996 resultados para SOLID SAMPLES
The first dichloroplatinum(II) conjugates of dicarba analogues of octreotide , which is expected to act as a"tumour-targeting device", have been efficiently synthesized following a stepwise solid-phase approach; these compounds emulate the mechanism of cisplatin since they form a 1,2-intrastrand cross-link with two consecutive guanines of an oligonucleotide.
Audit report on the Butler County Solid Waste Commission for the year ended June 30, 2012
Audit report on the Pocahontas County Solid Waste Commission for the year ended June 30, 2012
Audit report on the Wayne-Ringgold-Decatur County Solid Waste Management Commission for the year ended June 30, 2012
Audit report on the Crawford County Area Solid Waste Agency Commission for the year ended June 30, 2012
Audit report on the Delaware County Solid Waste Disposal Commission for the year ended June 30, 2012
Audit report on the Delaware County Solid Waste Disposal Commission for the year ended June 30, 2012
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is the reference method for measuring concentrations of antimicrobials in blood. This technique requires careful sample preparation. Protocols using organic solvents and/or solid extraction phases are time consuming and entail several manipulations, which can lead to partial loss of the determined compound and increased analytical variability. Moreover, to obtain sufficient material for analysis, at least 1 ml of plasma is required. This constraint makes it difficult to determine drug levels when blood sample volumes are limited. However, drugs with low plasma-protein binding can be reliably extracted from plasma by ultra-filtration with a minimal loss due to the protein-bound fraction. This study validated a single-step ultra-filtration method for extracting fluconazole (FLC), a first-line antifungal agent with a weak plasma-protein binding, from plasma to determine its concentration by HPLC. Spiked FLC standards and unknowns were prepared in human and rat plasma. Samples (240 microl) were transferred into disposable microtube filtration units containing cellulose or polysulfone filters with a 5 kDa cut-off. After centrifugation for 60 min at 15000g, FLC concentrations were measured by direct injection of the filtrate into the HPLC. Using cellulose filters, low molecular weight proteins were eluted early in the chromatogram and well separated from FLC that eluted at 8.40 min as a sharp single peak. In contrast, with polysulfone filters several additional peaks interfering with the FLC peak were observed. Moreover, the FLC recovery using cellulose filters compared to polysulfone filters was higher and had a better reproducibility. Cellulose filters were therefore used for the subsequent validation procedure. The quantification limit was 0.195 mgl(-1). Standard curves with a quadratic regression coefficient > or = 0.9999 were obtained in the concentration range of 0.195-100 mgl(-1). The inter and intra-run accuracies and precisions over the clinically relevant concentration range, 1.875-60 mgl(-1), fell well within the +/-15% variation recommended by the current guidelines for the validation of analytical methods. Furthermore, no analytical interference was observed with commonly used antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals and immunosuppressive agents. Ultra-filtration of plasma with cellulose filters permits the extraction of FLC from small volumes (240 microl). The determination of FLC concentrations by HPLC after this single-step procedure is selective, precise and accurate.
Purified monoclonal antibodies (Mab) produced by 3 hybridomas and reacting with 3 different epitopes of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) were used in a solid phase enzyme immunoassay. Two Mabs were physically adsorbed to polystyrene balls and the third Mab was coupled to alkaline phosphatase using the bifunctional reagent N-succinimidyl-3-(2-pyridyldithio)-propionate. During a first incubation, CEA from heat-extracted serum samples was immunoadsorbed to the antibody coated balls. After washing of the balls, bound CEA was detected by a second incubation with the enzyme coupled Mab. The sensitivity of the assay was 0.6 ng per ml of serum. A total of 196 serum samples from patients with various types of carcinoma, with liver cirrhosis, or from healthy blood donors with or without smoking habits, were tested. The results obtained with the monoclonal enzyme immunoassay (M-EIA) were compared with those obtained with perchloric acid extracts of the same serum samples tested by an inhibition radioimmunoassay using conventional goat anti-CEA antiserum. There was an excellent correlation between the two assays. In particular, the new M-EIA gave good results for the detection of tumor recurrences in the follow-up of colon carcinoma patients. However, despite the use of exclusively monoclonal antibodies the new assay detected a similar percentage of slightly elevated CEA values as the conventional assay in patients with non-malignant disease, suggesting that the CEA associated with non-malignant diseases is immunologically identical to the CEA released by colon carcinoma.
