988 resultados para lending electronic materials


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Fusion power is an appealing source of clean and abundant energy. The radiation resistance of reactor materials is one of the greatest obstacles on the path towards commercial fusion power. These materials are subject to a harsh radiation environment, and cannot fail mechanically or contaminate the fusion plasma. Moreover, for a power plant to be economically viable, the reactor materials must withstand long operation times, with little maintenance. The fusion reactor materials will contain hydrogen and helium, due to deposition from the plasma and nuclear reactions because of energetic neutron irradiation. The first wall divertor materials, carbon and tungsten in existing and planned test reactors, will be subject to intense bombardment of low energy deuterium and helium, which erodes and modifies the surface. All reactor materials, including the structural steel, will suffer irradiation of high energy neutrons, causing displacement cascade damage. Molecular dynamics simulation is a valuable tool for studying irradiation phenomena, such as surface bombardment and the onset of primary damage due to displacement cascades. The governing mechanisms are on the atomic level, and hence not easily studied experimentally. In order to model materials, interatomic potentials are needed to describe the interaction between the atoms. In this thesis, new interatomic potentials were developed for the tungsten-carbon-hydrogen system and for iron-helium and chromium-helium. Thus, the study of previously inaccessible systems was made possible, in particular the effect of H and He on radiation damage. The potentials were based on experimental and ab initio data from the literature, as well as density-functional theory calculations performed in this work. As a model for ferritic steel, iron-chromium with 10% Cr was studied. The difference between Fe and FeCr was shown to be negligible for threshold displacement energies. The properties of small He and He-vacancy clusters in Fe and FeCr were also investigated. The clusters were found to be more mobile and dissociate more rapidly than previously assumed, and the effect of Cr was small. The primary damage formed by displacement cascades was found to be heavily influenced by the presence of He, both in FeCr and W. Many important issues with fusion reactor materials remain poorly understood, and will require a huge effort by the international community. The development of potential models for new materials and the simulations performed in this thesis reveal many interesting features, but also serve as a platform for further studies.


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X-ray Raman scattering and x-ray emission spectroscopies were used to study the electronic properties and phase transitions in several condensed matter systems. The experimental work, carried out at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, was complemented by theoretical calculations of the x-ray spectra and of the electronic structure. The electronic structure of MgB2 at the Fermi level is dominated by the boron σ and π bands. The high density of states provided by these bands is the key feature of the electronic structure contributing to the high critical temperature of superconductivity in MgB2. The electronic structure of MgB2 can be modified by atomic substitutions, which introduce extra electrons or holes into the bands. X ray Raman scattering was used to probe the interesting σ and π band hole states in pure and aluminum substituted MgB2. A method for determining the final state density of electron states from experimental x-ray Raman scattering spectra was examined and applied to the experimental data on both pure MgB2 and on Mg(0.83)Al(0.17)B2. The extracted final state density of electron states for the pure and aluminum substituted samples revealed clear substitution induced changes in the σ and π bands. The experimental work was supported by theoretical calculations of the electronic structure and x-ray Raman spectra. X-ray emission at the metal Kβ line was applied to the studies of pressure and temperature induced spin state transitions in transition metal oxides. The experimental studies were complemented by cluster multiplet calculations of the electronic structure and emission spectra. In LaCoO3 evidence for the appearance of an intermediate spin state was found and the presence of a pressure induced spin transition was confirmed. Pressure induced changes in the electronic structure of transition metal monoxides were studied experimentally and were analyzed using the cluster multiplet approach. The effects of hybridization, bandwidth and crystal field splitting in stabilizing the high pressure spin state were discussed. Emission spectroscopy at the Kβ line was also applied to FeCO3 and a pressure induced iron spin state transition was discovered.


