999 resultados para Tail suspension test
kuv., 10 x 15 cm
kuv., 8 x 15 cm
kuv., 10 x 15 cm
kuv., 10 x 15 cm
OBJETIVO: correlacionar as queixas de incontinência urinária de esforço e os resultados da aplicação do pad test de uma hora em mulheres na pré e pós-menopausa. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal, composto por 60 voluntárias na pós-menopausa, divididas em dois grupos: um com 34 mulheres com queixa de perda involuntária de urina aos esforços, outro com 26 mulheres sem queixas de perda de urina aos esforços. Há também a presença de um Grupo Controle composto por 15 mulheres na pré-menopausa, com ciclo menstrual normal e sem queixas urinárias. Todas as mulheres foram avaliadas quanto à clínica e laboratorialmente, e submetidas ao pad test por uma hora. A paciente foi considerada incontinente quando o peso do absorvente após o teste foi maior do que 1 g. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à estatística descritiva, ao teste paramétrico ANOVA, ao pós-teste de Turkey e à correlação de Pearson. RESULTADOS: todas as mulheres na pós-menopausa apresentaram incontinência urinária de esforço durante o pad test, tanto as que referiram perda urinária (4 g), como as sem perda urinária prévia (3,5 g). Nessas mulheres, observou-se uma forte correlação das perdas de urina com o tempo de menopausa (r=0,8; p<0,01) e com o índice de massa corpórea (IMC) (r=0,7; p= 0,01). As mulheres na pré-menopausa mantiveram-se continentes durante o pad test (0,4 g). CONCLUSÕES: os resultados obtidos com a aplicação do pad test de uma hora mostraram que todas as mulheres na pós-menopausa apresentavam incontinência urinária de esforço, inclusive aquelas que não apresentavam queixa de perda de urina aos esforços. Essa perda de urina correlaciona-se com o tempo de menopausa e com o IMC.
O "California Mastitis Test" (CMT) estima o conteúdo de células somáticas no leite e é interpretado subjetivamente, estabelecendo-se escores que, na maioria dos casos, variam de 1 a 5. O escore 1 indica uma reação completamente negativa e os de 2-5 indicam graus crescentes de resposta inflamatória do úbere, sendo normalmente considerados como indicativos de mastite subclínica. Dependendo da interpretação dos escores, o CMT pode produzir resultados falso-positivos ou falso-negativos. Esse trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar a sensibilidade e a especificidade do CMT em relação à contagem de células somáticas (CCS). Foram utilizadas 3.012 amostras de leite provenientes de 760 vacas Holandesas ou mestiças Holandês-Zebu, pertencentes a 15 rebanhos. Todas as amostras foram submetidas ao CMT e processadas para CCS em equipamento Fossomatic 90. Os valores médios de CCS (x 1.000 células/ml) obtidos para os escores de CMT foram 1 (79,9), 2 (333,5), 3 (670,3), 4 (1.354,0) e 5 (4.455,6). Três opções de interpretação (doente/não-doente) para o CMT foram testadas, em relação aos valores de CCS, iniciando com 100.000 células/ml: (a) 1 versus 2, 3, 4, e 5; (b) 1 e 2 versus 3, 4 e 5; (c) 1, 2, 3 versus 4 e 5. As sensibilidades do CMT em identificar corretamente quartos mamários acima de 200.000 células/ml foram 79%, 61% e 34%, para as opções a, b e c, respectivamente. Para identificar corretamente contagens acima de 500.000 células/ml, as sensibilidades do CMT, para as opções a, b e c, foram, respectivamente: 93%, 82% e 54%. A sensibilidade do CMT em identificar quartos mamários com mastite subclínica foi adequada (acima de 80%) quando a interpretação do teste foi mais rigorosa (opções a e b). A interpretação da reação 3 como negativa (opção c) só alcançou sensibilidade de 80% para contagens entre 1.200.000 e 1.400.000 células/ml. As especificidades do CMT, para CCS de 200.000 e 500.000 foram, respectivamente, 90% e 80% (opção a), 97% e 90% (opção b) e 99% e 97% (opção c).
