992 resultados para H 800 R425r


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采用连续浸提形态分级方法,研究了连续施用锰肥17 a后锰的土壤化学特性变化。结果表明:经过长期连续施用锰肥,土壤全锰和DTPA-Mn含量增加不多。土壤DTPA-Mn含量随试验时间的延长呈增加趋势,施锰土壤有效锰提高不多,土壤DTPA-Mn含量只增加了0.4~1.7 mg kg-1。土壤中的锰主要以矿物态存在,占土壤全锰含量的比例为87.3%~91.8%。碳酸盐态、氧化锰态和紧结有机态锰占全锰的比例相当,土壤中各形态锰按含量大致呈矿物态>碳酸盐态>氧化锰态>紧结有机态>松结有机态>交换态的顺序。施入土壤的锰肥有91.1%~98.6%进入碳酸盐结合态、氧化锰结合态、紧结有机态和矿物态,只有很少一部分仍留在有效态锰库中。交换态和松结有机态锰对土壤锰的有效性起着主要作用,可以反映土壤锰的供给状况,碳酸盐态和紧结有机态锰不能反映土壤锰的有效性。


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该文在东北地区多年平均的年均温、年降水分布图,海拔高程图、坡度图、坡向图和植被图的基础上,使用地理信息系统和Logistic回归模型的结合,预测3种落叶松(Larixsp.)的"气候-地形"潜在分布区。预测精度用敏感性、指定度和总正确率进行评价,3个树种的敏感性为61%~88%,指定度为80%~99.8%,总正确率为80%~99.8%。年均温、年降水和海拔是控制3种落叶松分布的主要环境因子。采用5种气温变化方案(+1℃、+2℃、+3℃、+4℃和+5℃)和6种降水变化方案(-30%、-20%、-10%、+10%、+20%和+30%),预测气候变化对各个树种潜在分布的影响,探索不同的树种对气候因子的敏感性。结果表明,气温每上升1℃,兴安落叶松(Larixgmelinii)将减少12%;长白落叶松(Larix olgensisvar.changpaiensis)将增加23%;华北落叶松(Larix principis-rupprecntii)将增加500%。降水每增加10%,兴安落叶松将减少12.5%;长白落叶松将增加64%;华北落叶松将减少15%;随气候的"暖干化"(+5℃,-30%),兴安落叶松将向西北方退缩100 km左右;长白落叶松向西北方扩展100 km左右;华北落叶松将向东北方扩展800 km左右。随气候的"暖湿化"(+5℃,+30%),兴安落叶松将向西北退缩400km左右;长白落叶松将向西北方扩展550 km;华北落叶松将向东北方扩展320 km左右。


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With the rapid increase of the number and influence of floating population in China, it is urgently needed to understand the regional types of China's floating population and their spatial characteristics. After reviewing the current methods for identifying regional types of floating population, this paper puts forward a new composite-index identification method and its modification version which is consisted of two indexes of the net migration rate and gross migration rate. Then, the traditional single-index and the new composite-index identification methods are empirically tested to explore their spatial patterns and characteristics by using China's 2000 census data at county level. The results show: (1) The composite-index identification method is much better than traditional single-index method because it can measure the migration direction and scale of floating simultaneously, and in particular it can identify the unique regional types of floating population with large scale of immigration and emigration. (2) The modified composite-index identification method, by using the share of a region's certain type of floating population to the total in China as weights, can effectively correct the over- or under-estimated errors due to the rather large or small total population of a region. (3) The spatial patterns of different regional types of China's floating population are closely related to the regional differentiation of their natural environment, population density and socio-economic development level. The three active regional types of floating population are mainly located in the eastern part of China with lower elevation, more than 800 mm precipitation, rather higher population densities and economic development levels.


