995 resultados para chlorimuron-ethyl


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Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de atividade alelopática, antimicrobiana e antioxidante dos extratos orgânicos (hexano, acetato de etila e metanol) das folhas de Pyrostegia venusta (Ker Gawl.) Miers (Bignoniaceae). Para alelopatia, foi estudado o desenvolvimento de Cucumis sativus (pepino), sendo avaliados o comprimento da raiz principal, o número de raízes secundárias e o comprimento do hipocótilo. Os dois primeiros parâmetros foram afetados por todos os três extratos testados enquanto o comprimento do hipocótilo só não foi afetado pelo extrato acetato de etila. Quanto à atividade antimicrobiana, avaliada pelo ensaio de CIM, o extrato hexânico apresentou inibição moderada frente ao Staphylococcus aureus (0,9 mg mL-1) e forte ao Enterococcus hirae (0,5 mg mL-1). O extrato acetato de etila apresentou forte atividade frente Candida albicans (0,3 mg mL-1) enquanto o extrato metanólico não mostrou-se ativo para os microrganismos testados. Por outro lado, o extrato metanólico apresentou a maior capacidade de seqüestrar radicais livres (Concentração Efetiva 50%-CE50 =102,0 ± 56,9 mg mL-1, com TCE50 = 30 min) no ensaio com DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-picril-hidrazila) e o maior teor de compostos fenólicos (116,2 ± 83,0 mg ácido gálico g amostra-1), avaliado pelo ensaio de Folin-Ciocalteau.


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Methylene chloride, ethyl acetate and methanolic extracts front the stem bark of Bauhinia guianensis (Leguminosae, Caesalpinoideae) were obtained. These extracts were evaluated for antiinflammatory activity which was conducted using carrageenin, dextran and histamine-induced paw edema in rats. The extracts of B. guianensis were also assessed for analgesic activity which was conducted using the writhing test in mouse. The different animal groups were treated with these extracts (100 mg/kg i.p. and p.o, IC50) 30 min prior to the application of stimuli. The methanolic extract demonstrated significant inhibition in the carrageenin-induced edema model. In the dextran-induced edema model, all three extracts inhibited the inflammatory process significantly with the methanolic extract being the most active. The ethyl acetate extract was the only one shown to be effective in the histamine-induced edema model. Finally all extracts inhibited effectively the algogenic process in the writhing test induced by acetic acid.


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The synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of the cationic iron porphyrins Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TDCPP]Cl-2 and Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TFPP]Cl-2 in the epoxidation of (Z)-cyclooctene by PhIO in homogeneous solution and supported on silica gel (SG), imidazole propyl gel (IPG) or SG modified with 2-(4-sulfonatophenyl)ethyl groups (SiSO3) have been accomplished. When supported on IPG, both cationic FeP bind to the support via Fe-imidazole coordination. Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TDCPP]IPG contains a mixture of low-spin bis-coordinated (FeP)-P-III and high-spin mono-coordinated (FeP)-P-III species, whereas Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TFPP]IPG only contains high-spin mono-coordinated (FeP)-P-III. These FePIPG catalysts also contain (FeP)-P-II species, whose presence was confirmed by EPR spectroscopy using NO as a paramagnetic probe. Both cationic FePs coordinate to SG through Fe-O ligation and they are present as high-spin (FeP)-P-III species. The cationic FePs supported on SiSO3- are also high-spin (FeP)-P-III species and they bind to the support via electrostatic interaction between the 4-N-methylpyridyl groups and the SO3- groups present on the matrix. In homogeneous solution, both Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TDCPP]Cl-2 and Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TFPP]Cl-2 have similar catalytic activity to Fe(TDCPP)Cl and Fe(TFPP)Cl, leading to cis-epoxycyclooctane yields of 92%. When supported on inorganic matrices,both FePs lead to epoxide yields comparable to their homogeneous analogues and their anchoring enables catalyst recovery and re-use. Recycling of Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TDCPP]SiSO3- shows that this FeP maintains its activity in a second reaction. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports the separation of the indole alkaloids from the benzene extract of the root barks of Tabernaemontana hilariana (Apocynaceae). The crude alkaloid fraction was fractionated by droplet counter-current chromatography using a low polarity mixture (hexane:ethyl acetate:ethanol:water). Nine indole alkaloids (3-hydroxycoronaridine, coronaridine, voacangine, 3-(2-oxopropyl) coronaridine, voacangine hydroxyindolenine, ibogamine, voacangine pseudoindoxyl, coronaridine pseudoindoxyl and tabernanthine) were identified using thin laver chromatography gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The temperature dependence of photoinduced birefringence was investigated for mixed Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films from the homopolymer poly[4'-[[2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl]ethyl-amino]-2-chloro-4-nitroazobenzene] (HPDR13) and cadmium stearate (Cdst) and from the copolymer 4-[N-ethyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)]amino-2'-chloro-4'-nitroazobenzene (MMA-DR13) and CdSt. Birefringence was achieved by impinging a linearly polarized light on the LB films. The maximum birefringence achieved decreased with temperature as thermal relaxation of the chromophores was facilitated. The buildup curves for birefringence were fitted with biexponential functions representing distinctly different mechanisms with time constants. The first, fast process is thermally activated and may be represented by an Arrhenius process. The decay of birefringence after switching off the laser source was described by a Kohlraush-Williams-Watts (KWW) function, consistent with a distribution of relaxation times for the polymer system. Activation energies were obtained from Arrhenius plots of the rate constant of the exponential functions and KWW function, which showed that the buildup of birefringence was very similar for the two polymer systems. The decay, however, was slower for the LB film from MMA-DR13/CdSt. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd.


