ethnicity with sports over time. This serial cross-sectional study used surveillance data from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, a probability based sample weighted to represent gender and race/ethnic subpopulations of US high school students. The findings of this paper reveal persistent gender and ethnic disparities for sports participation among US youth. Since sports teams may provide a substantial source of physical activity, greater efforts should be undertaken to increase the participation of girls, especially minorities, in sports teams. ^ Study 2: Sports team participation is congruent with teaching and supporting healthy eating, yet limited research has examined the association between sports participation and dietary behaviors. This study aims to determine the association between youth sports participation and dietary behaviors among elementary-aged children. Significant dose-response associations were observed between number of sports teams and consumption of most fruits and vegetables. The likelihood of eating fruit for boys increased with the number of sports teams (1 team: OR=1.89; 3 teams: OR=3.44, p<0.001) and the likelihood of consuming green vegetables for girls was higher with the number of sports teams (1 team: OR=1.50; 3 teams: OR=2.39; p<0.001). For boys, the odds of consuming fruit-flavored drinks was higher ( p=0.019) and the odds of drinking soda was lower (p=0.018) with participation in increasing number of sports teams whereas for girls, sports participation was positively associated with diet soda consumption (p=0.006). ^ Study 3: Parents and peers have been shown to have a strong influence over the physical activity, dietary, and sedentary behaviors of youth. Youth sports teams have the potential to offer physical activity, displace sedentary behaviors, and promote a healthy diet. The purpose of this study is to assess how peer and parental support for physical activity and healthy eating, coupled with sport participation, is associated obesity related risk factors including diet and sedentary behaviors. A secondary analysis of data from the School Physical Activity and Nutrition study, a state-representative survey, was conducted. Eighth (n=3,931) and 11th (n=2,785) grade students were categorized into four groups based upon the level of peer and parental support derived from a three item scale and their participation in sports (sports/high support, sports/low support, no sports/high support, no sports/low support). Linear models were conducted to determine the difference in means between these groups for the following outcome variables: previous day fruit and vegetable intake, scores for an unhealthy and healthy food index, and hours spent watching television, playing video games, and working on a computer. Eighth graders had significantly greater levels of parental support for healthy eating and physical activity compared to 11th grade. Both 8 th and 11th graders in the sport/high support for healthy eating from peers and parents scored significantly higher on the healthy food index than other groups. Eighth and 11th graders in the sport/high support for physical activity from peers participated in fewer hours of sedentary behaviors than any other group (p ≤ 0.032). Although it is thought that sport participation may offer opportunities to support a healthy diet and displace sedentary time by offering providing physical activity, our study found that parental and peer support for activity and healthy eating may further attenuate this association. Parents and peer support should be an important target when developing strategies to improve healthy diets and reduce sedentary time among youth, especially in the context of youth sports. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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Background: Risky sexual behaviors have been shown to increase the risk of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among youth. Youth in military families may be especially at risk for engaging in risky sexual behaviors because they are exposed to factors that are unique to the military culture, such as multiple relocations and parental deployment. However, data on sexual behaviors among military-dependent youth are limited and few studies have examined how these factors influence the sexual behaviors among youth. Purpose: The purpose of this dissertation was to estimate the prevalence of risky sexual behaviors among military-dependent youth and to describe how military factors may influence their sexual behaviors. Methods: Youth, aged 15–19 years, who attended a military health facility in the southern United States between June 2011 and September 2011 were recruited to complete a short, paper-based survey (N= 208, males and females) and to participate in an in-depth interview (N = 25, females). For quantitative data, prevalence estimates were computed and chi-square analyses were conducted. Logistic regression analyses were also conducted, adjusting for age, gender, and parents' duty status. For qualitative data, thematic coding of transcribed interviews was performed. Common and unique themes were examined across participants' experiences. Results: Over half of the youth was sexually experienced (53.7%). Parental deployment and number of relocations were significantly associated with having had sex in the past 3 months; however no significant associations were found between these military factors and other sexual behaviors. Although some youth felt that being a military-dependent had negatively impacted their sexual decisions, most believed the military experience had little influence on their sexual decisions. Most youth in military families also perceived having higher parental expectations to avoid risky behaviors, in general, than youth in civilian families. Conclusions: The majority of military-dependent youth are sexually experienced; however, individual and parental factors may have a greater role in sexual initiation among youth than military stressors do. The findings highlight the need for implementation of evidence-based strategies to prevent teen pregnancy and STIs at military installations. Future studies with larger sample sizes are needed to further explore how youth may cope with these military factors and the impact of parental factors on the sexual behaviors of youth.^


