989 resultados para Nuclear activation analysis.


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A cDNA library for 6S–9S poly(A)-containing RNA from rat liver was constructed in Image . Initial screening of the clones was carried out using single stranded 32P-labeled cDNA prepared against poly(A)-containing RNA isolated from immunoadsorbed polyribosomes enriched for the nuclear-coded subunit messenger RNAs of cytochrome c oxidase. One of the clones, pCO89, was found to hybridize with the messenger RNA for subunit VIC. The DNA sequence of the insert in pCO89 was carried out and it has got extensive homology with the C-terminal 33 amino acids of subunit VIC from beef heart cytochrome c oxidase. In addition, the insert contained 146 bp, corresponding to a portion of the 3′-non-coding region. Northern blot analysis of rat liver RNA with the nick-translated insert of pCO89 revealed that the messenger RNA for subunit VI would contain around 510 bases.


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This thesis examines the interrelationship and dynamics between the Indian United Progressive Alliance government’s foreign policy and its nuclear weapons policy. The purpose of the study is to situate nuclear policy within a foreign policy framework, and the fundamental research problem is thus how does the Indian nuclear policy reflect and respond to the Indian foreign policy? The study examines the intentions in the Indian foreign and nuclear policies, and asks whether these intentions are commensurable or incommensurable. Moreover, the thesis asks whether the UPA government differs from its predecessors, most notably the Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance government in its foreign and nuclear policies. Answers to these questions are based on the interpretation of political texts and speeches as suggested by Quentin Skinner’s notion of meaning3, what does a writer or speaker mean by what he or she says in a given text, and by J.L. Austin’s speech act theory. This linguistic perspective and the approach of intertextualizing, place the political acts within their contingent intellectual and political contexts. The notion of strategic culture is therefore introduced to provide context for these juxtapositions. The thesis firstly analyses the societal, historical and intellectual context of India’s foreign and nuclear policy. Following from this analysis the thesis then examines the foreign and nuclear policies of Prime Minister Manmo-han Singh’s UPA government. This analysis focuses on the texts, speeches and statements of Indian authorities between 2004 and 2008. This study forwards the following claims: firstly, the UPA Government conducts a foreign policy that is mainly and explicitly inclusive, open and enhancing, and it conducts a nuclear policy that is mainly and implicitly excluding, closed and protective. Secondly, despite the fact that the notion of military security is widely appreciated and does not, as such, necessarily collide with foreign policy, the UPA Government conducts a nuclear policy that is incommensurable with its foreign policy. Thirdly, the UPA Gov-ernment foreign and nuclear policies are, nevertheless, commensurable re-garding their internal intentions. Finally, the UPA Government is conduct-ing a nuclear policy that is gradually leading India towards having a triad of nuclear weapons with various platforms and device designs and a function-ing and robust command and control system encompassing political and military planning, decision-making and execution. Regarding the question of the possible differences between the UPA and NDA governments this thesis claims that, despite their different ideological roots and orientations in domestic affairs, the Indian National Congress Party conducts, perhaps surprisingly, quite a similar foreign and nuclear policy to the Bharatiya Janata Party.


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When a uniform flow of any nature is interrupted, the readjustment of the flow results in concentrations and rare-factions, so that the peak value of the flow parameter will be higher than that which an elementary computation would suggest. When stress flow in a structure is interrupted, there are stress concentrations. These are generally localized and often large, in relation to the values indicated by simple equilibrium calculations. With the advent of the industrial revolution, dynamic and repeated loading of materials had become commonplace in engine parts and fast moving vehicles of locomotion. This led to serious fatigue failures arising from stress concentrations. Also, many metal forming processes, fabrication techniques and weak-link type safety systems benefit substantially from the intelligent use or avoidance, as appropriate, of stress concentrations. As a result, in the last 80 years, the study and and evaluation of stress concentrations has been a primary objective in the study of solid mechanics. Exact mathematical analysis of stress concentrations in finite bodies presents considerable difficulty for all but a few problems of infinite fields, concentric annuli and the like, treated under the presumption of small deformation, linear elasticity. A whole series of techniques have been developed to deal with different classes of shapes and domains, causes and sources of concentration, material behaviour, phenomenological formulation, etc. These include real and complex functions, conformal mapping, transform techniques, integral equations, finite differences and relaxation, and, more recently, the finite element methods. With the advent of large high speed computers, development of finite element concepts and a good understanding of functional analysis, it is now, in principle, possible to obtain with economy satisfactory solutions to a whole range of concentration problems by intelligently combining theory and computer application. An example is the hybridization of continuum concepts with computer based finite element formulations. This new situation also makes possible a more direct approach to the problem of design which is the primary purpose of most engineering analyses. The trend would appear to be clear: the computer will shape the theory, analysis and design.


