1000 resultados para TOAC spin label


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Three assays were carried out to determine the digestible methionine+cystine (Met+Cys) requirement for ISA Label broilers from both sexes. The birds were reared in free range system on starting phase (1 to 28 days), growing phase (28 to 56 days) and finishing phase (56 to 84 days). Four hundred and eighty birds were distributed into 24 pens, each one composed of shelter (3.13 m(2)) and pasture (72.87 m(2)). The experimental design was completely randomized with eight treatments as factorial arrangement (four Met+Cys levels and two sexes) with three replicates of 20 birds. The digestible Met+Cys levels were 0.532; 0.652; 0.772; 0.892% for starting phase; 0.515; 0.635; 0.755; 0.875% for growing phase and 0.469; 0.589; 0.709; 0.829% for finishing phase. The analyzed parameters were performance, carcass yield, body protein and fat deposition, weight and protein concentration in feathers. In the starting phase, the digestible Met+Cys level estimated for males was 0.765 and 0.803% for females, corresponding to 0.252 and 0.268% of Met+Cys/Mcal of ME, respectively. For the growing phase, the digestible Met+Cys level estimated was 0.716% for both sexes, corresponding to 0.235% of Met+Cys/Mcal of ME. For the finishing phase, the Met+Cys levels were 0.756 and 0.597% for males and females, corresponding to 0.244 and 0.193% of Met+Cys/Mcal of ME respectively.


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O objetivo neste estudo foi avaliar diferentes modelos ajustados às respostas de ganho de peso obtidas em experimento com aves da linhagem ISA Label no período de 1 a 28 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 480 pintos de ambos os sexos, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 4 X 2 (níveis de lisina X sexo), com três repetições, com 20 aves por unidade experimental. Uma ração basal foi formulada para atender às exigências das aves, exceto em lisina. Essa ração foi suplementada com L-lisina HCl em substituição ao ácido L-glutâmico, resultando em rações experimentais isonitrogênicas e isoenergéticas contendo 0,85; 0,97; 1,09 e 1,21% de lisina digestível. As respostas de ganho de peso foram ajustadas de acordo com os níveis de lisina da ração pelos modelos Linear Reponse Plateau (LRP), segmentado de duas inclinações, polinomial quadrático e exponencial. A primeira intersecção da equação quadrática com o platô do LRP também foi utilizado para estimar o nível ótimo. Os níveis de lisina digestível estimados pelos modelos LRP, segmentado e quadrático, foram 0,999; 1,010 e 1,116%, respectivamente. Na combinação do modelo quadrático com o LRP, a estimativa da exigência de lisina digestível foi de 1,041%. O modelo exponencial proporcionou estimativa de 1,066%, considerando 95% da resposta assintótica. Com base nos custos com alimentação, esse mesmo modelo gerou estimativas de 1,000 e 1,030% quando o custo do quilograma de L-lisina HCl foi R$ 8,50 e R$ 6,50, respectivamente. Considerando as limitações de cada um dos modelos propostos, o procedimento para estimar as exigências de lisina digestível pela primeira intersecção da equação quadrática com o platô do LRP foi o mais adequado para melhorar o ganho de peso das aves quando variáveis econômicas não foram consideradas.


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Foram realizados três ensaios para determinar os níveis nutricionais de fósforo disponível (Pd) para machos e fêmeas da linhagem ISA Label nas fases inicial (1 a 28 dias), crescimento (28 a 56 dias) e final (56 a 84 dias) criadas em semiconfinamento. em cada ensaio, 480 aves com idade correspondente à fase de criação foram alojadas em 24 unidades experimentais contendo áreas de abrigo e de pastejo. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4 × 2 (níveis de Pd e sexos) com três repetições de 20 aves. Os níveis de fósforo disponível avaliados foram: 0,25; 0,36; 0,47 e 0,58% na fase inicial; 0,18; 0,31; 0,44 e 0,57% na fase de crescimento; e 0,14; 0,27; 0,40 e 0,53% na fase final. Foram avaliados o ganho de peso, consumo de ração, consumo de Pd, conversão alimentar, teores de fósforo, cálcio e cinzas na tíbia e resistência à quebra óssea. de acordo com os resultados, o nível ótimo de Pd na ração na fase inicial, para machos e fêmeas são de 0,39 e 0,49%, que correspondem ao consumo de 3,94 e 3,96 g de Pd/ave, respectivamente. Para a fase de crescimento, recomenda-se 0,35% de Pd na ração para aves de ambos os sexos, que correspondem a consumo de 8,45 e 6,70 g de Pd/ave. Na fase final, recomendam-se os níveis de 0,32 e 0,30% de Pd, que correspondem a consumos de 12 e 9,5 g de Pd/ave para machos e fêmeas, respectivamente.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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We studied the spin waves modes that can propagate in magnetic multilayers composed of ferromagnetic metallic films in the nanometer scale. The ferromagnetic films (iron) are separated and coupled through the nonmagnetic spacer films (chromium). The films that make up the multilayer are stacked in a quasiperiodic pattern, following the Fibonacci and double period sequences. We used a phenomenological theory taking into account: the Zeeman energy (between the ferromagnetic films and the external magnetic field), the energy of the magneto-crystalline anisotropy (present in the ferromagnetic films), the energy of the bilinear and biquadratic couplings (between the ferromagnetic films) and the energy of the dipole-dipole interaction (between the ferromagnetic films), to describe the system. The total magnetic energy of the system is numerically minimized and the equilibrium angles of the magnetization of each ferromagnetic film are determined. We solved the equation of motion of the multilayer to find the dispersion relation for the system and, as a consequence, the spin waves modes frequencies. Our theoretical results show that, in the case of trilayers (Fe/Cr/Fe), our model reproduces with excellent agreement experimental results of Brillouin light scattering, known from the literature, by adjusting the physical parameters of the nanofilms. Furthermore, we generalize the model to N ferromagnetic layers which allowed us to determine how complex these systems become when we increase the number of components. It is worth noting that our theoretical calculations generalize all the results known from the literature