Audit report on the Rathbun Area Solid Waste Commission for the year ended June 30, 2013
Reaudit report on the North Central Iowa Regional Solid Waste Agency for the period July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012
PURPOSE: Although the central role of the immune system for tumor prognosis is generally accepted, a single robust marker is not yet available. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: On the basis of receiver operating characteristic analyses, robust markers were identified from a 60-gene B cell-derived metagene and analyzed in gene expression profiles of 1,810 breast cancer; 1,056 non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC); 513 colorectal; and 426 ovarian cancer patients. Protein and RNA levels were examined in paraffin-embedded tissue of 330 breast cancer patients. The cell types were identified with immunohistochemical costaining and confocal fluorescence microscopy. RESULTS: We identified immunoglobulin κ C (IGKC) which as a single marker is similarly predictive and prognostic as the entire B-cell metagene. IGKC was consistently associated with metastasis-free survival across different molecular subtypes in node-negative breast cancer (n = 965) and predicted response to anthracycline-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy (n = 845; P < 0.001). In addition, IGKC gene expression was prognostic in NSCLC and colorectal cancer. No association was observed in ovarian cancer. IGKC protein expression was significantly associated with survival in paraffin-embedded tissues of 330 breast cancer patients. Tumor-infiltrating plasma cells were identified as the source of IGKC expression. CONCLUSION: Our findings provide IGKC as a novel diagnostic marker for risk stratification in human cancer and support concepts to exploit the humoral immune response for anticancer therapy. It could be validated in several independent cohorts and carried out similarly well in RNA from fresh frozen as well as from paraffin tissue and on protein level by immunostaining.
Waddlia chondrophila is considered as an emerging human pathogen likely involved in miscarriage and lower respiratory tract infections. Given the low sensitivity of cell culture to recover such an obligate intracellular bacteria, molecular-based diagnostic approaches are warranted. We thus developed a real-time PCR that amplifies Waddlia chondrophila DNA. Specific primers and probe were selected to target the 16S rRNA gene. The PCR specifically amplified W. chondrophila but did not amplify other related-bacteria such as Parachlamydia acanthamoebae, Simkania negevensis and Chlamydia pneumoniae. The PCR exhibited a good intra-run and inter-run reproducibility and a sensitivity of less than ten copies of the positive control. This real-time PCR was then applied to 32 nasopharyngeal aspirates taken from children with bronchiolitis not due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Three samples revealed to be Waddlia positive, suggesting a possible role of this Chlamydia-related bacteria in this setting.
Background Plant hormones play a pivotal role in several physiological processes during a plant's life cycle, from germination to senescence, and the determination of endogenous concentrations of hormones is essential to elucidate the role of a particular hormone in any physiological process. Availability of a sensitive and rapid method to quantify multiple classes of hormones simultaneously will greatly facilitate the investigation of signaling networks in controlling specific developmental pathways and physiological responses. Due to the presence of hormones at very low concentrations in plant tissues (10-9 M to 10-6 M) and their different chemistries, the development of a high-throughput and comprehensive method for the determination of hormones is challenging. Results The present work reports a rapid, specific and sensitive method using ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization tandem spectrometry (UPLC/ESI-MS/MS) to analyze quantitatively the major hormones found in plant tissues within six minutes, including auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid, 1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxyic acid (the ethylene precursor), jasmonic acid and salicylic acid. Sample preparation, extraction procedures and UPLC-MS/MS conditions were optimized for the determination of all plant hormones and are summarized in a schematic extraction diagram for the analysis of small amounts of plant material without time-consuming additional steps such as purification, sample drying or re-suspension. Conclusions This new method is applicable to the analysis of dynamic changes in endogenous concentrations of hormones to study plant developmental processes or plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses in complex tissues. An example is shown in which a hormone profiling is obtained from leaves of plants exposed to salt stress in the aromatic plant, Rosmarinus officinalis.
