986 resultados para Filología griega


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[EN] In this article we explain the etymology of the surnames of Basque origin that some presidents of Latin American countries have or have had in the past. These family names were created in the language called Euskara, in the Basque Country (Europe), and then, when some of the people who bore them emigrated to America, they brought their surnames with them. Most of the family names studied here are either oiconymic or toponymic, but it must be kept in mind that the oiconymic ones are, very often, based on house-nicknames, that is, they are anthroponymic in the first place. As far as possible, we have related the surname, when its origin is oiconymic or toponymic, to its source, i.e. to the house or place where it was created.


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[EUS] Lan honek Erdi Aroko euskararen ezagutzan sakontzeko ekarpena izan nahi du. Horretarako, garai hartako agirietan eta bestelakoetan agertzen diren hainbat lekukotasun bildu ditugu, bereziki leku eta pertsona izenak. Hauetarik batzuk lehendik ezagunak ziren Lacarrak (1957), Arzamendik (1985), Libanok (1995-1999) edo beste ikerlariek egindako lanei esker; guk honakoan guztiak biltzen saiatu gara, argitaragabe batzuk ere ekarri ditugu eta alfabetikoki hurrenkeratu ditugu eta intereseko datuak (urtea, herria, herrialdea, iturria eta bibliografia) eman ditugu. Bestalde, Erdi Aroko hilarrietan lekukotzen diren hilartitzetako euskarazko elementuak ere jaso eta aztertu ditugu.


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[EN] The goal of this contribution is twofold: on the one hand, to review two relatively recent contributions in the field of Eskimo-Aleut historical linguistics in which it is proposed that Eskimo-Aleut languages are related genealogically to Wakashan (Holst 2004) and?/or Nostratic (Krougly-Enke 2008). These contributions can be characterized by saying that their authors have taken little care to be diligent and responsible in the application of the comparative method, and that their familiarity with the languages involved is insufficient. Eskimo-Aleut languages belong to a very exclusive group of language families that have been (and still are) used, sometimes compulsively, in the business of so-called “long-range comparisons”. Those carrying out such studies are very often unaware of the most basic facts regarding the philological and linguistic traditions of those languages, as a result of what mountains of very low quality works with almost no-relevancy for the specialist grow every year to the desperation of the scientific community, whose attitude toward them ranges from the most profound indifference to the toughest (and most explicit) critical tone. Since Basque also belongs to this group of “compare-with-everything-you-come- across” languages, it is my intention to provide the Basque readership with a sort of “pedagogical case” to show that little known languages, far from underrepresented in the field, already have a very long tradition in historical and comparative linguistics, i.e. nobody can approach them without previous acquaintance with the materials. Studies dealing with the methodological inappropriateness of the Moscow School’s Nostratic hypothesis or the incorrectness of many of the proposed new taxonomic Amerindian subfamilies (several of them involving the aforementioned Wakashan languages), that is to say, the frameworks on which Krougly-Enke and Holst work, respectively, are plenty (i.a. Campbell 1997: 260-329, Campbell & Poser 2008: 234-96), therefore there is no reason to insist once more on the very same point. This is the reason why I will not discuss per se Eskimo-Aleut–Wakashan or Eskimo-Aleut–Nostratic. On the contrary, I will focus attention upon very concrete aspects of Krougly-Enke and Holst´s proposals, i.e. when they work on “less ambitious” problems, for example, dealing with the minutiae of internal facts or analyzing certain words from the sole perspective of Eskimo-Aleut materials (in other words, those cases in which even they do not invoke the ad hoc help of Nostratic stuff). I will try to explain why some of their proposals are wrong, demonstrate where the problem lies, and fix it if possible. In doing so, I will propose new etymologies in an attempt at showing how we may proceed. The main difference between this and handbook examples lies in the reality of what we are doing: this is a pure etymological exercise from beginning to end. I will try to throw a bit of light on a couple of problematic questions regarding Aleut historical phonology, demonstrating how much work should be done at the lowest level of the Eskimo-Aleut pyramid; it is technically impossible to reach the peak of the pyramid without having completed the base. As far as Aleut is regarded, I will mainly profit not only from the use of the traditional philological analysis of Aleut (and, eventually, of Eskimo) materials, but also of diachronic typology, bringing into discussion what in my opinion seems useful, and in some cases I think decisive, parallels. It is worth noting that this paper makes up yet another part of a series of exploratory works dealing with etymological aspects of the reconstruction of Proto-Eskimo-Aleut, with special emphasis on Aleut (vid. i.a. Alonso de la Fuente 2006/2007, 2008a, 2008b, 2010a), whose main goal is to become the solid basis for an etymological dictionary of the Aleut language, currently in progress.


