984 resultados para weak-quasisymmetry


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An explicit representation of an analytical solution to the problem of decay of a plane shock wave of arbitrary strength is proposed. The solution satisfies the basic equations exactly. The approximation lies in the (approximate) satisfaction of two of the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions. The error incurred is shown to be very small even for strong shocks. This solution analyses the interaction of a shock of arbitrary strength with a centred simple wave overtaking it, and describes a complete history of decay with a remarkable accuracy even for strong shocks. For a weak shock, the limiting law of motion obtained from the solution is shown to be in complete agreement with the Friedrichs theory. The propagation law of the non-uniform shock wave is determined, and the equations for shock and particle paths in the (x, t)-plane are obtained. The analytic solution presented here is uniformly valid for the entire flow field behind the decaying shock wave.


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Suomessa asuvat somalitaustaiset maahanmuuttajaäidit luopuvat imetyksestä ja ruokkivat vauvojaan äidinmaidonkorvikkeella, vaikka somalikulttuurissa arvostetaan imetystä. Tuen ja tiedon puutetta on arveltu syyksi pulloruokinnan yleisyyteen. Tarkoituksenani on tutkia osallistavia menetelmiä käyttäen, minkälaisia imetykseen liittyviä tietojärjestelmiä somaliäidit pitävät auktoritatiivisina eli arvovaltaisina. Tarkastelen tiedon auktoritatiivisuutta etnografisten esimerkkien valossa hyödyntäen Brigitte Jordanin auktoritatiivisen tiedon käsitettä. Tutkin Jean Pierre Olivier de Sardanin teorian avulla, kuinka paikalliset populaarit tietojärjestelmät kohtaavat tieteellis-teknisen tiedon kehityksen kontekstissa. Tutkin myös, kuinka somaliäitien imetystietojärjestelmät kohtaavat suomalaisen terveydenhoitojärjestelmän edustaman imetystiedon. Osallistavien menetelmien tarkoituksena on saada heikkojen ja sorrettujen yhteisöjen ääni kuuluviin. Tutkimukseni tiedonantajina on seitsemäntoista somalimaahanmuuttajaäitiä ja yksi suomalainen äitiys- ja lastenneuvolan terveydenhoitaja. Käytän tiedonkeruumenetelminä puolistrukturoituja teemahaastatteluja, jonka lisäksi teen osallistuvaa havainnointia ja osallistavia menetelmiä kolmessa ryhmähaastattelutilanteessa. Käytän Rapi Rurad Appraisal (RRA) –menetelmiä, kuten Venn-diagrammia ja pisteytystä. Tutkimukseni tulos on, että somaliäitien imetykseen liittyvä tieto koostuu kolmesta tietojärjestelmästä, joita ovat sukuverkostoista tuleva perinteinen tietotaito, islaminuskon terveystieto sekä suomalaisen terveydenhoitojärjestelmän tieto. Näistä eri tietolähteistä tuleva imetystieto ei ole sisällöltään ristiriidassa. Imetykseen liittyvät vaikeudet ovat käytännön ongelmiin, kuten sukuverkoston hajoamiseen ja suomalaisen terveydenhoitojärjestelmän kanssa kommunikointiin liittyviä.


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In this paper, we describe the effect of some commonly used thiourea-based antithyroid drugs and their analogues on the peroxidase-catalyzed nitration reactions. The nitration of bovine serum albumin (BSA) and cytochrome c was studied using the antibody against 3-nitro-L-tyrosine. This study reveals that the thione-based antithyroid drugs effectively inhibit lactoperoxidase (LPO)-catalyzed nitration of BSA. These compounds show very weak inhibition towards the nitration of cytochrome c. Some of these compounds also inhibit myeloperoxidase (MPO)-catalyzed nitration of L-tyrosine. A structure-activity correlation study on the peroxidase-catalyzed nitration of L-tyrosine reveals that the presence of thione/selone moiety is important for the inhibition. Although the presence of a free N-H group adjacent to C=S moiety is necessary for most of the thiones to inhibit the LPO-catalyzed nitration, the corresponding selones do not require the presence of any free N-H group for their activity. Furthermore, experiments with different concentrations of H2O2 suggest that the antithyroid drugs and related thiones inhibit the nitration reaction mainly by coordinating to the Fe(III)-center of the enzyme active site as previously proposed for the inhibition of peroxidase-catalyzed iodination. On the other hand, the selenium compounds inhibit the nitration by scavenging H2O2 without interacting with the enzyme active site. This assumption is based on the observations that catalase effectively inhibits tyrosine nitration by scavenging H2O2, which is one of the substrates for the nitration. In contrast, superoxide dismutase (SOD) does not alter the nitration reactions, indicating the absence of superoxide radical anion (O-2 center dot(-)) during the peroxidase-catalyzed nitration reactions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a general formalism for deriving bounds on the shape parameters of the weak and electromagnetic form factors using as input correlators calculated from perturbative QCD, and exploiting analyticity and unitarily. The values resulting from the symmetries of QCD at low energies or from lattice calculations at special points inside the analyticity domain can be included in an exact way. We write down the general solution of the corresponding Meiman problem for an arbitrary number of interior constraints and the integral equations that allow one to include the phase of the form factor along a part of the unitarity cut. A formalism that includes the phase and some information on the modulus along a part of the cut is also given. For illustration we present constraints on the slope and curvature of the K-l3 scalar form factor and discuss our findings in some detail. The techniques are useful for checking the consistency of various inputs and for controlling the parameterizations of the form factors entering precision predictions in flavor physics.


