996 resultados para Flavaad, Th.
Activation of the transcription factor PPARγ by the n-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is implicated in controlling proinflammatory cytokine secretion, but the intracellular signaling pathways engaged by PPARγ are incompletely characterized. Here, we identify the adapter-encoding gene SOCS3 as a critical transcriptional target of PPARγ. SOCS3 promoter binding and gene transactivation by PPARγ was associated with a repression in differentiation of proinflammatory T-helper (TH)17 cells. Accordingly, TH17 cells induced in vitro displayed increased SOCS3 expression and diminished capacity to produce interleukin (IL)-17 following activation of PPARγ by DHA. Furthermore, naïve CD4 T cells derived from mice fed a DHA-enriched diet displayed less capability to differentiate into TH17 cells. In two different mouse models of cancer, DHA prevented tumor outgrowth and angiogenesis in an IL-17-dependent manner. Altogether, our results uncover a novel molecular pathway by which PPARγ-induced SOCS3 expression prevents IL-17-mediated cancer growth. Cancer Res; 73(12); 3578-90. ©2013 AACR.
Abstract: Protective immune responses against pathogen invasion and transformed cells requires the coordinated action of distinct leukocyte subsets and soluble factors, overall termed immunological network. Among antigen-presenting cells (APC), a crucial role is played by dendritic cells (DC), which initiate, amplify and determine the outcome of the immune response. Micro-environmental conditions profoundly influence DC in such ways that the resulting immune response ranges from successful immune stimulation to abortive response or immune suppression. For instance, the presence in the milieu of anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) reverts most of the effects mediated on DC by even strong pro-inflammatory agents such as bacterial Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), in terms of differentiation, activation and functions. In an environment containing both LPS and IL-10, uncoupling of receptors for inflammatory chemokines already occurs after a few hours and in a reversible manner on DC, allowing scavenging of chemokines and, consequently, attenuation of the inflammatory process which could be deleterious to the organism. By studying the effects on DC of concomitant stimulation by LPS and IL-10 from the gene expression point of view, we were able to define four distinct transcriptional programs: A. the inhibition of inflammation and immunity, B. the regulation of tissue remodeling, C. the tuning of cytokine/growth factor receptors and G protein-coupled receptors, D. the stimulation of B cell function and lymphoid tissue neogenesis. Among the latter genes, we further demonstrated that IL-10 synergizes with Toll-like receptor ligands for the production of functionally active B cell attracting chemokine CXCL13. Our data provide evidence that the combined exposure of APC to LPS and IL-10, via the production of CXCL13, involves humoral immunity by attracting antibody-producing cells. It is well known that the persistent release of CXCL13 leads to the development of ectopic lymphoid tissue aggregates and production of high levels of antibodies, thus favoring the induction of auto-immunity. Our findings suggest that the IL-10 produced in chronic inflammatory conditions may promote lymphoid tissue neogenesis through increased release of CXCL13. IL-10 is an anti-inflammatory cytokine inhibiting cellular-mediated TH 1-polarized immune responses. In this study we demonstrate that IL- 10 strongly supports the development of humoral immunity. IL-10 and CXCL13 can thus be targets for specific therapies in auto-immune diseases.
