997 resultados para RENAL FIBROSIS
In the case of atherosclerotic renal artery disease, the best conclusive results lie principally not in the degree of the stenosis but rather in the degree the renal parenchymal disease beyond the stenosis itself. These determining factors involve the controlling of the patients blood pressure, the improvement in the renal function and the beneficial results to the cardiovascular system. Besides the indispensable medical treatment, a revascularisation by angioplasty may be indicated. This procedure with or without vascular stent often allows satisfactory angiographic results. A treatment by surgical revascularisation is only recommended in the case of extensive atherosclerotic lesions of the aorta, complex lesions of the latter or an abdominal aortic aneurism. Although the frequency of restenosis of angioplasty with stent remains extremely low, the risk of cholesterol emboli due to the diffuse atherosclerotic lesions of the abdominal aorta, must be considered at the time of each aortic catheterization. The therapeutic approach of atherosclerotic renal artery disease must be dictated by the whole cardiovascular risk factors and by the threat of target organs. The control of the blood pressure and the maintenance of the renal function must be integrated in the decisional algorithm as well as the possible risks in carrying out an eventual revascularisation procedure. Finally, the renal angioplasty should in numerous situations be integrated in the overall assumption of responsibility of the atherosclerotic vascular diseases, and should be part of the medical treatment. Several questions still do exist; at what moment an atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis should and e considered critical, and which procedure should be considered for which patient? The purpose of this review is to propose a decisional tool for individualized treatments in the light of results from randomized and controlled studies.
Différentes organisations et différents pays aboutissent souvent à des conclusions différentes quant à la pertinence d'introduire un test de dépistage génétique dans la population générale. Cet article décrit la complexité du dépistage basé sur des tests génétiques. Utilisant l'exemple de la mucoviscidose - pour laquelle un groupe de travail national est en train d'évaluer la pertinence d'un dépistage génétique - les auteurs relèvent les situaions où les recommandations de dépistage sont parfois basées sur l'émergence de nouvelles technologies (par exemple, test génétique) et d'opinion publique plutôt que sur la base d'évidences. Ils présentent également les enjeux éthiques et économiques du dépistage génétique de la mucoviscidose. [Abstract] Various institutions and countries often reach different conclusions about the utility of introducing a newborn screening test in the general population. This paper highlights the complexity of population screening including genetic tests. Using the example of cystic fibrosis genetic screening, for which a Swiss Working Group for Cystic Fibrosis is currently evaluating the pertinence, we outline that screening recommendations are often based more on expert opinion and emerging new technologies rather than on evidence. We also present some ethical and economic issues related to cystic fibrosis genetic screening.
Captopril (SQ 14 225), an orally active inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme, was given to 7 hypertensive patients with chronic renal failure whose plasma-creatinine ranged from 1.5--7.4 mg/dl; whose plasma-renin activity was normal; whose hypertension was not controlled by previous therapy consisting in 5 patients of three or more antihypertensive drugs; and whose blood-pressures averaged 176/111 +/- 11/3 mm Hg. Inhibition of converting enzyme by oral captopril, 200 mg twice daily, reduced blood-pressure to 156/100 +/- 9/5 mm Hg. 5 patients needed additional treatment by frusemide 40--250 mg/day orally. With this combined regimen the blood-pressure of all patients averaged 126/85 +/- 4/3 mm Hg after 8 +/- 2 weeks of captopril. The drug was well tolerated. These results suggest that inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme with or without sodium depletion is an efficient treatment for hypertension associated with chronic renal failure. It appears that although renin levels in patients with this condition may be "normal", they are inappropriate in relation to the subtle degree of sodium retention that occurs with this disorder.
BACKGROUND: Sunitinib (VEGFR/PDGFR inhibitor) and everolimus (mTOR inhibitor) are both approved for advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) as first-line and second-line therapy, respectively. In the clinics, sunitinib treatment is limited by the emergence of acquired resistance, leading to a switch to second-line treatment at progression, often based on everolimus. No data have been yet generated on programmed alternating sequential strategies combining alternative use of sunitinib and everolimus before progression. Such strategy is expected to delay the emergence of acquired resistance and improve tumour control. The aim of our study was to assess the changes in tumours induced by three different sequences administration of sunitinib and everolimus. METHODS: In human Caki-1 RCC xenograft model, sunitinib was alternated with everolimus every week, every 2 weeks, or every 3 weeks. Effects on necrosis, hypoxia, angiogenesis, and EMT status were assessed by immunohisochemistry and immunofluorescence. RESULTS: Sunitinib and everolimus programmed sequential regimens before progression yielded longer median time to tumour progression than sunitinib and everolimus monotherapies. In each group of treatment, tumour growth control was associated with inhibition of mTOR pathway and changes from a mesenchymal towards an epithelial phenotype, with a decrease in vimentin and an increase in E-cadherin expression. The sequential combinations of these two agents in a RCC mouse clinical trial induced antiangiogenic effects, leading to tumour necrosis. CONCLUSIONS: In summary, our study showed that alternate sequence of sunitinib and everolimus mitigated the development of mesenchymal phenotype compared with sunitinib as single agent.
Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of periodontal therapy combined with tacrolimus in the suppression of gingival overgrowth (GO) and the effect on GO of changing from cyclosporin A to tacrolimus. Patients and Methods: Sixteen renal transplant patients, averaging 52 years of age, whose kidney function was stable and were receiving treatment with cyclosporin A, were randomly assigned to one of two groups. In the experimental group, patients were instructed in oral hygiene and underwent periodontal treatment, whereas in the control group, only oral hygiene instructions were given. After the first visit and the change of medication from cyclosporine to tacrolimus in both groups, periodic clinical revisions were carried out for 3 months in order to assess the evolution of GO. Results: All patients showed a progressive decrease in GO. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups (p>0.05). A greater decrease in GO occurred within the first month after changing the medication. Conclusions: No improved effectiveness in reducing GO was observed for periodontal therapy in combination with tacrolimus. Tacrolimus is an alternative to cyclosporine when attempting to avoid GO in patients with kidney transplants
Estimer la filtration glomérulaire chez les personnes âgées, tout en tenant compte de la difficulté supplémentaire d'évaluer leur masse musculaire, est difficile et particulièrement important pour la prescription de médicaments. Le taux plasmatique de la creatinine dépend à la fois de la fraction d'élimination rénale et extra-rénale et de la masse musculaire. Actuellement, pour estimer là filtration glomérulaire différentes formules sont utilisées, qui se fondent principalement sur la valeur de la créatinine. Néanmoins, en raison de la fraction éliminée par les voies tubulaires et intestinales la clairance de la créatinine surestime généralement le taux de filtration glomérulaire (GFR). Le but de cette étude est de vérifier la fiabilité de certains marqueurs et algorithmes de la fonction rénale actuellement utilisés et d'évaluer l'avantage additionnel de prendre en considération la masse musculaire mesurée par la bio-impédance dans une population âgée (> 70 ans) et avec une fonction rénale chronique compromise basée sur MDRD eGFR (CKD stades lll-IV). Dans cette étude, nous comparons 5 équations développées pour estimer la fonction rénale et basées respectivement sur la créatinine sérique (Cockcroft et MDRD), la cystatine C (Larsson), la créatinine combinée à la bêta-trace protéine (White), et la créatinine ajustée à la masse musculaire obtenue par analyse de la bio-impédance (MacDonald). La bio-impédance est une méthode couramment utilisée pour estimer la composition corporelle basée sur l'étude des propriétés électriques passives et de la géométrie des tissus biologiques. Cela permet d'estimer les volumes relatifs des différents tissus ou des fluides dans le corps, comme par exemple l'eau corporelle totale, la masse musculaire (=masse maigre) et la masse grasse corporelle. Nous avons évalué, dans une population âgée d'un service interne, et en utilisant la clairance de l'inuline (single shot) comme le « gold standard », les algorithmes de Cockcroft (GFR CKC), MDRD, Larsson (cystatine C, GFR CYS), White (beta trace protein, GFR BTP) et Macdonald (GFR = ALM, la masse musculaire par bio-impédance. Les résultats ont montré que le GFR (mean ± SD) mesurée avec l'inuline et calculée avec les algorithmes étaient respectivement de : 34.9±20 ml/min pour l'inuline, 46.7±18.5 ml/min pour CKC, 47.2±23 ml/min pour CYS, 54.4±18.2ml/min pour BTP, 49±15.9 ml/min pour MDRD et 32.9±27.2ml/min pour ALM. Les courbes ROC comparant la sensibilité et la spécificité, l'aire sous la courbe (AUC) et l'intervalle de confiance 95% étaient respectivement de : CKC 0 68 (055-0 81) MDRD 0.76 (0.64-0.87), Cystatin C 0.82 (0.72-0.92), BTP 0.75 (0.63-0.87), ALM 0.65 (0.52-0.78). ' En conclusion, les algorithmes comparés dans cette étude surestiment la GFR dans la population agee et hospitalisée, avec des polymorbidités et une classe CKD lll-IV. L'utilisation de l'impédance bioelectrique pour réduire l'erreur de l'estimation du GFR basé sur la créatinine n'a fourni aucune contribution significative, au contraire, elle a montré de moins bons résultats en comparaison aux autres equations. En fait dans cette étude 75% des patients ont changé leur classification CKD avec MacDonald (créatinine et masse musculaire), contre 49% avec CYS (cystatine C), 56% avec MDRD,52% avec Cockcroft et 65% avec BTP. Les meilleurs résultats ont été obtenus avec Larsson (CYS C) et la formule de Cockcroft.