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During recent decades, thermal and radioactive discharges from nuclear power plants into the aquatic environment have become the subject of lively debate as an ecological concern. The target of this thesis was to summarize the large quantity of results obtained in extensive monitoring programmes and studies carried out in recipient sea areas off the Finnish nuclear power plants at Loviisa and Olkiluoto during more than four decades. The Loviisa NPP is located on the coast of the Gulf of Finland and Olkiluoto NPP on that of the Bothnian Sea. The state of the Gulf of Finland is clearly more eutrophic; the nutrient concentrations in the surface water are about 1½ 2 times higher at Loviisa than at Olkiluoto, and the total phosphorus concentrations still increased in both areas (even doubled at Loviisa) between the early 1970s and 2000. Thus, it is a challenge to distinguish the local effects of thermal discharges from the general eutrophication process of the Gulf of Finland. The salinity is generally low in the brackish-water conditions of the northern Baltic Sea, being however about 1 higher at Olkiluoto than at Loviisa (the salinity of surface water varying at the latter from near to 0 in early spring to 4 6 in late autumn). Thus, many marine and fresh-water organisms live in the Loviisa area close to their limit of existence, which makes the biota sensitive to any additional stress. The characteristics of the discharge areas of the two sites differ from each other in many respects: the discharge area at Loviisa is a semi-enclosed bay in the inner archipelago, where the exchange of water is limited, while the discharge area at Olkiluoto is more open, and the exchange of water with the open Bothnian Sea is more effective. The effects of the cooling water discharged from the power plants on the temperatures in the sea were most obvious in winter. The formation of a permanent ice cover in the discharge areas has been delayed in early winter, and the break-up of the ice occurs earlier in spring. The prolonging of the growing season and the disturbance of the overwintering time, in conditions where the biota has adjusted to a distinct rest period in winter, have been the most significant biological effects of the thermal pollution. The soft-bottom macrofauna at Loviisa has deteriorated to the point of almost total extinction at many sampling stations during the past 40 years. A similar decline has been reported for the whole eastern Gulf of Finland. However, the local eutrophication process seems to have contributed into the decline of the zoobenthos in the discharge area at Loviisa. Thermal discharges have increased the production of organic matter, which again has led to more organic bottom deposits. These have in turn increased the tendency of the isolated deeps to a depletion of oxygen, and this has further caused strong remobilization of phosphorus from the bottom sediments. Phytoplankton primary production and primary production capacity doubled in the whole area between the late 1960s and the late 1990s, but started to decrease a little at the beginning of this century. The focus of the production shifted from spring to mid- and late summer. The general rise in the level of primary production was mainly due to the increase in nutrient concentrations over the whole Gulf of Finland, but the thermal discharge contributed to a stronger increase of production in the discharge area compared to that in the intake area. The eutrophication of littoral vegetation in the discharge area has been the most obvious, unambiguous and significant biological effect of the heated water. Myriophyllum spicatum, Potamogeton perfoliatus and Potamogeton pectinatus, and vigorous growths of numerous filamentous algae as their epiphytes have strongly increased in the vicinity of the cooling water outlet, where they have formed dense populations in the littoral zone in late summer. However, the strongest increase of phytobenthos has extended only to a distance of about 1 km from the outlet, i.e., the changes in vegetation have been largest in those areas that remain ice-free in winter. Similar trends were also discernible at Olkiluoto, but to a clearly smaller extent, which was due to the definitely weaker level of background eutrophy and nutrient concentrations in the Bothnian Sea, and the differing local hydrographical and biological factors prevailing in the Olkiluoto area. The level of primary production has also increased at Olkiluoto, but has remained at a clearly lower level than at Loviisa. In spite of the analogous changes observed in the macrozoobenthos, the benthic fauna has remained strong and diversified in the Olkiluoto area. Small amounts of local discharge nuclides were regularly detected in environmental samples taken from the discharge areas: tritium in seawater samples, and activation products, such as 60Co, 58Co, 54Mn, 110mAg, 51Cr, in suspended particulate matter, bottom sediments and in several indicator organisms (e.g., periphyton and Fucus vesiculosus) that effectively accumulate radioactive substances from the medium. The tritium discharges and the consequent detection frequency and concentrations of tritium in seawater were higher at Loviisa, but the concentrations of the activation products were higher at Olkiluoto, where traces of local discharge nuclides were also observed over a clearly wider area, due to the better exchange of water than at Loviisa, where local discharge nuclides were only detected outside Hästholmsfjärden Bay quite rarely and in smaller amounts. At the farthest, an insignificant trace amount (0.2 Bq kg-1 d.w.) of 60Co originating from Olkiluoto was detected in Fucus at a distance of 137 km from the power plant. Discharge nuclides from the local nuclear power plants were almost exclusively detected at the lower trophic levels of the ecosystems. Traces of local discharge nuclides were very seldom detected in fish, and even then only in very low quantities. As a consequence of the reduced discharges, the concentrations of local discharge nuclides in the environment have decreased noticeably in recent years at both Loviisa and Olkiluoto. Although the concentrations in environmental samples, and above all, the discharge data, are presented as seemingly large numbers, the radiation doses caused by them to the population and to the biota are very low, practically insignificant. The effects of the thermal discharges have been more significant, at least to the wildlife in the discharge areas of the cooling water, although the area of impact has been relatively small. The results show that the nutrient level and the exchange of water in the discharge area of a nuclear power plant are of crucial importance.


