989 resultados para Intraclass struggles


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The attitude of school teachers toward inclusion of children with disabilities is an important factor in the successful implementation of a national inclusion program. With the universal pressure to provide education for all and international recognition of the importance of meeting the needs of diverse populations, inclusive education has become important to governments around the world. El Salvador’s Ministry of Education seeks to establish inclusion as an integral part of their struggle to meet the needs of children across the country, but this is a difficult process, especially for a country with limited resources which still struggles to meet international expectations of educational access and quality. Teacher attitude is an important factor in the success of inclusion programs and can be investigated in relation to various factors which may affect teachers’ classroom practice. While these factors have been investigated in multiple countries, there is a need for more knowledge of the present situation in developing countries and especially in schools across the rural areas of El Salvador to meet the needs of the diverse learners in that country. My research was a mixed methods case study of the rural schools of one municipality, using a published survey and interviews with teachers to investigate their attitudes regarding inclusion. This research was the first investigation of teachers’ attitudes toward inclusion in rural El Salvador and explored the needs and challenges which exist in creating inclusive schools across this country. The findings of this study revealed the following important themes. Some children with disabilities are not in school and those with mild disabilities are not always getting needed services. Teachers agreed with the philosophy of inclusion, but believed that some children with disabilities would receive a better education in special schools. They were not concerned about classroom management. Teachers desired more training on disability and inclusion. They believed that a lack of resources, including materials and personnel, was a major barrier to inclusion. Teachers’ attitudes were consistent regardless of family and professional experience with disability or amount of inclusion training. They were concerned about the role of family support for children with disabilities.


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Sur quoi fonder une éthique de responsabilité et quelle place accorder aux cultures et aux traditions dans un contexte nouveau caractérisé par la mondialisation? Pour répondre à cette question, posée à partir de l’Afrique, nous avons pris un long chemin de réflexion. À partir de l’évaluation faite par Fabien Eboussi de la crise multiforme actuelle qui frappe l’Afrique, où l’auteur cherche et désigne les coupables et les responsables que sont, selon lui, les cultures africaines, la colonisation européenne et le christianisme, nous nous sommes concentré sur le sujet humain comme tel. La responsabilité est d’abord, à nos yeux, une question de conscience morale. Les approches anthropologiques utilisées dans leurs théories éthiques par Xavier Thévenot, Paul Ricoeur et Emmanuel Levinas nous ont permis de bâtir une définition du sujet comme une « liberté précédée ». L’antécédence est à la fois un principe anthropologique et éthique dans la relation et dans l’existence. Nous avons appliqué ce principe de précédence à la notion africaine d’ancestralité conçue comme le temps éthique hiérarchisé et orienté. Pour échapper à l’étroitesse tribale ou ethnique dans laquelle se vit cette ancestralité africaine, nous l’avons étendue aux dimensions de l’humanité, comme le fondement d’une éthique de responsabilité universelle. On est ancêtre de l’humanité. Sous le néologisme d’ancestrogenèse, nous avons proposé une éthique fondée sur le recrutement de ces ancêtres ou bienfaiteurs de l’humanité. L’ancestrogenèse est donc la construction d’une communauté humaine où chaque membre soit responsable de ses actes devant sa communauté locale – naturelle ou historique – en lien avec toute la communauté humaine dont la facilité de la communication accélère la convergence. À la suite de Bénezet Bujo, et pour fonder cette communauté sur le roc et la faire survivre aux fluctuations de l’esprit humain, nous avons placé le Christ à la tête des ancêtres, comme proto-ancêtre. En lui, nous avons le Verbe créateur unique, le sauveur unique et le rassembleur unique de l’humanité de tous lieux et de tous temps. Voilà qui suscite une multitude de questions d’ordre pédagogique, biblique, christologique, ecclésiologique, éthique, anthropologique, politique et sociologique, questions relatives à la formation morale du sujet-ancêtre telle qu’ébauchée dans le cadre limité de cette recherche.


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The goal of this study was to understand how and whether policy and practice relating to violence against women in Uganda, especially Uganda’s Domestic Violence Act of 2010, have had an effect on women’s beliefs and practices, as well as on support and justice for women who experience abuse by their male partners. Research used multi-sited ethnography at transnational, national, and local levels to understand the context that affects what policies are developed, how they are implemented, and how, and whether, women benefit from these. Ethnography within a local community situated global and national dynamics within the lives of women. Women who experience VAW within their intimate partnerships in Uganda confront a political economy that undermines their access to justice, even as a women’s rights agenda is working to develop and implement laws, policies, and interventions that promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. This dissertation provides insights into the daily struggles of women who try to utilize policy that challenges duty bearers, in part because it is a new law, but also because it conflicts with the structural patriarchy that is engrained in Ugandan society. Two explanatory models were developed. One explains factors relating to a woman’s decision to seek support or to report domestic violence. The second explains why women do and do not report DV. Among the findings is that a woman is most likely to report abuse under the following circumstances: 1) her own, or her children’s survival (physical or economic) is severely threatened; 2) she experiences severe physical abuse; or, 3) she needs financial support for her children. Research highlights three supportive factors for women who persist in reporting DV. These are: 1) the presence of an “advocate” or support 2) belief that reporting will be helpful; and, 3) lack of interest in returning to the relationship. This dissertation speaks to the role that anthropologists can play in a multi-disciplinary approach to a complex issue. This role is understanding – deeply and holistically; and, articulating knowledge generated locally that provides connections between what happens at global, national and local levels.