OBJECTIVES: To determine whether valganciclovir 450 mg every 48 h for cytomegalovirus (CMV) prophylaxis provides appropriate ganciclovir exposure in solid organ transplant recipients during continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Ganciclovir pharmacokinetics was intensively studied in two lung transplant recipients under valganciclovir 450 mg every 48 h over one dosing interval. In vitro experiments using blank whole blood spiked with ganciclovir further investigated exchanges between plasma and erythrocytes. RESULTS: Ganciclovir disposition was characterized by apparent total body clearance of 3.3 and 5.8 L/h, terminal half-life of 16.9 and 14.1 h, and apparent volume of distribution of 60.3 and 104.9 L in Patients 1 and 2, respectively. The observed sieving coefficient was 1.05 and 0.96, and the haemofiltration clearance was 3.3 and 3.1 L/h. In vitro experiments confirmed rapid efflux of ganciclovir from red blood cells into plasma, increasing the apparent efficacy of haemofiltration. CONCLUSIONS: A valganciclovir dosage of 450 mg every 48 h appears adequate for patients under CRRT requiring prophylaxis for CMV infection, providing concentration levels in the range reported for 900 mg once daily dosing outside renal failure.
The relative importance of molecular biology in clinical practice is often underestimated. However, numerous procedures in clinical diagnosis and new therapeutic drugs have resulted from basic molecular research. Furthermore, understanding of the physiological and physiopathological mechanisms underlying several human diseases has been improved by the results of basic molecular research. For example, cloning of the gene encoding leptin has provided spectacular insights into the understanding of the mechanisms involved in the control of food intake and body weight maintenance in man. In cystic fibrosis, the cloning and identification of several mutations in the gene encoding the chloride channel transmembrane regulator (CFTR) have resolved several important issues in clinical practice: cystic fibrosis constitutes a molecular defect of a single gene. There is a strong correlation between the clinical manifestations or the severity of the disease (phenotype) with the type of mutations present in the CFTR gene (genotype). More recently, identification of mutations in the gene encoding a subunit of the renal sodium channel in the Liddle syndrome has provided important insight into the physiopathological understanding of mechanisms involved in this form of hereditary hypertension. Salt retention and secondary high blood pressure are the result of constitutive activation of the renal sodium channel by mutations in the gene encoding the renal sodium channel. It is speculated that less severe mutations in this channel could result in a less severe form of hypertension which may correspond to patients suffering from high blood pressure with low plasma renin activity. Several tools, most notably PCR, are derived from molecular research and are used in everyday practice, i.e. in prenatal diagnosis and in the diagnosis of several infectious diseases including tuberculosis and hepatitis. Finally, the production of recombinant proteins at lower cost and with fewer side effects is used in everyday clinical practice. Gene therapy remains an extraordinary challenge in correcting severe hereditary or acquired diseases. The use of genetically modified animal cell lines producing growth factors, insulin or erythropoetin, which are subsequently encapsulated and transferred to man, represents an attractive approach for gene therapy.
