998 resultados para Perälä, Jussi
We characterize the essential spectra of Toeplitz operators Ta on weighted Bergman spaces with matrix-valued symbols; in particular we deal with two classes of symbols, the Douglas algebra C+H∞ and the Zhu class Q := L∞ ∩VMO∂ . In addition, for symbols in C+H∞ , we derive a formula for the index of Ta in terms of its symbol a in the scalar-valued case, while in the matrix-valued case we indicate that the standard reduction to the scalar-valued case fails to work analogously to the Hardy space case. Mathematics subject classification (2010): 47B35,
We discuss some of the recent progress in the field of Toeplitz operators acting on Bergman spaces of the unit disk, formulate some new results, and describe a list of open problems -- concerning boundedness, compactness and Fredholm properties -- which was presented at the conference "Recent Advances in Function Related Operator Theory'' in Puerto Rico in March 2010.
Algorithms for computer-aided diagnosis of dementia based on structural MRI have demonstrated high performance in the literature, but are difficult to compare as different data sets and methodology were used for evaluation. In addition, it is unclear how the algorithms would perform on previously unseen data, and thus, how they would perform in clinical practice when there is no real opportunity to adapt the algorithm to the data at hand. To address these comparability, generalizability and clinical applicability issues, we organized a grand challenge that aimed to objectively compare algorithms based on a clinically representative multi-center data set. Using clinical practice as the starting point, the goal was to reproduce the clinical diagnosis. Therefore, we evaluated algorithms for multi-class classification of three diagnostic groups: patients with probable Alzheimer's disease, patients with mild cognitive impairment and healthy controls. The diagnosis based on clinical criteria was used as reference standard, as it was the best available reference despite its known limitations. For evaluation, a previously unseen test set was used consisting of 354 T1-weighted MRI scans with the diagnoses blinded. Fifteen research teams participated with a total of 29 algorithms. The algorithms were trained on a small training set (n = 30) and optionally on data from other sources (e.g., the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, the Australian Imaging Biomarkers and Lifestyle flagship study of aging). The best performing algorithm yielded an accuracy of 63.0% and an area under the receiver-operating-characteristic curve (AUC) of 78.8%. In general, the best performances were achieved using feature extraction based on voxel-based morphometry or a combination of features that included volume, cortical thickness, shape and intensity. The challenge is open for new submissions via the web-based framework: http://caddementia.grand-challenge.org.
This special issue of Cold War History offers a retrospective on the end of the Cold War, 25 years after its peaceful conclusion. This peaceful conclusion is an achievement that cannot be celebrated enough, and we must continue to build international relations in conflict and co-operation on this awareness of our common humanity and our common human fallibility.
We study Toeplitz operators on the Besov spaces in the case of the open unit disk. We prove that a symbol satisfying a weak Lipschitz type condition induces a bounded Toeplitz operator. Such symbols do not need to be bounded functions or have continuous extensions to the boundary of the open unit disk. We discuss the problem of the existence of nontrivial compact Toeplitz operators, and also consider Fredholm properties and prove an index formula.
Building on a modern careers approach, we assess the effects of working abroad on individuals’ career capital. Given the dearth of longitudinal studies, we return to a sample of economics graduates in Finland eight years later. We measure changes in three dimensions of career capital; ‘knowing how’, ‘knowing whom’, ‘knowing why’ and find that company assigned expatriates learn more than self-initiated expatriates. All three career capital areas benefit from international experience and all are increasingly valued over time. Based on our findings we conclude that a dynamic notion of career capital acquisition and use is needed. Managerial implications include the need for a wider view of talent management for international businesses.
Motivation: DNA assembly programs classically perform an all-against-all comparison of reads to identify overlaps, followed by a multiple sequence alignment and generation of a consensus sequence. If the aim is to assemble a particular segment, instead of a whole genome or transcriptome, a target-specific assembly is a more sensible approach. GenSeed is a Perl program that implements a seed-driven recursive assembly consisting of cycles comprising a similarity search, read selection and assembly. The iterative process results in a progressive extension of the original seed sequence. GenSeed was tested and validated on many applications, including the reconstruction of nuclear genes or segments, full-length transcripts, and extrachromosomal genomes. The robustness of the method was confirmed through the use of a variety of DNA and protein seeds, including short sequences derived from SAGE and proteome projects.
As redes de computadores experimentam um grande crescimento não apenas em tamanho, mas também no número de serviços oferecidos e no número de protocolos de alto nível e aplicações que são executados sobre elas. Boa parte desses software (ex.: ICQ e Napster), em geral, não está diretamente ligada a aplicações críticas, mas o seu uso não controlado pode degradar o desempenho da rede. Para que se possa medir o impacto dos mesmos sobre a infra-estrutura, mecanismos de gerência ligados à contabilização e caracterização de tráfego são desejáveis. Por outro lado, alguns protocolos, serviços e aplicações (ex. servidores DNS e Web) suportam aplicações e precisam ser monitorados e gerenciados com maior atenção. Para essa classe de software de rede, a simples contabilização e caracterização de tráfego não é suficiente; tarefas de gerência como teste de serviços, detecção e manipulação de falhas, medição de desempenho e detecção de intrusão são importantes para garantir alta disponibilidade e eficiência da rede e aplicações. As ferramentas existentes para essa finalidade são, entre aspectos, (a) não integradas (necessidade de uma ferramenta para monitorar cada aplicação), (b) centralizadas (não oferecem suporte à distribuição de tarefas de gerenciamento) e (c) pouco flexíveis (dificuldade em gerenciar novos protocolos, serviços e aplicações). Nesse contexto, a tese propõe uma arquitetura, centrada na monitoração passiva em temporal do tráfego de rede, para gerenciamento distribuído de protocolos de alto nível, serviços e aplicações em rede. Baseada da MIB (Management Information Base) Script do IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), a arquitetura Trace oferece mecanismos para a delegação de tarefas de gerenciamento a gerentes intermediários, que interagem com agentes de monitoração e agentes de ação para executá-las. A tese propõe também PTSL (Protocol Trace Specification Language), uma linguagem gráfica/textual criada para permitir que gerentes de rede especificam as interações de protocolos (traços) que lhes interessam monitorar. As especificações são usadas pelso gerentes intermediários para programar os agentes de monitoração. Uma vez programadas, esses agentes passam a monitorar a ocorrência dos traços.As informações obtidas são analisadas pelos agentes intermediários, que podem requisitar de ação a execução de procedimentos (ex: scripts Perl), possibilitando a automação de diversas tarefas de gerenciamento. A arquitetura proposta é validada por um protótipo: a plataforma de gerenciamento Trace.
