992 resultados para Storage Temperature


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'Douradão' peach is a perishable product and when cold stored is subject to chilling injury. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and cold storage on quality and storage life of these peaches. Fruits were packed in polypropylene (PP) trays and placed inside low density polyethylene (LDPE) bags (30, 50, 60, 75 μm thickness) with active modified atmosphere (10 kPa CO2 + 1.5kPa O2, balance N2). The control was made with peaches held in nonwrapped PP trays. Fruits were kept at 1 ± 1 °C and 90 ± 5% relative humidity (RH) for 28 days and CO2 and O2 within packages was monitored every two days. After 14, 21 and 28 days, samples were withdrawn from MAP and kept in air at 25 ± 1 °C and 90 ± 5% RH for ripening. On the day of removal from the cold storage and after 4 days, peaches were evaluated for weight loss, decay incidence, flesh firmness, woolliness incidence, soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA) and juice content. The results showed that MAP had influence on reducing weight loss and prevented postharvest decay. MAP of 1-2 kPa O2 and 3-6 kPa CO2 at 1 °C (from 50 and 60 μm LDPE films) were effective for keeping good quality of 'Douradão' peaches during 28 days of storage, the ripe fruits showed reduced incidence of woolliness, adequate juiciness and flesh firmness. Packages of 30 and 75 μm LDPE films were ineffective for reducing woolliness during cold storage. MAP fruits showed lower SSC and no relevant effect on TA. Control fruits did not present marketable conditions after 14 days of cold storage.


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Tehokkaimpia keinoja vähentää rakennusten lämmitysenergian kulutusta ja lämmityksen aiheuttavia hiilidioksidi- ja happamoitavia päästöjä on tiukentaa rakentamismääräysten lämmöneristysvaatimuksia. Hyvin lämmöneristetyissä, tiiveissä ja ilmanvaihdoltaan optimoiduissa taloissa on pienet lämpöhäviöt. Näin ympäristöä kuormittava vaikutus saadaan paljon vähemmäksi kuin nykynormien mukaisissa asuinrakennuksissa. Johtumislämpöhäviö pienenee suoraan eristekerroksia paksuntamalla ja siihen on helpointa vaikuttaa. Mitä suurempiin eristepaksuuksiin mennään sen suuremmaksi tulee konvektion osuus kokonaislämpöhäviöstä. Tulevaisuudessa parempia ratkaisuja haetaan erityisesti konvektiosta ja säteilystä aiheutuvien lämpöhäviöiden pienentämiseksi. Eristeen osastointi ilmanpitävillä, vesihöyryä diffuusisesti läpäisevillä pystysuuntaisilla konvektiokatkoilla vähentää tehokkaasti paksun seinäeristeen kuljettumis-ilmavirtauksia. Katkoina käytetään erilaisia kalvoja ja rakennuspapereita, joilla on pieni emissiviteetti. Katkojen merkitys kasvaa, kun mennään uusien normien mukaisiin eristepaksuuksiin. Lämmöneriste voidaan toteuttaa myös kokoamalla ohuita kalvoja paketiksi, jotka jakavat ilmatilan ja siis eristeelle varatun paksuuden suljettuihin ilmaväleihin. Kun kalvoiksi valitaan pieniemissiviteettisiä pintoja, saadaan säteilylämmönsiirto lähes eliminoiduksi. Tällaisen ilmatilan lämmönjohtumisluku lähestyy paikallaan pysyvän ilman lämmönjohtumislukua, l = 0,025 W/Km, eli tällä rakennesysteemillä on mahdollista toteuttaa ohuempia rakenteita kuin perinteisillä eristeillä. Hygroskooppisen massan käyttö sisäilman kosteutta tasaavana rakenteena voi olla tulevaisuutta. Kehitystyö tuottaa uusia, kosteusteknisesti toimivia sovelluksia. Toisaalta palomääräykset tulevat kehitystyötä vastaan. Hygroskooppinen pintamateriaali on kevyt (pieni tiheys) ja paloteknisesti arka. Suoraa sähkölämmitystä ei voida pitää ympäristöystävällisenä. Sen jalostusketju on pitkä ja monivaiheinen. Millä peruspolttoaineella sähköä tuotetaan, vaikuttaa asiaan luonnollisestikin. Suoraa sähkölämmitystä voidaan suositella vain yksinäisen ihmisen taloudessa lämmitysmuotona taloudellisista syistä. Halvan polttoaineen säästöllä ei voida maksaa suuria laiteinvestointeja. Aurinkoenergian hyvä hyödyntäminen edellyttää hyvää säätöä, joka kytkee lämmityksen pois päältä silloin, kun aurinko lämmittää. Auringon hetkelliset säteilytehot ovat suuria verrattuna rakenteen lämpöhäviöihin ja huonetilojen lämmöntarpeeseen. Ratkaisu aurinkoenergian hetkellisyyteen ja paikallisuuteen on energian siirtäminen lämmöntarpeen mukaan rakennuksen eri osiin ja sen varastoiminen päivätasolla. Kun varastoivasta massasta ei ole suoraa yhteyttä ulos, voidaan kerääjäeristeeltä saatu lämpö käyttää häviöttömästi huonetilojen lämmittämiseen. Vaikka lämmitysenergian käytössä päästään 30 % vähennyksiin uudisrakennusten osalta, ei kokonaisenergian käyttö merkittävästi pienene, jos taloussähkön kulutus pysyy vakiona. Sama pätee myös CO2 -päästöihin. Saavutettava etu lämmitys-energian kulutuksessa voidaan hukata yhä suurenevaksi taloussähkön käytöksi, mikä olisi erityisen huono asia ympäristön kannalta.