PAH (N-(4-aminobenzoyl)glycin) clearance measurements have been used for 50 years in clinical research for the determination of renal plasma flow. The quantitation of PAH in plasma or urine is generally performed by colorimetric method after diazotation reaction but the measurements must be corrected for the unspecific residual response observed in blank plasma. We have developed a HPLC method to specifically determine PAH and its metabolite NAc-PAH using a gradient elution ion-pair reversed-phase chromatography with UV detection at 273 and 265 nm, respectively. The separations were performed at room temperature on a ChromCart (125 mmx4 mm I.D.) Nucleosil 100-5 microm C18AB cartridge column, using a gradient elution of MeOH-buffer pH 3.9 1:99-->15:85 over 15 min. The pH 3.9 buffered aqueous solution consisted in a mixture of 375 ml sodium citrate-citric acid solution (21.01 g citric acid and 8.0 g NaOH per liter), added up with 2.7 ml H3PO4 85%, 1.0 g of sodium heptanesulfonate and completed ad 1000 ml with ultrapure water. The N-acetyltransferase activity does not seem to notably affect PAH clearances, although NAc-PAH represents 10.2+/-2.7% of PAH excreted unchanged in 12 healthy subjects. The performance of the HPLC and the colorimetric method have been compared using urine and plasma samples collected from healthy volunteers. Good correlations (r=0.94 and 0.97, for plasma and urine, respectively) are found between the results obtained with both techniques. However, the colorimetric method gives higher concentrations of PAH in urine and lower concentrations in plasma than those determined by HPLC. Hence, both renal (ClR) and systemic (Cls) clearances are systematically higher (35.1 and 17.8%, respectively) with the colorimetric method. The fraction of PAH excreted by the kidney ClR/ClS calculated from HPLC data (n=143) is, as expected, always <1 (mean=0.73+/-0.11), whereas the colorimetric method gives a mean extraction ratio of 0.87+/-0.13 implying some unphysiological values (>1). In conclusion, HPLC not only enables the simultaneous quantitation of PAH and NAc-PAH, but may also provide more accurate and precise PAH clearance measurements.
Trois agents chélateurs (l?acide diéthylène triamine penta-acétique, DTPA; l?acide méso-2,3- dimercaptosucchique, DMSA; l?acide 2,3-dimercapto- 1 -propanesulfonique, DMPS) ont été comparés quant à leur efficacité à mobiliser du cadmium (Cd) accumulé dans le tissu rénal. Des reins prélevés chez des rats exposés durant 3 j au Cd (acétate de Cd , 0.75 mg/kg.j, i.p) ont été isolés et perfusés in vitro, à l?aide d?un système de reperfusion utilisant une solution de Krebs-Henseleit, pH 7.4, contenant 8 acides aminés et 6% d?albumine. Les concentrations de Cd dans le perfusat et l?urine ont été mesurées par spectrométrie d?absorption atomique. Six périodes de clearance, après une période d?équilibration de 20 min, ont ?été obtenues. Le DMSA et le DMPS ont mobilisé le Cd à partir du tissu rénal, comme l?ont montré les augmentations dose-dépendantes des concentrations de Cd dans l?urine et le perfusat. L?accumulation de Cd était nettement plus élevée dans le perfusat que dans l?urine, indiquant que l?effet des chélateurs se marquait surtout au niveau tubulaire basolatéral. Le DTPA n?induisait qu?une faible mobilisation de Cd dans l?urine et le perfusat, et son efficacité était clairement inférieure à celle des autres chélateurs. Comme prévu, la quantité de Cd présente dans le tissu rénal après perfùsion par le DMSA ou le DMPS diminuait en fonction de l?efficacité des chélateurs, jusqu?à des valeurs inférieures de 46% au taux rénal de Cd avant perfusion. Le DMPS apparaissait induire une excretion urinaire de Cd plus importante que celle induite par le DMSA, une caractéristique qui pourrait être liée à une sécrétion tubulaire du chélateur, qui a été décrite antérieurement. Un intervalle de temps prolongé (1 -2 semaines) entre le moment de l?administration du Cd et la perfusion du rein avec le DMPS induisait une augmentation de l?excrétion urinaire de Cd. Tous les chélateurs se sont montrés néphrotoxiques à concentrations élevées.
Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP-1) is a constitutive enzyme, the major isoform of the PARP family, which is involved in the regulation of DNA repair, cell death, metabolism, and inflammatory responses. Pharmacological inhibitors of PARP provide significant therapeutic benefits in various preclinical disease models associated with tissue injury and inflammation. However, our understanding the role of PARP activation in the pathophysiology of liver inflammation and fibrosis is limited. In this study we investigated the role of PARP-1 in liver inflammation and fibrosis using acute and chronic models of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4 )-induced liver injury and fibrosis, a model of bile duct ligation (BDL)-induced hepatic fibrosis in vivo, and isolated liver-derived cells ex vivo. Pharmacological inhibition of PARP with structurally distinct inhibitors or genetic deletion of PARP-1 markedly attenuated CCl4 -induced hepatocyte death, inflammation, and fibrosis. Interestingly, the chronic CCl4 -induced liver injury was also characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction and dysregulation of numerous genes involved in metabolism. Most of these pathological changes were attenuated by PARP inhibitors. PARP inhibition not only prevented CCl4 -induced chronic liver inflammation and fibrosis, but was also able to reverse these pathological processes. PARP inhibitors also attenuated the development of BDL-induced hepatic fibrosis in mice. In liver biopsies of subjects with alcoholic or hepatitis B-induced cirrhosis, increased nitrative stress and PARP activation was noted. CONCLUSION: The reactive oxygen/nitrogen species-PARP pathway plays a pathogenetic role in the development of liver inflammation, metabolism, and fibrosis. PARP inhibitors are currently in clinical trials for oncological indications, and the current results indicate that liver inflammation and liver fibrosis may be additional clinical indications where PARP inhibition may be of translational potential.
PURPOSE: To compare qualitative and quantitative magnetic resonance (MR) imaging characteristics of hepatic hemangiomas in patients with normal, fibrotic and cirrhotic livers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective, institutional review board approved study (waiver of informed consent). Eighty-nine consecutive patients with 231 hepatic hemangiomas who underwent liver MR imaging for lesion characterization were included. Lesions were classified into three groups according to the patients' liver condition: no underlying liver disease (group 1), fibrosis (group 2) and cirrhosis (group 3). Qualitative and quantitative characteristics (number, size, signal intensities on T1-, T2-, and DW MR images, T2 shine-through effect, enhancement patterns (classical, rapidly filling, delayed filling), and ADC values) were compared. RESULTS: There were 160 (69%), 45 (20%), and 26 (11%) hemangiomas in groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Lesions were larger in patients with normal liver (group 1 vs. groups 2 and 3; P=.009). No difference was found between the groups on T2-weighted images (fat-suppressed fast spin-echo (P=.82) and single-shot (P=.25)) and in enhancement patterns (P=.56). Mean ADC values of hemangiomas were similar between groups 1, 2 and 3 (2.11±.52×10(-3)mm(2)/s, 2.1±.53×10(-3)mm(2)/s and 2.14±.44×10(-3)mm(2)/s, P=87, respectively). T2 shine-through effect was less frequently observed in cirrhosis (P=.02). CONCLUSION: MR imaging characteristics of hepatic hemangioma were similar in patients with normal compared to fibrotic and cirrhotic livers. Smaller lesion size was observed with liver disease and less T2 shine-through effect was seen in hemangiomas developed on cirrhosis, the latter being an important finding to highlight in these patients at risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma.
OBJECTIVES: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may cause kidney damage. This study assessed the impact of prolonged NSAID exposure on renal function in a large rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patient cohort. METHODS: Renal function was prospectively followed between 1996 and 2007 in 4101 RA patients with multilevel mixed models for longitudinal data over a mean period of 3.2 years. Among the 2739 'NSAID users' were 1290 patients treated with cyclooxygenase type 2 selective NSAIDs, while 1362 subjects were 'NSAID naive'. Primary outcome was the estimated glomerular filtration rate according to the Cockroft-Gault formula (eGFRCG), and secondary the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease and Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration formula equations and serum creatinine concentrations. In sensitivity analyses, NSAID dosing effects were compared for patients with NSAID registration in ≤/>50%, ≤/>80% or ≤/>90% of assessments. FINDINGS: In patients with baseline eGFRCG >30 mL/min, eGFRCG evolved without significant differences over time between 'NSAID users' (mean change in eGFRCG -0.87 mL/min/year, 95% CI -1.15 to -0.59) and 'NSAID naive' (-0.67 mL/min/year, 95% CI -1.26 to -0.09, p=0.63). In a multivariate Cox regression analysis adjusted for significant confounders age, sex, body mass index, arterial hypertension, heart disease and for other insignificant factors, NSAIDs were an independent predictor for accelerated renal function decline only in patients with advanced baseline renal impairment (eGFRCG <30 mL/min). Analyses with secondary outcomes and sensitivity analyses confirmed these results. CONCLUSIONS: NSAIDs had no negative impact on renal function estimates but in patients with advanced renal impairment.