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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia Civil
This paper proposes an FPGA-based architecture for onboard hyperspectral unmixing. This method based on the Vertex Component Analysis (VCA) has several advantages, namely it is unsupervised, fully automatic, and it works without dimensionality reduction (DR) pre-processing step. The architecture has been designed for a low cost Xilinx Zynq board with a Zynq-7020 SoC FPGA based on the Artix-7 FPGA programmable logic and tested using real hyperspectral datasets. Experimental results indicate that the proposed implementation can achieve real-time processing, while maintaining the methods accuracy, which indicate the potential of the proposed platform to implement high-performance, low cost embedded systems.
Hyperspectral imaging can be used for object detection and for discriminating between different objects based on their spectral characteristics. One of the main problems of hyperspectral data analysis is the presence of mixed pixels, due to the low spatial resolution of such images. This means that several spectrally pure signatures (endmembers) are combined into the same mixed pixel. Linear spectral unmixing follows an unsupervised approach which aims at inferring pure spectral signatures and their material fractions at each pixel of the scene. The huge data volumes acquired by such sensors put stringent requirements on processing and unmixing methods. This paper proposes an efficient implementation of a unsupervised linear unmixing method on GPUs using CUDA. The method finds the smallest simplex by solving a sequence of nonsmooth convex subproblems using variable splitting to obtain a constraint formulation, and then applying an augmented Lagrangian technique. The parallel implementation of SISAL presented in this work exploits the GPU architecture at low level, using shared memory and coalesced accesses to memory. The results herein presented indicate that the GPU implementation can significantly accelerate the method's execution over big datasets while maintaining the methods accuracy.
Hyperspectral imaging has become one of the main topics in remote sensing applications, which comprise hundreds of spectral bands at different (almost contiguous) wavelength channels over the same area generating large data volumes comprising several GBs per flight. This high spectral resolution can be used for object detection and for discriminate between different objects based on their spectral characteristics. One of the main problems involved in hyperspectral analysis is the presence of mixed pixels, which arise when the spacial resolution of the sensor is not able to separate spectrally distinct materials. Spectral unmixing is one of the most important task for hyperspectral data exploitation. However, the unmixing algorithms can be computationally very expensive, and even high power consuming, which compromises the use in applications under on-board constraints. In recent years, graphics processing units (GPUs) have evolved into highly parallel and programmable systems. Specifically, several hyperspectral imaging algorithms have shown to be able to benefit from this hardware taking advantage of the extremely high floating-point processing performance, compact size, huge memory bandwidth, and relatively low cost of these units, which make them appealing for onboard data processing. In this paper, we propose a parallel implementation of an augmented Lagragian based method for unsupervised hyperspectral linear unmixing on GPUs using CUDA. The method called simplex identification via split augmented Lagrangian (SISAL) aims to identify the endmembers of a scene, i.e., is able to unmix hyperspectral data sets in which the pure pixel assumption is violated. The efficient implementation of SISAL method presented in this work exploits the GPU architecture at low level, using shared memory and coalesced accesses to memory.
Remote hyperspectral sensors collect large amounts of data per flight usually with low spatial resolution. It is known that the bandwidth connection between the satellite/airborne platform and the ground station is reduced, thus a compression onboard method is desirable to reduce the amount of data to be transmitted. This paper presents a parallel implementation of an compressive sensing method, called parallel hyperspectral coded aperture (P-HYCA), for graphics processing units (GPU) using the compute unified device architecture (CUDA). This method takes into account two main properties of hyperspectral dataset, namely the high correlation existing among the spectral bands and the generally low number of endmembers needed to explain the data, which largely reduces the number of measurements necessary to correctly reconstruct the original data. Experimental results conducted using synthetic and real hyperspectral datasets on two different GPU architectures by NVIDIA: GeForce GTX 590 and GeForce GTX TITAN, reveal that the use of GPUs can provide real-time compressive sensing performance. The achieved speedup is up to 20 times when compared with the processing time of HYCA running on one core of the Intel i7-2600 CPU (3.4GHz), with 16 Gbyte memory.