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Receptor guanylyl cyclases are multidomain proteins, and ligand binding to the extracellular domain increases the levels of intracellular cGMP. The intracellular domain of these receptors is composed of a kinase homology domain (KHD), a linker of similar to 70 amino acids, followed by the C-terminal guanylyl cyclase domain. Mechanisms by which these receptors are allosterically regulated by ligand binding to the extracellular domain and ATP binding to the KHD are not completely understood. Here we examine the role of the linker region in receptor guanylyl cyclases by a series of point mutations in receptor guanylyl cyclase C. The linker region is predicted to adopt a coiled coil structure and aid in dimerization, but we find that the effects of mutations neither follow a pattern predicted for a coiled coil peptide nor abrogate dimerization. Importantly, this region is critical for repressing the guanylyl cyclase activity of the receptor in the absence of ligand and permitting ligand-mediated activation of the cyclase domain. Mutant receptors with high basal guanylyl cyclase activity show no further activation in the presence of non-ionic detergents, suggesting that hydrophobic interactions in the basal and inactive conformation of the guanylyl cyclase domain are disrupted by mutation. Equivalent mutations in the linker region of guanylyl cyclase A also elevated the basal activity and abolished ligand-and detergent-mediated activation. We, therefore, have defined a key regulatory role for the linker region of receptor guanylyl cyclases which serves as a transducer of information from the extracellular domain via the KHD to the catalytic domain.


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The insulin receptor (IR), the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R) and the insulin receptor-related receptor (IRR) are covalently-linked homodimers made up of several structural domains. The molecular mechanism of ligand binding to the ectodomain of these receptors and the resulting activation of their tyrosine kinase domain is still not well understood. We have carried out an amino acid residue conservation analysis in order to reconstruct the phylogeny of the IR Family. We have confirmed the location of ligand binding site 1 of the IGF1R and IR. Importantly, we have also predicted the likely location of the insulin binding site 2 on the surface of the fibronectin type III domains of the IR. An evolutionary conserved surface on the second leucine-rich domain that may interact with the ligand could not be detected. We suggest a possible mechanical trigger of the activation of the IR that involves a slight ‘twist’ rotation of the last two fibronectin type III domains in order to face the likely location of insulin. Finally, a strong selective pressure was found amongst the IRR orthologous sequences, suggesting that this orphan receptor has a yet unknown physiological role which may be conserved from amphibians to mammals.