Very high concentrations of uranium (up to 4000 ppm) were found in a natural soil in the Dischma valley, an alpine region in the Grisons canton in Switzerland. The goal of this study was to examine the redox state and the nature of uranium binding in the soil matrix in order to understand the accumulation mechanism. Pore water profiles collected from Dischma soil revealed the establishment of anoxic conditions with increasing soil depth. A combination of chemical extraction methods and spectroscopy was applied to characterize the redox state and binding environment of uranium in the soil. Bicarbonate extraction under anoxic conditions released most of the uranium indicating that uranium occurs predominantly in the hexavalent form. Surprisingly, the uranium redox state did not vary greatly as a function of depth. X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES), confirmed that uranium was present as a mixture of U(VI) and U(IV) with U(VI) dominating. Sequential extractions of soil samples showed that the dissolution of solid organic matter resulted in the simultaneous release of the majority of the soil uranium content (>95%). Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy also revealed that soil-associated uranium in the soil matrix was mainly octahedrally coordinated, with an average of 1.7 axial (at about 1.76 Å) and 4.6 to 5.3 equatorial oxygen atoms (at about 2.36 Å) indicating the dominance of a uranyl-like (UO22+) structure presumably mixed with some U(IV). An additional EXAFS signal (at about 3.2 Å) identified in some spectra suggested that uranium was also bound (via an oxygen atom) to a light element such as carbon, phosphorus or silicon. Gamma spectrometric measurements of soil profiles failed to identify uranium long-life daughter products in the soil which is an indication that uranium originates elsewhere and was transported to its current location by water. Finally, it was found that the release of uranium from the soil was significantly promoted at very low pH values (pH 2) and increased with increasing pH values (between pH 5 and 9).
Meropenem, a carbapenem antibiotic displaying a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity, is administered in Medical Intensive Care Unit to critically ill patients undergoing continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration (CVVHDF). However, there are limited data available to substantial rational dosing decisions in this condition. In an attempt to refine our knowledge and propose a rationally designed dosage regimen, we have developed a HPLC method to determine meropenem after solid-phase extraction (SPE) of plasma and dialysate fluids obtained from patients under CVVHDF. The assay comprises the simultaneous measurement of meropenem's open-ring metabolite UK-1a, whose fate has never been studied in CVVHDF patients. The clean-up procedure involved a SPE on C18 cartridge. Matrix components were eliminated with phosphate buffer pH 7.4 followed by 15:85 MeOH-phosphate buffer pH 7.4. Meropenem and UK-1a were subsequently desorbed with MeOH. The eluates were evaporated under nitrogen at room temperature (RT) and reconstituted in phosphate buffer pH 7.4. Separation was performed at RT on a Nucleosil 100-5 microm C18 AB cartridge column (125 x 4 mm I.D.) equipped with a guard column (8 x 4 mm I.D.) with UV-DAD detection set at 208 nm. The mobile phase was 1 ml min(-1), using a step-wise gradient elution program: %MeOH/0.005 M tetrabutylammonium chloride pH 7.4; 10/90-50/50 in 27 min. Over the range of 5-100 microg ml(-1), the regression coefficient of the calibration curves (plasma and dialysate) were >0.998. The absolute extraction recoveries of meropenem and UK-1a in plasma and filtrate-dialysate were stable and ranged from 88-93 to 72-77% for meropenem, and from 95-104 to 75-82% for UK-1a. In plasma and filtrate-dialysate, respectively, the mean intra-assay precision was 4.1 and 2.6% for meropenem and 4.2 and 3.7% for UK-1a. The inter-assay variability was 2.8 and 3.6% for meropenem and 2.3 and 2.8% for UK-1a. The accuracy was satisfactory for both meropenem and UK-1a with deviation never exceeding 9.0% of the nominal concentrations. The stability of meropenem, studied in biological samples left at RT and at +4 degrees C, was satisfactory with < 5% degradation after 1.5 h in blood but reached 22% in filtrate-dialysate samples stored at RT for 8 h, precluding accurate measurements of meropenem excreted unchanged in the filtrate-dialysate left at RT during the CVVHDF procedure. The method reported here enables accurate measurements of meropenem in critically ill patients under CVVHDF, making dosage individualisation possible in such patients. The levels of the metabolite UK-1a encountered in this population of patients were higher than those observed in healthy volunteers but was similar to those observed in patients with renal impairment under hemodialysis.