This paper addresses the estimation of surfaces from a set of 3D points using the unified framework described in [1]. This framework proposes the use of competitive learning for curve estimation, i.e., a set of points is defined on a deformable curve and they all compete to represent the available data. This paper extends the use of the unified framework to surface estimation. It o shown that competitive learning performes better than snakes, improving the model performance in the presence of concavities and allowing to desciminate close surfaces. The proposed model is evaluated in this paper using syntheticdata and medical images (MRI and ultrasound images).
One of the most challenging task underlying many hyperspectral imagery applications is the linear unmixing. The key to linear unmixing is to find the set of reference substances, also called endmembers, that are representative of a given scene. This paper presents the vertex component analysis (VCA) a new method to unmix linear mixtures of hyperspectral sources. The algorithm is unsupervised and exploits a simple geometric fact: endmembers are vertices of a simplex. The algorithm complexity, measured in floating points operations, is O (n), where n is the sample size. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is illustrated using simulated data.
Resumo O vírus citomegálico humano (CMV) é o principal agente de infecção congénita, atingindo cerca de 0.2 a 2.2% de todos os recém-nascidos. As crianças que nascem infectadas por este vírus têm cerca de 11% a 12.7% de probabilidades de apresentarem sintomas e sinais de doença citomegálica ao nascimento, podendo cerca de 40 a 58% destas virem a apresentar sequelas neurológicas permanentes. Das crianças infectadas que terão infecção assintomática no período neo-natal, 5 a 15% poderão vir igualmente a sofrer de sequelas tardias, sobretudo a surdez ou o atraso mental. Em Portugal, desconhece-se a dimensão deste problema. O primeiro objectivo desta dissertação foi, desta forma, a determinação da prevalência através do recurso aos cartões do diagnóstico precoce (“Guthrie cards”), utilizando uma técnica de nested-PCR dirigida para o vírus. Foram estudados 3600 cartões, seleccionados de todo o território nacional (continente e ilhas), de uma forma proporcional ao número de nascimentos em cada distrito, dos quais 38 foram positivos, o que dá uma prevalência de 1.05% (intervalo de confiança para 95%: 0.748-1.446). A revisão sobre a experiência acumulada nos últimos 15 anos, na área do diagnóstico pré-natal, juntamente com um estudo adicional sobre a técnica da avidez, permitiu retirar algumas ilações, nomeadamente que este diagnóstico constitui uma arma diagnostica fiável para a avaliação pré-natal desta infecção congénita e que a selecção dos casos para amniocentese deverá obedecer a indicações serológicas precisas, como a “seroconversão para IgG” ou a “IgM confirmada” (devendo o método de confirmação ser a avidez das IgG com um índice <0,6) e as alterações ecográficas de etiologia não esclarecida. A possibilidade de utilizar pools de urinas para detectar a infecção congénita por CMV foi abordada na terceira parte do trabalho experimental. A metodologia aí descrita teve correlação total com o método de referência, permitindo uma redução bastante significativa nos tempos de execução e nos custos em consumíveis, pelo que abre a possibilidade da sua utilização para o rastreio da infecção congénita por CMV nos recém-nascidos.
Dimensionality reduction plays a crucial role in many hyperspectral data processing and analysis algorithms. This paper proposes a new mean squared error based approach to determine the signal subspace in hyperspectral imagery. The method first estimates the signal and noise correlations matrices, then it selects the subset of eigenvalues that best represents the signal subspace in the least square sense. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated using simulated and real hyperspectral images.
Hyperspectral imaging sensors provide image data containing both spectral and spatial information from the Earth surface. The huge data volumes produced by these sensors put stringent requirements on communications, storage, and processing. This paper presents a method, termed hyperspectral signal subspace identification by minimum error (HySime), that infer the signal subspace and determines its dimensionality without any prior knowledge. The identification of this subspace enables a correct dimensionality reduction yielding gains in algorithm performance and complexity and in data storage. HySime method is unsupervised and fully-automatic, i.e., it does not depend on any tuning parameters. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated using simulated data based on U.S.G.S. laboratory spectra and real hyperspectral data collected by the AVIRIS sensor over Cuprite, Nevada.