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The bioassay directed fractionation of the EtOH extract from leaves of Cryptocarya ashersoniana seedlings led to the isolation of two flavonol glucosides: iso-quercitrin and hyperin, which exhibited free radical scavenging activity towards DPPH (IC50 34.4 muM and 32.7 muM, respectively) and were compared to standard compounds rutin (IC50 27.0 muM) and catechin (IC50 41.4 muM). Investigation of extracts from the seedlings roots and stems afforded one antifungal styrylpyrone: goniothalamine, and two dihydropyrones: 6-propyl-5,6-dihydro-2-pyrone and the new 6-[(4'-ethyl-9'-oxabicyclo[3.3.1]non-6'-en-3'-yl)methyl]-5,6-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-one, which had its structure determined by detailed analysis of MS and NMR data, including 2D experiments.


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We report on spectral redistribution of the photoluminescence (PL) emission from the edge of thin-film planar waveguides of the conjugated polymer BEH-PPV [Poly(2,5-bis(2'-ethyl-hexyl)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] induced by self-absorption in the polymer film. The PL spectra present drastic changes and displace to longer wavelengths with increasing self-absorption. We observe an enhancement of the absolute PL intensity at longer wavelengths, which was interpreted as due to re-emission of self-absorbed photons. The significant efficiency for the PL re-emission suggests the use of self-absorption as a mechanism for tuning the emission into the near infrared.


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Cashew apple nectar is a secondary product from the production of cashew nuts and possesses an exotic tropical aroma. Aroma volatiles in pasteurized and reconstituted (from concentrate) Brazilian cashew apple nectars were determined using GC-MS and split, time-intensity GC-olfactometry (GC-O/GC-FID. Methional, (2)-1,5-octadien-3-one, (2)-2-nonenal, (E,Z)-2,4-decadienal, (E,E)-2,4-decadienal, beta-damascenone, and delta-decalactone were identified for the first time in cashew apple products. These compounds plus butyric acid, ethyl 3-methylbutyrate, 2-methylbutyric acid, acetic acid, benzaldehyde, homofuraneol, (E)-2-nonenal, gamma-dodecalactone, and an unknown were the most intense aroma volatiles. Thirty-six aroma volatiles were detected in the reconstituted sample and 41 in the pasteurized sample. Thirty-four aroma active components were common to both samples. Ethyl 3-methylbutyrate and 2-methylbutyric acid were character impact compounds of cashew apple (warm, fruity, tropical, sweaty). Using GC-pFPD, 2-methyl-3-furanthiol and bis(2-methyl-3-furyl) disulfide were identified for the first time in cashew apple. Both were aroma active (meaty).


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Objective Ocular conjunctivas of healthy dogs were studied by conjunctival impression cytology for evaluation of feasibility, protocol standardization, and normal cytologic pattern recognition of this technique.Animals studied Twenty healthy, adult, cross-breed dogs.Procedures Samples of the bulbar conjunctiva were collected after instillation of topical anesthetic drops at the ocular surface. Impression cytology was performed by applying asymmetric strips of Millipore filter on the superior temporal bulbar conjunctiva near the limbus. The filter strip was gently pressed against the conjunctiva for 5 s and removed with a peeling motion. Samples were immediately fixed in 95% ethyl alcohol, stained with periodic acid-Schiff and hematoxylin, and mounted on slides cover-slipped using synthetic resin. The slides were examined by light microscopy.Results Microscopic examination of the impressions revealed superficial, intermediate and basal epithelial cells arranged in sheets. Keratinized epithelial cells, goblet cells and leukocytes, as well as cellular debris and mucus were observed.Conclusions Feasibility of impression cytology for sampling the bulbar conjunctiva of the dog and the standardization the the proposed protocol was shown. The results allowed the recognition the the normal cytologic pattern of healthy conjunctivas in dogs.


