981 resultados para Poder (Filosofia)


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The present study aimed to evaluate the inclusion of the principles of the National Medicines Policy - PNM and the Pharmaceutical assistance - PNAF in the prosecution of lawsuits involving medicines. To fulfill this necessity , data collection was performed on the website by the Tribunal Rio Grande do Norte - TJ RN ( Rio Grande do Norte Court) , in 2012 . It was obtained 115 judgments, which were analyzed in order to generate Monitoring Indicators from lawsuits and conduct content analysis proposed by Bardin (2006). The results showed that : a) 100 % of the decisions were favorable to the author , b) 76 % of decisions were requests by the trade name of the drug , c) only one drug (eculizumabe) had not granted by ANVISA , d) 36 % of drugs were present in the list of standard medicines in SUS , 16 % of primary care block and 20 % of specialized component , e) 76 % of the decisions presented the request of at least 01 non-standard medicine. With regard to decentralization of PNM and PNAF we observed a commitment to this principle at judicial decisions, to see that municipalities and states are often forced to buy medicines of responsibility from another federal entity or other tertiary units as CACONs and UNACONS. The content analysis revealed that the argument from the judges used when you utter their decisions was that the right to health is recognized by Brazilian law as a fundamental right and should be guaranteed by the State for all its citizens. So, health is more than budgetary constraints of federal entities, which are severally liable for lawsuits , regardless the medication requested belongs or not to a particular block of a pharmaceutical assistance funding. Given these data, it is observed that there are gaps in the judgment when it comes to the insertion of the words and principles of PNM and PNAF, creating then the need for greater dialogue between the executive and judicial, so that they may consider relevant the effectiveness and application of such principles to minimize the negative consequences of the phenomenon of health judicialisation. Keywords: Judicialisation, Medicines, Public Policy, Pharmaceutical Care


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This article claim to estabilish a epistemologic discourse from the science history´s point of view in a moment where its statute,methods , approachs and possibility conditions, in history´s crisis period, depares itself in risk, as universitary institutions as european´s social imagination about knowing for excellence. Our spotlight though is the concept of space, a strong question to a timeless snip, once philosophy and History renounced this concept due to the time question, so commum used until nowdays in both discourses. From this perspective, we search to elucidate Spengler´s history and space point of view, attempting to the occidental idea produced by the author, tapping to the symbolical and discursive dynamics and its dialogic relation with westerner´s political and cultural in the end of XIX century toward second great war. Thereby Spengler´s effort was always crucial to define concepts of history, science, art, space,civilizations, culture, city, country and mainly discussing spenglerian relation to social-political facts that sorrounded him. And finally, his project of cientific revolution, which was displayed by Spengler as a challenge to History of science´s paradigm


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The objective of this study is to discuss the process of building a family monumentalization Albuquerque Maranhão showed that both the traditional historiography of Rio Grande do Norte, represented by Tavares de Lyra, Rocha Pombo e Câmara Cascudo, as reflected in urban areas of Natal. To understand this process, we intend to analyze the production of the aforementioned authors as well as more recent studies, trying to discern or identify an attempt to link them to the family name to the history of Albuquerque Maranhão State, which ended up giving visibility to this group, making it the characters featured in the scenario of local history, investing them with a monumental character. In addition to historical analysis, we observe changes in the urban landscape of the city of Natal in the early twentieth century orchestrated by members of this family, which tied his line to public spaces for a new and modern city. Through this review, we will be able to realize that such practices turned out to be a stage of political disputes between Albuquerque Maranhão and opposition groups who were anxious to remove them both from the center of historical narratives on the Rio Grande do Norte, as well as the political space of the State environment exclusive domain of this group for nearly twenty years


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Durante o governo FHC buscou-se substituir a agenda reativa da política externa brasileira, dominada pela lógica da autonomia pela distância, por uma nova agenda internacional proativa, determinada pela lógica da autonomia pela integração. Segundo essa agenda, o país deveria ampliar o poder de controle sobre o seu destino e resolver seus problemas com uma adesão ativa à elaboração das normas e das pautas de conduta da gestão da ordem mundial. No entanto, essa política de integração, adesão e participação não foi plenamente acompanhada de tomadas de posições que implicassem responsabilidades práticas, em virtude de debilidades estruturais. As responsabilidades teriam como função preparar tanto o governo como a sociedade civil para uma inserção internacional de perfil mais elevado no pós-Guerra Fria. Os ganhos ocorridos nos governos FHC não foram suficientes para alterar significativamente o peso brasileiro no contexto mundial.


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Nossa proposta para este artigo é indicar, a partir da análise de alguns textos de Deleuze e Guattari, uma forma de escapar do modo tradicional de fazer filosofia, chamado pelos referidos autores de modo maior. Nossa intenção é pensar uma possibilidade de problematização do ensino da filosofia que não se vincule às linhas majoritárias de pensamento filosófico ou educacional. Nesse sentido, mapearemos os pressupostos que a filosofia utiliza para começar a pensar filosoficamente e para enunciar seu discurso. Para isso, fundamentaremos nossa proposta na obra Diferença e repetição, de Gilles Deleuze (1968), especialmente no capítulo em que ele desenvolve as questões sobre a imagem do pensamento.


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Apesar do esforço dos defensores do ensino da Filosofia para que essa disciplina volte a fazer parte do Ensino Médio, observamos, atualmente, seu abandono nos cursos universitários. Notamos que hoje, na sociedade normalizada e no espaço educacional, não é mais valorizado o desenvolvimento integral do pensamento, mas a transmissão de uma série de conteúdos que, supostamente, dão condições para a integração do estudante no quadro do progresso tecnológico e proporcionam sua entrada no mercado de trabalho. Circunscrevendo-se nesse contexto, neste texto pretende-se investigar o espaço em que o ensino da Filosofia se desenvolve na atualidade. Delineando os contornos de um problema que emerge nos espaços institucionais universitários onde o ensino da Filosofia ainda persiste, procurou-se evidenciar em que bases a Filosofia é ensinada. Procurou-se, ainda, compreender quais consequências os modos de compreender o ensino da Filosofia trazem para o aprendizado do filosofar. Uma consideração a que se pode chegar, a partir deste estudo, é a de que o ensino da Filosofia além de não privilegiar, e muitas vezes negar, a experiência de pensamento que o aluno pode fazer e ter com o texto filosófico, contribui para o empobrecimento dessa mesma experiência do e com o filosofar.