1000 resultados para Efeito Cursinho
Studies on identification of compounds that make up the aroma and flavor in wines involve research evaluating mainly the influence of terpenes, esters, lactones and alcohols upon these sensory characteristics. However, carbonylic compounds (CC) play an important role concerning the substances that impact aroma to these drinks. Their origin is reported to be linked to the grape's chemical composition, must fermentation or micro-oxidation occurring during storage in barrels. Some CCs, like E-ionone, E-damascenone, siryngaldehyde, can contribute a pleasant aroma and improve the wine quality whereas others are responsible for unpleasant characteristics (acetaldehyde, furfural, 5-hydroxy-methyl furfural, diacetil, E-non-2-enal, etc). A fraction of CCs present is associated with bisulfite ions in the form of hydroxyalkylsulfonic acids. Some of them are stable and play an important role in determining wine quality. The reaction involving the formation of this aduct commonly occurs with CCs of low molar mass, such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. The reaction involving CCs with more than three carbon atoms demands further studies.
Nutritional therapy with enteral diets became highly specialized in the last years. This work aims to study the effect of the components of a formulation, namely fiber, calcium and medium-chain triglycerides, for dialysability of minerals. Analysis of multiple variables was done using response surface methodology. The level curve showed that the tertiary interaction MCT-fiber-calcium was the one that presented the highest synergism in the formulation. The proportion of 33% MCT, 25% fiber and 42% calcium, gave the best formulation for availability of magnesium.
This work describes novel materials based on pure iron oxide and iron oxide/niobia composite to produce a magnetic adsorbent. These materials were prepared with synthetic iron oxide and characterized by powder XRD, SEM, FTIR, TPR and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Results showed that the main iron oxides formed were goethite (aFeOOH) and maghemite (gFe2O3) with small particle size. The iron oxide and iron oxide/niobia composite showed high adsorption ability for organic compounds. The positive enthalpy indicated an endothermic adsorption process suggesting physical adsorption.
There is presently much interest in the clean and efficient generation of energy by proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), using hydrogen as fuel. The generation of hydrogen by the reforming of other fuels, anaerobic fermentation of residual waters and other methods, often produce contaminants that affect the performance of the cell. In this work, the effect of gaseous SO2 and NO2 on the performance of a H2/O2 single PEMFC is studied. The results show that SO2 decreases irreversibly the performance of the cell under operating conditions, while NO2 has a milder effect that allows the recovery of the system.
The effect of microwave (MW) irradiation on the crystalline structure of two natural clays and one commercial clay, Montmorillonite K10, was analyzed comparing the X-ray diffraction, N2 isotherms, NMR-MAS of 27Al and 29Si spectra of the clays before and after MW irradiation. The preparation of dioxolane ketals of isatin was used to analyze the MW effect on the catalyst activation. The yields achieved using catalysts activated by MW irradiation were lower (2 to 5%) than the yields achieved using catalysts activated by heat in a conventional oven.
Nutritional therapy with enteral diets became substantially specialized over the last years. This work's aim was to study the effect of the components of a formulation: fiber, calcium and medium-chain triglycerides for dialysability of minerals. Analysis of multiple variables was carried out using response surface methodology. The level curve showed an antagonic effect of interaction between iron and zinc. TCM was the variable responsible for characterizing competition between the two minerals in the formulation. More studies on foods are needed for knowing the effecs of minerals in formulations.
Fresh green bananas (Musa sp., subgroup Prata) were treated with a dose of only 90 ηg g-1 of 1-MCP for 13 hours and the evolution of the volatile compounds along the ripeness was studied. A method to quantify the emission of esters was developed by cryogenic headspace and gas chromatography. Esters of acetate, butyrate, isobutyrate and isovalerate were found as major compounds. The application of the 1-MCP for 13 hours delayed the appearance of the coloration 8 of the peel for 3 days and decreased quantitatively in about 46% the total production of esters in the banana until the 15° day of harvested.
Mild steel blankets were covered with electrolytic copper thin layer, from cyanide bath, being evaluated the influence of the carbonate concentration in the physiochemical properties of those deposits. The cell voltage decreased as the current intensity decreased, but the adherence of the deposit was not enhanced, showing that the increment of carbonate concentration causes substantial problems. Chemical solubilization reactions of air-bearing carbon dioxide and oxidation of free cyanide ions through dissolved oxygen evolved in the anodic processes contribute to the copper plating to occur in an inefficient way. The best optimal conditions require a carbonate concentration below 50 g L-1.
