995 resultados para Pulci, Luigi, 1432-1484.


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Poucos são os estudos que possibilitam verificar quais as respostas fisiológicas são associadas ao desempenho em uma amostra de ciclistas de elite nacional. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar e relacionar diferentes índices fisiológicos aeróbios com o desempenho em testes contra relógio de 4 e 20km em ciclistas de alto nível. A amostra foi composta por 14 ciclistas profissionais de elite nacional do sexo masculino (28,5 ± 4,7 anos, 73,47 ± 8,29 kg, 176 ± 6,76 cm), que realizaram um teste progressivo em laboratório para a determinação do consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2max: 62,23 ± 8,28 ml·kg·min-1), intensidade relativa ao VO2max (iVO2max: 500,83 ± 58,65 w), economia de movimento (EM: 0,1166 ± 0,0362 ml·kg·min·w-1) e 1º e 2º limiares ventilatórios (LV1: 348,21 ± 43,26 w; LV2: 417,86 ± 60,79 w, respectivamente). Também foram submetidos a duas provas de 4 e 20km contra relógio. Para correlação entre os índices fisiológicos e desempenho, foi utilizado o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (p< 0,05). Não foi encontrada correlação entre os índices fisiológicos (VO2max absoluto e relativo, iVO2max, EM, LV1 e LV2) e o desempenho de 4km (r= 0.38; 0.16; -0.33; 0.20; -0.50; -0.20, respectivamente) e 20km (r= 0.24; 0.01; -0.13; -0.12; -0.48; -0.19, respectivamente) contra relógio em atletas de alto nível. Estes resultados sugerem que tais variáveis não apresentam capacidade de explicar o desempenho em provas de contra relógio nas respectivas distâncias, provavelmente, devido à homogeneidade entre os sujeitos.


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The layer-by-layer technique was exploited to immobilize the enzyme uricase onto indium tin oxide substrates coated with a layer of Prussian Blue. Uricase layers were alternated with either poly(ethylene imine) or poly(diallyidimethylammoniumchloride), and the resulting films were used as amperometric biosensors for uric acid. Biosensors with optimum perfomance had a limit of detection of 0.15 mu A mu mol 1(-1) cm(-2) with a linear response between 0.1 and 0.6 mu M of uric acid, which is sufficient for use in clinical tests. Bioactivity was preserved for weeks, and there was negligible influence from interferents, as detection was carried out at 0.0 V vs saturated calomel electrode.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Two regions common to all UsnRNP core polypeptides have been described: Sm motif 1 and Sm motif 2. Rabbits were immunized with a 22 amino-acid peptide containing one segment of Sm motif 1 (YRGTLVSTDNYFNLQL-NEAEEF, corresponding to residues 11-32) from yeast F protein. After immunization, the rabbit sera contained antibodies that not only reacted specifically with the peptide from yeast F protein but also cross-reacted with Sm polypeptides from mammals; that is, with purified human U1snRNPs. The results suggest that the peptide used and human Sm polypeptides contain a common feature recognized by the polyclonal antibodies. A large collection of human systemic lupus erythematosus sera was assayed using the yeast peptide as an antigen source. Seventy per cent of systemic lupus erythematosus sera contain an antibody specificity that cross-reacts with the yeast peptide.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Silicon carbide (SiC) has been employed in many different fields such as ballistic armor, thermal coating, high performance mirror substrate, semiconductors devices, among other things. Plasma application over the silicon carbide ceramics is relatively recent and it is able to promote relevant superficial modifications. Plasma expander was used in this work which was supplied by nitrogen and switched by a capacitor bank. Nitrogen plasma was applied over ceramic samples for 20 minutes, in a total medium of 1440 plasma pulses. SiC ceramics were produced by uniaxial pressing method (40 MPa) associated to isostatic pressing (300 MPa) and sintered at 1950 degrees C under argon gas atmosphere. Silicon carbide (beta-sic - BF-12) supplied by HC-Starck and sintering additive (7.6% YAG - Yttrium Aluminum Garnet) were used in order to obtain the ceramics. Before and after the plasma application, the samples were characterized by SEM, AFM, contact angle and surface energy measurement.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Neste trabalho é proposta uma metodologia de rastreamento de sinais e rejeição de distúrbios aplicada a sistemas não-lineares. Para o projeto do sistema de rastreamento, projeta-se os controladores fuzzy M(a) e N(a) que minimizam o limitante superior da norma H∞ entre o sinal de referência r(t) e o sinal de erro de rastreamento e(t), sendo e(t) a diferença entre a entrada de referência e a saída do sistema z(t). No método de rejeição de distúrbio utiliza-se a realimentação dinâmica da saída através de um controlador fuzzy Kc(a) que minimiza o limitante superior da norma H∞ entre o sinal de entrada exógena w(t) e o sinal de saída z(t). O procedimento de projeto proposto considera as não-linearidades da planta através dos modelos fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno. Os métodos são equacionados utilizando-se inequações matriciais lineares (LMIs), que quando factíveis, podem ser facilmente solucionados por algoritmos de convergência polinomial. Por fim, um exemplo ilustra a viabilidade da metodologia proposta.


