990 resultados para Reestruturação de empresas


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This paper aims at boosting a theoretical discussion on family operated companies in the Brazilian milieu. The methodology applied was based on bibliographical and qualitative research. The basic question raised by this study can be summarized as follows: Which factors should be taken into consideration, on the family business management, under a theoretical perspective? The answer to this question led the research to a better understanding of (i) the family corporate governance; (ii) the personal characteristics of the family business manager and his/her management style; (iii) the company's teamwork; (iv) role overlaping; (v) strategic direction and management assessment; (vi) the company's administrative divisions; (vii) and above all the crucial importance of the corporate governance for family businesses. The main results confirm the relevance of corporate governance in the country's big family businesses, and also point to manager's profile, teamwork, role overlaping (relatives & employees) and its conflicts, management departments, family's control and its strategic direction as ingredients of utmost importance.


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This dissertation focus the implication of differences in accumulation of technological competences among companies and its reflex on the improvement of indexes of operational, economical and financial performance. This connection has been investigated at D'Itália Móveis Industrial Ltda. and Pozza S.A Industrial Moveleira, both companies of the furniture market located in Bento Gonçalves - RS. Based on a comparative case study of these two companies, this dissertation is based on empiric evidences about how the company has accumulated its technological competences. Such evidences are qualitative and quantitative, and were collected from several sources in the studied companies. The examination of technological competences accumulation is done based on an analytical structure that exists in the literature, that has been adapted to the analysis of the furniture market. The examination of performance improvement is based on a set of indexes used in the furniture industry. Studies about this subject are found in the literature, but the application of these analytic structures in the furniture market is scarce, mainly in brazilian companies. It has been noticed that the company D'Itália has accumulated technological competences on all the three functions analysed, what suggests implications for the improvement of its performance. On the other side, the company Pozza has shown a paralysation on technological competences accumulation during a long time, what brought implications for the reduction of its corporative performance. In this way, the conclusion of this dissertation suggests that the accumulation of technological competences has contributed to explain the differences of performance between both companies. Besides, it explains how both companies have managed (or not) to accumulate their indexes of performance in the long run. Even though this conclusion is not different from other studies formerly done, this conclusion is derivated from a study applied to a kind of industry that still wasn¿t examined in the available literature.


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The main objective of this dissertation is to examine the implications of technological capacities in the improvement of technical performance indexes, specifically at the company level. These relationships were examined in a small sample of metal-working enterprises in the state of Rio de Janeiro (1960 to 2006). Although diverse studies on technological competences have been carried out in the last twenty years, a gap in empirical studies still exist that correlate the performance of companies in the context of developing countries, especially in Brazil. Aiming to contribute to a reduction of these gaps, this dissertation examines the questions by the light of available models in literature, which opting themselves to using operational indexes of companies. For drawing the accumulation of technological competences in this study, the metric proposal by Figueiredo (2000) shall be used indicating the levels of technological qualification in process, product, and equipment functions. The empirical evidence examined in this dissertation is both qualitative and quantitative in nature and were collected, first hand, through extensive field research involving informal interviews, meetings, direct-site observation and document analysis. In relation to the results, the evidence suggests that: - In terms of technological accumulation, a company reached Level 5 of technological capacity in process and organization of production as well as product and equipment. Three companies obtained Level 4 in the function process function while two others had reached the same technological level in the functions of product and equipment. Two companies had reached Level 3 in the product and equipment functions and one remained this level in the function of process; - In terms of the rate of accumulation of technological capacities, the observed companies had reached Level 4 needs 29 years in process function, 32 years in product function and 29 years in equipment function; - In terms of improvement performance pointers, a company which reached Level 5 of technological capacity improved in 70% of its indicators of performance, while the company that had achieved Level 4 had raised its pointers 60% and the other companies had gotten improved in the order of 40%. It was evidenced that the majority of the pointers of the companies with higher levels of technological capacities had obtained better performance. This dissertation contributes to advancing the strategic management of companies in metal-working segment to understanding internal accumulation of technological capacity and indicators of performance especially in the field of empirical context studied. This information offers management examples of how to improve competitive performance through the accumulation of technological capacities in the process, product and equipment functions.