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Nanotechnology applications are entering the market in increasing numbers, nanoparticles being among the main classes of materials used. Particles can be used, e.g., for catalysing chemical reactions, such as is done in car exhaust catalysts today. They can also modify the optical and electronic properties of materials or be used as building blocks for thin film coatings on a variety of surfaces. To develop materials for specific applications, an intricate control of the particle properties, structure, size and shape is required. All these depend on a multitude of factors from methods of synthesis and deposition to post-processing. This thesis addresses the control of nanoparticle structure by low-energy cluster beam deposition and post-synthesis ion irradiation. Cluster deposition in high vacuum offers a method for obtaining precisely controlled cluster-assembled materials with minimal contamination. Due to the clusters small size, however, the cluster-surface interaction may drastically change the cluster properties on deposition. In this thesis, the deposition process of metal and alloy clusters on metallic surfaces is modelled using molecular dynamics simulations, and the mechanisms influencing cluster structure are identified. Two mechanisms, mechanical melting upon deposition and thermally activated dislocation motion, are shown to determine whether a deposited cluster will align epitaxially with its support. The semiconductor industry has used ion irradiation as a tool to modify material properties for decades. Irradiation can be used for doping, patterning surfaces, and inducing chemical ordering in alloys, just to give a few examples. The irradiation response of nanoparticles has, however, remained an almost uncharted territory. Although irradiation effects in nanoparticles embedded inside solid matrices have been studied, almost no work has been done on supported particles. In this thesis, the response of supported nanoparticles is studied systematically for heavy and light ion irradiation. The processes leading to damage production are identified and models are developed for both types of irradiation. In recent experiments, helium irradiation has been shown to induce a phase transformation from multiply twinned to single-crystalline nanoparticles in bimetallic alloys, but the nature of the transition has remained unknown. The alloys for which the effect has been observed are CuAu and FePt. It is shown in this thesis that transient amorphization leads to the observed transition and that while CuAu and FePt do not amorphize upon irradiation in bulk or as thin films, they readily do so as nanoparticles. This is the first time such an effect is demonstrated with supported particles, not embedded in a matrix where mixing is always an issue. An understanding of the above physical processes is essential, if nanoparticles are to be used in applications in an optimal way. This thesis clarifies the mechanisms which control particle morphology, and paves way for the synthesis of nanostructured materials tailored for specific applications.


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The ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.48Ti0.52)O-3 (PZT) thin films prepared by the pulsed laser deposition technique were studied for their response to high energy lithium ion irradiation through impedance spectroscopy. The Debye peaks, observed in the impedance and modulus plots of irradiatedfilms, shifts towards higher frequencies compared to those of unirradiated films. This is equivalent to the trend observed with increase in temperature in the unirradiated films due to the dielectric relaxation. The irradiated films showed a decrease in the grain resistance compared to the unirradiated films. The activation energy of dielectric relaxation increases from 1.25 eV of unirradiated film to 1.62 eV of irradiated film. The observed modifications in the irradiated film were ascribed to the modifications in the grain structure due to the high value of electronic energy loss.


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A class of conjugated molecules containing donor (thiophene) and acceptor (malononitrile) is synthesized by Knoevenagel condensation reaction between 2-(2,6-dimethy1-4H-pyran-4-ylidene) malononitrile and thiophene carbaldehyde containing two and three thiophene units. The resulting molecules are characterized by H-1 and C-13 NMR. We have performed UV-vis absorption, fluorescence, and cyclic voltammetry measurements on these materials. The spectroscopic and electrochemical measurements proved beyond doubt that these materials possess lowexcitation gap and are suitable for being an active material in various electronic devices. We have also performed electronic structure calculations using density functional theory (DFT) and INDO/SCI methods to characterize the ground and excited states of this class of molecules. These donor-acceptor molecules show a strong charge transfercharacter that increases with the increase in the number of thiophene rings coupled to the malononitrile acceptor moiety. We have also calculated the pi-coherence length, Stoke's shift, and effect of solvents on excited states for this class of molecules, Our theoretical values agree well with experimental results.


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Wood is an important material for the construction and pulping industries. Using x-ray diffraction the microfibril angle of Sitka spruce wood was studied in the first part of this thesis. Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis [Bong.] Carr.) is native to the west coast of North America, but due to its fast growth rate, it has also been imported to Europe. So far, its nanometre scale properties have not been systematically characterised. In this thesis the microfibril angle of Sitka spruce was shown to depend significantly on the origin of the tree in the first annual rings near the pith. Wood can be further processed to separate lignin from cellulose and hemicelluloses. Solid cellulose can act as a reducer for metal ions and it is also a porous support for nanoparticles. By chemically reducing nickel or copper in the solid cellulose support it is possible to get small nanoparticles on the surfaces of the cellulose fibres. Cellulose supported metal nanoparticles can potentially be used as environmentally friendly catalysts in organic chemistry reactions. In this thesis the size of the nickel and copper containing nanoparticles were studied using anomalous small-angle x-ray scattering and wide-angle x-ray scattering. The anomalous small-angle x-ray scattering experiments showed that the crystallite size of the copper oxide nanoparticles was the same as the size of the nanoparticles, so the nanoparticles were single crystals. The nickel containing nanoparticles were amorphous, but crystallised upon heating. The size of the nanoparticles was observed to be smaller when the reduction of nickel was done in aqueous ammonium hydrate medium compared to reduction made in aqueous solution. Lignin is typically seen as the side-product of wood industries. Lignin is the second most abundant natural polymer on Earth, and it possesses potential to be a useful material for many purposes in addition to being an energy source for the pulp mills. In this thesis, the morphology of several lignins, which were produced by different separation methods from wood, was studied using small-angle and ultra small-angle x-ray scattering. It was shown that the fractal model previously proposed for the lignin structure does not apply to most of the extracted lignin types. The only lignin to which the fractal model could be applied was kraft lignin. In aqueous solutions the average shape of the low molar mass kraft lignin particles was observed to be elongated and flat. The average shape does not necessarily correspond to the shape of the individual particles because of the polydispersity of the fraction and due to selfassociation of the particles. Lignins, and especially lignosulfonate, have many uses as dispersants, binders and emulsion stabilisers. In this thesis work the selfassociation of low molar mass lignosulfonate macromolecules was observed using small-angle x-ray scattering. By taking into account the polydispersity of the studied lignosulfonate fraction, the shape of the lignosulfonate particles was determined to be flat by fitting an oblate ellipsoidal model to the scattering intensity.