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The search for better performance in the structural systems has been taken to more refined models, involving the analysis of a growing number of details, which should be correctly formulated aiming at defining a representative model of the real system. Representative models demand a great detailing of the project and search for new techniques of evaluation and analysis. Model updating is one of this technologies, it can be used to improve the predictive capabilities of computer-based models. This paper presents a FRF-based finite element model updating procedure whose the updating variables are physical parameters of the model. It includes the damping effects in the updating procedure assuming proportional and none proportional damping mechanism. The updating parameters are defined at an element level or macro regions of the model. So, the parameters are adjusted locally, facilitating the physical interpretation of the adjusting of the model. Different tests for simulated and experimental data are discussed aiming at defining the characteristics and potentialities of the methodology.


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The research trend for harvesting energy from the ambient vibration sources has moved from using a linear resonant generator to a non-linear generator in order to improve on the performance of a linear generator; for example, the relatively small bandwidth, intolerance to mistune and the suitability of the device for low-frequency applications. This article presents experimental results to illustrate the dynamic behaviour of a dual-mode non-linear energy-harvesting device operating in hardening and bi-stable modes under harmonic excitation. The device is able to change from one mode to another by altering the negative magnetic stiffness by adjusting the separation gap between the magnets and the iron core. Results for the device operating in both modes are presented. They show that there is a larger bandwidth for the device operating in the hardening mode compared to the equivalent linear device. However, the maximum power transfer theory is less applicable for the hardening mode due to occurrence of the maximum power at different frequencies, which depends on the non-linearity and the damping in the system. The results for the bi-stable mode show that the device is insensitive to a range of excitation frequencies depending upon the input level, damping and non-linearity.


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Flexible piezo- and pyroelectric composite was made in the thin film form by spin coating. Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) ceramic powder was dispersed in a castor oil-based polyurethane (PU) matrix, providing a composite with 0-3 connectivity. The dielectric data, measured over a wide range of frequency (10(-5) Hz to 105 Hz), shows a loss peak around 100 Hz related with impurities in the polymer matrix. There is also an evidence of a peak in the range 10(-4) Hz, possibly originating from the glass transition temperature T of the polymer. The pyroelectric coefficient at 34 K is 7.0x10(-5) C(.)m(-2.)K(-1) which is higher than that of P-PVDF (1X10(-5) C(.)m(-2.)K(-1)).


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The increase of applications complexity has demanded hardware even more flexible and able to achieve higher performance. Traditional hardware solutions have not been successful in providing these applications constraints. General purpose processors have inherent flexibility, since they perform several tasks, however, they can not reach high performance when compared to application-specific devices. Moreover, since application-specific devices perform only few tasks, they achieve high performance, although they have less flexibility. Reconfigurable architectures emerged as an alternative to traditional approaches and have become an area of rising interest over the last decades. The purpose of this new paradigm is to modify the device s behavior according to the application. Thus, it is possible to balance flexibility and performance and also to attend the applications constraints. This work presents the design and implementation of a coarse grained hybrid reconfigurable architecture to stream-based applications. The architecture, named RoSA, consists of a reconfigurable logic attached to a processor. Its goal is to exploit the instruction level parallelism from intensive data-flow applications to accelerate the application s execution on the reconfigurable logic. The instruction level parallelism extraction is done at compile time, thus, this work also presents an optimization phase to the RoSA architecture to be included in the GCC compiler. To design the architecture, this work also presents a methodology based on hardware reuse of datapaths, named RoSE. RoSE aims to visualize the reconfigurable units through reusability levels, which provides area saving and datapath simplification. The architecture presented was implemented in hardware description language (VHDL). It was validated through simulations and prototyping. To characterize performance analysis some benchmarks were used and they demonstrated a speedup of 11x on the execution of some applications