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The effects of chemical pretreatment and air drying temperature on drying kinetics, shrinkage, density and rehydration ratio of grapes were determined at various moisture contents. It was observed that the chemical pretreatment employed - a solution of 2% CaCO3 with 0 to 3% ethyl oleate - increased considerably the drying rate. It was established that the shrinkage increased with drying temperature between 40 to 80 degrees C and decreased with increasing concentration of ethyl oleate in the chemical pretreatment solution.


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This paper describes a simple method to co-precipitate CeO2 and Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9-delta with ammonium hydroxide from solvents such as: water, ethylene glycol, ethyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol. Characterization by Raman spectroscopy and XRD evidenced the formation of a solid solution of gadolinium-doped ceria at room temperature. Nanometric particles with crystallite size of 3.1 nm were obtained during synthesis using ethyl alcohol as solvent. This is a promising result compared with those mentioned in the literature, in which the smallest crystallite size reported was, 6.5 nm. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The tea made with leaves and stems of plant Anchietia salutaris is traditionally used in Brazil to treat allergies. We examined the effects of a crude aqueous extract and of purified fractions of this plant on the histamine release induced in rat and guinea pig tissues. The crude extract (3-10 mu g/ml) inhibits the histamine release induced by compound 48/80 (0.5 mu g/ml) and antigen in rat peritoneal mast cells. The inhibition is significant after 10 s of preincubation and is completed after 3 min. The crude extract dissolved in the perfusion fluid (1-30 mu g/ml) also inhibits the histamine release induced in guinea pig heart by cardiac anaphylaxis and in hearts from pretreated animals (10-100 mg/kg i.p.). In pretreated animals, the effect manifests after 3 h, is maximum after 12 h and disappears after 48 h. The histamine release induced in isolated guinea pig heart by ionophore A23187 is inhibited by similar doses as in antigen-induced histamine release. Extraction with solvents concentrated the active principle (s) in the hexane fractions, as demonstrated by the inhibition of the histamine release induced by antigen in isolated cells from guinea pig heart dispersed with collagenase. In subfractions produced by the fractionation of the hexane fraction, the active principle(s) concentrated in the subfractions obtained by extraction with hexane and ethyl acetate, which shows the low polarity of the compound(s). The same subfractions that inhibit the histamine release induced by antigen in cells from guinea pig heart also inhibit pulmonary cells. Our result show that A. salutaris contains low-polarity compound(s) that inhibit the histamine release induced by three different mechanisms in mast cells from two animal species. These facts suggest that the active principle(s) of A, salutaris could be useful in the treatment of allergies and/or as a tool for the study of mast cell secretions.


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An efficient analytical method is described for the analysis of dicofol residues in pulp and orange peel. Samples are mixed with Celite and transferred to chromatographic columns prepacked with silica gel. Dicofol is eluted with ethyl acetate, and the extracts are analyzed by gas chromatography with electron capture detection. Mean recoveries for dicofol at levels of 0.5, 2.0, 5.0, and 10 mg/kg ranged from 87 to 95% with relative standard deviation values between 2.6 and 9.0%. To investigate the effect of a pilot washing system on dicofol residues in oranges, the analytical procedure was applied to samples submitted to different treatments with commercial formulations under field and laboratory conditions. The orange samples with and without washing were analyzed in duplicate, and the results indicated that washing under the described conditions did not allow a complete removal of dicofol residues from orange peel.


