993 resultados para Das Weisse Band : eine deutsche Kindergeschichte (elokuva)
Studies of wide-band tracheids (WBTs) have aroused the interest of researchers who have searched to understand their origin, function, and phylogenetic implications. The present research has the objective of studying the distribution of WBTs, together with anatomic aspects of vegetative organs in different stages of Pilosocereus aurisetus, in order to understand the occurrence of WBTs in columnar cacti. Transverse and longitudinal sections of the stem (apex, middle, and base) and the root were made. The epidermis was present in the photosynthetic stem, but was substituted by periderm which was already well established in the root. The differentiation of the cortex is visible in the middle of the stem, becoming homogeneous in the base. WBTs were observed in the base and middle of young stems (WBT monomorphic wood); common in stems of globular cacti. However, WBTs/ fibrous dimorphic wood was observed in the base of adult stems, a result of the cambial activity producing vessel elements and fibers. This wood polymorphism of the Cactaceae can be interpreted as cambial variation, a common character of Caryophyllales. Due to the small size of the plant, the presence of WBTs in the young stem may be related to water retention necessary for its development, rather than to physical support of the plant.
ARRUDA, E. AND G. F. A. MELO-DE-PINNA (Departamento de Botanica, Instituto de Biociencias. Universidade de Sao Paulo, Rua do Matao, travessa 14, Cidade Universitaria, Butanta, Caixa Postal 11461, 05422-970. Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil). Wide-band tracheids (WBTs) of the photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic stems in species of Cactaceae. J. Torrey Bat. Soc. 137: 16-29. 2010.-The absence of WBTs and wood polymorphisms in some species of the Caryophyllales may be related to the particular area of plant analyzed. The present research has the objective of studying the photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic stems of different species and stages of differentiation to register wood polymorphisms and to understand the distribution and occurrence of WBTs. Wood polymorphism was observed in the non-photosynthetic stern of young and adult plants of Opuntioideae and Cactoideae and is also found in the photosynthetic stem of young plants of some species of Cactoideae. Cactoideae present WBT/fibrous dimorphic wood that can be related to cambial variation associated with growth habits and plant development. As expected, in the photosynthetic stem of the adult columnar cacti the wood is monomorphic fibrous in which WBTs were not found. This wood contains a great amount of fibers due to necessity of the mechanical support. In contrast, the globular species do not possess fibers in this area of the stem in either adult or young plants. Opuntia monacantha Haw. had non-fibrous wood in which WBTs were observed in the axial system and in the inner parts of the rays. Fiber clusters were present in the axial system. This wood represents a variation in the wood types described for Opuntioideae. Also, in O. monacantha, cells similar to the WBTs were observed in the pith, which can be interpreted as variation in the morphogenic processes during the ontogeny of the plant, probably a case of homeosis. Monomorphic fibrous wood without WBTs was found along the entire stem of Pereskia bahiensis Gurke. This feature has been observed in other pereskias, and in addition to the others, indicates its proximity to the ancestral cacti.
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles are the major cholesterol-carrying lipoprotein in the human circulation from the liver to peripheral tissues. High levels of LDL-Cholesterol (LDL-C) are known risk factor for the development of coronary artery disease (CAD). The most common approach to determine the LDLC in the clinical laboratory involves the Friedewald formula. However, in certain situations, this approach is inadequate. In this paper we report on the enhancement on the Europium emission band of Europium chlortetracycline complex (CTEu) in the presence of LDL. The emission intensity at 615 nm of the CTEu increases with increasing amounts of LDL. This phenomenon allowed us to propose a method to determine the LDL concentration in a sample composed by an aqueous solution of LDL. With this result we obtained LDL calibration curve, LOD (limit of detection) of 0.49 mg/mL and SD (standard deviation) of 0.003. We observed that CTEu complex provides a wider dynamic concentration-range for LDL determination than that from Eu-tetracycline previously. The averaged emission lifetimes of the CTEu and CTEu with LDL (1.5 mg/mL) complexes were measured as 15 and 46 Its, respectively. Study with some metallic interferents is presented. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We apply a self-energy-corrected local density approximation (LDA) to obtain corrected bulk band gaps and to study the band offsets of AlAs grown on GaAs (AlAs/GaAs). We also investigate the Al(x)Ga(1-x)As/GaAs alloy interface, commonly employed in band gap engineering. The calculations are fully ab initio, with no adjustable parameters or experimental input, and at a computational cost comparable to traditional LDA. Our results are in good agreement with experimental values and other theoretical studies. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2011
The magnetic response of the near-band-edge optical properties is studied in EuTe layers. In several magneto-optical experiments, the absorption and emission are described as well as the related Stokes shift. Specifically, we present the first experimental report of the photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectrum in Faraday configuration. The PLE spectra shows to be related with the absorption spectra through the observation of resonance between the excitation light and the zero-field band-gap. A new emission line appears at 1.6 eV at a moderate magnetic field in the photoluminescence (PL) spectra. Furthermore, we examine the absorption and PL red-shift induced by the magnetic field in the light of the d-f exchange interaction energy involved in these processes. Whereas the absorption red-shift shows a quadratic dependence on the field, the PL red-shift shows a linear dependence which is explained by spin relaxation of the excited state.