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Mortality from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) exhibits seasonal variation. For example, 30% more deaths occurred in winter compared to summer in a multicountry study [1]. The effect of cold temperature on several CVD risk factors and on seasonal influenza infection may partially underlie this seasonal variation [2] and [3]. However an unexplained paradox has been observed: seasonality in CVD mortality is larger in temperate mid-latitude countries (e.g. Portugal) than in colder northern countries (e.g. Scandinavian countries) [1]. This paradox has also been previously observed in Europe for overall mortality, and it may relate to uneven proportions between countries of people who are unable to adequately protect themselves against cold due to low socio-economic status (SES), e.g. inadequate clothing, housing insulation and heating systems [4] and [5]. We hypothesized that the seasonal variability in CVD mortality is larger in low socio-economic U.S. states experiencing mild winters compared to high socio-economic states experiencing cold winters.


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We studied the reproductive cycle of the sea urchin Arbacia lixula in a subtidal population from northeast Spain over four years using a gonadosomatic index (GSI) and gonad histology. Our results show that the GSI of A. lixula follows a seasonal cycle which peaks in May-July and attains its lowest values in October-November every year. The time course of the GSI matched closely the photoperiod cycle. We also found a remarkable inter-annual variability in the maximum value of GSI, which correlated with mean water temperature during the gonad growth period (winter and spring). Gonad histology was also in agreement with a single gametogenic cycle per year in this species. We explored the application of circular statistics to present and analyse gonadal development data, which allowed us to adequately handle the high intra-individual variability detected, with several developmental stages commonly found within the same gonad. The picture that emerged is one of a gametogenic timing driven by photoperiod, while the amount of reproductive output is determined by temperature. This is coherent with the tropical origin of the species and lends support to recent warnings about an increase in the abundance of this species in the Mediterranean as a result of global warming, with associated increased impact potential in sublittoral communities.


