989 resultados para Meyer, Augusto - 1902-1970 - Correspondência
Robot-mediated therapies offer a new approach to neurorehabilitation. This paper analyses the Fugl-Meyer data from the Gentle/S project and finds that the two intervention phases (sling suspension and robot mediated therapy) have approximately equal value to the further recovery of chronic stroke subjects (on average 27 months post stroke). Both sling suspension and robot mediated interventions show a recovery over baseline and further work is needed to establish the common factors in treatment, and to establish intervention protocols for each that will give individual subjects a maximum level of recovery.
Background: Robot-mediated therapies offer entirely new approaches to neurorehabilitation. In this paper we present the results obtained from trialling the GENTLE/S neurorehabilitation system assessed using the upper limb section of the Fugl-Meyer ( FM) outcome measure. Methods: We demonstrate the design of our clinical trial and its results analysed using a novel statistical approach based on a multivariate analytical model. This paper provides the rational for using multivariate models in robot-mediated clinical trials and draws conclusions from the clinical data gathered during the GENTLE/S study. Results: The FM outcome measures recorded during the baseline ( 8 sessions), robot-mediated therapy ( 9 sessions) and sling-suspension ( 9 sessions) was analysed using a multiple regression model. The results indicate positive but modest recovery trends favouring both interventions used in GENTLE/S clinical trial. The modest recovery shown occurred at a time late after stroke when changes are not clinically anticipated. Conclusion: This study has applied a new method for analysing clinical data obtained from rehabilitation robotics studies. While the data obtained during the clinical trial is of multivariate nature, having multipoint and progressive nature, the multiple regression model used showed great potential for drawing conclusions from this study. An important conclusion to draw from this paper is that this study has shown that the intervention and control phase both caused changes over a period of 9 sessions in comparison to the baseline. This might indicate that use of new challenging and motivational therapies can influence the outcome of therapies at a point when clinical changes are not expected. Further work is required to investigate the effects arising from early intervention, longer exposure and intensity of the therapies. Finally, more function-oriented robot-mediated therapies or sling-suspension therapies are needed to clarify the effects resulting from each intervention for stroke recovery.
The anthropogenic heat emissions generated by human activities in London are analysed in detail for 2005–2008 and considered in context of long-term past and future trends (1970–2025). Emissions from buildings, road traffic and human metabolism are finely resolved in space (30 min) and time (200 × 200 m2). Software to compute and visualize the results is provided. The annual mean anthropogenic heat flux for Greater London is 10.9 W m−2 for 2005–2008, with the highest peaks in the central activities zone (CAZ) associated with extensive service industry activities. Towards the outskirts of the city, emissions from the domestic sector and road traffic dominate. Anthropogenic heat is mostly emitted as sensible heat, with a latent heat fraction of 7.3% and a heat-to-wastewater fraction of 12%; the implications related to the use of evaporative cooling towers are briefly addressed. Projections indicate a further increase of heat emissions within the CAZ in the next two decades related to further intensification of activities within this area.
We present results of a sensitive Chandra X-ray observation and Spitzer mid-infrared (mid-IR) observations of the IR cluster lying north of the NGC 2071 reflection nebula in the Orion B molecular cloud. We focus on the dense cluster core known as NGC 2071-IR, which contains at least nine IR sources within a 40 `` x 40 `` region. This region shows clear signs of active star formation including powerful molecular outflows, Herbig-Haro objects, and both OH and H(2)O masers. We use Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) images to aid in X-ray source identification and to determine young stellar object (YSO) classes using mid-IR colors. Spitzer IRAC colors show that the luminous source IRS 1 is a class I protostar. IRS 1 is believed to be driving a powerful bipolar molecular outflow and may be an embedded B-type star or its progenitor. Its X-ray spectrum reveals a fluorescent Fe emission line at 6.4 keV, arising in cold material near the protostar. The line is present even in the absence of large flares, raising questions about the nature of the ionizing mechanism responsible for producing the 6.4 keV fluorescent line. Chandra also detects X-ray sources at or near the positions of IRS 2, IRS 3, IRS 4, and IRS 6 and a variable X-ray source coincident with the radio source VLA 1, located just 2 `` north of IRS 1. No IR data are yet available to determine a YSO classification for VLA 1, but its high X-ray absorption shows that it is even more deeply embedded than IRS 1, suggesting that it could be an even younger, less-evolved protostar.
Following the lines of the celebrated Riemannian result of Gromoll and Meyer, we use infinite dimensional equivariant Morse theory to establish the existence of infinitely many geometrically distinct closed geodesics in a class of globally hyperbolic stationary Lorentzian manifolds.