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In the title molecule, C22H21N3, the isoquinoline ring is almost planar maximum deviation = 0.046 (1) A] and makes dihedral angles of 52.01 (4) and 14.61 (4)degrees with the pyrazole and phenyl rings, respectively. The phenyl ring and the pyrazole ring are twisted by 44.20 (6)degrees with respect to each other. The terminal C atoms of both of the ethyl groups attached to the pyrazole ring are disordered over two sites with occupancy ratios of 0.164 (7):0.836 (7) and 0.447 (16):0.553 (16). A weak intramolecular C-H...N contact may influence the molecular conformation. The crystal structure is stabilized by C-H...pi contacts involving the phenyl and pyrazole rings, and by pi-pi stacking interactions involving the pyridine and benzene rings centroid-centroid distance = 3.5972 (10) A].


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Using F-19 and H-1-NMR (with N-14 decoupling) spectroscopic techniques together with density functional theoretical (DFT) calculations, we have investigated weak molecular interactions in isomeric fluorinated benzanilides. Simultaneous presence of through space nuclear spin-spin couplings ((1h)J(N-H center dot center dot center dot F)) of diverse strengths and feeble structural fluctuations are detected as a function of site specific substitution of fluorine atoms within the basic identical molecular framework. The transfer of hydrogen bonding interaction energies through space is established by perturbing their strengths and monitoring the effect on NMR parameters. Multiple quantum (MQ) excitation, up to the highest possible MQ orders of coupled protons, is utilized as a tool for accurate H-1 assignments. Results of NMR studies and DFT calculations are compared with the relevant structural parameters taken from single crystal X-ray diffraction studies.


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We investigated the rare-earth transition-metal oxide series, Ln(2)CuTiO(6) (Ln = Y, Dy, Ho, Er, and Yb), crystallizing in the hexagonal structure with noncentrosymmetric P6(3)cm space group for possible occurrences of multiferroic properties. Our results show that while these compounds, except Ln = Y, exhibit a low-temperature antiferromagnetic transition due to the ordering of the rare-earth moments, the expected ferroelectric transition is frustrated by the large size difference between Cu and Ti at the B site. Interestingly, this leads these compounds to attain a rare and unique combination of desirable paraelectric properties with high dielectric constants, low losses, and weak temperature and frequency dependencies. First-principles calculations establish these exceptional properties result from a combination of two effects. A significant difference in the MO5 polyhedral sizes for M = Cu and M = Ti suppress the expected cooperative tilt pattern of these polyhedra, required for the ferroelectric transition, leading to relatively large values of the dielectric constant for every compound investigated in this series. Additionally, it is shown that the majority contribution to the dielectric constant arises from intermediate-frequency polar vibrational modes, making it relatively stable against any temperature variation. Changes in the temperature stability of the dielectric constant among different members of this series are shown to arise from changes in relative contributions from soft polar modes.


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We report a detailed investigation of resistance noise in single layer graphene films on Si/SiO2 substrates obtained by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on copper foils. We find that noise in these systems to be rather large, and when expressed in the form of phenomenological Hooge equation, it corresponds to Hooge parameter as large as 0.1-0.5. We also find the variation in the noise magnitude with the gate voltage (or carrier density) and temperature to be surprisingly weak, which is also unlike the behavior of noise in other forms of graphene, in particular those from exfoliation. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3493655]


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Modern elementary particle physics is based on quantum field theories. Currently, our understanding is that, on the one hand, the smallest structures of matter and, on the other hand, the composition of the universe are based on quantum field theories which present the observable phenomena by describing particles as vibrations of the fields. The Standard Model of particle physics is a quantum field theory describing the electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions in terms of a gauge field theory. However, it is believed that the Standard Model describes physics properly only up to a certain energy scale. This scale cannot be much larger than the so-called electroweak scale, i.e., the masses of the gauge fields W^+- and Z^0. Beyond this scale, the Standard Model has to be modified. In this dissertation, supersymmetric theories are used to tackle the problems of the Standard Model. For example, the quadratic divergences, which plague the Higgs boson mass in the Standard model, cancel in supersymmetric theories. Experimental facts concerning the neutrino sector indicate that the lepton number is violated in Nature. On the other hand, the lepton number violating Majorana neutrino masses can induce sneutrino-antisneutrino oscillations in any supersymmetric model. In this dissertation, I present some viable signals for detecting the sneutrino-antisneutrino oscillation at colliders. At the e-gamma collider (at the International Linear Collider), the numbers of the electron-sneutrino-antisneutrino oscillation signal events are quite high, and the backgrounds are quite small. A similar study for the LHC shows that, even though there are several backrounds, the sneutrino-antisneutrino oscillations can be detected. A useful asymmetry observable is introduced and studied. Usually, the oscillation probability formula where the sneutrinos are produced at rest is used. However, here, we study a general oscillation probability. The Lorentz factor and the distance at which the measurement is made inside the detector can have effects, especially when the sneutrino decay width is very small. These effects are demonstrated for a certain scenario at the LHC.