985 resultados para Vernacular histories


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In this article, I consider the importance of epistolary narratives in the interface of autobiography and politics. In doing this, I read the letters of Fannia Mary Cohn, a Jewish immigrant worker, trade union activist and ardent labour organizer in the garment industry in the USA in the first half of the twentieth century. Cohn was a prolific writer and political activist and left a rich body of labour literature, but never wrote an autobiography or a diary or journal. It is in her letters to her comrades and friends in the labour movement that short autobiographical stories erupt and it is on such stories across her correspondence that this article focuses. The analysis is informed by Hannah Arendt’s theorization of narratives in their interrelation with politics and history. Drawing on a rich body of feminist literature around the relational self, what I argue is that an Arendtian reading of epistolary narratives is a useful analytical tool in understanding gendered politics in the diverse histories of the labour movement.


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This book chapter extends the argument constructed by Oakley in his conference paper ‘Containing gold: Institutional attempts to define and constrict the values of precious metal objects’ presented at ‘Itineraries of the Material’, a conference held at Goethe Universitaet, Frankfurt am Main in 2011. Oakley’s chapter investigates the social forces that define the identities, social pathways and physical movement of objects made of precious metal. It presents a case study in which constitutive substance rather than the conceptual object is the key driver behind the social trajectories of numerous artefacts and their reception by contemporary audiences. This supports the main contention of the book as a whole: the need to reconsider, and when necessary challenge, the dominance of the social biography of objects in the study of material culture. Oakley’s research used historical and ethnographic approaches, including three years’ of ethnographic field research in the jewellery industry. This included training as a precious metal assayer at the Birmingham Assay Office and observing the industry and public response to government proposals to abolish the hallmarking legislation. This fieldwork was augmented by archive, library and object collection research on the histories of assaying and goldsmithing. Oakley presents an analysis of the historical development and contemporary social relevance of hallmarking, a technological process that has never previously been subject to ethnographic study, yet is fundamental to one of the UK’s creative industries.


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When developmental vernacular practice is telescoped into industrial activity, the role played by construction workers in the honing of a craft is rapidly bypassed. An almost political act is required to maintain the contribution that the hand makes to the uniformity of result that is demanded by the standard classification of typologies of building and technique. Research into fabric formwork techniques conducted by Alan Chandler utilises the flexibility of the concrete mould to explore the meaning of the making ‘process’ and the workers’ role in relation to the formal ‘result’. Chandler’s ‘Wall One’ exemplifies the exploratory prototype and its potential for variety and the trace of the hand in making. The shift to a mass production typology involved in realising the 325,000 square-metre Heatherwick studio project in Shanghai, presented the problem of how to orchestrate the fabric into a fully industrialised process. Part of the research then became how to make the shift from play to profit - and can anything of craft survive the transition into the international development marketplace? Through managing the inherent variety available to the fabric itself, a fabric based formwork solution for realising a building at the scale of a landscape offered the Chinese form work maker the opportunity to be present within the results of a fully industrialised process – a ghost in the machine.


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This thesis investigates the use and significance of X-ray crystallographic visualisations of molecular structures in postwar British material culture across scientific practice and industrial design. It is based on research into artefacts from three areas: X-ray crystallographers’ postwar practices of visualising molecular structures using models and diagrams; the Festival Pattern Group scheme for the 1951 Festival of Britain, in which crystallographic visualisations formed the aesthetic basis of patterns for domestic objects; and postwar furnishings with a ‘ball-and-rod’ form and construction reminiscent of those of molecular models. A key component of the project is methodological. The research brings together subjects, themes and questions traditionally covered separately by two disciplines, the history of design and history of science. This focus necessitated developing an interdisciplinary set of methods, which results in the reassessment of disciplinary borders and productive cross-disciplinary methodological applications. This thesis also identifies new territory for shared methods: it employs network models to examine cross-disciplinary interaction between practitioners in crystallography and design, and a biographical approach to designed objects that over time became mediators of historical narratives about science. Artefact-based, archival and oral interviewing methods illuminate the production, use and circulation of the objects examined in this research. This interdisciplinary approach underpins the generation of new historical narratives in this thesis. It revises existing histories of the cultural transmissions between X-ray crystallography and the production and reception of designed objects in postwar Britain. I argue that these transmissions were more complex than has been acknowledged by historians: they were contingent upon postwar scientific and design practices, material conditions in postwar Britain and the dynamics of historical memory, both scholarly and popular. This thesis comprises four chapters. Chapter one explores X-ray crystallographers’ visualisation practices, conceived here as a form of craft. Chapter two builds on this, demonstrating that the Festival Pattern Group witnesses the encounter between crystallographic practice, design practice and aesthetic ideologies operating within social networks associated with postwar modernisms. Chapters three and four focus on ball-and-rod furnishings in postwar and present-day Britain, respectively. I contend that strong relationships between these designed objects and crystallographic visualisations, for example the appellation ‘atomic design’, have been largely realised through historical narratives active today in the consumption of ‘retro’ and ‘mid-century modern’ artefacts. The attention to contemporary historical narratives necessitates this dual historical focus: the research is rooted in the period from the end of the Second World War until the early 1960s, but extends to the history of now. This thesis responds to the need for practical research on methods for studying cross-disciplinary interactions and their histories. It reveals the effects of submitting historical subjects that are situated on disciplinary boundaries to interdisciplinary interpretation. Old models, such as that of unidirectional ‘influence’, subside and the resulting picture is a refracted one: this study demonstrates that the material form and meaning of crystallographic visualisations, within scientific practice and across their use and echoes in designed objects, are multiple and contingent.


