984 resultados para Video observations


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In this paper, a new blind and readable H.264 compressed domain watermarking scheme is proposed in which the embedding/extracting is performed using the syntactic elements of the compressed bit stream. As a result, it is not necessary to fully decode a compressed video stream both in the embedding and extracting processes. The method also presents an inexpensive spatiotemporal analysis that selects the appropriate submacroblocks for embedding, increasing watermark robustness while reducing its impact on visual quality. Meanwhile, the proposed method prevents bit-rate increase and restricts it within an acceptable limit by selecting appropriate quantized residuals for watermark insertion. Regarding watermarking demands such as imperceptibility, bit-rate control, and appropriate level of security, a priority matrix is defined which can be adjusted based on the application requirements. The resulted flexibility expands the usability of the proposed method.


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The phenomenological mechanisms of passive intermodulation (PIM) in printed lines have been explored by mapping intermodulation products generated by the two-tone traveling waves in microstrip lines. Near-field probing based upon a commercial PIM analyzer has been employed for identification of the PIM sources in printed lines. The results of extensive near-field probing provide the direct experimental evidences of cumulative growth of the intermodulation products in the matched uniform microstrip lines and reveal the fundamental role of the nonlinear scattering by the lumped nonlinear inclusions in the intermodulation production. The distributed nature of the PIM generation in microstrip lines has been conclusively demonstrated and comprehensively described in terms of the four-wave mixing process that proved to be fully consistent with the results of experimental observations of third-order PIM products on the matched and mismatched microstrip lines. © 2006 IEEE.


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We present wide-field imaging of the 2007 outburst of Comet 17P/Holmes obtained serendipitously by SuperWASP-North on 17 nights over a 42-night period beginning on the night (2007 October 22-23) immediately prior to the outburst. Photometry of 17P's unresolved coma in SuperWASP data taken on the first night of the outburst is consistent with exponential brightening, suggesting that the rapid increase in the scattering cross-section of the coma could be largely due to the progressive fragmentation of ejected material produced on a very short time-scale at the time of the initial outburst, with fragmentation time-scales decreasing from tfrag ~ 2 × 103 to ~1 × 103 s over our observing period. Analysis of the expansion of 17P's coma reveals a velocity gradient suggesting that the outer coma was dominated by material ejected in an instantaneous, explosive manner. We find an expansion velocity at the edge of the dust coma of vexp = 0.55 +/- 0.02 kms -1 and a likely outburst date of t0 = 2007 October 23.3 +/- 0.3, consistent with our finding that the comet remained below SuperWASP's detection limit of mV ~ 15mag until at least 2007 October 23.3. Modelling of 17P's gas coma indicates that its outer edge, which was observed to extend past the outer dust coma, is best explained with a single pulse of gas production, consistent with our conclusions concerning the production of the outer dust coma.


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“Megan’s Law” in the United States and Part 1 of the Sex Offenders Act 1997 in the United Kingdom, make provision for the creation of a register which will record the names and addresses of all persons convicted or cautioned for a sexual offence. Arguments expounded in favour of the legislation include the supposedly high recidivism among sex offenders, the inadequacy of supervision provisions, and the resulting need to ‘track’ the dangerous offender for public protection. In practice, however, there are a plethora of obstacles, such as cost and inadequate policing resources, which may impede its effectiveness in aiding law enforcement and reduce it to symbolic significance only. In addition, there are an array of ethical objections to the legislation, such as it breaches civil liberties and constitutes ‘double jeopardy’, which may prevent meaningful imposition.


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Context. Hot-Jupiter planets must form at large separations from their host stars where the temperatures are cool enough for their cores to condense. They then migrate inwards to their current observed orbital separations. Different theories of how this migration occurs lead to varying distributions of orbital eccentricity and the alignment between the rotation axis of the star and the orbital axis of the planet. Aims: The spin-orbit alignment of a transiting system is revealed via the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, which is the anomaly present in the radial velocity measurements of the rotating star during transit due to the planet blocking some of the starlight. In this paper we aim to measure the spin-orbit alignment of the WASP-3 system via a new way of analysing the Rossiter-McLaughlin observations. Methods: We apply a new tomographic method for analysing the time variable asymmetry of stellar line profiles caused by the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect. This new method eliminates the systematic error inherent in previous methods used to analyse the effect. Results: We find a value for the projected stellar spin rate of v sin i = 13.9 ± 0.03 km s-1 which is in agreement with previous measurements but has a much higher precision. The system is found to be well aligned, with ? = 5-5+6° which favours an evolutionary history for WASP-3b involving migration through tidal interactions with a protoplanetary disc. From comparison with isochrones we put an upper limit on the age of the star of 2 Gyr.