997 resultados para Prospect theory
This paper shows how instructors can use the problem‐based learning method to introduce producer theory and market structure in intermediate microeconomics courses. The paper proposes a framework where different decision problems are presented to students, who are asked to imagine that they are the managers of a firm who need to solve a problem in a particular business setting. In this setting, the instructors’ role is to provide both guidance to facilitate student learning and content knowledge on a just‐in‐time basis
Es discuteixen breument algunes consideracions sobre l'aplicació de la Teoria dels Conjunts difusos a la Química quàntica. Es demostra aqui que molts conceptes químics associats a la teoria són adequats per ésser connectats amb l'estructura dels Conjunts difusos. També s'explica com algunes descripcions teoriques dels observables quàntics es potencien tractant-les amb les eines associades als esmentats Conjunts difusos. La funció densitat es pren com a exemple de l'ús de distribucions de possibilitat al mateix temps que les distribucions de probabilitat quàntiques
Es presenta un nou algorisme per a la diagonalització de matrius amb diagonal dominant. Es mostra la seva eficàcia en el tractament de matrius no simètriques, amb elements definits sobre el cos complex i, fins i tot, de grans dimensions. Es posa de manifest la senzillesa del mètode així com la facilitat d'implementació en forma de codi de programació. Es comenten els seus avantatges i característiques limitants, així com algunes de les millores que es poden implementar. Finalment, es mostren alguns exemples numèrics
This thesis presents population dynamics models that can be applied to predict the rate of spread of the Neolithic transition (change from hunter-gathering to farming economics) across the European continent, which took place about 9000 to 5000 years ago. The first models in this thesis provide predictions at a continental scale. We develop population dynamics models with explicit kernels and apply realistic data. We also derive a new time-delayed reaction-diffusion equation which yields speeds about a 10% slower than previous models. We also deal with a regional variability: the slowdown of the Neolithic front when reaching the North of Europe. We develop simple reaction-diffusion models that can predict the measured speeds in terms of the non-homogeneous distribution of pre-Neolithic (Mesolithic) population in Europe, which were present in higher densities at the North of the continent. Such models can explain the observed speeds.
RESUMO: Algumas investigações têm apontado que a “motivação dos alunos” influencia a participação e os resultados escolares, destacando-se de um conjunto de outras variáveis. A declaração de Utilidade das disciplinas, atribuída pelos alunos, poderá ser um dos construtos de “motivação” determinantes no “gosto pelas actividades lectivas”, influenciando, hipoteticamente, o empenho na aprendizagem e, a partir daí, os resultados escolares dos alunos. Argumentou-se, nos 3 estudos aqui apresentados, as relações da atribuição de Utilidade das Disciplinas, incluindo a perspectiva do tempo futuro, com o Gosto pelas disciplinas, o empenho na aprendizagem e os resultados dos alunos. De forma a verificar, perante este enquadramento, onde se destacam a Teoria de Expectiva-Valor, o conceito de Perspectiva de Tempo Futuro associado ao conceito de Instrumentalidade, e hipóteses, foi elaborado e aplicado um questionário. Na análise aos questionários realçamos que foi verificado uma tendência para atribuir pelo menos uma disciplina como a que os alunos mais gostam e mais útil consideram; uma justificação com motivos relacionados com a sua perspectiva de vida futura à disciplina que indicam como a mais útil e resultados médios altos a essas mesmas disciplinas. ABSTRACT: Some studies have pointed out that the "motivation of the students’ participation and influence on educational attainment, highlighting a number of other variables. The declaration of Utility of disciplines, awarded by students, may be one of the constructs of "motivation" in determining taste for teaching activities, influencing, hypothetically, the commitment to learning and, thereafter, the students’ school results. It was argued in three studies presented here, the relations of the allocation of Utility of disciplines, including the prospect of future time, with the taste for discipline, the commitment to learning and student outcomes. In order to asses this framework, where we highlight the expectancy-value theory, the concept of Future Time Perspective associated with the concept of Instrumentality, and hypotheses, a questionnaire was designed and applied. In the analysis the questionnaires highlight a trend that was to assign at least one discipline as the students like best and more useful view, a justification with reasons related to their future life prospects which indicate the discipline as the most useful and results medium high on those subjects.
This paper studies cognitive development in young deaf children, specifically Theory of Mind development and its link to language abilities.
Prior research has shown that theory of mind (ToM) development is delayed in children who are deaf and hard of hearing. Although research has demonstrated a delay in ToM development in children who are deaf and hard of hearing there are not many suggestions for how ToM is or should be addressed in deaf education. The current research addressed this issue by compiling an extensive literature review and sending 113 surveys’ to OPTION schools for the deaf around the country.
Este trabajo de investigación pretende demostrar, a través de un producto televisivo como es The Big Bang Theory, que la sociedad contemporánea experimenta la comunicación y otros procesos de forma distinta a los modelos tradicionales, principalmente por la irrupción de la tecnología en la vida cotidiana. La comunicación, a través de la propuesta de la Escuela de Palo Alto, debe entenderse como un sistema de intercambio no solo de información sino de otros elementos que permiten construir relaciones incluso en la confusión que la caracteriza. El imperativo de que “lo importante es comunicar” es el hilo conductor de este estudio académico donde los personajes de esta serie de situación, o sitcom, a pesar de ser catalogados como seres digitales ensimismados en los aparatos electrónicos, le permiten al espectador reconocer los comportamientos y vínculos actuales.