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Individual copies of tRNA1Gly from within the multigene family in Bombyx mori could be classified based on in vitro transcription in homologous nuclear extracts into three categories of highly, moderately, or weakly transcribed genes. Segregation of the poorly transcribed gene copies 6 and 7, which are clustered in tandem within 425 base pairs, resulted in enhancement of their individual transcription levels, but the linkage itself had little influence on the transcriptional status. For these gene copies, when fused together generating a single coding region, transcription was barely detectable, which suggested the presence of negatively regulating elements located in the far flanking sequences. They exerted the silencing effect on transcription overriding the activity of positive regulatory elements. Systematic analysis of deletion, chimeric, and mutant constructs revealed the presence of a sequence element TATATAA located beyond 800 nucleotides upstream to the coding region acting as negative modulator, which when mutated resulted in high level transcription. Conversely, a TATATAA motif reintroduced at either far upstream or far downstream flanking regions exerted a negative effect on transcription. The location of cis-regulatory sequences at such farther distances from the coding region and the behavior of TATATAA element as negative regulator reported here are novel. These element(s) could play significant roles in activation or silencing of genes from within a multigene family, by recruitment or sequestration of transcription factors.


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Polyhedral bodies of Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus, BmNPV (BGL) isolated from infected silkworms around Bangalore were propagated either in the cultured B. mori cell line, BmN or through infection of larvae. Electron microscopic (EM) observations of the polyhedra revealed an average length of 2 mu m and a height of 0.5 mu m. The purified polyhedra derived virions (PDV) showed several bands in sucrose gradient centrifugation, indicating the multiple nucleocapsid nature of BmNPV. Electron microscopic studies of PDV revealed a cylindrical, rod-shaped nucleocapsid with an average length of 300 nm and a diameter of 35 nm. The genomic DNA from the PDV was characterized by extensive restriction analysis and the genome size was estimated to be 132 kb. The restriction pattern of BmNPV (BGL) resembled that of the prototype strain BmNPV-T3. Distinct differences due to polymorphic sites for restriction enzyme HindIII were apparent between BmNPV (BGL) and the virus isolated from a different part of Karnataka (Dharwad area), BmNPV (DHR).


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Wound healing is a complex process that requires an interplay between several cell types. Classically, fibroblasts have been viewed as producers of extracellular matrix, but more recently they have been recognized as orchestrators of the healing response, promoting and directing, inflammation and neovascularization processes. Compared to those from healthy tissue, inflammation-associated fibroblasts display a dramatically altered phenotype and have been described as sentinel cells, able to switch to an immunoregulatory profile on cue. However, the activation mechanism still remains largely uncharacterized. Nemosis is a model for stromal fibroblast activation. When normal human primary fibroblasts are deprived of growth support they cluster, forming multicellular spheroids. Clustering results in upregulation of proinflammatory markers such as cyclooxygenase-2 and secretion of prostaglandins, proteinases, cytokines, and growth factors. Fibroblasts in nemosis induce wound healing and tumorigenic responses in many cell types found in inflammatory and tumor microenvironments. This study investigated the effect of nemotic fibroblasts on two components of the vascular system, leukocytes and endothelium, and characterized the inflammation-promoting responses that arose in these cell types. Fibroblasts in nemosis were found to secrete an array of chemotactic cytokines and attract leukocytes, as well as promote their adhesion to the endothelium. Nuclear factor-kB, the master regulator of many inflammatory responses, is activated in nemotic fibroblasts. Nemotic fibroblasts are known to produce large amounts of hepatocyte growth factor, a motogenic and angiogenic factor. Also, as shown in this study, they produce vascular endothelial growth factor. These two factors induced migratory and sprouting responses in endothelial cells, both required for neovascularization. Nemotic fibroblasts also caused a decrease in the expression of adherens and tight junction components on the surface of endothelial cells. The results allow the conclusion that fibroblasts in nemosis share many similarities with inflammation-associated fibroblasts. Both inflammation and stromal fibroblasts are known to be involved in tumorigenesis and tumor progression. Nemosis may be viewed as a model for stromal fibroblast activation, or it may correlate with cell-cell interactions between adjacent fibroblasts in vivo. Nevertheless, due to nemosis-derived production of proinflammatory cytokines and growth factors, fibroblast nemosis may have therapeutic potential as an inducer of controlled tissue repair. Knowledge of stromal fibroblast activation gained through studies of nemosis, could provide new strategies to control unwanted inflammation and tumor progression.


