984 resultados para Spectrally bounded


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The problem of visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is examined in this paper using recently developed ideas and algorithms from modern robust control and estimation theory. A nonlinear model for a stereo-vision-based sensor is derived that leads to nonlinear measurements of the landmark coordinates along with optical flow-based measurements of the relative robot-landmark velocity. Using a novel analytical measurement transformation, the nonlinear SLAM problem is converted into the linear domain and solved using a robust linear filter. Actually, the linear filter is guaranteed stable and the SLAM state estimation error is bounded within an ellipsoidal set. A mathematically rigorous stability proof is given that holds true even when the landmarks move in accordance with an unknown control input. No similar results are available for the commonly employed extended Kalman filter, which is known to exhibit divergence and inconsistency characteristics in practice. A number of illustrative examples are given using both simulated and real vision data that further validate the proposed method.


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Debates about globalization have been accompanied by considerable critical assessment of the notion of cosmopolitanism. The upsurge in travel, trade, communication, and resettlement among non-elite individuals and groups has raised questions about the nature and form of ‘bottom-up’ or ‘vernacular’ cosmopolitanism. This article explores the ways in which the experiences of a group of young people (12–15 years of age) in south-western Sydney contribute to shared practices of membership in a culturally differentiated society. On one level, these young people display a de facto vernacular cosmopolitanism through familial experiences of migration. However, the article shows how these young people often move within socially and culturally bounded communities defined by ethnicity, language, socio-economic status, shaped by desires for safety, support and belonging, and maintained by propinquity, religion and the persistence of traditional expectations and patterns around gender and inter-marriage.


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It is well-known that hydrodynamic pressures in a thin draining liquid film can cause inversion of the curvature of a drop or bubble surface as it approaches another surface, creating a so-called “dimple”. Here it is shown that a more complicated rippled shape, dubbed a “wimple”, can be formed if a fluid drop that is already close to a solid wall is abruptly pushed further toward it. The wimple includes a central region in which the film remains thin, surrounded by a ring of greater film thickness that is bounded at the outer edge by a barrier rim where the film is thin. This shape later evolves into a conventional dimple bounded by the barrier rim, which then drains in the normal way. During the evolution from wimple to dimple, some of the fluid in the thicker part of the film ring flows toward the central region before eventually draining in the opposite direction. Although the drop is pressed toward the wall, the central part of the drop moves away from the wall before approaching it again. This is observed even when the inward push is too small to create a wimple.


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This article reports real-time observations and detailed modeling of the transient response of thin aqueous films bounded by a deformable surface to external mechanical and electrical perturbations. Such films, tens to hundreds of nanometers thick, are confined between a molecularly smooth mica plate and a deformable mercury/electrolyte interface on a protuberant drop at a sealed capillary tube. When the mercury is negatively charged, the water forms a wetting film on mica, stabilized by electrical double layer forces. Mechanical perturbations are produced by driving the mica plate toward or by retracting the mica plate from the mercury surface. Electrical perturbations are applied to change the electrical double layer interaction between the mica and the mercury by imposing a step change of the bias voltage between the mercury and the bulk electrolyte. A theoretical model has been developed that can account for these observations quantitatively. Comparison between experiments and theory indicates that a no-slip hydrodynamic boundary condition holds at the molecularly smooth mica/electrolyte surface and at the deformable mercury/electrolyte interface. An analysis of the transient response based on the model elucidates the complex interplay between disjoining pressure, hydrodynamic forces, and surface deformations. This study also provides insight into the mechanism and process of droplet coalescence and reveals a novel, counterintuitive mechanism that can lead to film instability and collapse when an attempt is made to thicken the film by pulling the bounding mercury and mica phases apart.


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Subwindow search aims to find the optimal subimage which maximizes the score function of an object to be detected. After the development of the branch and bound (B&B) method called Efficient Subwindow Search (ESS), several algorithms (IESS [2], AESS [2], ARCS [3]) have been proposed to improve the performance of ESS. For nn images, IESS's time complexity is bounded by O(n3) which is better than ESS, but only applicable to linear score functions. Other work shows that Monge properties can hold in subwindow search and can be used to speed up the search to O(n3), but only applies to certain types of score functions. In this paper we explore the connection between submodular functions and the Monge property, and prove that sub-modular score functions can be used to achieve O(n3) time complexity for object detection. The time complexity can be further improved to be sub-cubic by applying B&B methods on row interval only, when the score function has a multivariate submodular bound function. Conditions for sub-modularity of common non-linear score functions and multivariate submodularity of their bound functions are also provided, and experiments are provided to compare the proposed approach against ESS and ARCS for object detection with some nonlinear score functions.


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A new class of doubletalk detector based on exploiting a spectral slit is proposed. This is achieved by spectrally deleting a frequency band in the far-end signal such that when the near-end signal is present, only the near-end spectral information is present. The proposed method relies solely on the detection of speech activity period in the slit area, and significantly, it requires no estimation of the echo path. Evaluation in typical acoustic echo setups shows that the proposed method outperforms other conventional doubletalk detectors in terms of probability of miss detection even under poor echo-to-noise ratio (ENR), low echo-to-far-end ratio (EFR) conditions, and echo path change.


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With internet services to the end users becoming more homogenous, thus providing high bandwidth for all users, multimedia services such as IPTV to the public as a whole will finally become a reality, but even given the more abundant resources, IPTV architecture is far from being highly available due to technical limitations, we aim to provide a meaningful optimization in the P2P distribution model, which is currently based on a random structure bounded by high delays and low performance, by using channel probability, user's habits studies and users' similarity, in order to optimize one of the key aspects of IPTV which is the peers management, which directly reflects on resources and user's Quality of Experience.


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This paper concerns the adaptive fast finite-time multiple-surface sliding control (AFFTMSSC) problem for a class of high-order uncertain non-linear systems of which the upper bounds of the system uncertainties are unknown. By using the fast control Lyapunov function and the method of so-called adding a power integrator merging with adaptive technique, a recursive design procedure is provided, which guarantees the fast finite-time stability of the closed-loop system. Further, it is proved that the control input is bounded.


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This paper investigates the robust tracking control problem for a bipolar electromagnetic-levitation precise-position system. The dynamic model of the precise-position device is derived by conducting a thorough analysis on the nonlinear electromagnetic forces. Conventional sliding-mode control and terminal sliding-mode control strategies are developed to guarantee asymptotic and finite-time tracking capabilities of the closed-loop system. A lumped uncertainty estimator is proposed to estimate the system uncertainties. The estimated information is then used to construct a smooth uniformly ultimately bounded sliding-mode control. An exact estimator is also proposed to exactly estimate the unknown uncertainties in finite time. The output of the exact estimator is used to design a continuous chattering free terminal sliding-mode control. The time taken for the closed-loop system to reach zero tracking error is proven to be finite. Experiment results are presented, using a real time digital-signal-processor (DSP) based electromagnetic-levitation system to validate the analysis.