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The social responsibility is being very considered by the organizations and it has been exercising important impact in your strategies. More companies are confronting if with the obligation of incorporating, spontaneously or for pressure of groups and segments, the social responsibility to your profit objectives. Although some defend that the responsibility of the private companies in the public area is limited to the payment of taxes and the execution of the laws, they increase the arguments that your role cannot be restricted to that field, even for a subject of survival of the own companies. It is believed that the consumers passed to value behaviors in that sense and to prefer products of identified companies as ethics and socially responsible. Besides, it is believed that with that performance socially concemed, the company develops values and practices with positive effects on your productive chain and your collaborators, generating better results. The present study had for objective to verify the social actions practiced by O Boticário they are noticed by your consuming public to the point of to take them the purchase decision. The mischievous field research to effect allowed to conclude that such actions are not noticed by your consumers and, therefore, it doesn't motivate them the purchase of the products of the company


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The subject entrepreneurship has been gaining strength within the area of strategy, as the entrepreneurial activity represents one of the gears of economic growth and a political social and economic response of the entrepreneur¿s capital. Nevertheless, there are not many studies that investigated if entrepreneurial orientation influences firm performance in Brazil. The objective of the research is to understand and conclude on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. To achieve this objective, qualitative research through in-depth interviews with 14 managers was followed by quantitative research through data collection involving 104 managers in a heterogeneous sample of 104 companies. The research used the model of Lumpkin; Dess (1996) for entrepreneurial orientation in five dimensions (autonomy, innovativeness, risk taking, proactiveness and competitive aggressiveness), to which two more dimensions were added: strategic alliances and market orientation ¿ that emerged during the qualitative phase of the study. As a result a generic model was obtained ¿ composed of one variable (proactiveness) which positively impacts the firm performance. Proactiveness was also the key factor that positively impacted the firm performance for the service sector and small businesses. For the commercial sector, the model was composed by three dimensions (innovativeness, risk taking and market orientation). While the industry / construction sectors showed no linear relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. Competitive aggressiveness is the key factor that impacts positively on firm performance for big companies, whereas for mediumsized companies it is the market orientation which relates positively to firm performance. Finally, there are no significant differences depending on the sector in which the firm operates or its size.


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A atividade de crédito consiste, em termos financeiros, na entrega de um valor presente mediante uma promessa de pagamento em data futura. Uma vez que se trata de promessa de pagamento, existe a possibilidade de que a mesma não seja cumprida, dando origem ao risco de crédito. Dada a existência desse risco, cabe às instituições que concedem crédito realizar uma análise do proponente, buscando aferir se o mesmo possui condições de cumprir o compromisso assumido. Um dos aspectos a ser levado em consideração nessa análise diz respeito à capacidade de pagamento da empresa, realizada através de projeções do fluxo de caixa da mesma. Com base nisso, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo a construção de um modelo de simulação para avaliar a capacidade de pagamento de empresas em financiamentos de longo prazo. Entende-se que a aplicação de um modelo dessa natureza pode trazer informações adicionais relevantes para o problema em análise. A avaliação do modelo construído, realizada através de consulta a experts no problema de decisão de crédito, aponta que tanto a técnica utilizada quanto o modelo construído mostram-se adequados e aderentes à realidade, propiciando uma maior segurança para a tomada de decisão.


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Empresas de base tecnológica (EBT) requerem a existência ou desenvolvimento de capacidades empresariais que determinarão a sustentabilidade do negócio. As incubadoras de empresas têm sido consideradas como um dos meios possíveis para que as EBTs atinjam um nível de desenvolvimento dessas capacidades que podem assegurar, após a incubação, sua permanência e progresso no mercado. Entretanto, é importante determinar se os objetivos para os quais as incubadoras foram criadas estão sendo atingidos e em que grau. O estudo apresenta pesquisa que buscou avaliar impacto do processo de incubação de empresas, medindo o desenvolvimento de capacidades em três dimensões: inovação, solidez financeira e capacidade gerencial. Estas dimensões, foram mensuradas em dezesseis EBTs do setor de informática do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul em dois grupos de empresas com características similares: o grupo de empresas pós-incubadas e o grupo de empresas não-incubadas. O método utilizado é o estudo de múltiplos casos em um desenho quase-experimental. Para a coleta de dados, o principal sócio de cada empresa respondeu a uma entrevista semi-estruturada e a um questionário fechado. A análise dos dados revelou que as empresas pós-incubadas demonstraram ser mais inovadoras e têm gestores melhor capacitados na área gerencial mas, no entanto, possuem menor solidez financeira. Por outro lado, as empresas não-incubadas são menos inovadoras e seus gestores têm menor capacitação gerencial, mas apresentam maior solidez financeira, indicada pela relação favorável entre receita e despesa e uma receita mensal regular. Os resultados deste estudo, com suas limitações de tamanho da amostra, evidenciam que o processo de incubação tem o impacto esperado no desenvolvimento de EBTs.


