996 resultados para veia safena magna


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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The mesozooplankton community, with special emphasis on calanoid copepods, was studied with respect to its species composition, abundance, vertical distribution and developmental structure during the ISPOL expedition to the ice covered western Weddell Sea. Stratified zooplankton tows were carried out nine times between December 1, 2004 and January 2, 2005 with a multiple opening-closing net between 0 and 1000 m depth. Copepods were by far the most abundant taxon contributing more than 94% of the total mesozooplankton. Numerical dominants were cyclopoid copepods, mostly Oncaea spp. A total of 66 calanoid copepod species were identified, but the calanoid copepod community was characterised by the dominance of only a few species. The most numerous species was Microcalanus pygmaeus, which comprised on average 70% of all calanoids. Calanoides acutus and Metridia gerlachei represented other abundant calanoid species contributing an average of 8 and 7%, respectively. All other species comprised less than 3%. The temporal changes in the abundance and population structure of M. pygmaeus and M. gerlachei were small while a shift in the stage frequency distribution of C. acutus was observed during the study: CIV dominated the C. acutus population with 48 to 50% during the first week of December, while CV comprised 48% in late December. CI and CII of C. acutus were absent in the samples and males occurred only in very low numbers in greater depths. In M. gerlachei, CI was not found, whereas all developmental stages of M. pygmaeus occurred throughout the study. All three species showed migratory behaviour, and they occurred in upper water layers towards the end of the investigation. This vertical ascent was most pronounced in C. acutus and relatively weak in the other two species. In M. pygmaeus and M. gerlachei, copepodite stages were responsible for the upward migration in late December, while the vertical distribution of adults did not change. In C. acutus all abundant developmental stages (CIV, CV and females) ascended to upper water layers. Almost exclusively (93%) medium- and semi-ripe females of C. acutus and M. gerlachei were found, and only 3 - 4% of the ovaries were ripe. The absence of CI and the low number of ripe females indicate that the main reproductive period had not started in C. acutus and M. gerlachei until the end of our study in early January. In contrast, the high portion of CI and CII of M. pygmaeus suggests that reproduction of this species had started in October-November and hence, before the onset of the phytoplankton bloom in the water. The community structure did not differ between stations with one exception on December 26, when the station was strongly influenced by the continental shelf.


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Eighty-eight samples of Aptian to lower Cenomanian sediments of Sites 545 and 547, DSDP Leg 79, from the Mazagan Plateau area (offshore Northwest Africa) were analyzed for palynomorphs. The very rich dinoflagellate cyst assemblages make it possible to narrow shipboard age determinations and to correlate Sites 545 and 547. The distribution of 174 dinoflagellate cyst taxa is tabulated in this study and the biostratigraphic value of selected dinoflagellate cysts is discussed. Additional taxonomic remarks are made about some species. The new dinoflagellate cyst species Aptea almohadensis, Occisucysta hinzü, O. mazaganensis, and the subspecies Maghrebinia perforata (Clarke and Verdier, 1967) Below, 1981 ssp. mirabilis are described.


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Sparse, poorly preserved late Oligocene (3 species) and early Miocene (4 species) ostracod faunas have been recovered from CRP-2A, while relatively more abundant Quaternary faunas occur in CRP-1 (24 species). All taxa are marine. No definitive age assignments can be made on the two older faunas, which are not considered to be in situ, although the taxa identified are not at variance with sediment ages determined on other grounds. The Oligocene ostracods (Lithostratigraphical Unit, LSU 9.4) suggest deposition in cold, relatively shallow, shelf waters with faunal connections to the Antarctic Peninsula and South America, while the Miocene fauna (LSU 5.1) is considered to be a cool-cold, deeper water (?outer shelf) association with faunal connections to both New Zealand and the Antarctic Peninsula. The Quaternary faunas are primarily from LSU 3.1 (carbonate-rich layer), and suggest deposition in very cold, relatively quiet water that was at least 100 m, and possibly 130-200 m deep. None of the taxa are known from pre-Pleistocene sediments, and all occur in modern Antarctic/sub-Antarctic regimes, predominantly from south of 60° S. Specimens in the "carbonate-rich layer" probably have suffered minor penecontemporaneous fractionation, while the fauna in LSU 2.2 has suffered more extensive post-mortem transportation and possible reworking (though not necessarily from pre-Quaternary sources).


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The presence of abundant age-diagnostic dinoflagellate cysts in Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 913B (Leg 151), Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 338 (Leg 38) and ODP Hole 643A (Leg 104) has enabled the development of a new biostratigraphy for the Eocene-Oligocene interval in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. This development is important because the calcareous microfossils usually used for biostratigraphy in this age interval are generally absent in high latitude sediments as a result of dissolution. In parallel with this biostratigraphic analysis, we developed a magnetic reversal stratigraphy for these Norwegian-Greenland Sea sequences. This has allowed independent age determination and has enabled the dinocyst biostratigraphy to be firmly tied into the global geomagnetic polarity timescale (GPTS). The relatively high resolution of this study has enabled identification of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages that have affinities with those from the North Sea and the North Atlantic, which allows regional correlation. Correlation of each site with the GPTS has also allowed comparison of the stratigraphic record preserved in each drill-hole. Hole 913B is the most complete and is the best-preserved record of the Eocene and Oligocene in the Northern Hemisphere high latitudes, and can serve as a reference section for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of this age interval.


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"7-day standard reference toxicity test using larval pimephales promelas; 24-hour rangefinding test using daphnia magna or daphnia pulex; 96-hour acute toxicity test using larval pimephales promelas ... ."


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.


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"Reúne artículos publicados en 'La Nación' de Buenos Aires, 'El Figaro' de La Habana y 'La Revista de América' de París."


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"Vida de la gloriosa Santa Gertrudis" y Discursos de p. 1 a p. 102 .- "Insinuacion de la Diuina piedad" p. 1-421 de la segunda secuencia de paginación .- "Oraciones y exercicios espirituales, con la practica de los quales Sancta Gertrudis subio a la alteza de la Gloria que possee oy en los Cielos" p. 1-158 de la tercera secuencia de paginación.


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"Oratio inaguralis de mohammedanismo e veterum hebraeorum scriptis, magna ex parte composito dicta A. D. XXI Martii [718]"


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Contiene: T. 1. Letteratura degli etruschi, de' popoli della Magna Grecia, dell'antica Sicilia e d' Romani, fino alla morte di Augusto -- T. 2. Dalla morte di Augusto, sino [sic] alla caduta dell'Impero Occidentale.


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Errata: p. [143].


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The "elenco" (list of subscribers) in vol. 11 is transcribed in full by Bertelli & Innocenti; see also their remarks on p. cxliv-cxlv.