980 resultados para Pedagogia educacional diferenciada


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This article developed some thoughts on the model of education and elementary education school located in camps and settlements in the Landless Movement (MST), between the last decade of the twentieth century and the beginning of the first decade of this century. The discussions were conducted employing as reference some texts published in the Caderno de Educação nº. 13, named “Dossiê MST Escola” Through a synthesized analysis of these documents, we found that the MST argues for a theoretical and practical education, geared towards the reality of d student, which is based on humanistic principles and of cooperation, being able to create in the student landless movement a critical consciousness capable of make it a subject of transformative action.


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In spite of education it was not main element of Freud's work, in elapsing of work he considered it in chapter denominated “Education Interest of the psychoanalysis” (1913). The objective is to intend to the teacher to consider the importance of psychoanalytic focus in pedagogic extent, demonstrating her contribution for understanding of the students' formative processes. Consequently, to contemplate, starting from the Freudian work, on transfer concept in that relationship introducing intervention forms in the teaching process and learning. We adopted the revision of literature related to the psychoanalytic aspect that it approaches the education, in interface with school physical education. In other words, we specifically looked for aspects on the theme of transfer in the interface of psychoanalysis with pedagogy. Also, part of the Freudian work was used regarding the theme approached in analytical indexes. Since then, we detected that the observed authors affirm that between teachers and students relationship transferencial exists. Therefore, the selection of contents sends the educators to organize and systematize as it will be worked in curriculum and transmitted to the students, since it should go to the encounter of students’ expectations, doing with that school physical education has sense and meaning. Therefore, it is important the physical education teacher, in school, to analyze that when working with the human being there are just no effects of work on content or about the use of correct teaching methodology, but, also the actions transferenciais that are present in learning process.