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The citrus nursery tree is produced through the bud grafting process, in which rootstock is usually grown from seed germination. The objective of this research was to evaluate, in two dissimilar environmental conditions, the viability and polyembryony expression of five citrus rootstocks seeds stored in different periods under refrigeration. The rootstock varieties evaluated were: Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia Osb. cv. Limeira), Trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata Raf. cv. Limeira), Citrumelo (P. trifoliata x C. paradisi Macf. cv. Swingle), Sunki mandarin (C. sunki Hort. ex Tanaka) and Volkamer lemon (C. volkameriana Ten. & Pasq. cv. Catania 2). The experimental design was the randomized blocks in a 11 x 5 x 2 factorial scheme, evaluating from time zero to the tenth month of storage, the five varieties of rootstock in two environments: germination and growth B.O.D type chamber (Biological Oxygen Demand - Eletrolab Brand Model FC 122) at 25 °C; and greenhouse seedbed with partial temperature control (22 °C to 36 °C) and humidity control (75-85%). The plot had 24 seeds in four replicates, using trays with substrate in greenhouse and Petri dishes with filter paper in B.O.D. chamber. The seed germination rate and polyembryony expression were evaluated monthly. It was concluded that Trifoliate and Citrumelo Swingle seeds can be stored for up to seven months, while Volkamer lemon, Rangpur lime and Sunki seeds can be stored for up to ten months. The polyembryony expression rate was slightly higher when measured in greenhouse than in B.O.D. chamber and remained stable in both environments until the seventh month, from which dropped sharply. Citrumelo Swingle seeds expressed the highest polyembryony rate (18.8%), followed by Rangpur lime and Volkamer lemon (average value of 13.7%), Sunki (9.4%) and Trifoliate (3.2%). Despite some differences among varieties, the viability of rootstock stored seeds can be monitored either in the greenhouse or in B.O.D. germination chamber, the latter being the faster and more suitable method.


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Tämän työn tarkoituksena on tarkastella tulevaisuuden kehitysnäkymien vaikutusta Vaasan kaukolämpötoimintaan. Komartekin Flowra 32 verkostolaskentaohjelman avulla tutkitaan kaukolämpöverkon siirtokykyä nykyisissä ja tulevaisuuden kuormitustilanteissa. Työn yhteydessä laaditaan kaukolämmityksen kasvuennuste seuraavalle kymmenelle vuodelle ja selvitetään mitoituslämpötilaa -29°C vastaava teho tilastollisen analyysin avulla. Lisäksi tutkitaan mahdollisia ratkaisuja huippu- ja varatehon tuottamiseksi. Tarkastelun kohteena on myös lämmön lyhytaikaisvarastoinnin kannattavuus energianhankintajärjestelmässä. Kaukolämpöverkon siirtokyky on tarkastelun perusteella kohtalaisen hyvä, mutta liittymistehojen kasvaessa paine-erot verkon häntäpäässä jäävät liian alhaisiksi. Paras ratkaisu paine-ero ongelmaan on rakentaa välipumppaamo Hovioikeudenpuistoon. Tarkastelun perusteella kaukolämmön varatehon lisätarve on kymmenen vuoden kuluttua noin 40 MW ja varatehoksi on kannattavinta rakentaa raskasta polttoöljyä käyttävä lämpökeskus. Lämmön lyhytaikaisvarastointi on nykyisillä energianhinnoilla kohtalaisen kannattavaa varsinkin, jos Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriö myöntää hankkeelle täyden 30%:n investointiavustuksen.