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[EN] The Basque anthroponym "Leioar" was analyzed by Alfonso Irigoien, which explained the origin of the name and the derived place names. In this paper we present new names derived, nine in total, the names are explained, also the appeared differences.


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[EN] This article presents a detailed study of the present-day use of the Basque discourse marker "erran/esan nahi baita" (‘that is to say’). This is an explanatory reformulator by means of which the speaker presents a reformulation of something said in the previous utterance (either a clause that forms part of the current sentence, or the preceding sentence) in order to express it more clearly or explain it. In the article I will examine the marker’s values; literary tradition; form and origin; present-day variants; equivalent expressions; position; punctuation; syntax; frequency, medium (written or spoken), register and text type; equivalents in other languages; and discourse value.


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Cada uno de los capítulos de este volumen está descrito individualmente en este repositorio.


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280 p.


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Marcos Sastre (1809-1887) fue un eminente educador y un destacado promotor de la cultura nacional además de un naturalista autodidacta. El Tempe Argentino, una de sus principales escritos, describe la flora, la fauna y la geografía del Delta del Paraná ilustrada con grabados de su autoría. Esta obra cuyo nombre evoca el Valle de Tempi, en la Tesalia griega fue publicada por primera vez en 1858 manteniendo su vigencia hasta mediados del siglo XX . En este número de la Serie Documentos presentamos la versión digitalizada de fragmentos - prólogo, introducción capítulo XVI, notas al apéndice y finales,semblanza de Marcos Sastre, bibliografía, reconocimientos, índice alfabético de la fauna y flora e índice completo-, de la obra publicada en 1938 por el Consejo Nacional de Educación . Esta edición gratuita fue corregida por el Dr. Emiliano Mac Donagh quién supervisó este libro incorporando notas e imágenes. En esta versión digital contamos con la invalorable y generosa ayuda del artista plástico Exequiel Martínez (http://www.exequielmartinez.com.ar/autor_a.htm) quién mejoró las figuras correspondientes a los peces, ya que, debido a la antigüedad de la edición y el proceso de digitalización, perdían definición. Esperamos, desde nuestro lugar, sumarnos a la divulgación que se viene realizando sobre este prohombre y contribuir con este modesto aporte, a recordar y difundir la obra de una de las figuras destacadas de la historia de la educación de la Argentina.


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En el trabajo que hemos venido realizando en las pasantías de extensión, pretendemos desarrollar parte de la trigonometría desde la época griega hasta la actualidad; tomando como eje central la proporcionalidad, basados en una metodología de resolución de problemas e implementado la calculadora T.I.- 92 Plus en el aula. Para llevar a cabo este proyecto, diseñamos una serie de actividades enfocadas a desarrollar el concepto de proporcionalidad, trabajando desde la semejanza de triángulos. Este enfoque permite al estudiante, por medio de sus experiencias, construir un conjunto de herramientas que le contribuya no sólo enfrentarse a una situación problema, sino que también le ayude a desarrollar su comprensión y habilidad matemáticas.


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Presentamos una reseña del tratamiento que daban distintas culturas antiguas a problemas que en el lenguaje del álgebra actual nos remiten a ecuaciones de segundo grado. Recorreremos, sin pretender ser exhaustivos, parte del camino que transitaron culturas como la babilónica, griega, hindú, árabe hasta la resolución dada por François Viète.