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OBJECTIVES. The purpose of this study was to obtain data on the association of antiphospholipid antibodies with clinical manifestations in childhood and to enable future studies to determine the impact of treatment and long-term outcome of pediatric antiphospholipid syndrome.PATIENTS and METHODS. A European registry extended internationally of pediatric patients with antiphospholipid syndrome was established as a collaborative project of the European Antiphospholipid Antibodies Forum and Lupus Working Group of the Pediatric Rheumatology European Society. To be eligible for enrollment the patient must meet the preliminary criteria for the classification of pediatric antiphospholipid syndrome and the onset of antiphospholipid syndrome must have occurred before the patient's 18th birthday.RESULTS. As of December 1, 2007, there were 121 confirmed antiphospholipid syndrome cases registered from 14 countries. Fifty-six patients were male, and 65 were female, with a mean age at the onset of antiphospholipid syndrome of 10.7 years. Sixty (49.5%) patients had underlying autoimmune disease. Venous thrombosis occurred in 72 (60%), arterial thrombosis in 39 (32%), small-vessel thrombosis in 7 (6%), and mixed arterial and venous thrombosis in 3 (2%). Associated nonthrombotic clinical manifestations included hematologic manifestations (38%), skin disorders (18%), and nonthrombotic neurologic manifestations (16%). Laboratory investigations revealed positive anticardiolipin antibodies in 81% of the patients, anti-beta(2)-glycoprotein I antibodies in 67%, and lupus anticoagulant in 72%. Comparisons between different subgroups revealed that patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome were younger and had a higher frequency of arterial thrombotic events, whereas patients with antiphospholipid syndrome associated with underlying autoimmune disease were older and had a higher frequency of venous thrombotic events associated with hematologic and skin manifestations.CONCLUSIONS. Clinical and laboratory characterization of patients with pediatric antiphospholipid syndrome implies some important differences between antiphospholipid syndrome in pediatric and adult populations. Comparisons between children with primary antiphospholipid syndrome and antiphospholipid syndrome associated with autoimmune disease have revealed certain differences that suggest 2 distinct subgroups. Pediatrics 2008; 122: e1100-e1107


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O objetivo do estudo foi determinar os conteúdos de saponinas, taninos e a solubilidade da proteína (SP) de 28 cultivares de alfafa: Crioula, Monarca, BR 4, Alto Great, MH 4, SW 9210 A, 5929, BR 1, EL Grande, 5715, MH 15, Valley Plus, BR 2, Rio, SW 8210, Maricopa, ICI 990, 5888, P 30, Alfa-200, WL 516, SW 8112 A, BR 3, Florida 77, Araucana, Falcon, Semit 921 e Sutter. O material analisado foi obtido do 10º e 14º corte, respectivamente; em 08/12/97 e 16/04/98, de um experimento desenvolvido na Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, UNESP, Botucatu. Amostras de cada cultivar foram colhidas, pesadas e secas em estufa a 52ºC. As saponinas foram extraídas com solvente hidrofílico e lipofílico e o conteúdo foi calculado pela equação y=0,8121x-1,4759, R² = 1,00. A extração dos taninos totais e condensados foi efetuada por meio de ultra-som (12 min), sendo os taninos totais determinados pela equação: y=44,978 + 0,5644 com R²=0,9977 e os condensados, multiplicando-se a absorbância por 78,26 dividido pelo teor de matéria seca. A SP foi determinada pelo método de KOH, de acordo com a seguinte fórmula: SP (%) = proteína solúvel x 100/proteína bruta da amostra. Os teores de saponinas, taninos totais e condensados e a solubilidade da proteína não diferiram (P>0,05) entre as cultivares. Houve efeito (P<0,05) da época de corte apenas sobre o teor de taninos totais. Os teores médios de saponinas de 1,00% aliados à baixa solubilidade média da proteína bruta (34,11%) não se constituem em fatores limitantes para uso dos cultivares de alfafa estudadas.


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The study aimed to quantify the color regression of enamel (E), dentine (D), and combined enamel-dentine (ED) of differently bleached ED specimens over a period of 12 months in vitro. Two ED samples were obtained from the labial surfaces of bovine teeth and prepared to a standardized thickness with the enamel and dentine layer each 1 mm. The ED samples were distributed on four groups (each n=80), in which the different bleaching products were applied on enamel (1, Whitestrips; 2, Illumine 15%; 3, Opalescence Xtra Boost) or dentine surfaces (4, mixture of sodium perborate/distilled water). Eighty ED samples were not bleached (control). Color (L*a*b*) of ED was assessed at baseline, subsequently after bleaching and at 3, 6, and 12 months of storage after bleaching (each 20 samples/group). E and D samples were prepared by removing the dentine or enamel layer of ED samples to allow for separate color analysis. Bleaching resulted in a significant color change (Delta E) of ED specimens. Within the observation period, Delta L but not Delta b declined to baseline. L* values of E and D samples also declined and were not significantly different from control samples after 12 months, while b* values did not decrease to baseline. Generally, no differences between the bleaching agents could be observed. Color change of enamel, dentine, and combined ED of in vitro bleached tooth samples is not stable over time with regard to lightness. However, yellowness did not return to baseline within 1 year.