999 resultados para Ramón Menéndez Pidal
Postprint (published version)
Manual de prácticas de la asignatura optativa
Thermospray flame furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (TS-FF-AAS) was used for the total determination of Cd, Pb and Zn in fresh water and seawater samples at µg L-1 levels, and in marine sediment samples at µg g-1 levels. Using a sample loop of 50 µL and a peristaltic pump the samples were transported into the metallic tube placed over an air/acetylene flame, through a ceramic capillary (o.d. = 3.2 mm) containing two parallel internal orifices (i.d = 0.5 mm). The detection limits determined for Cd, Pb and Zn using a synthetic water matrix (2.5% m/v NaCl, 0.5% m/v MgCl2 and 0.8% m/v CaCl2) were 0.32 µg L-1; 2.6 µg L-1 and 0.21 µg L-1 respectively. The methodology by TS-FF-AAS was validated by determination of Cd, Pb and Zn in certified reference materials of water and marine sediment, and the t-test for differences between means was applied. No statistically significant differences were established in fresh water and seawater (p>0.05), whereas differences became apparent in marine sediment (p<0.03).
L'auge vertiginós de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (TIC) durant els darrers anys ha creat empremta en la vida quotidiana de la societat mundial, i cada dia hi han més eines al nostre abast que ens faciliten la vida si en sabem treure profit. En l'àmbit universitari, la docència i la recerca universitàries per la seva naturalesa són sectors on ja fa temps que aprofiten les TIC per millorar-ne l'excel·lència. Per exemple, l'e-learning és un tipus d'ensenyament a través d'Internet on professor i alumne poden estar distants geogràficament. La majoria d'universitats ja implementen aquest tipus d'ensenyament comptant amb algun servei de campus virtual com a eina d'ús àmpliament coneguda i gaudeixen de nombrosos avantatges que beneficien tant a l'estudiantat com al professorat i al personal d'administració i serveis. Els sistemes de videoconferència, juntament amb la millora de les connexions a Internet a les llars, conjuminen un altra vessant de les TIC que tenen un gran impacte potencial per a la societat, i així, el fet de poder comunicar-se a distància amb veu i imatge en temps real comporta un estalvi de temps i diners força considerable. L'aprofitament d'aquestes oportunitats que ofereixen les TIC provocarà una reinvenció dels centres educatius i potenciarà un aprenentatge cada cop més pràctic i agradable. L'objectiu del present projecte es estudiar sistemes de videoconferència que puguin ser utilitzats per ells mateixos o de forma integrada al campus virtual de la Universitat de Lleida. A més, també seran objecte d'avaluació els mecanismes i metodologies estàndards per ajudar a la selecció del producte que més s'escaigui a les necessitats de la UdL. Així doncs, forma part de l’abast d’aquest projecte la definició de les necessitats que pot cobrir una eina de videoconferència integrada al campus virtual i l'estudi de les possibles aplicacions futures que se li pot donar per part de la comunitat universitària. I en funció d’aquesta definició, i dels sistemes TIC actuals amb els quals hi pot haver dependència, es definiran els requeriments que posteriorment caldrà valorar per totes les solucions de sistemes de videoconferència destacables per tal de poder seleccionar la més indicada. Durant la seva durada s’abordaran tot un seguit d'etapes per tal de triar un producte final, iniciant en primer lloc l'anàlisi prèvia de l'escenari plantejat, l'anàlisi de requeriments de la universitat, l'estudi de metodologies de valoració de projectes o eines informàtiques, la recerca de productes de videoconferència destacables i la posterior valoració, l'estudi de costs i retorn de la inversió del projecte, i finalment, la definició d'un escenari de pla pilot dins la pròpia universitat
La coordinación del miembro no dominante, se manifiesta cómo un factor que puede afectar al rendimiento técnico final del revés a dos manos en tenis (COE, 1999). La presente investigación plantea la valoración del nivel de coordinación del miembro no dominante en niños con relación al rendimiento técnico del revés a dos manos, empleándose, para tal fin, una batería de cinco pruebas diseñadas para tal efecto. En este sentido, se observó que la coordinación del miembro no dominante en niños afecta al rendimiento final del golpe de revés a dos manos, erigiéndose así el desarrollo de dicho aspecto en un contenido importante a tratar durante las sesiones de entrenamiento.
El presente documento tiene como objetivo analizar los riesgos a los que se ven sometidos los trabajadores de un pequeño taller mecánico. Para ello se planificó una evaluación de riesgos ergonómica la cual se ejecutó dentro de unos plazos marcados.El análisis está basado en la detección de las situaciones de riesgo mediante la observación in-situ del desarrollo del trabajo. Con esa finalidad se realizaron dos visitas al taller. La primera de ellas, tenía como objetivo detectar aquellas tareas que su ejecución representaba un riesgo para la salud del trabajador. Una vez detectadas las tareas, y previamente a la segunda visita, se realizó un pequeño estudio para determinar qué métodos ergonómicos se emplearían para realizar el estudio, conociendo de esa manera, que datos serían necesarios recoger al realizar una segunda visita. Seguidamente, se realizó una segunda visita al taller para realizar la observación de las tareas concretada previamente, y la medición de los datos.Finalmente, se procedió a procesar toda la información siguiendo las instrucciones pautadas por los métodos ergonómicos, comparando los resultados obtenidos con los niveles de riesgo admisibles, para extraer unas conclusiones del estudio, las cuales definían las condiciones laborales en las que se encontraba el trabajador. Como muchas de ellas, eran prácticamente inevitables para la ejecución de la tarea, se estudiaron una serie de medidas preventivas para reducir el nivel de riesgo. Una vez analizadas, fueron explicadas a los trabajadores mediante una pequeña formación con la finalidad de que las condiciones de trabajo mejoraran.