A rapid conglutination test (RCT) with performance comparable to the indirect fluorescent antibody technique (IFAT) was developed to detect antibodies against Babesia bigemina (B. bigemina-RCT). The B. bigemina-RCT is a sensitive, specific, economical, and rapidly performed serological test suitable for field application or minimally equipped laboratories. This test had a sensitivity of 90.9%, and specificity of 97.6%, compared to IFAT, which showed for the same parameters respectively, 98.3% and 99.7%. The early detection of anti- B. bigemina immunoglobulins by RCT in experimental infections was nearly parallel to that of IFAT. Cross reactions were observed with sera from calves experimentally infected with Babesia bovis (1.8%) and with Anaplasma marginale (1.2%). RCT antigen prepared with non parasitized erythrocytes (negative antigen) showed 1.5%, 3.5% and 2.2% of positive reactions with sera from animals experimentally infected with B. bigemina, B. bovis and A. marginale. However, none of the sera from animals of endemic areas for babesia infection resulted in positive reactions with the negative antigen. Considering these results and shelf life over six months, the B. bigemina-RCT could be used for epidemiological surveys and evaluation of control measures against this species of Babesia.
Multibody simulation model of the roller test rig is presented in this work. The roller test rig consists of a paper machine’s tube roll supported with a hard bearing type balancing machine. The simulation model includes non-idealities that are measured from the physical structure. These non-idealities are the shell thickness variation of the roll and roundness errors of the shafts of the roll. These kinds of non-idealities are harmful since they can cause subharmonic resonances of the rotor system. In this case, the natural vibration mode of the rotor is excited when the rotation speed is a fraction of the natural frequency of the system. With the simulation model, the half critical resonance is studied in detail and a sensitivity analysis is performed by simulating several analyses with slightly different input parameters. The model is verified by comparing the simulation results with those obtained by measuring the real structure. Comparison shows that good accuracy is achieved, since equivalent responses are achieved within the error limit of the input parameters.
The study determined the sensitivity and specificity of the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and modified agglutination test (MAT) for anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibody detection by analyzing sera from 46 experimentally infected pigs. Values for sensitivity were 95.7% (confidence interval 95%: 84.0-99.2%) and for specificity 97.8% (confidence interval 95%: 87.0-99.9%) in both tests. There was an optimum agreement of results between IFAT and MAT evidenced by a Kappa test of 0.86. These results validate these tests for the detection of T. gondii infection in pigs. IFAT and MAT despite methodologies with different characteristics and readings have similar accuracy in pig serum samples.
The thesis is related to the topic of image-based characterization of fibers in pulp suspension during the papermaking process. Papermaking industry is focusing on process control optimization and automatization, which makes it possible to manufacture highquality products in a resource-efficient way. Being a part of the process control, pulp suspension analysis allows to predict and modify properties of the end product. This work is a part of the tree species identification task and focuses on analysis of fiber parameters in the pulp suspension at the wet stage of paper production. The existing machine vision methods for pulp characterization were investigated, and a method exploiting direction sensitive filtering, non-maximum suppression, hysteresis thresholding, tensor voting, and curve extraction from tensor maps was developed. Application of the method to the microscopic grayscale pulp images made it possible to detect curves corresponding to fibers in the pulp image and to compute their morphological characteristics. Performance of the method was evaluated based on the manually produced ground truth data. An accuracy of fiber characteristics estimation, including length, width, and curvature, for the acacia pulp images was found to be 84, 85, and 60% correspondingly.
Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) is a member of the group 2 of the Coronavirus (Nidovirales: Coronaviridae) and the causative agent of enteritis in both calves and adult bovine, as well as respiratory disease in calves. The present study aimed to develop a semi-nested RT-PCR for the detection of BCoV based on representative up-to-date sequences of the nucleocapsid gene, a conserved region of coronavirus genome. Three primers were designed, the first round with a 463bp and the second (semi-nested) with a 306bp predicted fragment. The analytical sensitivity was determined by 10-fold serial dilutions of the BCoV Kakegawa strain (HA titre: 256) in DEPC treated ultra-pure water, in fetal bovine serum (FBS) and in a BCoV-free fecal suspension, when positive results were found up to the 10-2, 10-3 and 10-7 dilutions, respectively, which suggests that the total amount of RNA in the sample influence the precipitation of pellets by the method of extraction used. When fecal samples was used, a large quantity of total RNA serves as carrier of BCoV RNA, demonstrating a high analytical sensitivity and lack of possible substances inhibiting the PCR. The final semi-nested RT-PCR protocol was applied to 25 fecal samples from adult cows, previously tested by a nested RT-PCR RdRp used as a reference test, resulting in 20 and 17 positives for the first and second tests, respectively, and a substantial agreement was found by kappa statistics (0.694). The high sensitivity and specificity of the new proposed method and the fact that primers were designed based on current BCoV sequences give basis to a more accurate diagnosis of BCoV-caused diseases, as well as to further insights on protocols for the detection of other Coronavirus representatives of both Animal and Public Health importance.