Moltes vegades l’usuari d’una instal•lació de climatització o calefacció, no dóna la suficient importància al sistema que l’hi ha de proporcionar un millor confort amb el màxim rendiment. Aquest confort és un factor determinant, entre molts d’altres, de la “qualitat de vida”. Mentre que el rendiment és un factor important a nivell econòmic i ecològic. Tot i tenir prevalença els aspectes d’estalvi energètic, aquests no impliquen haver de renunciar a un confort tèrmic i a un estalvi econòmic. Un dels aspectes que es centra el projecte és promoure l’ús racional de les fonts energètiques (solar, biomassa) per a la correcta climatització dels habitatges. El projecte es desenvolupa en l’àmbit domèstic, concretament correspon a un habitatge unifamiliar. Aquest està situat a la població de Roda de Ter, província de Barcelona. L’objectiu principal del projecte és l’elecció del sistema de climatització i el seu dimensionament, per tal de donar el màxim confort als usuaris que habitin a la vivenda. Criteris ambientals i eficients han estat objecte a considerar pel disseny constructiu de l’habitatge. Una de les mesures importants presses en el projecte, ha estat l’elecció de les diferents parts que formen la instal•lació de climatització. Es fa referència als aïllaments dels tancaments, el sistema solar de recolzament, equips de producció de fred i calor, entre d’altres. En el projecte, s’ha dut a terme un estudi dels diferents tancaments de l’habitatge, tot determinat per a cada un d’ells, el seu coeficient de transmissió tèrmica. Per seleccionar l’equipament més adequat s’ha partit de les condicions climatològiques del municipi de Roda de Ter i s’ha realitzat el càlcul de les necessitats tèrmiques de l’edifici. L’habitatge incorpora una instal•lació de captació solar tèrmica. Aquesta aportarà un suport energètic a tot el sistema de producció de calor, ja sigui per la producció d’aigua calenta sanitària com per el calefactat de la vivenda. La col•locació dels panells a la façana sud tindrà una doble funció: a més de proporcionar energia solar tèrmica, serviran d’elements de protecció solar en la temporada d’estiu. La caldera usada per donar recolzament tèrmic utilitzarà com a combustible el “pellet”. El “pellet” és un tipus de biomassa llenyosa que consta d’un derivat de la fusta en format granulat. Es defineix i es detalla el consum energètic en biomassa, electricitat i cost econòmic anual que ocasionarà la instal.lació dissenyada. El sistema de terra radiant adoptat permetrà el refrescament en èpoques estivals i el calefactat en èpoques hivernals. Aquest donarà el confort tèrmic necessari a cada estança de l’habitatge. En el projecte també es marquen les pautes bàsiques pel control de la instal•lació solar així com el control dels grups de bombament i la mescla d’aigua del terra radiant.
Autologous brain cell transplantation might be useful for repairing lesions and restoring function of the central nervous system. We have demonstrated that adult monkey brain cells, obtained from cortical biopsy and kept in culture for a few weeks, exhibit neural progenitor characteristics that make them useful for brain repair. Following MPTP treatment, primates were dopamine depleted but asymptomatic. Autologous cultured cells were reimplanted into the right caudate nucleus of the donor monkey. Four months after reimplantation, histological analysis by stereology and TH immunolabeling showed that the reimplanted cells successfully survived, bilaterally migrated in the whole striatum, and seemed to have a neuroprotection effect over time. These results may add a new strategy to the field of brain neuroprotection or regeneration and could possibly lead to future clinical applications.
In this paper we study the global structure of projective threefolds X whose anticanonical bundle K is nef.
In a recent issue of Critical Care, den Hartog and colleagues show an association between spontaneous hypothermia, defined by an admission body temperature < 35°C, and poor outcome in patients with coma after cardiac arrest (CA) treated with therapeutic hypothermia (TH). Given that TH alters neurological prognostication, studies aiming to identify early markers of injury severity and outcome are welcome, since they may contribute overall to optimize the management of comatose CA patients. This study provides an important message to clinicians involved in post-resuscitation care and raises important questions that need to be taken into account in future studies.
The results of a crystal structure refinement of an anisotropic grandite garnet specimen with composition Gro36-4 And63-6 are given. The structure obtained has orthorrombic symmetry (space group Fddd) and is compared with similar results obtained by other authors. In all cases the reduction of symmetry is due to the ordering of Fe3+ and Al in octahedral sites. Non cubic structures of grandites are discussed in connection with optical, morphological an grou-th features of these minerals.
