990 resultados para LASSBIO-294
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a prevalência da hipertensão arterial referida em idosos de Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil, identificando os fatores associados, o uso de serviços de saúde e o conhecimento e as práticas quanto às opções do tratamento. Trata-se de estudo transversal, de base populacional, com amostra de conglomerados, estratificada e em múltiplos estágios. A análise dos dados referentes aos 426 indivíduos (sessenta anos e mais) levou em conta o desenho amostral e o efeito do delineamento. A prevalência de hipertensão foi de 51,8% (46,4% nos homens e 55,9% nas mulheres) e mostrou-se mais elevada em idosos: com menor escolaridade (55,9%), migrantes de outros estados (60,2%) e com sobrepeso ou obesidade (57,2%). Os resultados indicam que os serviços de saúde estão garantindo o acesso ao atendimento médico (71,6% visitam o médico regularmente) e aos medicamentos (86,7% tomam medicamento de rotina), sem distinção de nível sócio-econômico. Persistem, no entanto, desigualdades sociais quanto ao conhecimento e utilização de outras práticas de controle da pressão arterial, como dieta adequada e atividade física, que são insuficientemente utilizadas também pelos segmentos socialmente mais favorecidos.
Plântulas de tangerina 'Cleópatra'(Citrus reshni hort. ex. Tanaka), foram utilizadas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições no esquema de parcelas sub-divididas, onde os tratamentos principais foram 5 concentrações de ácido giberélico: T1 = 0, T2 = 25, T3 = 50, T4 = 100 e T5 = 150 mg.L-1, parceladas em quatro pulverizações. As coletas de material foram realizadas dos 70 aos 210 dias, em intervalos de 14 dias. Pelos resultados obtidos, o fitorregulador promoveu efeito favorável com relação ao incremento do comprimento do caule, sendo que aplicações de 100 e 150 mg.L-1 foram superiores as demais. O diâmetro do caule não foi influenciado pela aplicação de ácido giberélico.
A padronização internacional de doenças é um processo complexo que necessita de uma equipe especializada. Esta comunicação visa a esclarecer e sugerir correções de um provável equívoco na tradução, para o português da CID-10, do código A30, no qual os termos borderline e dimorfo são utilizados como subcategorias distintas e não como sinônimos, assim como substituir a designação lepromatosa por virchoviana pois, no Brasil, o vocábulo lepra foi abolido dos textos oficiais, por uma lei federal em 1995.
O experimento teve como objetivo avaliar, durante a fase de terminação, o peso, o consumo alimentar, o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar de vacas de descarte, puras (Charolês-C e Nelore-N) e cruzadas F1 ( ½ CN e ½ NC), bem como medir a heterose resultante. As vacas foram confinadas por um período de 80 dias, sendo todas alimentadas com a mesma dieta, contendo 10% de proteína bruta e uma relação volumoso:concentrado de 65:35. Vacas F1 foram mais pesadas no início (402 vs 362 kg) e no final do confinamento (524 vs 475 kg), sendo a heterose de 11,05 e 10,31%, respectivamente. O ganho de peso médio diário das vacas F1 (1,557 kg) foi similar ao das puras (1,424 kg). O consumo voluntário de matéria seca (CMS) em kg/animal/dia (CMSD) foi 11,26% superior nas vacas F1 em relação às puras. No entanto, ao expressar o CMS por unidade de peso metabólico (CMSM) e por 100 kg de peso vivo (CMSP), a diferença decresceu para 3,25 e 3,57%, respectivamente, e deixou de ser significativa. Vacas C foram mais pesadas e apresentaram maior ganho de peso médio diário que vacas N (1,554 contra 1,294 kg). Vacas ½ CN foram mais pesadas e mais eficientes na transformação de alimentos em ganho de peso que vacas ½ NC.
The colonization characteristics of two neighboring populations of Monomorium pharaonis in human structures in Brazil were compared. No differences in the seasonality of colonizations into fixed trap nests between the two populations were found. However, one population had higher frequencies of colonizations with accompanying queens than the other. This resulted in the other population producing new queens at a higher frequency than the other. There was a clumping of colonization attempts at specific points, which shows that colonization may be predictable. These findings may be of importance in control programs for M. pharaonis in structures.