The study aimed to evaluate tear production by means of modified Schirmer tear tes-1 (mSTT-1) in neonate cats. Likewise, correlation between mSTT-1 and STT-1 was assessed in vitro. Standard SST strips were cut in half and after eye lid opening, tear production of neonates (n=15) was daily measured in both eyes (mSTT-1), until the 7th day, and at day 14, 21, and 28. Animals were daily weighted until 28 days of age. Results were compared statistically (P<0.05). During the first 7 days, the overall mSTT-1 mean was 0.76 wetting/minute. Significant differences between right and left eyes were not observed at any time point (P=1.00). Tear secretion increased significantly, from the 14th to 28th day, in comparison with 7 first days (P<0.05). Positive correlation between maturity parameters and tear secretion was observed (P<0.0001). Distance between slopes of each strip changed significantly (P<0.0001). It was concluded that tear secretion in the neonatal period of cats is very below the reference values described for young and adults of the same species. It is not possible to extrapolate results obtained with mSTT-1 to standard STT-1.
The present study assessed the association of tail-biting lesions in finishing pigs with weight gain, occurrence of locomotion or respiratory disorders and abscesses during finishing period, and carcass condemnation at slaughter. The study was carried out on 4 different farms. For each animal with a tail biting lesion, two control pigs were selected. The total number of animals in the study was 312, with 104 of them being tail-bitten. Tail lesions were classified according to the degree of severity into four scores: score 0 -normal tail withou lesion; score 1-3 - increasing lesion severity, and score 4 - healed lesions. Overall, the occurrence of severe tail lesions (score 3) varied from 55 to 73% of tail-bitten pigs among farms. On all farms, healing of tail lesions was observed in 95% to 100% of the animals at the evaluation performed within 41-43 days after the commencement of the study. In two out of the four evaluated farms, pigs with score of 3 showed lower weight gain (P<0.05) compared with score 0 pigs. Before slaughter, the occurrence of locomotion problems and nodules/abscesses was associated (P<0.05) with the presence of tail-biting lesions. At slaughter, tail-biting lesions were associated (P<0.05) with the presence of abscesses, lung lesions (pleuritis and embolic pneumonia) or arthritis in carcasses. Carcass condemnation was associated with the presence of tail-biting lesions (P<0.05). Overall, carcass condemnation rate was 21.4%, of which animals with tail-biting lesions accounted for 66.7% of condemnations. Among the animals diagnosed with cannibalism at farm level, only two had not healed their lesions at slaughter. The fact that there were a lot of carcass condemnations, despite the fact that tail-bitten animals had no more active lesions, suggests that different situations may be observed between the field and slaughter, reinforcing the need to analyze pigs both at farm and slaughter to allow proper assessment of losses related to tail biting. Collectively, the observations of the present study show that complications associated with tail-biting found in slaughterhouses are probably underestimating field prevalence.
Haemonchus contortus is one of the most common and economically significant causes of disease in small ruminants worldwide, and the control programs of parasitic nematodes - including H. contortus - rely mostly on the use of anthelmintic drugs. The consequence of the use of this, as the sole sanitary strategy to avoid parasite infections, was the reduction of the efficacy of all chemotherapeutic products with a heavy selection for resistance. The widespread of anthelmintic resistance and the difficulty of its early diagnosis has been a major concern for the sustainable parasite management on farms. The objective of this research was to determine and compare the ivermectin (IVM) and moxidectin (MOX) effect in a selected field strain of H. contortus with a known resistance status, using the in vitro larval migration on agar test (LMAT). Third stage larvae of the selected isolate were obtained from faecal cultures of experimentally infected sheep and incubated in eleven increasing diluted concentrations of IVM and MOX (6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, 384, 768, 1536, 3072 and 6144µg/mL). The dose-response sigmoidal curves were obtained using the R² value of >0.90 and the lethal concentration (LC50) dose for the tested anthelmintic drugs using a four-parameter logistic model. The LC50 value for MOX was significantly lower than IVM (1.253µg/mL and 91.06µg/mL), identifying the H. contortus isolate as considerably less susceptible to IVM compared to MOX. Furthermore, the LMAT showed a high consistency (p<0.0001) and provided to be a useful diagnostic tool for monitoring the resistance status of IVM and MOX in H. contortus field isolate, as well as it may be used for official routine drug monitoring programs under the Ministry of Agriculture (MAPA) guidance.