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Cell proliferation, transcription and metabolism are regulated by complex partly overlapping signaling networks involving proteins in various subcellular compartments. The objective of this study was to increase our knowledge on such regulatory networks and their interrelationships through analysis of MrpL55, Vig, and Mat1 representing three gene products implicated in regulation of cell cycle, transcription, and metabolism. Genome-wide and biochemical in vitro studies have previously revealed MrpL55 as a component of the large subunit of the mitochondrial ribosome and demonstrated a possible role for the protein in cell cycle regulation. Vig has been implicated in heterochromatin formation and identified as a constituent of the RNAi-induced silencing complex (RISC) involved in cell cycle regulation and RNAi-directed transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) coupled to RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) transcription. Mat1 has been characterized as a regulatory subunit of cyclin-dependent kinase 7 (Cdk7) complex phosphorylating and regulating critical targets involved in cell cycle progression, energy metabolism and transcription by RNAPII. The first part of the study explored whether mRpL55 is required for cell viability or involved in a regulation of energy metabolism and cell proliferation. The results revealed a dynamic requirement of the essential Drosophila mRpL55 gene during development and suggested a function of MrpL55 in cell cycle control either at the G1/S or G2/M transition prior to cell differentiation. This first in vivo characterization of a metazoan-specific constituent of the large subunit of mitochondrial ribosome also demonstrated forth compelling evidence of the interconnection of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes as well as complex functions of the evolutionarily young metazoan-specific mitochondrial ribosomal proteins. In studies on the Drosophila RISC complex regulation, it was noted that Vig, a protein involved in heterochromatin formation, unlike other analyzed RISC associated proteins Argonaute2 and R2D2, is dynamically phosphorylated in a dsRNA-independent manner. Vig displays similarity with a known in vivo substrate for protein kinase C (PKC), human chromatin remodeling factor Ki-1/57, and is efficiently phosphorylated by PKC on multiple sites in vitro. These results suggest that function of the RISC complex protein Vig in RNAi-directed TGS and chromatin modification may be regulated through dsRNA-independent phosphorylation by PKC. In the third part of this study the role of Mat1 in regulating RNAPII transcription was investigated using cultured murine immortal fibroblasts with a conditional allele of Mat1. The results demonstrated that phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RNAPII in the heptapeptide YSPTSPS repeat in Mat-/- cells was over 10-fold reduced on Serine-5 and subsequently on Serine-2. Occupancy of the hypophosphorylated RNAPII in gene bodies was detectably decreased, whereas capping, splicing, histone methylation and mRNA levels were generally not affected. However, a subset of transcripts in absence of Mat1 was repressed and associated with decreased occupancy of RNAPII at promoters as well as defective capping. The results identify the Cdk7-CycH-Mat1 kinase submodule of TFIIH as a stimulatory non-essential regulator of transcriptional elongation and a genespecific essential factor for stable binding of RNAPII at the promoter region and capping. The results of these studies suggest important roles for both MrpL55 and Mat1 in cell cycle progression and their possible interplay at the G2/M stage in undifferentiated cells. The identified function of Mat1 and of TFIIH kinase complex in gene-specific transcriptional repression is challenging for further studies in regard to a possible link to Vig and RISC-mediated transcriptional gene silencing.