Tick-bite naive guinea pigs were inoculated three times with Rhipicephalus sanguineus gut or salivary gland extracts and saponin as adjuvant. Dogs were inoculated three times with gut extract only as this fraction induced a more efficient resistance in guinea pigs (lower tick recovery and lower engorged female weights). Freund's adjuvant and saponin were used as adjuvants for the immunisation of dogs. Freund's adjuvant was used to enhance cellular immunity. The highest level of resistance in dogs was induced by the immunisation with gut extract and Freund's adjuvant. Many female ticks from dogs immunised this way engorged fully but died prior to oviposition. Resistant guinea pigs and dogs seemed to trigger different immune mechanisms against R. sanguineus ticks as damage to parasites also differed. A major role for cellular immunity in the resistance of dogs against R. sanguineus ticks is suggested. Resistance mechanisms against R. sanguineus ticks is discussed.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
1. Until the late 1960s, Euterpe edulis was the most important edible palm species in the Brazilian markets. Since then, overharvesting of natural stands and the limited scope of plantations have caused the industry to shift to the multistemmed E, oleracea from the Amazon river estuary.2, As a result of the relocation of the industry, the structure of the palm harvesting industry has changed and illegal trade has continued to exploit the remaining natural stands of E, edulis.3, it is suggested that, to avoid the total harvesting of E. edulis and to achieve sustainable management of the palm heart, it will be necessary to diversify the local economy, create incentives for small land owners to improve their management practices, while keeping their competitiveness against the illegal trade, create the incentive of new sources of palm hearts and create a 'green stamping' For management palms.4, Transformation of the illegal structure of the palm heart industry is probably the only solution to avoid the total depletion of the wild stands of E. edulis.
Activity profiles of excess Pb-210 measured in four sediment cores from the Corumbatai River basin, São Paulo State, Brazil, provided an opportunity to evaluate sedimentation rates that are helpful for defining appropriate management strategies for the hydrological resources in the basin. This is because Rio Claro city and other municipalities make extensive use of surface waters for drinking water supply. The radiochemical analysis of the sediment cores yielded apparent sediment mass accumulation rates of between 406 and 1014 mg cm(-2) year(-1) for secondary drainage lines, whereas an intermediate value of 546 mg cm(-2) year(-1) was found in the Corumbatai River, the main drainage system of the studied area. These values provided estimates of average linear sedimentation rates of between 3.1 and 16.2 mm year(-1) that are compatible with field evidence, with the highest value corresponding with an area characterized by accumulation of sediment.
A simple and sensitive method for determining atmospheric ammonia (NH3), using a hanging drop, is described. A colorimetric sensor is composed of two optical fibers and the source of monochromatic light implemented was a red light emitting diode (LED) (635 nm). Preliminary experiments were carried out in order to optimize the geometry of the sensor. These tests showed that the best signal absorbance was obtained using a 22 muL deionized water drop for sampling the gas and as addition of 4 muL of each of the reactants to form the blue dye (indophenol). Some important analytical parameters were also studied, including sampling time and flow rate. The analytical curve was constructed with a concentration range of 3-20 ppbv of gaseous NH3 standard. The detection limit reached was of ca 0.5 ppbv. It was observed that formaldehyde and diethylamine did not interfere. However, studies showed that hydrogen sulfide caused a negative interference of 20%, when present in the atmosphere in a concentration equal to that of NE3. The method considered here was shown to be easy to apply, making it possible to make a determination every 17 min.
We consider certain quadrature rules of highest algebraic degree of precision that involve strong Stieltjes distributions (i.e., strong distributions on the positive real axis). The behavior of the parameters of these quadrature rules, when the distributions are strong c-inversive Stieltjes distributions, is given. A quadrature rule whose parameters have explicit expressions for their determination is presented. An application of this quadrature rule for the evaluation of a certain type of integrals is also given.