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Dissertação apresentada à MCE Paula Frassinetti com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação na Especialidade de Educação Especial sob a orientação do Professor Doutor Júlio Sousa.


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Objective: To present the Instrumento de Avaliação da Promoção da Saúde na Universidade – IAPSU (Assessment Tool for Health Promotion at the University) and its reproducibility assessment process. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted between May and July 2014 with 50 students from a university of Fortaleza, Ceará, which developed the IAPSU through the analysis of government documents and a systematic review of the literature on a potentially healthy university. The tool has 41 questions divided into five domains: physical activity, diet, environmental factors, psychosocial factors and alcohol and drug use, integrative and complementary practices. To assess the inter-examiner reproducibility, the students answered the IAPSU twice, applied by two different examiners; to assess the intraexaminer reproducibility, another application of the instrument was performed after seven days. Results: The study comprised 40 Nursing students and 10 Physical Therapy students, with a mean age of 25 ± 5.4 years; 88% were women and white individuals were predominant. In the reproducibility assessment, strong intraclass, intra- and inter-examiner correlation coefficients - above 0.8 - were observed in all the domains. Conclusion: The IAPSU is a reproducible and reliable instrument for assessing health promotion at the university.


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This study aimed to develop a device to measure RR intervals, which have high correlation with the values of the gold standard device of electrocardiograph (ECG), by the time domain and frequency domain indices. To this end, a study was conducted with 18 students of Jiu-Jitsu, males with 35.5 ± 8.6 years, at least a weekly frequency of 3 times and one year training. The location was at the academy Gracie Barra de Curitiba PR. They underwent an examination at rest for a period of 7 minutes and then the results were converted into heart rate variability (HRV) and analyzed by the indexes in the time domain and the frequency domain. The results were compared statistically using the Pearson test and intraclass correlation (ICC) and according to them proves to be viable the development of this equipment, which is highly correlated and excellent reproducibility for measuring the RR intervals.


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Résumé : La réussite et la persévérance des étudiants inscrits en formation générale adulte est un enjeu social et éducatif au Québec. La diversité et la fragilité de cette clientèle en est un second. Pour l’enseignant dans ce contexte, il est essentiel que des stratégies pédagogiques renforçant l’estime de soi et permettant la différenciation étayent son intervention. Cependant, celui-ci se sent parfois démuni. Des informations sur le parcours scolaire antérieur des étudiants qui lui sont confiés et sur les défis à relever pour chacun lui permettraient d’être plus proactif quant aux risques de décrochage. Un portrait-questionnaire a été élaboré pour répondre au besoin de ces enseignants qui veulent mieux connaître leurs élèves pour mieux les accompagner. Il peut devenir un point d’ancrage pour une relation éducative éclairée et collaborative. Des entrevues interrogeant des enseignants sur leurs perceptions avant l’élaboration de l’outil puis après sa mise à l’essai nous informent sur la pertinence et le gain possible de cette démarche.