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This invited commentary reviews the survey research described in "Examining the Relationship between Media use and Aggression, Sexuality, and Body Image" and situates this research within the recent history of entertainment media regulation.


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Uruguay has some of the strictest tobacco-control laws in Latin America. Despite this, youth smoking rates in Uruguay are amongst the highest in South America. Thus, it is important to identify strategies to prevent youth smoking in Uruguay. The current qualitative research study sought to identify intrapersonal and socioenvironmental factors that are associated with smoking among middle school youth in Uruguay. It also sought to develop potential prevention strategies and media messages that would resonate with youth for a social media campaign. The study was grounded in social cognitive theory and the theory of reasoned action/planned behavior, among other behavioral science theories; anthropological perspectives were also considered. To achieve these goals, 29 group and individual structured interviews were conducted in two private middle schools catering to lower and higher SES youth in Montevideo, Uruguay during the summer of 2012. One hundred and three study participants, including students, parents, and teachers, were interviewed. The structured interviews were recorded, transcribed, translated, back translated, coded and analyzed. The study findings show that positive attitudes towards smoking (i.e. to be seen, to increase status, to ensure women's equality, to looking old, and to service as a rite of passage), delinquent behavior (i.e. transgression/deviant behavior), social norms that support smoking (i.e. peer pressure and modeling, group membership/sense of belonging, parental modeling, and family support), easy access and availability to tobacco (i.e. retails stores) were factors associated with youth smoking. Potential protective factors may include parental support, negative attitudes towards smoking, sports/music, and smoke-free environments. Because study participants are accustomed to government-sponsored strong countermarketing graphic imaging, study participants selected even stronger images and messages as the preferred way to receive tobacco prevention messages. Something Real ("Algo Real") was a theme that resonated with the participants and chosen as the name for the proposed campaign. This campaign was designed as a multiple component intervention that included mass, school base, and family based strategies to prevent tobacco use. Some intervention materials specific to these intervention components were developed to target relevant intrapersonal and socioenvironmental factors identified above. These materials will be tested in future pilot studies and larger scale evaluation with this population, outside the scope of this dissertation. ^


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This tool is designed to help assessment teams, project managers, supervisors, and providers collect detailed information on the quality of Postabortion Care (PAC) services provided to adolescents at a given facility in order to make services more youth-friendly. It can also be used before PAC services have been established to see how best to design PAC services to meet youth’s needs. The assessment process facilitates the development of action plans for quality improvement that can help facilities address policy, operations, training, and other program areas needing adjustments and change. The tool also provides essential baseline information, allowing for repeated applications to measure changes and the impact of program interventions. Although the tool is primarily for use by a team, it may also be used by an individual.