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O sector da construção é responsável por muitos efeitos que são devastadores para o nosso mundo. A terra, como material de construção, proporciona edifícios com impactes incomensuravelmente menores no ambiente, do que os decorrentes da prática construtiva, hoje hegemónica. Trata-se, efectivamente, de uma matéria-prima ecológica, abundante e não tóxica. No entanto, todo o seu potencial de material para a construção de edifícios ambientalmente mais saudáveis é subaproveitado, quando não é complementado com todo um conjunto de procedimentos que intensifiquem a interacção sustentável entre o edifício e o ambiente. Há que saber aproveitar as disposições construtivas da arquitectura vernacular, complementando esse saber empírico, com os conhecimentos científicos e tecnológicos actualmente disponíveis. Desde logo na própria implantação, perfilhando uma perspectiva bioclimática que privilegie a adequação estreita do edifício às características climáticas da zona, em termos de sol, vento e água, e que vise a minimização quer do consumo de energia, quer da necessidade de existência de dispositivos mecânicos, ao mesmo tempo que assegura exigências de conforto. Terão que adoptar-se procedimentos abrangentes, que se incluem em quatro grandes grupos, designadamente: gestão energética, gestão da água, gestão de materiais, gestão de resíduos de construção e demolição. Esta pratica de construção ancestral utiliza uma matéria-prima ecológica, abundante e reutilizável, que possibilita ademais, um excelente comportamento térmico, designadamente através da inércia térmica que proporciona. Para além da beleza estética proporcionada, não contribuindo para a poluição visual que vai proliferando por aí, a construção em terra crua contribui também para a sensibilização dos utentes dos edifícios relativamente à implementação de preocupações ambientais na sua conduta, incentivando práticas diárias mais sustentáveis.


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Os sismos ocorridos nos últimos anos têm demonstrado um comportamento aceitável dos edifícios de pequeno porte, de alvenaria resistente confinada, que diversos estudos experimentais têm vindo a corroborar. No Algarve existe um tipo próprio de construção de pequeno porte, que embora constituindo uma profunda adulteração à construção vernacular, e tendo sido imposto por um impulso turístico pouco sustentado, se encontra abundantemente disseminado e que, por isso mesmo, constitui um conjunto suficientemente homogéneo para justificar uma análise de viabilidade de um processo construtivo. Neste trabalho, apresenta-se um estudo sobre a segurança estrutural de pequenas construções de alvenaria confinada, no enquadramento da referida tipologia e em conformidade com os materiais existentes na região. Procede-se a uma resumida caracterização tipológica dessas construções correntes e apresentam-se os resultados de alguns ensaios experimentais de alvenarias. Com base na tipologia construtiva e nos resultados experimentais, realizaram-se análises sísmicas (numéricas) de uma construção, tendo em vista a verificação da segurança no contexto dos Eurocódigos 6 e 8. Comparam-se, ainda, os resultados obtidos com alvenaria confinada (com elementos confinantes de betão armado), com os de estrutura reticulada em betão armado de baixa ductilidade (com alvenaria de preenchimento não resistente), para a mesma acção. Como consequência, alvitram-se algumas recomendações, visando a optimização dos processos construtivos, de que, eventualmente, as empresas regionais poderão usufruir, aquando da próxima entrada em vigor dos Eurocódigos Estruturais.


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Versão em português do artigo submetido com o título “Towards Integrating Rural Vernacular Settlements in Urban Regions: A study of Algarve, Portugal” ao ISVS e-­‐journal em Abril de 2011.


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O que é o vernacular em termos de arquitectura de terra e como registar religiosamente as circulações do social? Do rótulo de época ao modo de fazer, do caco adjectivado à ruína não legendada, museologias e ontologias em debate face a um descritor Islâmico reivindicado como referencial de facto – Alcorão e Tradição – no que respeita à cultura material dos vernáculos em causa. Abrindo a caixa negra da arquitectura de terra em Portugal com recurso à teoria actor-rede, da lei na especialidade à espacialidade da lei, do enclave devoluto à argamassa da recolecção, intentada a ligação em conectividade Islâmica no campo – Mértola, Fuzeta, Portimão e Fermentelos – da exposição cosmopolítica, ainda e sobretudo pelas contingências de uma antropologia engatada num quotidiano indexado a um Algarve estendido peninsularmente como Ocidente do Andaluz.


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DIscussion of how the Hebrew literary language developed and how it is used to create a reality.