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O presente estudo aborda a temática da educação escolar nas comunidades tradicionais. Essa abordagem ocorre a partir do estudo de caso da Ilha da Torotama, Rio Grande/RS. É reconhecido que as comunidades tradicionais sofrem uma intensa transformação a partir da lógica moderna do capital, no caso do município de Rio Grande, percebe-se o quanto os discursos em torno do Polo Naval, paralelamente com a crise da pesca artesanal, impulsionam o êxodo das comunidades pesqueiras que constituem a região, levando o pescador ao abandono do trabalho, bem como a uma drástica ruptura frente as formas de vida no espaço tradicional de pesca. A partir desse panorama cabe questionar os sentidos que a escolarização assume nesses espaços, portanto: Quais as contradições e possibilidades da educação escolar nas comunidades tradicionais? Além disso, é necessário questionar: É possível (re)pensar as formas de contemplar os anseios desses povos tradicionais? Nesse sentido, busca-se compreender e problematizar as contradições e possibilidades em torno da escolarização em um contexto do Campo, constituído por povos tradicionais. Para o enfrentamento da problemática, assume-se uma postura dialética a partir de Gadotti (2012) e Severino (2001); esse embasamento epistemológico sustenta o olhar e a escuta da pesquisadora frente aos processos presentes no estudo. Com efeito, por meio da utilização da História Oral na perspectiva assumida por Thompson (1992), encontra-se para maior organização do processo de construção dos dados, a História Oral Temática (MEIHY e HOLANDA, 2010) e (MEIHY, 1996). Nesse horizonte, realizam-se entrevistas com três educadores e quatro educandos do Projeto Educação para Pescadores, o qual ocorre enquanto um processo de escolarização na Ilha da Torotama. O estudo aponta para a necessidade de pensar a escola nas comunidades tradicionais a partir do horizonte da Educação do Campo. Essa compreensão ocorre a partir dos desafios encontrados com relação a escolarização das referidas comunidades; haja vista que o Estado não assume de forma efetiva a educação básica nesses contextos, tampouco aborda a possibilidade de retorno dos sujeitos que tiveram a escolarização negligenciada. A omissão do poder público frente as demandas da comunidade, junto as formas de incentivo e beneficiamento da pequena burguesia industrial pesqueira, por exemplo, são indicativos de que as comunidades tradicionais sofrem em seu contexto uma forte contradição, pois, muito embora o Estado tenha enquanto obrigação resguardar tais povos, as demandas do mercado prevalecem na dinâmica evidenciada. Assim, assumir as lutas lançadas pela 8 perspectiva da Educação do Campo, é uma pertinente possibilidade de ruptura com o sentido que a escola vem apresentando nesses espaços: a escola é vista como uma forma de saída da comunidade e do trabalho da pesca. Portanto, acredita-se que ao assumir o horizonte da Educação do Campo, o trabalho desses sujeitos pertencentes as comunidades tradicionais possa ser problematizado, fomentando a construção crítica frente aos desafios impostos pela lógica opressora.


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There are enormous benefits for any organisation from practising sound records management. In the context of a public university, the importance of good records management includes: facilitating the achievement the university’s mandate; enhancing efficiency of the university; maintaining a reliable institutional memory; promoting trust; responding to an audit culture; enhancing university competitiveness; supporting the university’s fiduciary duty; demonstrating transparency and accountability; and fighting corruption. Records scholars and commentators posit that effective recordkeeping is an essential underpinning of good governance. Although there is a portrayal of positive correlation, recordkeeping struggles to get the same attention as that given to the governance. Evidence abounds of cases of neglect of recordkeeping in universities and other institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa. The apparent absence of sound recordkeeping provided a rationale for revisiting some universities in South Africa and Malawi in order to critically explore the place of recordkeeping in an organisation’s strategy in order to develop an alternative framework for managing records and documents in an era where good governance is a global agenda. The research is a collective case study in which multiple cases are used to critically explore the relationship between recordkeeping and governance. As qualitative research that belongs in the interpretive tradition of enquiry, it is not meant to suggest prescriptive solutions to general recordkeeping problems but rather to provide an understanding of the challenges and opportunities that arise in managing records and documents in the world of governance, audit and risk. That is: what goes on in the workplace; what are the problems; and what alternative approaches might address any existing problem situations. Research findings show that some institutions are making good use of their governance structures and other drivers for recordkeeping to put in place sound recordkeeping systems. Key governance structures and other drivers for recordkeeping identified include: laws and regulations; governing bodies; audit; risk; technology; reforms; and workplace culture. Other institutions are not managing their records and documents well despite efforts to improve their governance systems. They lack recordkeeping capacity. Areas that determine recordkeeping capacity include: availability of records management policy; capacity for digital records; availability of a records management unit; senior management support; level of education and training of records management staff; and systems and procedures for storage, retrieval and dispositions of records. Although this research reveals that the overall recordkeeping in the selected countries has slightly improved compared with the situation other researchers found a decade ago, it remains unsatisfactory and disjointed from governance. The study therefore proposes governance recordkeeping as an approach to managing records and documents in the world of governance, audit and risk. The governance recordkeeping viewpoint considers recordkeeping as a governance function that should be treated in the same manner as other governance functions such as audit and risk management. Additionally, recordkeeping and governance should be considered as symbiotic elements of a strategy. A strategy that neglects recordkeeping may not fulfil the organisation’s objectives effectively.


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This collection navigates the process of grief after the speaker’s loss of both parents. The speaker struggles to connect with both the dead and the living through her physical intimacy and relationship with a troubled lover. These poems explore and exhume the speaker’s buried memories, moving from moments of wry humor to meaningful and sometimes painful discovery. Ultimately, these poems attempt to reach beyond the self, to transform loss and loneliness from a human condition into a musical tool of art for human connection.