Basic aspects of the hormonal profile of five hormones were studied in neonate male buffaloes. The level of testosterone (T), androstenedione (A), cortisol (C), triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) were determined during the period of 1-6, 7-8, - 9-12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours after parturition, using RIA solid phase technique. All hormones studied presented high levels in the neonate animals. The T and A levels were high in the first 1-6 hours post-partum, being 99.6+/-66.6 and 1,301.4+/-887.7 pg/ml, respectively. The T decreased sharply to basal levels (below the analysis limit of detection) within 24 hours while the A reached the basal level within 48 hours with 348.0+/-279.4pg/ml. The C and T4 levels were also high in the first 24-48 hours, which levels were 5.0+/-3.2 and 11.1+/-2.6 mu g/ml, respectively, decreasing gradually and significantly (P<0.01) until 96 hours post-partum, when they approached the basal levels (1.2+/-1.5 and 7.2+/-2.7 mu g/ml, respectively). The concentration of T3 remained elevated during the entire period of sample collection with little variation (P>0.05), with levels of 328.6+/-130.8 and 294.5+/-134.9ng/dl, respectively during 1-6 hours and 96 hours after parturition.
This study was carried out to determine body composition and magnesium, potassium and sodium requirements for weight gain of Santa Ines lambs (hairy coat breed). Eighteen animals were used with average 15 kg initial LW. At the beginning of the experiment, six animals were slaughtered for the determination of the amount of each mineral retained in the body, and serving as reference animals in the comparative slaughter technique. The remaining 12 animals were divided in two groups: six were ad libitum fed and six animals were restricting fed at maintenance plus 20%. The animals from the ad libitum and restrict feeding groups started in the experimental period by pairs and they both were slaughtered when the animals from the ad libitum group reached 25 kg LW. The estimates of magnesium, potassium and sodium body composition were obtained through the prediction equations obtained by the logarithm regression of the amount of each present minerals in the empty body in function of the empty body weight (EBW). The net requirements for weight gain were obtained through the derivation of these prediction equations. The estimates of body composition per kg EBW for the animals from 15 to 25 kg were: 0.591 and 0,578 g for Mg: 2.914 and 2.776 g for K 1.830 and 1.637 g for Na; and the net requirements for kg weight gain were: 0.515 and 0.503 g for Mg: 2.408 and 2.294 g for K; 1.315 and 1.177 g for Na, respectively.
The growth of nanocrystalline Ga1-zMnxN (0.00 <= x <= 0.18) films grown by reactive RF-magnetron sputtering is focused here for the first time. The films were grown in a N-2 atmosphere by co-sputtering technique using a Ga target covered with small pieces of Mn onto c-GaAs (10 0), c-Si (10 0) and amorphous SiO2 substrates maintained at 500 K. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments did not show any evidence for Mn segregation within the studied composition range. EDX measurements show that the Mn concentration is increased monotonically with the fraction of the target area covered by Mn. The XRD characterization show that the films are nanocrystalline, the crystallites having mean grain sizes in the 15-19 nm range and wurtzite structure with preferential growth orientation along the c-axis direction. The lattice parameters of alpha-GaN (a and c) increase practically linearly with the increase of Mn incorporation. The changes in the structural properties of our films due to the Mn incorporation are similar to those that occur in ferromagnetic GaMnN single-crystal films. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this research it was studied a system composed by the anaerobic filter combined with a sand filter for the wastewater treatment. For this, three anaerobic filters were operated with hydraulic detention time of nine hours which had the effluent disposed over four sand filters in different frequencies of application. on the first sand filter, 50 L.m(-2) were applied once a day. on the second, the third and the fourth filters, the same load was disposed in twice, three and four times a day, distributed between 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. The system presented a final effluent suitable for the COD and BOD legislation maximum limit to be discharged into water body (Decreto Paulista no 8,468/1976), showing the viability of dispose a higher quantity of effluent then the one suggested by NBR 13969/1997, which guides the constructive aspects for this kind of treatment.