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黑白仰鼻猴(Rhinopithecus bieti)目前分布在金沙江和澜沧江之间横断山脉的一个狭小的区域范围内(26o14’N-29o20’N,99o15’E-99o37’E),海拔2 600 m(南部) - 4 200 m(北部)之间;目前大约有15 群,数量估计约1700 个体。是我国特有的灵长类之一,为国家Ⅰ级保护动物,在IUCN(世界自然保护联盟)2007 受威胁物种红皮书中被列为濒危物种并处于小种群、高度片断化状态(ENC 2a)。西藏是黑白仰鼻猴分布的北端,约有300 个体。基于前人的野外调查和报道确认,暗针叶林和针阔叶混交林是其适宜栖息地,人们在低海拔和高海拔砍伐或者火烧暗针叶林和针阔叶混交林的产物-农田和夏季牧场正在逐渐侵蚀着其适宜栖息地。尽管当地藏族村民信奉佛教,禁止猎杀任何野生动物,但是近些年来,黑白仰鼻猴栖息地不断丧失,这与牧场和农田扩张、当地人们薪柴采集等活动有关。黑白仰鼻猴西藏种群主要在原始暗针叶林和和针阔叶混交林里活动。为了评估该物种的栖息地现状和变化情况,我们通过野外调查工作,应用GIS 和RS 技术,分别解译了1986 年、1992 年、1997 年、2001 年和2006 年的Landsat TM/ETM+ 冬季卫星影像,并对解译结果进行了计算和分析,得到了以下西藏种群栖息地的主要结果: 1)现有暗针叶林(包括原始针叶林和针阔混交林)面积是30 500 hm2 ,夏季牧场面积是13 100 hm2 ,农田面积是6 400 hm2 ;2)在过去20 年间(1986-2006 年),暗针叶林面积减少了14.6%(5 200 hm2 ),夏季牧场面积增加了47.2%(4 200 hm2 ),农田面积增加了14.3%(800 hm2 );3)在过去20 年间,暗针叶林的斑块数量增加了68.4%,平均斑块面积下降了49.3%(从1986 年的15.1 hm2 下降到2006 年的7.6 hm2 ),最大的斑块指数下降了54.9%;景观丰富度并没有变化,但Shannon 多样性指数和Shannon 均匀度指数分别增加了2.7%。这都表明栖息地丧失和破碎化程度越来越严重。在上述结果的基础上,我们进一步对栖息地变化的主要原因进行了初步分析和探讨。通过暗针叶林面积、夏季牧场面积和农田面积和当地各乡村的家庭户数、人口数量、平均家庭人口数和牲畜存栏数等统计数据的Spearman秩相关分析表明,暗针叶林面积变化分别与当地的人口数量、家庭户数和平均家庭人口数呈显著负相关,与牲畜存栏数呈负相关;而夏季牧场面积和农田面积都分别与人口数量、家庭户数和平均家庭人口数呈显著正相关,与牲畜存栏数呈正相关。这意味着在目前当地传统生产方式基本未发生改变的情况下,因人口数量增加所带来的生产等活动强度的增加是黑白仰鼻猴栖息地丧失与破碎化加剧的主要原因(R2 = 0.972);当地人类经济活动的增加,如牧场和农田扩张,牲畜存栏数增加以及薪材采集和木质建筑等导致了栖息地丧失、退化和破碎化。但另一方面,当地一妻多夫的婚配制度(仅在西藏部分地区仍有保留)对黑白仰鼻猴的栖息地保护有积极的作用,因为大家庭(家庭人口数)的人均资源消耗,如薪柴需求、房屋数量、牧场和农田等,都比小家庭低。在过去20 年中(1983-2003 年),当地家庭户数的增加比人口数量增加要慢,这对黑白仰鼻猴的栖息地保护起到了一定的积极作用。因此,西藏种群作为单独的遗传亚种群,其保护工作任重而道远。


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Lu3Ga5O12:Eu3+, Lu3Ga5O12:Tb3+, and Lu3Ga5O12:Pr3+ phosphors were prepared through a Pechini-type sol-gel process. X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), photoluminescence, and cathodoluminescence spectra were utilized to characterize the synthesized phosphors. The XRD results reveal that the sample begins to crystallize at 800 degrees C and fully crystallined pure Lu3Ga5O12 phase can be obtained at 1000 degrees C. The FESEM image indicates that the phosphor sample is composed of aggregated rice grainlike particles with sizes around 80-120 nm.