The De Broglie's relation was a fundamental step in the development of a wave nature for matter. Therefore, we have examined it from the perspective of the new atomic theory. This relation makes successful predictions of the stable energy levels for electrons orbiting a nucleus. The formulation of the de Broglie's relation is a fundamental application of the theory of wave-particle duality for a material particle. In this work, the direct demonstration employing the equations E = mc² and E = hcλ, was avoided. We provide a complete analysis of this relation considering features of the special theory of relativity.
Four tropical woods, were investigated to compare their performance and natural resistances to artificial weathering using the diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFT). The species were garapeira (Apuleia leiocarpa), itaúba (Mezilaurus itauba) and tauari (Couratari sp.), woods traditionally indicated for exterior uses, and marupá (Simarouba amara), that served as reference. The samples were submitted to cycles of UV radiation (350 nm) and water until 2,000 h. The photodegradation processes of woods surfaces were accomplished monitoring the changes in the intensities associated to lignin (1508 cm-1) and carbonyl group (1736 cm-1) absorptions. The results have shown that lignin was the first component to be photodegradated, resulting in surfaces mainly composed by cellulose, after 2,000 h of UV irradiation. The processes of formation and lixiviation of carbonyl compounds were different for each species. The experimental conditions used in this work were too severe to evaluate the wood density and extractives content influences during the treatment.
Hydrotalcite-like compounds having Mg partially replaced by Cu or Mn were prepared and used as precursors for two mixed oxides (Cu-OM50 and Mn-OM50) that were evaluated for SOx removal in the presence of O2, NO and CO. Under SO2/O2 reaction system, SOx removal was slightly higher over Cu-OM50. The addition of CO and NO to the feed markedly hindered the SO2 oxidation over Cu-OM50 while no significant effect was observed for Mn-OM50. For the regeneration step, the use of propane instead of H2 reduces regeneration capacity, mainly for Cu-OM50. Mn-OM50 was less affected by the feed composition, suggesting that it was a promising additive for SOx removal.
The structural and surface properties of reticulated vitreous carbon (RVC) were discussed as a function of its heat treatment temperature (HTT), for samples produced in the range from 700 to 2000 ºC, using the furfuryl precursor resin. The samples were analyzed by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, first and second order Raman scattering as well as electrochemical response. Exploring the material turbostraticity concept, the interdependence between the RVC chemical surface variation and its defects were demonstrated. The influence of heteroatom presence was discussed in the material ordering for HTT lower than 1300 ºC while the graphitization process evolution was also pointed out for HTT higher than 1500 ºC.
This work aimed to assess the photocatalytic degradation of a model odor compound (dimethyl disulfide, DMDS), found in liquid and gaseous wastes of plants for processing poultry byproducts. The effect of pH and temperature on adsorption and photocatalytic degradation was evaluated through factorial experimental designs. The results suggest the presence of an optimum region for adsorption, at 45.0 ºC and pH 4.0. In the photocatalytic runs an optimum for temperature and pH was also observed. At 45 ºC and pH 4.0 the removal of DMDS was 99% after 60 min of irradiation.
High copper content is of great concern among producers of sugar-cane spirits who frequently use filters instead of cleaning the stills. This study compared the efficiency of activated carbon, ion-exchange-polymeric resin, and activated-carbon/iron-oxide magnetic composite for copper reduction without removing excessive organic compounds that are important for the beverage's quality. Resin was the most efficient copper adsorbent, removing fewer organic compounds. The composite also removed copper; however, it also removed large amounts of organic compounds. Activated carbon didn't remove sufficient copper to reduce its concentration to less than 5 g L-1, and it removed large amounts of higher alcohols and esters.
The lack of accuracy of a chromatographic method can be associated with the matrix effect. This effect is observed in pesticide quantification by gas chromatography when the chromatographic signals of standards prepared in solvents are compared with those of the analyte in extracts of complex matrices. In the competition between the matrix components and the pesticides for the active sites of the liner, a larger amount of pesticides is transferred to the column, giving apparent extractions above 100%. In this work, we discuss factors that contribute to the matrix effect and present some attempts to overcome the problem.