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Le Myanmar traverse un processus de libéralisation politique qui a été entamé par le haut. Le régime militaire a tenu des élections générales en 2010, lesquelles ont placé au pouvoir un nouveau gouvernement composé à la fois de civils et de militaires. Depuis, la majorité des sanctions imposées par plusieurs États occidentaux au Myanmar ont été levées, et on observe une diversification des relations internationales du pays. Imbriqué à la sphère d’influence chinoise depuis quelques années, celui-ci rétablit des contacts diplomatiques et économiques avec l’Occident. Peu de chercheurs ont tenté d’expliquer les causes de cette transition politique, et le lien entre libéralisation politique et diversification des relations internationales n’a pas encore été expliqué. Ce mémoire propose de le faire en utilisant un modèle théorique issu de deux types de littérature, celle sur la culture stratégique et celle sur les transitions politiques. Il suggère que la libéralisation politique du Myanmar s’explique par les luttes d’influences au sein du régime entre deux sous-cultures stratégiques, les hardliners et les softliners. L’application des normes favorisées par les hardliners ayant échoué dans l’atteinte des objectifs stratégiques du régime, les softliners ont pu imposer leurs propres préférences normatives. Il propose également que la libéralisation politique était une étape nécessaire pour que le gouvernement birman puisse diversifier ses relations internationales.


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A lo largo de la historia, el desarrollo de la agricultura tardó siglos en concretarse, en expandirse y en darse a conocer en la mayoría de las culturas. Durante los últimos 200 años, parte de la humanidad ha sido dominada por la actividad industrial. Mientras el resto del mundo se esfuerza por participar en la RevoluciónIndustrial, algunas naciones atraviesan por una etapa que transforma todo de un modo extraordinariamente acelerado. Es lo que se conoce como “sociedad de la información”. No cabe ninguna duda, de que la sociedad está entrando en una nueva era, en que cada aspecto de la vida de las personas se caracteriza por las aplicaciones de las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación (TIC). Se presentan, en este nuevo medio ambiente, algunos cambios que deben plantearse en la formación de los profesionales de la información.


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Several studies have reported changes in spontaneous brain rhythms that could be used asclinical biomarkers or in the evaluation of neuropsychological and drug treatments in longitudinal studies using magnetoencephalography (MEG). There is an increasing necessity to use these measures in early diagnosis and pathology progression; however, there is a lack of studies addressing how reliable they are. Here, we provide the first test-retest reliability estimate of MEG power in resting-state at sensor and source space. In this study, we recorded 3 sessions of resting-state MEG activity from 24 healthy subjects with an interval of a week between each session. Power values were estimated at sensor and source space with beamforming for classical frequency bands: delta (2–4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–13 Hz), low beta (13–20 Hz), high beta (20–30 Hz), and gamma (30–45 Hz). Then, test-retest reliability was evaluated using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). We also evaluated the relation between source power and the within-subject variability. In general, ICC of theta, alpha, and low beta power was fairly high (ICC > 0.6) while in delta and gamma power was lower. In source space, fronto-posterior alpha, frontal beta, and medial temporal theta showed the most reliable profiles. Signal-to-noise ratio could be partially responsible for reliability as low signal intensity resulted inhigh within-subject variability, but also the inherent nature of some brain rhythms in resting-state might be driving these reliability patterns. In conclusion, our results described the reliability of MEG power estimates in each frequency band, which could be considered in disease characterization or clinical trials.


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Repeatability of behavioural and physiological traits is increasingly a focus for animal researchers, for which fish have become important models. Almost all of this work has been done in the context of evolutionary ecology, with few explicit attempts to apply repeatability and context dependency of trait variation toward understanding conservation-related issues. Here, we review work examining the degree to which repeatability of traits (such as boldness, swimming performance, metabolic rate and stress responsiveness) is context dependent. We review methods for quantifying repeatability (distinguishing between within-context and across-context repeatability) and confounding factors that may be especially problematic when attempting to measure repeatability in wild fish. Environmental factors such temperature, food availability, oxygen availability, hypercapnia, flow regime and pollutants all appear to alter trait repeatability in fishes. This suggests that anthropogenic environmental change could alter evolutionary trajectories by changing which individuals achieve the greatest fitness in a given set of conditions. Gaining a greater understanding of these effects will be crucial for our ability to forecast the effects of gradual environmental change, such as climate change and ocean acidification, the study of which is currently limited by our ability to examine trait changes over relatively short time scales. Also discussed are situations in which recent advances in technologies associated with electronic tags (biotelemetry and biologging) and respirometry will help to facilitate increased quantification of repeatability for physiological and integrative traits, which so far lag behind measures of repeatability of behavioural traits.