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This dissertation attempts to reach four goals: 1) to characterize the logistics development stage in two firms from the stone industry, an export firm and a non-export firm; 2) to identify the logistics functions performed by the firms themselves and the activities that are outsourced and also the reasons; 3) to describe the supply chain of the stone industry; 4) to apply a model called Leading Edge Logistics (BOWERSOX et al. 1992) to evaluate the current gaps between these firms in terms of organizational structure, information technology and performance system. This study has demonstrated that the export firm presented more adherence to the model compared to the non-export one, showing better entrepreneurial and operational performance. Furthermore, it has also confirmed the expectations generated by the conceptual model, as follow: the export firm, due to the more complex operational environment, represented by its involvement in a more competitive and demanding sector, i.e. the foreign trade market, has developed a greater level of sophistication of the logistical organization than the non-export one, achieving a better level of flexibility and therefore becoming more competitive.


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A formação de redes de empresas tornou-se uma alternativa plausível para as empresas que possuem limitações de recursos, como as pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs). Entretanto, o gerenciamento das redes, por sua vez, é complexo e possui riscos referentes ao relacionamento e formação de interdependência entre empresas, o que torna a taxa de mortalidade dessas redes expressiva. Para diminuir essa taxa de mortalidade, é importante identificar quais os fatores que podem afetar a performance dessas redes, permitindo aos participantes de redes maior conhecimento sobre essa alternativa estratégica. Realizou-se, portanto, esta pesquisa, com o propósito de identificação desses fatores e verificação percepção de importância dos mesmos nas redes de PMEs do Rio Grande do Sul, estimuladas pela SEDAI ou SEBRAE. Após revisão de literatura e fase qualitativa, 55 fatores que podem afetar a performance das redes, vinculados a 10 fatores críticos de sucesso foram identificados. Além dos fatores, identificou-se 18 indicadores para medida de performance das redes. Aplicou-se, então, uma survey, que questionou a importância e a satisfação quanto aos indicadores de performance e a importância dada aos fatores previamente identificados. A amostra final estudada constou de respostas de 49 participantes de 20 redes de empresas do Rio Grande do Sul, e de respostas de 5 consultores para comparação de percepções. Entre os fatores considerados mais importantes pelos respondentes, pode-se citar a consciência da importância da cooperação e a presença de critérios claros para a seleção de novos associados. Outros aspectos foram considerados durante a análise de dados, comparando-se as diferenças de percepção dos participantes das redes, conforme sua relação com a rede, o ano de fundação e o número de participantes da rede.


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The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of the productive reorganizations occurred at Companhia Siderúrgica de Tubarão (located in the State of Espirito Santo, Brazil), during the 90¿s, regarding the professional qualification of its work force.The purpose is to describe and to explain the process of changes effected in the productive structure of the company and its connections with the changes that took place in the siderurgy in general. It is against the context of the deep changes - technological, managerial, of productive processes, in logistics, etc. occurred in the last decade that the problems of professional qualification of CST's work force are focused. To explore it, the supported hypothesis is that the productive reorganizations CST passed during the 90's had imposed the need of a broader qualification of its work force, in terms of formal education (upper, average, basic level), and in terms of technical abilities required by the production.The research development is anchored in a methodology that combines the following methods: bibliographical, documental and fieldwork, with a qualitative approach, in the scope of case study.


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We have never talked so much about Human Capital and how important is to invest in development and training in the enterprises. We also have never seen so much merger and acquisions among foreign and Brazilian enterprise, in all the business areas. In consequence of this, was never so important to review the Training Professional role in that structure. The aim of this dissertation is to evaluate the educator role of Training Professional within enterprises as responsible for the Human Capital training in the process of technological, economic and social changes and also to wake up that Professionals about need of their own training need in order to reach the best didactical and technical qualification, otherwise they will not have success in their job. In the same purpose we will approach how the workers of community knowledge have to apply in this process change and how the entrepreneurs must to manage the Human Been development in order to keep their enterprises profitable. We will use the bibliographical reference to understand the Human Capital in the knowledge community. We will analyze the Pedagogical Prevailing (TRADITIONAL, NEW, TECHNIQUE, LIBERATOR) which has been applied in the enterprise¿s training as support to research showed in this job. At last, we will propose the application of PDCA (PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACTION) studied by Vicente Falconi Campos, as an evaluation instrument of Education and Training Program