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As many as 2.5 million adolescent women seek abortion each year, and nearly 70,000 women die from complications related to unsafe abortion, of which almost half are women under the age of 25. A further 5 million women suffer disability due to unsafe abortion yearly. In most developing countries, abortion is legally restricted or highly inaccessible, which leads young women to seek services from unskilled practitioners often leading to incomplete, septic abortions and massive bleeding, which can result in permanent injury, infertility, and death. Based on our deeply held belief that all people, including adolescents, have a right to sexual and reproductive health services and the importance of addressing adolescent needs within Postabortion Care (PAC) services, Pathfinder used private funds to initiate a Youth-Friendly Postabortion Care (YFPAC) program in eight sub-Saharan African countries. Implemented between June 2007 and May 2008, the YFPAC program offered an opportunity to apply the PAC Consortium’s Technical Guidance on Youth-Friendly PAC, generating promising approaches and lessons learned. The goal of the YFPAC initiative was to increase access to PAC services that are responsive to adolescent needs in sub-Saharan Africa. While outcomes varied according to the country, the overall outcomes included: Increased community support for services and activities that prevent unwanted pregnancy, decreased stigma around abortion, and awareness of the issue of unsafe abortion among adolescent women: 311 peer educators reached almost 17,487 youth and other community members; 171 stakeholders (e.g., religious and traditional leaders, health officials, and local government officials) were sensitized on YFPAC, resulting in a positive shift in communities’ attitudes toward youth in need of PAC services. 125 service providers were trained to deliver YFPAC services and three doctors in Ghana were provided with a technical update on YFPAC. YFPAC services are available in Angola, Ghana, Nigeria, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Kenya. Pathfinder introduced YFPAC services into 25 facilities (in 27 service delivery points), and provided more than 3,800 clients with YFPAC services throughout the eight countries. The number of adolescent PAC clients seen at the project facilities increased— 710 clients were seen in the first quarter, 1,144 were seen in the fourth. The number of adolescent PAC clients who adopt a contraceptive method to prevent future unintended pregnancies has increased. Statistics show an average postabortion contraceptive acceptance of 69%, with the highest acceptance being 83% and the lowest being 44%. Evidence-based approaches, tools, and lessons learned are being disseminated and used for scale-up or replication of YFPAC interventions.


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The aim of this study was to examine the acute effects of endurance exercise on jumping and kicking performance in young soccer players. Twenty-one top-class young soccer players (16.1±0.2 years) performed a countermovement jump test and a maximal instep soccer kick test before and after running for 20 min on a treadmill at 80% of their individual maximum heart rate. Two force platforms were used to obtain the following parameters during the countermovement jump: jump height, maximum power, maximum power relative to body mass, maximum vertical ground reaction force, maximum vertical ground reaction force relative to body mass, and maximum vertical ground reaction force applied to each leg. Maximum vertical ground reaction force and maximum vertical ground reaction force relative to body mass applied to the support leg during the kicks were also calculated with a force platform. The kicking motion was recorded using a three-dimensional motion-capture system. Maximum velocity of the ball, maximum linear velocity of the toe, ankle, knee and hip, and linear velocity of the toe at ball contact during the kicks were calculated. Non-significant differences were found in the parameters measured during the countermovement jump and the maximal instep soccer kick test before and after running, suggesting that the jumping and kicking performances of top-class young soccer players were not significantly affected after 20 min treadmill running at 80% of their individual maximum heart rate.


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Comparación de las variables cinemáticas y de frecuencia cardiaca en dos posesiones en fútbol


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Sports foundations aiming at promoting sports activities partly outline the nonprofit area with specific concern. This study attempts to know the functions, general interests of professional soccer foundations in Spain, to describe their main characteristics and to ascertain if there are significant differences among them, according to their descriptive features. A document survey and analysis was carried out, with an assistance of own establishment of documental database. The findings not only indicate a significant difference between the classification of Spanish soccer foundations and their antiquities, but also manifest the tendency of the existence of physical person in members of founders with regard to its antiquity. The results of the present work implied that there were great dissimilarities of the elaboration of regulations depending on different regions in Spain.


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The paper presents the results of a study on cultural trends in the abandonment of sports and physical activity among the Spanish youth. The study, that is being conducted due to a grant awarded by the Superior Sports Council (CSD) (Ref. 007/UPB10/12), examines how the adoption of this new lifestyle (sedentary) that is gradually taking root among the Spanish youth can influence one way or another the self-perceived health and well-being among this population.


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Soccer participation worldwide is increasing and every club try to discover new talents. It is well know that there is an important correlation between body composition (BC) and talent detection (TD) and when coaches and selectors choose players, they tend to choose them with optimum BC.