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Autoimmune diseases are a major health problem. Usually autoimmune disorders are multifactorial and their pathogenesis involves a combination of predisposing variations in the genome and other factors such as environmental triggers. APECED (autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy) is a rare, recessively inherited, autoimmune disease caused by mutations in a single gene. Patients with APECED suffer from several organ-specific autoimmune disorders, often affecting the endocrine glands. The defective gene, AIRE, codes for a transcriptional regulator. The AIRE (autoimmune regulator) protein controls the expression of hundreds of genes, representing a substantial subset of tissue-specific antigens which are presented to developing T cells in the thymus and has proven to be a key molecule in the establishment of immunological tolerance. However, the molecular mechanisms by which AIRE mediates its functions are still largely obscure. The aim of this thesis has been to elucidate the functions of AIRE by studying the molecular interactions it is involved in by utilizing different cultured cell models. A potential molecular mechanism for exceptional, dominant, inheritance of APECED in one family, carrying a glycine 228 to tryptophan (G228W) mutation, was described in this thesis. It was shown that the AIRE polypeptide with G228W mutation has a dominant negative effect by binding the wild type AIRE and inhibiting its transactivation capacity in vitro. The data also emphasizes the importance of homomultimerization of AIRE in vivo. Furthermore, two novel protein families interacting with AIRE were identified. The importin alpha molecules regulate the nuclear import of AIRE by binding to the nuclear localization signal of AIRE, delineated as a classical monopartite signal sequence. The interaction of AIRE with PIAS E3 SUMO ligases, indicates a link to the sumoylation pathway, which plays an important role in the regulation of nuclear architecture. It was shown that AIRE is not a target for SUMO modification but enhances the localization of SUMO1 and PIAS1 proteins to nuclear bodies. Additional support for the suggestion that AIRE would preferably up-regulate genes with tissue-specific expression pattern and down-regulate housekeeping genes was obtained from transactivation studies performed with two models: human insulin and cystatin B promoters. Furthermore, AIRE and PIAS activate the insulin promoter concurrently in a transactivation assay, indicating that their interaction is biologically relevant. Identification of novel interaction partners for AIRE provides us information about the molecular pathways involved in the establishment of immunological tolerance and deepens our understanding of the role played by AIRE not only in APECED but possibly also in several other autoimmune diseases.


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Flourite-type nanocrystalline Ce0.9Fe0.1O2-delta and Ce0.89Fe0.1Pd0.01O2-delta solid solutions have been synthesized by solution combustion method,'.which show higher oxygen storage/release property (OSC) compared to CeO2 and Ce0.8Zr0.2O2. Temperature programmed reduction an XPS study reveal that the presence of Pd ion in Ce0.9Fe0.1O2-delta facilitates complete reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ state and partial reduction of Ce4+ to Ce3+ state at.temperatures as low as 105 degrees C compared to 400 degrees C for monometal-ionic Ce0.9Fe0.1O2-delta. Fe3+ ion is reduced to Fe2+ and not to Feo due to favorable redox potential for Ce4+ + Fe2+ -> Ce3+ + Fe3+ reaction. Using first-principles density functional theory calculation we determine M-O (M = Pd, Fe, Ce) bond lengths, and find that bond lengths vary from shorter (2.16 angstrom) to longer (2.9 angstrom) bond distances compared to mean Ce-O bond distance of 2.34 angstrom. for CeO2. Using these results in bond valence analysis, we show that oxygen with bond valences as low as -1.55 are created, leading to activation of lattice oxygen in the bimetal ionic catalyst. Temperatures of CO oxidation and NO reduction by CO/H-2 are lower with the bimetalionic Ce0.89Fe0.1Pd0.01O2-delta catalyst compared to monometal-ionic Ce0.9Fe0.1O2-delta and Ce0.99Pd0.01O2-delta catalysts. From XPS studies of Pd impregnated on CeO2 and Fe2O3 oxides, we show that the synergism leading to low temperature activation of lattice oxygen in bimetal-ionic catalyst Ce0.89Fe0.1Pd0.01O2-delta is due to low-temperature reduction of Pd2+ to Pd-0, followed by Pd-0 + 2Fe(3+) -> Pd2+ + 2Fe(2+), Pd-0 + 2Ce(4+) -> Pd2+ + 2Ce(3+) redox reaction.