Neste trabalho avaliamos, sob a Ûtica macroeconÙmica, o custo do atraso educacional brasileiro. Utilizamos uma vers„o do modelo de crescimento neocl·ssico com formulaÁ„o minceriana para o capital humano no qual, para uma parametrizaÁ„o apropriada, simulamos o impacto sobre os agregados macroeconÙmicos de um perÖl factÌvel de gasto em educaÁ„o com gastos sistematicamente maiores a partir de 1933. Gastos mais elevados permitiriam matrÌculas adicionais no ensino p˙blico e a maior escolaridade da populaÁ„o aumentaria a produtividade do trabalho, impactando sobre os agregados macro. Dessa forma, esta abordagem requer o valor de gastos por aluno, de modo que reproduzimos aqui o n˙mero anual de matrÌculas iniciais nos trÍs nÌveis de ensino (prim·rio, secund·rio e terci·rio), a taxa de matrÌcula bruta para cada um desses nÌveis de 1933 a 2005 e uma sugest„o de c·lculo de uma sÈrie histÛrica de gastos em educaÁ„o para o referido perÌodo. Seguindo esta abordagem, o PIB em 2004, por exemplo, poderia ser sido atÈ 27% maior do que o observado. Uma outra quest„o que buscamos responder nesse trabalho È o impacto sobre os agregados macroenÙmicos da universalizaÁ„o dos ensinos prim·rio e secund·rio j· nos anos 50 e 60. Embora tal polÌtica pudesse ter levado a um produto 26% maior em 2004, esta requeriria investimentos substanciais em educaÁ„o, algo superior a 10% do PIB de 1958 a 1962, por exemplo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aggregation theory of mathematical programming is used to study decentralization in convex programming models. A two-level organization is considered and a aggregation-disaggregation scheme is applied to such a divisionally organized enterprise. In contrast to the known aggregation techniques, where the decision variables/production planes are aggregated, it is proposed to aggregate resources allocated by the central planning department among the divisions. This approach results in a decomposition procedure, in which the central unit has no optimization problem to solve and should only average local information provided by the divisions.
The objectives of this investigation were to understand transplacental transport of iron by secreted uteroferrin (UF) and haemophagous areas of water buffalo placenta and clarify the role(s) of blood extravasation at the placental-maternal interface. Placentomes and interplacentomal region of 51 placentae at various stages of gestation were fixed, processed for light and transmission electron microscopy, histochemistry and immunohistochemistry. Haemophagous areas were present in placentomes collected between 4 and 10 months of pregnancy. Perl's reaction for ferric iron was negative in placentomes, but positive in endometrial glands. Positive staining for UF indicated areas in which it was being taken up by phagocytosis and/or fluid phase pinocytosis in areolae of the interplacentomal mesenchyme, with little staining in endometrial stroma. Imunohistochemistry detected UF in trophectoderm of haemophagous regions of placentomes and in other parts of the foetal villous tree, but the strongest immunostaining was in the epithelial cells and lumen of uterine glands. Ultrastructural analyses indicated that erythrophagocytosis was occurring and that erythrocytes were present inside cells of the chorion that also contained endocytic vesicles and caveolae. Results of this study indicate that both the haemophagous areas of placentomes and the areolae at the interface between chorion and endometrial glands are important sites for iron transfer from mother to foetal-placental tissues in buffalo throughout pregnancy.
Samples from 9 llamas (28 through 36 weeks of gestation) were collected and fixed in 4% buffered paraformaldehyde (light microscopy) and in 2.5% buffered glutaraldehyde (transmission and scanning electron microscopy). The material was processed in paraplast and slides (5μm) were stained with HE, PAS, Masson-Trichrome, acid phosphatase and Perl's. The uteroferrin was immunolocalized. The results show that llama placenta is chorioallantoic, diffuse, folded and epitheliochorial, and the fetus is covered with an epidermal membrane. The trophoblast cells have variable morphology: cubic, rounded and triangular cells, with cytoplasm containing PAS-positive granules. Binucleated cells with large cytoplasm and rounded nuclei, as well as giant trophoblastic cells with multiple nuclei were also observed. Numerous blood vessels were observed beneath the cells of the uterine epithelium and around the chorionic subdivided branches. Glandular activity was shown by PAS, Perl's, and acid phosphatase positive reactions in the cytoplasm and glandular lumen, and by immunolocalization of the uteroferrin in the glandular epithelium. The uterine glands open in spaces formed by the areoles, which are filled by PAS-positive material. The llama fetus was covered by the epidermal membrane, composed of stratified epithelium, with up to seven layers of mono-, bi- or trinucleated cells. The high level of maternal and fetal vascularization surfaces indicates an intense exchange of substances across both surfaces. The metabolic activity shown in the uterine glands suggests an adaptation of the gestation to the high altitudes of the natural habitat of this species.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)