Aging is associated with common conditions, including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer"s disease. The type of multi‐targeted pharmacological approach necessary to address a complex multifaceted disease such as aging might take advantage of pleiotropic natural polyphenols affecting a wide variety of biological processes. We have recently postulated that the secoiridoids oleuropein aglycone (OA) and decarboxymethyl oleuropein aglycone (DOA), two complex polyphenols present in health‐promoting extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), might constitute a new family of plant‐produced gerosuppressant agents. This paper describes an analysis of the biological activity spectra (BAS) of OA and DOA using PASS (Prediction of Activity Spectra for Substances) software. PASS can predict thousands of biological activities, as the BAS of a compound is an intrinsic property that is largely dependent on the compound"s structure and reflects pharmacological effects, physiological and biochemical mechanisms of action, and specific toxicities. Using Pharmaexpert, a tool that analyzes the PASS‐predicted BAS of substances based on thousands of"mechanism‐ effect" and"effect‐mechanism" relationships, we illuminate hypothesis‐generating pharmacological effects, mechanisms of action, and targets that might underlie the anti‐aging/anti‐cancer activities of the gerosuppressant EVOO oleuropeins.
Background: As a result of the growing number of interventions that are now performed in the context of maternity care, health authorities have begun to examine the possible repercussions for service provision and for maternal and neonatal health. In Spain the Strategy Paper on Normal Childbirth was published in 2008, and since then the authorities in Catalonia have sought to implement its recommendations. This paper reviews the current provision of maternity care in Catalonia. Methods: This was a descriptive study. Hospitals were grouped according to their source of funding (public or private) and were stratified (across four strata) on the basis of the annual number of births recorded within their respective maternity service. Data regarding the distribution of obstetric professionals were taken from an official government survey of hospitals published in 2010. The data on obstetric interventions (caesarean, use of forceps, vacuum or non-specified instruments) performed in 2007, 2010 and 2012 were obtained by consulting discharge records of 44 public and 20 private hospitals, which together provide care in 98% of all births in Catalonia. Proportions and confidence intervals were calculated for each intervention performed in all full-term (3742 weeks) singleton births. Results: Analysis of staff profiles according to the stratification of hospitals showed that almost all the hospitals had more obstetricians than midwives among their maternity care staff. Public hospitals performed fewer caesareans [range between 19.20% (CI 18.84-19.55) and 28.14% (CI 27.73-28.54)] than did private hospitals [range between 32.21% (CI 31.78-32.63) and 39.43% (CI 38.98-39.87)]. The use of forceps has decreased in public hospitals. The use of a vacuum extractor has increased and is more common in private hospitals. Conclusions: Caesarean section is the most common obstetric intervention performed during full-term singleton births in Catalonia. The observed trend is stable in the group of public hospitals, but shows signs of a rise among private institutions. The number of caesareans performed in accredited public hospitals covers a limited range with a stable trend. Among public hospitals the highest rate of caesareans is found in non-accredited hospitals with a lower annual number of births.
Background: As a result of the growing number of interventions that are now performed in the context of maternity care, health authorities have begun to examine the possible repercussions for service provision and for maternal and neonatal health. In Spain the Strategy Paper on Normal Childbirth was published in 2008, and since then the authorities in Catalonia have sought to implement its recommendations. This paper reviews the current provision of maternity care in Catalonia. Methods: This was a descriptive study. Hospitals were grouped according to their source of funding (public or private) and were stratified (across four strata) on the basis of the annual number of births recorded within their respective maternity service. Data regarding the distribution of obstetric professionals were taken from an official government survey of hospitals published in 2010. The data on obstetric interventions (caesarean, use of forceps, vacuum or non-specified instruments) performed in 2007, 2010 and 2012 were obtained by consulting discharge records of 44 public and 20 private hospitals, which together provide care in 98% of all births in Catalonia. Proportions and confidence intervals were calculated for each intervention performed in all full-term (3742 weeks) singleton births. Results: Analysis of staff profiles according to the stratification of hospitals showed that almost all the hospitals had more obstetricians than midwives among their maternity care staff. Public hospitals performed fewer caesareans [range between 19.20% (CI 18.84-19.55) and 28.14% (CI 27.73-28.54)] than did private hospitals [range between 32.21% (CI 31.78-32.63) and 39.43% (CI 38.98-39.87)]. The use of forceps has decreased in public hospitals. The use of a vacuum extractor has increased and is more common in private hospitals. Conclusions: Caesarean section is the most common obstetric intervention performed during full-term singleton births in Catalonia. The observed trend is stable in the group of public hospitals, but shows signs of a rise among private institutions. The number of caesareans performed in accredited public hospitals covers a limited range with a stable trend. Among public hospitals the highest rate of caesareans is found in non-accredited hospitals with a lower annual number of births.
Se recopila la información existente sobre la difusión de la terra sigillata hispánica tardía (TSHT) en el litoral mediterráneo de Hispania, concretamente en las actuales Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana y Baleares. Se analizan los contextos arqueológicos conocidos con la finalidad de determinar la cronología y la presencia porcentual de este tipo cerámico en le levante peninsular.