Las características geoquímicas (elementos mayores y trazas) de las rocas analizadas son similares a las del arco volcánico de Ke rmadec en Pa c í fico SW. Por último, los bajos contenidos en REE, el patrón de REE con morfología plana, así como los bajos contenidos en elementos incompatibles (K, Rb, Zr, Th) son similares a los de las series tipo IAT presentes en el arco volcánico del Caribe. Estos nuevos datos sobre el volcanismo del Paleógeno de la Sierra Maestra sugieren que los modelos de placas tectónicas que han sido propuestos para explicar el origen del arco volcánico de Sierra Maestra deben ser revisados.
INTRODUCTION: Electroencephalography (EEG) has a central role in the outcome prognostication in subjects with anoxic/hypoxic encephalopathy following a cardiac arrest (CA). Continuous EEG monitoring (cEEG) has been consistently developed and studied; however, its yield as compared to repeated standard EEG (sEEG) is unknown. METHODS: We studied a prospective cohort of comatose adults treated with therapeutic hypothermia (TH) after a CA. cEEG data regarding background activity and epileptiform components were compared to two 20 minute sEEG extracted from the cEEG recording (one during TH, and one in early normothermia). RESULTS: In this cohort, 34 recordings were studied. During TH, the agreement between cEEG and sEEG was 97.1% (95% CI: 84.6 - 99.9%) for background discontinuity and reactivity evaluation, while it was 94.1% (95% CI 80.3 - 99.2%) regarding epileptiform activity. In early normothermia, we did not find any discrepancies. Thus, concordance was very good during TH (kappa 0.83), and optimal during normothermia (kappa=1). The median delay between CA and the first EEG reactivity testing was 18 hours (range: 4.75 - 25) for patients with perfect agreement and 10 hours (range: 5.75 - 10.5) for the three patients in whom there were discordant findings (P=0.02, Wilcoxon). CONCLUSION: Standard intermittent EEG has comparable performance than continuous EEG both for variables important for outcome prognostication (EEG reactivity) and identification of epileptiform transients in this relatively small sample of comatose survivors of CA. This finding has an important practical implication, especially for centers where EEG resources are limited.
Lymph node cells derived from A.TH or A.TL mice primed with beef cytochrome c show striking patterns of reactivity when assayed in vitro for antigen-induced T cell proliferation. Whereas cells from A.TH mice respond specifically to beef cytochrome c or peptides composed of amino acids 1-65 and 81-104, cells from A.TL mice respond neither to beef cytochrome c nor to peptide 1-65, but proliferate following exposure to either peptide 81-104 or to a cytochrome c hybrid molecule in which the N-terminal peptide of beef (1-65) was substituted by a similar peptide obtained from rabbit cytochrome c. Thus, T cells from mice phenotypically unresponsive to beef cytochrome may, in fact, contain populations of lymphocytes capable of responding to a unique peptide, the response to which is totally inhibited when the same fragment is presented in the sequence of the intact protein.
Capital intensive industries in specialized niches of production have constituted solid ground for family firms in Spain , as evidenced by the experience of the iron and steel wire industries between 1870 and 2000. The embeddedness of these firms in their local and regional environments have allowed the creation of networks that, together with favourable institutional conditions, significantly explain the dominance of family entrepreneurship in iron and steel wire manufacturing in Spain, until the end of the 20 th century. Dominance of family firms at the regional level has not been not an obstacle for innovation in wire manufacturing in Spain, which has taken place even when institutional conditions blocked innovation and traditional networking. Therefore, economic theories about the difficulties dynastic family firms may have to perform appropriately in science-based industries must be questioned
[eng] In the context of cooperative TU-games, and given an order of players, we consider the problem of distributing the worth of the grand coalition as a sequentia decision problem. In each step of process, upper and lower bounds for the payoff of the players are required related to successive reduced games. Sequentially compatible payoffs are defined as those allocation vectors that meet these recursive bounds. The core of the game is reinterpreted as a set of sequentally compatible payoffs when the Davis-Maschler reduced game is considered (Th.1). Independently of the reduction, the core turns out to be the intersections of the family of the sets of sequentially compatible payoffs corresponding to the different possible orderings (Th.2), so it is in some sense order-independent. Finally, we analyze advantagenous properties for the first player