The application of compressive sensing (CS) to hyperspectral images is an active area of research over the past few years, both in terms of the hardware and the signal processing algorithms. However, CS algorithms can be computationally very expensive due to the extremely large volumes of data collected by imaging spectrometers, a fact that compromises their use in applications under real-time constraints. This paper proposes four efficient implementations of hyperspectral coded aperture (HYCA) for CS, two of them termed P-HYCA and P-HYCA-FAST and two additional implementations for its constrained version (CHYCA), termed P-CHYCA and P-CHYCA-FAST on commodity graphics processing units (GPUs). HYCA algorithm exploits the high correlation existing among the spectral bands of the hyperspectral data sets and the generally low number of endmembers needed to explain the data, which largely reduces the number of measurements necessary to correctly reconstruct the original data. The proposed P-HYCA and P-CHYCA implementations have been developed using the compute unified device architecture (CUDA) and the cuFFT library. Moreover, this library has been replaced by a fast iterative method in the P-HYCA-FAST and P-CHYCA-FAST implementations that leads to very significant speedup factors in order to achieve real-time requirements. The proposed algorithms are evaluated not only in terms of reconstruction error for different compressions ratios but also in terms of computational performance using two different GPU architectures by NVIDIA: 1) GeForce GTX 590; and 2) GeForce GTX TITAN. Experiments are conducted using both simulated and real data revealing considerable acceleration factors and obtaining good results in the task of compressing remotely sensed hyperspectral data sets.
Os sensores hiperespectrais que estão a ser desenvolvidos para aplicações em detecção remota, produzem uma elevada quantidade de dados. Tal quantidade de dados obriga a que as ferramentas de análise e processamento sejam eficientes e tenham baixa complexidade computacional. Uma tarefa importante na detecção remota é a determinação das substâncias presentes numa imagem hiperespectral e quais as suas concentrações. Neste contexto, Vertex component analysis (VCA), é um método não-supervisionado recentemente proposto que é eficiente e tem a complexidade computacional mais baixa de todos os métodos conhecidos. Este método baseia-se no facto de os vértices do simplex corresponderem às assinaturas dos elementos presentes nos dados. O VCA projecta os dados em direcções ortogonais ao subespaço gerado pelas assinaturas das substâncias já encontradas, correspondendo o extremo desta projecção à assinatura da nova substância encontrada. Nesta comunicação apresentam-se várias optimizações ao VCA nomeadamente: 1) a introdução de um método de inferência do sub-espaço de sinal que permite para além de reduzir a dimensionalidade dos dados, também permite estimar o número de substâncias presentes. 2) projeção dos dados é executada em várias direcções para garantir maior robustez em situações de baixa relação sinal-ruído. As potencialidades desta técnica são ilustradas num conjunto de experiências com dados simulados e reais, estes últimos adquiridos pela plataforma AVIRIS.
Dissertação de Doutoramento em Filosofia
An IgG2a subclass monoclonal antibody, C6G9, was obtained by immunization of BALB/c mice with Schistosoma mansoni egg antigens. With this monoclonal antibody, it was possible to identify a schistosomular antigen with a molecular weight of 46 kilodaltons (KDa), and its expression being evaluated by means of indirect immunofluorescence. The antigen persisted in the integument of the developing schistosomulum, for at least 96 hours post-transformation. The monoclonal antibody also reacted with the cercaria surface, but not with that of adult worm. The C6G9 was also able to mediate significant levels of cytotoxicity in the presence of complement for newly transformed schistosomula.
Hyperspectral instruments have been incorporated in satellite missions, providing large amounts of data of high spectral resolution of the Earth surface. This data can be used in remote sensing applications that often require a real-time or near-real-time response. To avoid delays between hyperspectral image acquisition and its interpretation, the last usually done on a ground station, onboard systems have emerged to process data, reducing the volume of information to transfer from the satellite to the ground station. For this purpose, compact reconfigurable hardware modules, such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), are widely used. This paper proposes an FPGA-based architecture for hyperspectral unmixing. This method based on the vertex component analysis (VCA) and it works without a dimensionality reduction preprocessing step. The architecture has been designed for a low-cost Xilinx Zynq board with a Zynq-7020 system-on-chip FPGA-based on the Artix-7 FPGA programmable logic and tested using real hyperspectral data. Experimental results indicate that the proposed implementation can achieve real-time processing, while maintaining the methods accuracy, which indicate the potential of the proposed platform to implement high-performance, low-cost embedded systems, opening perspectives for onboard hyperspectral image processing.