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Lattialaminaatti on kerrosrakenteinen levymateriaali. Tässä työssä tutkittiin laminaatin epäsymmetrisen kerrosrakenteen aiheuttamaa taipumusta käyristymiseen. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää lattialaminaatin käyristymän hallintaan käytettävää taustapaperia niin, että käyristymää ei tapahtuisi tai käyristymä olisi lievästi alapintaa kohden heti puristuksen jälkeen ja säilyisi samanlaisena varastoinnissa. Kehityksessä huomioitiin taustan ulkonäkö. Taustapapereita valmistettiin sekä pilot- että tuotantomittakaavassa. Lisäksi työssä tutkittiin laminointiolosuhteiden vaikutusta lattialaminaatin käyristymään. Työn kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään lattialaminaatin valmistusta huomioiden ulkonäköön vaikuttavat tekijät sekä lattialaminaatin käyristymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä.Lattialaminaatin käyristymään vaikuttavat laminointiolosuhteet. Puulevyä vasten puristettavat kalvot kutistuvat laminoinnissa, erityisesti puristuslämpötilan kasvaessa. Laminaatin puristuksen jälkeinen käyristymä määräytyy lähinnä ylä- ja alapinnan kalvojen kutistuman erolla.Lattialaminaatin käyristymään varastoinnissa vaikuttaa ylä- ja alapinnan kalvojen dimensiostabiliteettikerroin. Yläpinnan kalvon dimensiostabiliteetti on huonompi kuin alapinnan, jolloin yläpinnan kalvo kutistuu enemmän kuivissa olosuhteissa käyristäen samalla laminaattia positiiviseen suuntaan.Taustapaperin ominaisuuksista merkittävimmin laminaatin käyristymään vaikuttaa kuituraaka-aine. Lattialaminaatin ulkonäköön vaikuttavat pinnassa olevat kuopat. Laminaatin taustan ulkonäköä voidaan parantaa lisäämällä taustapaperiin pehmitintä. Vääräntyyppisellä pehmittimellä menetetään taustan vastavetovoimaa.


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Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) carrying the mecC gene (mecC-MRSA) exhibited at 37°C MICs of oxacillin close to those of methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA). We investigated whether at this temperature, mecC-MRSA strains respond to flucloxacillin treatment like MSSA strains, using a rat model of endocarditis. Flucloxacillin (human-like kinetics of 2 g intravenously every 6 h) cured 80 to 100% of aortic vegetations infected with five different mecC-MRSA strains. These results suggest that mecC-MRSA infections may successfully respond to treatment with β-lactams.


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Crops and forests are already responding to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide and air temperatures. Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations are expected to enhance plant photosynthesis. Nevertheless, after long-term exposure, plants acclimate and show a reduction in photosynthetic activity (i.e. down-regulation). If in the future the Earth"s temperature is allowed to rise further, plant ecosystems and food security will both face significant threats. The scientific community has recognized that an increase in global temperatures should remain below 2°C in order to combat climate change. All this evidence suggests that, in parallel with reductions in CO2 emissions, a more direct approach to mitigate global warming should be considered. We propose here that global warming could be partially mitigated directly through local bio-geoengineering approaches. For example, this could be done through the management of solar radiation at surface level, i.e. by increasing global albedo. Such an effect has been documented in the south-eastern part of Spain, where a significant surface air temperature trend of -0.3°C per decade has been observed due to a dramatic expansion of greenhouse horticulture.


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Past temperature variations are usually inferred from proxy data or estimated using general circulation models. Comparisons between climate estimations derived from proxy records and from model simulations help to better understand mechanisms driving climate variations, and also offer the possibility to identify deficiencies in both approaches. This paper presents regional temperature reconstructions based on tree-ring maximum density series in the Pyrenees, and compares them with the output of global simulations for this region and with regional climate model simulations conducted for the target region. An ensemble of 24 reconstructions of May-to-September regional mean temperature was derived from 22 maximum density tree-ring site chronologies distributed over the larger Pyrenees area. Four different tree-ring series standardization procedures were applied, combining two detrending methods: 300-yr spline and the regional curve standardization (RCS). Additionally, different methodological variants for the regional chronology were generated by using three different aggregation methods. Calibration verification trials were performed in split periods and using two methods: regression and a simple variance matching. The resulting set of temperature reconstructions was compared with climate simulations performed with global (ECHO-G) and regional (MM5) climate models. The 24 variants of May-to-September temperature reconstructions reveal a generally coherent pattern of inter-annual to multi-centennial temperature variations in the Pyrenees region for the last 750 yr. However, some reconstructions display a marked positive trend for the entire length of the reconstruction, pointing out that the application of the RCS method to a suboptimal set of samples may lead to unreliable results. Climate model simulations agree with the tree-ring based reconstructions at multi-decadal time scales, suggesting solar variability and volcanism as the main factors controlling preindustrial mean temperature variations in the Pyrenees. Nevertheless, the comparison also highlights differences with the reconstructions, mainly in the amplitude of past temperature variations and in the 20th century trends. Neither proxy-based reconstructions nor model simulations are able to perfectly track the temperature variations of the instrumental record, suggesting that both approximations still need further improvements.


