997 resultados para higher moments


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicai??n


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Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: "Calidad en la Educaci??n Superior: una visi??n en perspectiva"


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L’éducation physique (EP) est considérée comme une discipline fortement caractérisée par le «faire». Ce sont des mouvements, des gestes, des techniques ou des tactiques en situation et leurs résultats qui sont évalués. C’est aussi à travers le «faire moteur» que majoritairement est pensé le processus d’apprentissage des élèves. Toutefois, si les actions motrices se trouvent au centre des préoccupations disciplinaires, les leçons d’éducation physique comportent toujours une part, parfois assez importante, des «moments à dominance verbale» (MàDV). Ces derniers renvoient aux phases de la séance durant lesquelles l’enseignant et/ou les élèves communiquent verbalement (des gestes ou des démonstrations peuvent accompagner la parole). Le temps dédié aux consignes initiales, le temps des régulations après une situation de jeu ou le temps des feed-back sont des exemples typiques


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We present an algorithm for computing exact shortest paths, and consequently distances, from a generalized source (point, segment, polygonal chain or polygonal region) on a possibly non-convex polyhedral surface in which polygonal chain or polygon obstacles are allowed. We also present algorithms for computing discrete Voronoi diagrams of a set of generalized sites (points, segments, polygonal chains or polygons) on a polyhedral surface with obstacles. To obtain the discrete Voronoi diagrams our algorithms, exploiting hardware graphics capabilities, compute shortest path distances defined by the sites


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Two common methods of accounting for electric-field-induced perturbations to molecular vibration are analyzed and compared. The first method is based on a perturbation-theoretic treatment and the second on a finite-field treatment. The relationship between the two, which is not immediately apparent, is made by developing an algebraic formalism for the latter. Some of the higher-order terms in this development are documented here for the first time. As well as considering vibrational dipole polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities, we also make mention of the vibrational Stark effec


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Treball sobre la creació d’un pla de màrqueting d’un hotel temàtic fictici. Aquest sorgeix d’un objectiu secundari fruit d’una motivació personal amb interès cap a la coneixença dels hotels temàtics, que responia a les següents preguntes: Què és un hotel temàtic? Quins tipus d’hotels temàtics podem trobar? Quan sorgeixen els hotels temàtics? El Pla de Màrqueting representa el desenvolupament d’una idea creativa, imaginant que els hotels poden ser molt més que un simple allotjament. Poden esdevenir llocs que poden conduir cap al món de les sensacions i de les experiències úniques


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Zooplankton community structure (composition, diversity, dynamics and trophic relationships) of Mediterranian marshes, has been analysed by means of a size based approach. In temporary basins the shape of the biomass-size spectra is related to the hydrological cycle. Linear shape spectra are more frequent in flooding situations when nutrient input causes population growth of small-sized organisms, more than compensating for the effect of competitive interactions. During confinement conditions the scarcity of food would decrease zooplankton growth and increase intra- and interspecific interactions between zooplankton organisms which favour the greatest sizes thus leading to the appearance of curved shape spectra. Temporary and permanent basins have similar taxonomic composition but the latter have higher species diversity, a more simplified temporal pattern and a size distribution dominated mainly by smaller sizes. In permanents basins zooplankton growth is not only conditioned by the availability of resources but by the variable predation of planktivorous fish, so that the temporal variability of the spectra may also be a result of temporal differences in fish predation. Size diversity seems to be a better indicator of the degree of this community structure than species diversity. The tendency of size diversity to increase during succession makes it useful to discriminate between different succession stages, fact that is not achieved by analysing only species diversity since it is low both under large and frequent or small and rare disturbances. Amino acid composition differences found among stages of copepod species indicate a gradual change in diet during the life cycle of these copepods, which provide evidence of food niche partitioning during ontogeny, whereas Daphnia species show a relatively constant amino acid composition. There is a relationship between the degree of trophic niche overlap among stages of the different species and nutrient concentration. Copepods, which have low trophic niche overlap among stages are dominant in food-limited environments, probably because trophic niche partitioning during development allow them to reduce intraspecific competition between adults, juveniles and nauplii. Daphnia species are only dominant in water bodies or periods with high productivity, probably due to the high trophic niche overlap between juveniles and adults. These findings suggest that, in addition to the effect of interspecific competition, predation and abiotic factors, the intraspecific competition might play also an important role in structuring zooplankton assemblages.