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Hepatotoxicity due to overdose of the analgesic and antipyretic acetaminophen (A-PAIP) is a major cause of liver failure in adults. To better understand the contributions of different signaling pathways, the expression and role of Ras activation was evaluated after oral dosing of mice with APAP (400-500 mg/kg). Ras-guanosine triphosphate (GTP) is induced early and in an oxidative stress-dependent manner. The functional role of Ras activation was studied by a single intraperitoneal injection of the neutral sphingomyelinase and farnesyltransferase inhibitor (FTI) manumycin A (I mg/kg), which lowers induction of Ras-GTP and serum amounts of alanine aminotransferase (ALT). APAP dosing decreases hepatic glutathione amounts, which are not affected by manumycin A treatment. However, APAP-induced activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase, which plays an important role, is reduced by manumycin A. Also, APAP-induced mitochondrial reactive oxygen species are reduced by manumycin A at a later time point during liver injury. Importantly, the induction of genes involved in the inflammatory response (including iNos, gp91phox, and Fasl) and serum amounts of proinflammatory cytokines interferon-gamma (IFN gamma) and tumor necrosis factor alpha, which increase greatly with APAP challenge, are suppressed with manumycin A. The FTI ctivity of manumycin A is most likely involved in reducing APAP-induced liver injury, because a specific neutral sphingomyelinase inhibitor, GW4869 (I mg/kg), did not show any hepatoprotective effect. Notably, a structurally distinct FTI, gliotoxin (I mg/kg), also inhibits Ras activation and reduces serum amounts of ALT and IFN-gamma after APAP dosing. Finally, histological analysis confirmed the hepatoprotective effect f manumycin A and gliotoxin during APAP-induced liver damage. Conclusion: This study identifies a key role for Ras activation and demonstrates the therapeutic efficacy of FTIs during APAP-induced liver injury.


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The eukaryotic cell nucleoplasm is separated from the cytoplasm by the nuclear envelope. This compartmentation of eukaryotic cells requires that all nuclear proteins must be transported from the cytoplasm into the nucleus. Transport of macromolecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm occurs through nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). Proteins to be targeted into the nucleus by the classical nuclear import system contain nuclear localization signals (NLSs), which are recognized by importin alpha, the NLS receptor. Importin alpha binds to importin beta, which docks the importin-cargo complex on the cytoplasmic side of the NPC and mediates the movement of the complex into the nucleus. Presently six human importin alpha isoforms have been identified. Transcription factors are among the most important regulators of gene expression in eukaryotic organisms. Transcription factors bind to specific DNA sequences on target genes and modulate the activity of the target gene. Many transcription factors, including signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) and nuclear factor kB (NF-kB), reside in the cytoplasm in an inactive form, and upon activation they are rapidly transported into the nucleus. In the nucleus STATs and NF-kB regulate the activity of genes whose products are critical in controlling numerous cellular and organismal processes, such as inflammatory and immune responses, cell growth, differentiation and survival. The aim of this study was to investigate the nuclear import mechanisms of STAT and NF-kB transcription factors. This work shows that STAT1 homodimers and STAT1/STAT2 heterodimers bind specifically and directly to importin alpha5 molecule via unconventional dimer-specific NLSs. Importin alpha molecules have two regions, which have been shown to directly interact with the amino acids in the NLS of the cargo molecule. The Arm repeats 2-4 comprise the N-terminal NLS binding site and Arm repeats 7-8 the C-terminal NLS binding site. In this work it is shown that the binding site for STAT1 homodimers and STAT1/STAT2 heterodimers is composed of Arm repeats 8 and 9 of importin alpha5 molecule. This work demonstrates that all NF-kB proteins are transported into the nucleus by importin alpha molecules. In addition, NLS was identified in RelB protein. The interactions between NF-kB proteins and importin alpha molecules were found to be directly mediated by the NLSs of NF-kB proteins. Moreover, we found that p50 binds to the N-terminal and p65 to the C-terminal NLS binding site of importin alpha3. The results from this thesis work identify previously uncharacterized mechanisms in nuclear import of STAT and NF-kB. These findings provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms regulating the signalling cascades of these important transcription factors from the cytoplasm into the nucleus to the target genes.