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Sparus aurata larvae reared under controlled water-temperature conditions during the first 24 days after hatching displayed a linear relationship between age (t) and standard length (SL): SL = 2.68 + 0.19 t (r2 = 0.91l). Increments were laid down in the sagittae with daily periodicity starting on day of hatching. Standard length (SL) and sagittae radius (OR) were correlated: SL(mm) = 2.65 + 0.012 OR(mm). The series of measurements of daily growth increment widths (DWI), food density and water temperature were analyzed by means of time series analysis. The DWI series were strongly autocorrelated, the growth on any one day was dependent upon growth on the previous day. Time series of water temperatures showed, as expected, a random pattern of variation, while food consumed daily was a function of food consumed the two previous days. The DWI series and the food density were correlated positively at lags 1 and 2. The results provided evidence of the importance of food intake upon the sagittae growth when temperature is optimal (20ºC). Sagittae growth was correlated with growth on the previous day, so this should be taken into account when fish growth is derived from sagittae growth rates.


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BACKGROUND: Hyperthermia is a frequent complication in patients with acute ischemic stroke. On the other hand, therapeutically induced hypothermia has shown promising potential in animal models of focal cerebral ischemia. This Guideline Document presents the European Stroke Organisation guidelines for the management of temperature in patients with acute ischemic stroke. METHODS: A multidisciplinary group identified related questions and developed its recommendations based on evidence from randomized controlled trials elaborating the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation approach. This Guideline Document was reviewed within the European Stroke Organisation and externally and was approved by the European Stroke Organisation Guidelines Committee and the European Stroke Organisation Executive Committee. RESULTS: We found low-quality evidence, and therefore, we cannot make any recommendation for treating hyperthermia as a means to improve functional outcome and/or survival in patients with acute ischemic stroke and hyperthermia; moderate evidence to suggest against routine prevention of hyperthermia with antipyretics as a means to improve functional outcome and/or survival in patients with acute ischemic stroke and normothermia; very low-quality evidence to suggest against routine induction of hypothermia as a means to improve functional outcome and/or survival in patients with acute ischemic stroke. CONCLUSIONS: The currently available data about the management of temperature in patients with acute ischemic stroke are limited, and the strengths of the recommendations are therefore weak. We call for new randomized controlled trials as well as recruitment of eligible patients to ongoing randomized controlled trials to allow for better-informed recommendations in the future.


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Amorphous silicon n-i-p solar cells have been fabricated entirely by Hot-Wire Chemical Vapour Deposition (HW-CVD) at low process temperature < 150 °C. A textured-Ag/ZnO back reflector deposited on Corning 1737F by rf magnetron sputtering was used as the substrate. Doped layers with very good conductivity and a very less defective intrinsic a-Si:H layer were used for the cell fabrication. A double n-layer (μc-Si:H/a-Si:H) and μc-Si:H p-layer were used for the cell. In this paper, we report the characterization of these layers and the integration of these layers in a solar cell fabricated at low temperature. An initial efficiency of 4.62% has been achieved for the n-i-p cell deposited at temperatures below 150 °C over glass/Ag/ZnO textured back reflector.


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Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) obtained by hot-wire chemical vapour deposition (HWCVD) at low substrate temperature (150 °C) has been incorporated as the active layer in bottom-gate thin-film transistors (TFTs). These devices were electrically characterised by measuring in vacuum the output and transfer characteristics for different temperatures. The field-effect mobility showed a thermally activated behaviour which could be attributed to carrier trapping at the band tails, as in hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H), and potential barriers for the electronic transport. Trapped charge at the interfaces of the columns, which are typical in nc-Si:H, would account for these barriers. By using the Levinson technique, the quality of the material at the column boundaries could be studied. Finally, these results were interpreted according to the particular microstructure of nc-Si:H.