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This paper attempts to address the interesting phenomenon of dominance of women in higher educational sector of Goa-a remarkable postcolonial event which occurred after Goa attained statehood in 1987. The Indian state of Goa has been experiencing a rapid socio-economic and cultural transformation. At present it enjoys many of the highest human development indicators in India, matching some of the developed countries. Its’ projected population at present is 1.45 million (Indian decennial census 2001 reported 1.348 million). When the Portuguese rule ended, the literacy was just 31 % whereas it stood at 82 % in 2001. Goa is a highly urbanized state in India. In 1960 there were just five towns and 15 % urban population. In 2001 the figures were, 44 towns and 50 % urban population. On economic front Goa has made tremendous progress mainly on account of the growth of mining, tourism and the service sector. Tourist arrivals in Goa have exceeded the state’s population from 2001. The Gross state domestic product (GSDP) at current prices in 2003-04 was Indian Rupees (Rs.) 96570 million, up from Rs. 3930 million when Goa became a full-fledged state. The banks are flush with funds indicating a booming economy. Goa has lowest birth and death rates and a life expectancy of 68 years for the males and 72 for females. The sex ratio however has shown a declining trend since 1960, from 1066 to 960 in 2001 (Table 1).The sex ratio for 0-6 years age group was 933. On this background we intend to examine the changing pattern of female education in Goa.


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The ongoing reforms, which were introduced under the Bologna Process and have already been extended outside of Europe , are a unique opportunity for reinforcing and structuring a common platform of understanding among members, based on the full time undergraduate courses in ( Urbanismo) Urban and Regional Planning. The training programs at this 1st cycle level, will obviously continue with the 2nd and 3rd cycles (Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree and PhD Degree or 3+2+3 years). The training programs at this full time 1st cycle level, can also becomes the framework of understanding for the development of research in the urban fields at national and international levels.


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O trabalho presente é uma investigação sobre a Universidade sua génese e diversidade, caminhada e desenvolvimento, prosperidade em crescimento, papel cultural e fonte de conhecimento seus momentos de glória, seu de impasse e de crise e tentativas para devolver a glória e prestigio de outrora. Nasceu na Europa Meridional com o título de “Studium Generale”. Não nasceu nem “ex abrupto” nem “ex nihilo”, a sua génese remonta às escolas religiosas dos conventos e catedrais onde se conservavam os documentos da cultura greco – latina que mais tarde imperará na Europa sob o antropocentrismo, em oposição ao Teocentrismo. O “Studium General” nasce sobre o patrocínio da Igreja que mantinha como disciplinas principais nestes centros a Teologia e Filosofia, cuja leccionação é circunscrita a poucas Escolas e professores escolhidos. Acorriam à Universidade alunos de todos os cantos da Europa, evidentemente com meios e frades alunos pobres e para os frades criaram-se colégios que os acolhiam e protegiam. A reunião de estudantes devido a disturbios gerou ambiente controverso e obrigou as autoridades governamentais a medidas quer de contenção quer de protecção a residentes e forasteiros. O estudante era um estrangeiro que se deslocava no espaço europeu consoante a fama dos professores. A língua latina foi o veiculo de ligação e comunicação. Pouco a pouco os estados foram-se dando conta do valor da universidade e dos seus ensinamentos e disputavam com a Igreja o seu patrocínio. A Universidade contribui para o desenvolvimento dos Estados a nível administrativo, do direito, da criação de leis dando aos Estados uma maior e melhor organização no seu desenvolvimento. As Universidades concediam graus académicos, sendo o maior o de doutor. Todos esperavam o apoio do saber académico e científico para vencer a luta pela existência. O sistema escolático criticado pelo humanismo deu origem a novos modelos de universidade que surgiram com a supervisão dos Estados. Os modelos a partir do século XIX, são: ingês, alemão, americano, francês e russo. A universidade passa a ser o lugar do ensino superior, com o repúdio ao tradicinal e a investigação passa a fazer parte do papel da universidade. Em Portugal criou-se estruturas de apoio à formação de professores especialmente o sector de ciência e educação. Tardiamente a União Europeia dá atenção à educação criando programas como o Sócrates cujas acções são Comenios, Erasmus, Grundvig, Língua e Minerva. A mobilidade estudantil torna-se realidade na Europa e a flexibilidade na educação. A função da universidade actual ocupa-se do sector industrial e pós industrial da sociedade de informação, economia e empresa. Universidade como serviço público e mercado. Foi pena que a União Europeia, não reconhecesse ao Homem a centralidade de que tem direito, e esquecesse que sem o homem não há desenvolvimento nem criatividade. Estruturou-se a economia e a política obliterou a educação, a cultura, a formação, isto é um castelo construído sobre areia. Relembrando Antero cabe dizer: “Abrem-se as portas de ouro com fragor Mas dentro encontro só cheiro de dor Silêncio e escuridão nada mais”. Hoje a nossa Universidade é um problema. O seu caminho terá de ser o da cultura e a da educação. Tem de ser vista como poder em época de crise e o permanente primeiro que o transitório. Donde a necessidade de uma gestão de qualidade e de uma educação permanente.


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This Study examines the relationship between scores on adolescents’ self-generated narratives and standardized reading-comprehension scores. This relationship is also compared with the more simple language metrics: vocabulary and syntax.