Depiction of closed circuit TV students at the New York Trade School filming a voltage regulator check performed by William C. H. Meyer. Original caption reads, "Closed-circuit TV takes a class at the New York Trade School into the Automotive Shop where William C. H. Meyer, head of the Automotive Department, demonstrates a voltage-regulator check. Students Robert Niefeld (left) and Denis Mahoney serve as cameramen." Black and white photograph part of series of four photographs accompanying a press release of the New York Trade School announcing the demonstration of a new technique in closed-circuit TV developed at the New York Trade School.
Jag har jämfört hur unga människor lyssnade på inspelad musik på 1970-talet med hur unga lyssnar idag. Jag har gjort en enkätundersökning där två grupper, en som är ung idag och en som var ung på 1970-talet, fått svara på frågor om sitt musiklyssnande. Enkäten har jag kompletterat med fyra intervjuer. Den stora skillnaden när det gäller förutsättningarna för lyssnandet, är övergången från analog till digital teknik. Idag lyssnar vi mer vid datorn eller i portabla medier som mp3-spelare eller mobiltelefoner. På 1970-talet var man mer bunden till stationära anläggningar som stereoanläggningen eller radion. Teknikskiftet har också påverkat hur man lyssnar. Förr lyssnade man oftare tillsammans. Idag har det fysiska lyssnandet individualiserats. Den sociala interaktionen har i hög grad flyttat ut i cyberrymden: Man byter spotifylistor, man tipsar om klipp på youtube, man delar med sig av sin egenproducerade musik på myspace osv. Lars Lilliestam använder begreppet musikantropologi för att beskriva studiet av musik som en social aktivitet. Möjligheten att välja ur ett enormt utbud och sätta ihop sina egna spellistor har gett lyssnaren större kontroll över sitt lyssnande. De portabla medierna innebär också en möjlighet till effektivt tidsutnyttjande; man tar med sig musiken samtidigt som man gör något annat. Marie Strand Skånland har undersökt hur mp3-spelare används i vardagen och kommit fram till att musik används som en resurs. Lyssnande på personligt utvald musik, i form av spellistor, kan ge en känsla av kontroll över sig själv, omgivningen och över andra. Man stänger in sig i sin egen ljudbubbla.Lyssnarna anser att ljudkvaliteten har stor betydelse för musikupplevelsen. Men åsikterna går isär, både om vad som är bra ljudkvalitet och om vad som är en bra musikupplevelse.
Större delen av 1800-talet framstår som en misslyckad beslutsprocess när det gäller skatte-politiken i Sverige. Eftersträvade förändringar av skattesystemet var en trögrörlig process med mycket motstånd mot att göra förändringar i vårt gamla feodala skattesystem som hade anor från medeltiden. När 1800-talet börjar närma sig sitt slut stod plötsligt skattefrågorna högt upp på den politiska dagordningen. Arbetarna ville ha rösträtt och krävde att tullarna skulle avskaffas. Bönderna ville befrias från grundskatterna och de konservativa ville avskaffa in-delningsverket och ersätta den med en modern värnpliktsarmé. Den gemensamma nämnaren blir skattereformen 1902.Syftet i min uppsats har varit att undersöka denna skattereform som egentligen skulle vara en provisorisk skattereform som skulle tillämpas under ett år, 1903. Skattereformen bestod av tre delar som jag har undersökt varav det första är införandet av en progressiv beskattning. Det andra är införandet av självdeklarationen och det sista en reformering av taxeringsförfarandet.Resultatet av skattereformen vart så lyckad och gav väsentligt högre skatteintäkter till staten. Grunddragen i skattereformen kom att permanentas och följas av nya skattereformer. Nu nästan 110 år senare, är Sveriges skattesystem uppbyggt på samma sätt som det fastställdes i skattereformen 1902.
This article relates the Actual History of the Mapuche People with the different political processes that have taken place in Chile from 1970 until the present time, passing through the government of Popular Unity, the Pinochet’s Regime and the return of Democracy. The purpose of this paper is to show that the political and social conditions of the Mapuche People were directly connected with what was going on in Chile during those years, not only being part of the general Chilean History but also protagonist and mean actors of the moment.
This thesis tries trough qualitative analyzes to illuminate advertising and its didactic aspects, how menstruation and menstruating women are portrayed over time. The method underlying the survey is didactic, diachronic comparative and hermeneutic. There will also be a feminist point of view on the material. The issue is about how the advertisement presents sanitary products and menstruation and how a menstruating woman is portrayed.The conclusion is that the image of a menstruating woman changes slightly while consolidating the ethos that menstruation should not be visible. The menstruating woman is in constant motion, always fresh and fragrant.