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The cassava processing industry generates wastewater named manipueira with a high organic content. Although considered a pollutant, manipueira can be used as substrate for fermentative processes including the cultivation of Geotrichum fragrans. This aerobic microorganism isolated from cassava wastewater has cyanide resistant respiration. Under cassava wastewater cultivation, G. fragrans produced fruit aroma volatile compounds. This study evaluated volatile compounds produced by G. fragrans in cassava liquid waste. The waste had a sugar composition composed of dextrin (2.6%), maltose (1.4%), sucrose (32.1%), glucose (38.3%), and fructose (25.6%). The average value of total sugars was 58.2 g l(-1), composed of 38.0 g l(-1) reducing and 20.2 g l(-1) non-reducing sugars. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) average value was 60 000 mg l(-1). G. fragrans used sugars (fructose and glucose) for energy generation reducing the COD value of the cassava wastewater by 40%. Biomass production of G. fragrans cultivated for 12 h in natural cassava liquid waste was 12.8 g l(-)1. The volatile compounds identified in the cassava liquid waste after 72 h cultivation were: 1-butanol, 3-methyl 1-butanol (isoamylic alcohol), 2-methyl 1-butanol, 1-3 butanodiol and phenylethanol; ethyl acetate, ethyl propionate, 2-methyl ethyl propionate and 2-methyl propanoic. The effect of substrate supplementation with glucose (50 g l(-1)), fructose (50 g l(-1)) and aqueous yeast extract (200 ml l(-1)) did not affect the qualitative and quantitative profiles of volatile compounds. These results indicate that the carbon (C) source utilized by microorganism was glucose or fructose, while nitrogen (N) supplementation was not necessary because the agent did not exhaust all the nitrogen of the wastewater. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The rat tail artery has been used for the study of vasoconstriction mediated by alpha(1A)-adrenoceptors (ARs). However, rings from proximal segments of the tail artery (within the initial 4 cm, PRTA) were at least 3- fold more sensitive to methoxamine and phenylephrine (n = 6 - 12; p < 0.05) than rings from distal parts (between the sixth and 10th cm, DRTA). Interestingly, the imidazolines N-[ 5-( 4,5- dihydro- 1H- imidazol-2-yl)-2-hydroxy-5,6,7,8- tetrahydronaphthalen- 1- yl] methanesulfonamide hydrobromide (A-61603) and oxymetazoline, which activate selectively alpha(1A)- ARs, were equipotent in PRTA and DRTA (n = 4 - 12), whereas buspirone, which activates selectively alpha(1D)-AR, was approximate to 70-fold more potent in PRTA than in DRTA (n = 8; p < 0.05). The selective alpha(1D)-AR antagonist 8-[2-[4-(methoxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl] ethyl]-8-azaspiro[4.5] decane-7,9-dione dihydrochloride (BMY- 7378) was approximate to 70- fold more potent against the contractions induced by phenylephrine in PRTA (pK(B) of approximate to 8.45; n = 6) than in DRTA (pK B of approximate to 6.58; n = 6), although the antagonism was complex in PRTA. 5-Methylurapidil, a selective alpha(1A)-antagonist, was equipotent in PRTA and DRTA (pK(B) of approximate to 8.4), but the Schild slope in DRTA was 0.73 +/- 0.05 ( n = 5). The noncompetitive alpha(1B)-antagonist conotoxin rho-TIA reduced the maximal contraction induced by phenylephrine in DRTA, but not in PRTA. These results indicate a predominant role for alpha(1A)-ARs in the contractions of both PRTA and DRTA but with significant coparticipations of alpha(1D)-ARs in PRTA and alpha(1B)-ARs in DRTA. Semiquantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction revealed that mRNA encoding alpha(1A)- and alpha(1B)-ARs are similarly distributed in PRTA and DRTA, whereas mRNA for alpha(1D)-ARs is twice more abundant in PRTA. Therefore, alpha(1)-ARs subtypes are differentially distributed along the tail artery. It is important to consider the segment from which the tissue preparation is taken to avoid misinterpretations on receptor mechanisms and drug selectivities. antagonism was complex in PRTA. 5- Methylurapidil, a selective alpha(1A)-antagonist, was equipotent in PRTA and DRTA (pK(B) of approximate to 8.4), but the Schild slope in DRTA was 0.73 +/- 0.05 ( n = 5). The noncompetitive alpha(1B)-antagonist conotoxin rho-TIA reduced the maximal contraction induced by phenylephrine in DRTA, but not in PRTA. These results indicate a predominant role for alpha(1A)-ARs in the contractions of both PRTA and DRTA but with significant coparticipations of alpha(1D)-ARs in PRTA and alpha(1B)-ARs in DRTA. Semiquantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction revealed that mRNA encoding alpha(1A)- and alpha(1B)- ARs are similarly distributed in PRTA and DRTA, whereas mRNA for alpha(1D)-ARs is twice more abundant in PRTA. Therefore, alpha(1)-ARs subtypes are differentially distributed along the tail artery. It is important to consider the segment from which the tissue preparation is taken to avoid misinterpretations on receptor mechanisms and drug selectivities.