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar um tópico pouco explorado quanto às empresas familiares que é a sucessão após a segunda geração. Procurou-se conhecer um pouco mais sobre as empresas familiares as quais se encontram na terceira geração em diante assim como entender a razão de terem conseguido este feito, pois, de acordo com vários outros estudos, apenas uma pequena minoria das empresas familiares alcança a terceira geração. Para alcançar o objetivo abordou-se no referencial teórico qual a origem das empresas familiares brasileiras, os conceitos de empresa familiar que diferem entre si conforme a ótica abordada, as suas características, assim como os pontos fortes e fracos das empresas familiares, as fases do processo de sucessão, os erros capitais que podem ocorrer na sucessão, as ações preventivas que podem servir como facilitadoras do processo sucessório, além de outros pontos de relevante importância para os empreendimentos familiares. Depois de feita a abordagem teórica, foi investigado através de pesquisa de campo em quatro empresas as quais se encontram sob o comando da terceira, quarta e quinta geração, se as indicações da literatura como condicionantes para o sucesso no processo de transição entre as gerações seriam as razões para o êxito destas empresas no quesito sucessão. A coleta de dados foi feita através de entrevistas com os diretores que fazem parte da família, das empresas selecionadas, seguindo-se um roteiro de questões fechadas abordando cinco temas principais: a sucessão e o seu planejamento; o envolvimento da família no processo sucessório; a preparação do sucessor; a profissionalização da empresa e da família e finalmente, o envolvimento com a empresa durante a infância e adolescência, sendo que este provou ser o tema de maior relevância, pois foi capaz de explicar o êxito na sucessão das empresas pesquisadas.


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O presente estudo contempla propostas para algumas lacunas encontradas nos trabalhos sobre empresas familiares, por meio de uma análise da produção científica, com enfoque conceitual e no relacionamento intergeracional, de todos os artigos publicados nos eventos da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração (EnANPAD, Eneo, 3ES e EnGPR), e nos periódicos RAC, RAE, RAUSP e O&S, no período de 1961 a 2008, de acordo com a disponibilidade em seus sitios, realizada em outubro de 2008, além de consultas nas bibliotecas da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, no Rio de Janeiro (em dezembro de 2008) e em São Paulo (em dezembro de 2008 e em maio de 2009). Nove critérios de análise foram utilizados: pesquisas em empresas familiares, frequência das publicações, citações e referências, autores mais prolíficos, instituições que mais publicam, média de artigos publicados, fundamentação teórica das investigações, aspectos conceituais e pai e filho. Dos 154 artigos encontrados que, a priori, estavam direcionados para esta temática, somente 89 foram incluídos por apresentarem adequação aos objetivos da pesquisa. Os resultados alcançados revelam diversas contradições entre as pesquisas, tanto sob o ponto de vista conceitual quanto metodológico. Não é possível, ainda, encontrar um conceito de empresa familiar. Diversos fatores influenciam na imagem negativa associada a essas organizações, mas que não vão ser capazes de ofuscar o brilhantismo daquelas que são as principais responsáveis pela distribuição de riqueza, geração de emprego e crescimento econômico, no Brasil e no mundo. E quando aproveitam as vantagens competitivas que possuem, são capazes de se sobressair perante a concorrência e reverter qualquer situação que vá de contra aos seus interesses.


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O estudo descrito neste relato de pesquisa concentra-se na busca por compreender os mecanismos pelos quais o capital intelectual de empresas participantes em redes estratégicas empresariais é afetado pelo capital social desenvolvido no âmbito dessas redes. O autor procura demonstrar, com base em um estudo de caso com múltiplas unidades de análise, realizado na mineradora multinacional Yamana Gold Inc., que, como as redes representam comunidades pautadas por regras de conduta pré-acordadas, mútuo comprometimento entre os seus participantes e compartilhamentos de recursos físicos e conhecimento, não raro, as empresas participantes desenvolvem processos sinérgicos e processos de colaboração interempresarial, trazendo, para o ambiente de interação, elementos que constroem novas competências para os participantes. Esses processos colaborativos favorecem os processos cognitivos, com impacto direto sobre a formação de capital intelectual individual das empresas, em especial as empresas focais, aquelas que lideram os padrões ou concentram a dominância econômica sobre os processos da rede. O estudo resultou na elaboração de um modelo teórico capaz de demonstrar os elementos do capital social das redes que afetam positivamente o capital intelectual da empresas e, por meio de entrevistas e observações de campo, o modelo pode ser testado e operacionalizado para comprovar a tese defendida pelo autor. O estudo traz importantes esclarecimentos sobre como esses elementos propiciam o surgimento de capital intelectual, com implicações práticas e teóricas.