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In this paper we investigate the spectra of band structures and transmittance in magnonic quasicrystals that exhibit the so-called deterministic disorders, specifically, magnetic multilayer systems, which are built obeying to the generalized Fibonacci (only golden mean (GM), silver mean (SM), bronze mean (BM), copper mean (CM) and nickel mean (NM) cases) and k-component Fibonacci substitutional sequences. The theoretical model is based on the Heisenberg Hamiltonian in the exchange regime, together with the powerful transfer matrix method, and taking into account the RPA approximation. The magnetic materials considered are simple cubic ferromagnets. Our main interest in this study is to investigate the effects of quasiperiodicity on the physical properties of the systems mentioned by analyzing the behavior of spin wave propagation through the dispersion and transmission spectra of these structures. Among of these results we detach: (i) the fragmentation of the bulk bands, which in the limit of high generations, become a Cantor set, and the presence of the mig-gap frequency in the spin waves transmission, for generalized Fibonacci sequence, and (ii) the strong dependence of the magnonic band gap with respect to the parameters k, which determines the amount of different magnetic materials are present in quasicrystal, and n, which is the generation number of the sequence k-component Fibonacci. In this last case, we have verified that the system presents a magnonic band gap, whose width and frequency region can be controlled by varying k and n. In the exchange regime, the spin waves propagate with frequency of the order of a few tens of terahertz (THz). Therefore, from a experimental and technological point of view, the magnonic quasicrystals can be used as carriers or processors of informations, and the magnon (the quantum spin wave) is responsible for this transport and processing


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We propose and demonstrate the sequential initialization, optical control, and readout of a single spin trapped in a semiconductor quantum dot. Hole spin preparation is achieved through ionization of a resonantly excited electron-hole pair. Optical control is observed as a coherent Rabi rotation between the hole and charged-exciton states, which is conditional on the initial hole spin state. The spin-selective creation of the charged exciton provides a photocurrent readout of the hole spin state.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We solve the generalized relativistic harmonic oscillator in 1+1 dimensions, i.e., including a linear pseudoscalar potential and quadratic scalar and vector potentials which have equal or opposite signs. We consider positive and negative quadratic potentials and discuss in detail their bound-state solutions for fermions and antifermions. The main features of these bound states are the same as the ones of the generalized three-dimensional relativistic harmonic oscillator bound states. The solutions found for zero pseudoscalar potential are related to the spin and pseudospin symmetry of the Dirac equation in 3+1 dimensions. We show how the charge conjugation and gamma(5) chiral transformations relate the several spectra obtained and find that for massless particles the spin and pseudospin symmetry-related problems have the same spectrum but different spinor solutions. Finally, we establish a relation of the solutions found with single-particle states of nuclei described by relativistic mean-field theories with scalar, vector, and isoscalar tensor interactions and discuss the conditions in which one may have both nucleon and antinucleon bound states.


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The Klein - Gordon and the Dirac equations with vector and scalar potentials are investigated under a more general condition, V-v = V-s + constant. These isospectral problems are solved in the case of squared trigonometric potential functions and bound states for either particles or antiparticles are found. The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are discussed in some detail. It is revealed that a spin-0 particle is better localized than a spin-1/2 particle when they have the same mass and are subjected to the same potentials.