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The reversible fabrication of positive and negative nanopatterns on 1-hexadecanethiol (HDT) self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on Au(111) was realized by bias-assisted atomic force microscopy (AFM) nanolithography using an ethanol-ink tip. The formation of positive and negative nanopatterns via the bias-assisted nanolithography depends solely on the polarity of the applied bias, and their writing speeds can reach 800,um/s and go beyond 1000 mu m/s, respectively. The composition of the positive nanopatterns is gold oxide and the nanometer-scale gold oxide can be reduced by ethanol to gold, as proved by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis, forming the negative nanopatterns which can be refilled with HDT to recover the SAMs.


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Fast densification of 8YSZ ceramics under a high pressure of 4.5 GPa was carried out at different temperatures (800, 1000, 1450 degrees C), by which a high relative density above 92% could be obtained. FT-Raman spectra indicate that the 8YSZ underwent a phase transition from partially tetragonal to partially cubic phase as temperatures increase from 1000 to 1450 degrees C when sintering under high pressure. The electrical properties of the samples under different high-pressure sintering conditions were measured by complex impedance method. The total conductivity of 0.92 x 10(-2) S cm(-1) at 800 degrees C has been obtained for 8YSZ under high pressure at 1450 degrees C, which is about 200 degrees C lower than that of the samples prepared by conventional pressureless sintering.


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Lu2O3:Yb3+/Er3+/Tm3+ nanocrystals have been successfully synthesized by a solvothermal process followed by a subsequent heat treatment at 800 degrees C. Powder X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, upconversion photoluminescence spectra, and kinetic decay were used to characterize the samples. Under single-wavelength diode laser excitation of 980 nm, the bright blue emissions of Lu2O3:Yb3+, Tm3+ nanocrystals near 477 and 490 nm were observed due to the (1)G(4)-> H-3(6) transition of Tm3+. The bright green UC emissions of Lu2O3:Er3+ nanocrystals appeared near 540 and 565 nm were observed and assigned to the H-2(11/2)-> I-4(15/2) and S-4(3/2)-> I-4(15/2) transitions, respectively, of Er3+. The ratio of the intensity of green luminescence to that of red luminescence decreases with an increase of concentration of Yb3+ in Lu2O3:Er3+ nanocrystals.


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LaAlO3:Tm3+ and LaAlO3:Tb3+ phosphors were prepared through a Pechini-type sol-gel process. X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), photoluminescence, and cathodoluminescence (CL) spectra were utilized to characterize the synthesized phosphors. The XRD results reveal that the fully crystalline pure LaAlO3 Phase can be obtained at 800 degrees C. The FE-SEM image indicates that the phosphor samples are composed of aggregated spherical particles with sizes ranging from 40 to 80 nm. Under the excitation of ultraviolet light (230 nm) and low-voltage electron beams (1-3 kV), the LaAlO3:Tm3+ and LaAlO3:Tb3+ phosphors show the characteristic emissions of Tb3+ (D-1(2)-> H-3(6,4),F-3(4) transitions) and Tm3+ (D-5(3,4)-> F-7(6,5,4,3) transitions) respectively. The CL of the LaAlO3:Tm3+ phosphors have high color purity and comparable intensity to the Y2SiO5:Ce3+ commercial product, and the CL colors of Tb3+-doped LaAlO3 phosphors can be tuned from blue to green by changing the doping concentration of Tb3+ to some extent.


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LaInO3:Eu3+ phosphors were prepared by a Pechini sol-gel process. X-ray diffraction (XRD), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), diffuse reflectance, photoluminescence, cathodoluminescence spectra, as well as lifetimes were utilized to characterize the synthesized phosphors. XRD results reveal that the sample begins to crystallize at 600 degrees C and pure LaInO3 phase can be obtained at 800 degrees C. The crystallinity increases upon raising the annealing temperature. The FE-SEM images indicate that LaInO3:Eu3+ phosphors are composed of fine and spherical grains around 40-80 nm in size. Under the excitation of UV light and low-voltage electron-beams, LaInO3:Eu3+ phosphors show the characteristic emissions of the Eu3+ (D-5(J)-F-7(J) J,J(')=0,1,2,3 transitions). The luminescence colors can be tuned from yellowish warm white to red by changing the doping concentration of Eu3+ to some extent. The corresponding luminescence mechanisms have been proposed.