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We report the synthesis and characterisation of new examples of meso-hydroxynickel(II) porphyrins with 5,15-diphenyl and 10-phenyl-5,15-diphenyl/diaryl substitu- tion. The OH group was introduced by using carbonate or hydroxide as nucleophile by using palladium/phosphine cat- alysis. The NiPor OHs exist in solution in equilibrium with the corresponding oxy radicals NiPor OC. The 15-phenyl group stabilises the radicals, so that the 1H NMR spectra of {NiPor OH} are extremely broad due to chemical exchange with the paramagnetic species. The radical concentration for the diphenylporphyrin analogue is only 1%, and its NMR line-broadening was able to be studied by variable-tempera- ture NMR spectroscopy. The EPR signals of NiPor OC are con- sistent with somewhat delocalised porphyrinyloxy radicals, and the spin distributions calculated by using density func- tional theory match the EPR and NMR spectroscopic obser- vations. Nickel(II) meso-hydroxy-10,20-diphenylporphyrin was oxidatively coupled to a dioxo-terminated porphodimethene dyad, the strongly red-shifted electronic spectrum of which was successfully modelled by using time-dependent DFT calculations.


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Scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy studies were carried out on single crystals of colossal magnetoresistive manganite Pr0. 68Pb0.32MnO3 at different temperatures in order to probe their spatial homogeneity across the metal-insulator transition temperature TM-I(similar to 255 K). A metallic behavior of the local conductance was observed for temperatures T < TM-I. Zero bias conductance (dI/dV)v=(0), which is directly proportional to the local surface density of states at the Fermi level, shows a single distribution at temperatures T < 200 K suggesting a homogeneous electronic phase at low temperatures. In a narrow temperature window of 200 K < T < TM-I, however, an inhomogeneous distribution of (dI/dV)v=(0) has been observed. This result gives evidence for phase separation in the transition region in this compound.


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Hole-doped perovskites such as La1-xCaxMnO3 present special magnetic and magnetotransport properties, and it is commonly accepted that the local atomic structure around Mn ions plays a crucial role in determining these peculiar features. Therefore experimental techniques directly probing the local atomic structure, like x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), have been widely exploited to deeply understand the physics of these compounds. Quantitative XAS analysis usually concerns the extended region [extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS)] of the absorption spectra. The near-edge region [x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES)] of XAS spectra can provide detailed complementary information on the electronic structure and local atomic topology around the absorber. However, the complexity of the XANES analysis usually prevents a quantitative understanding of the data. This work exploits the recently developed MXAN code to achieve a quantitative structural refinement of the Mn K-edge XANES of LaMnO3 and CaMnO3 compounds; they are the end compounds of the doped manganite series LaxCa1-xMnO3. The results derived from the EXAFS and XANES analyses are in good agreement, demonstrating that a quantitative picture of the local structure can be obtained from XANES in these crystalline compounds. Moreover, the quantitative XANES analysis provides topological information not directly achievable from EXAFS data analysis. This work demonstrates that combining the analysis of extended and near-edge regions of Mn K-edge XAS spectra could provide a complete and accurate description of Mn local atomic environment in these compounds.


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The flow of a liquid on single-walled carbon nanotube bundles induces an electrical signal (voltage/current) in the sample along the direction of the flow. The electrical response is found to be logarithmic in the flow speed over a wide range. The magnitude of the flow induced electrical signal generated depends sensitively on the ionic conductivity and the polar nature of the liquid, and electrical biasing of the nanotubes can control its direction. Our measurements suggest that the dominant mechanism responsible for this highly sub-linear response should involve a direct forcing of the free charge carriers in the nanotubes by the fluctuating Coulombic field of the liquid flowing past it.