The structural and electronic properties of perylene diimide liquid crystal PPEEB are studied using ab initio methods based on the density functional theory (I)FT). Using available experimental crystallographic data as a guide, we propose a detailed structural model for the packing of solid PPEEB. We find that due to the localized nature of the band edge wave function, theoretical approaches beyond the standard method, such as hybrid functional (PBE0), are required to correctly characterize the band structure of this material. Moreover, unlike previous assumptions, we observe the formation of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of different molecules, which leads to a dispersion of the energy levels. This result indicates that the side chains of the molecular crystal not only are responsible for its structural conformation but also can be used for tuning the electronic and optical properties of these materials.
Denna uppsats handlar om förekomsten av Antisemitism i den svenska s.k. Vit makt-musiken. Uppsatsens syfte är att kartlägga förekomsten av antisemitism i tre vit makt- band: Pluton Svea, Storm och Dirlewanger. Analysen sker genom att texterna till två album av varje band studeras. Metoden är både kvalitativ som kvantitativ och bland annat så undersöks olika typer av antisemitiska uttalanden som därefter nivåsätts enligt en, av författaren, modifierad skala konstruerad av forskaren John C.G. Röhl. Resultatet av denna undersökning visar att antisemitism är ständigt närvarande i denna musikstil. Dock tar den sig olika uttryck beroende på vilket band det gäller. I de album som är producerade under 2000-talet tycks även en viss nedtoning av den våldsammaste formen av antisemitism kunna ses.
I denna uppsats så ställs frågan om det går att effektivisera dagens PA-teknik. Detta på ett sätt som gynnar tekniker, musiker och mindre band. Undersökningen som genomfördes innefattade en litteraturundersökning och flertalet intervjuer med personer som på olika sätt arbetar med ljud och musik i livesammanhang.Resultaten visar att det går att effektivisera PA-tekniken mer än vad som görs idag. I och medden digitala teknikens introducerande så underlättas både teknikers och musikers jobb. Den traditionella multikabeln kan ersättas med varianter baserade på Ethernet. Olika varianter av teknik kan användas för att underlätta arbetet med monitorer, exempelvis In-ear monitoring. Uppsatsen presenterar olika knep för hur man kan förhindra feedback och genomföra en effektivare soundcheck. Slutligen diskuteras hur mindre band kan dra fördel av den digitala tekniken.
Die Novelle, Im Krebsgang, von Günter Grass ist eine Mischung aus Zeitgeschichte, persönlicher Biografie des Autors und lebhafter Fantasie. Diese Komponenten auseinanderzuhalten könnte die Verständigung der Novelle verbessern. Nach den Annahmen, dass der engste Personenkreis um die Familie Pokriefke Fiktion ist, und die Geschichten um den U-Boot-Kommandanten Marinesko, den Medizinstudenten Frankfurter, den Nationalsozialisten Gustloff und das KdF-Schiff Wilhelm Gustloff faktual sind, wurden sechs Textabschnitte ausgewählt. Durch eine literaturwissenschaftliche Analyse dieser Textabschnitte wurden sechs Punkte gefunden, die die Trennlinie zwischen den fiktionalen und faktualen Textabschnitten identifizieren. Gefunden wurde, dass in den faktualen Texten der Erzähler immer auktorial, aus großer Distanz berichtet, und immer von der Fokalisierung getrennt ist. In den fiktionalen Texten aber liegt immer die Fokalisierung beim Erzähler, der stets szenisch erzählt.
Brundin (2004, S. 63) sagt, dass sich die Reformation „um einen Kampf handelte, der Auswirkungen auf die ganze gesellschaftliche Struktur hatte.“ Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Absichten hinter, die linguistischen Methoden und die sozialen Auswirkungen der Bibelübersetzung Luthers festzustellen, und dadurch die Aussage Brundins zu bestätigen bzw. widerlegen. Es wurde gefunden, dass Martin Luther die Bibelübersetzung und die Reformation in enger Zusammenarbeit mit seinen Kollegen an der Leucorea Universität und unter Führung des sächsischen Kurfürsten, Friedrich III., durchgeführt hat. Dabei haben die verwendeten linguistischen Methoden eine Schlüsselrolle gespielt, und viele heute bekannten wissenschaftlichen Theorien sind praktisch umgesetzt worden. Dazu gehören die Sapir-Whorf-Hypothese, die Defizit- bzw. die Differenzhypothese und die Diskurstheorie. Die Reformation hat eine gewaltige Machtverschiebung zur Folge, wo der Klerus dem Adel viele Rechte abgeben müsste, und die neu erzeugte Sprache der Lutherbibel hat zu einer deutschen Einheitssprache und die Erstehung eines deutschen Nationalstaates geführt. Als Schlussergebnis kann die Aussage Brundins klar bestätigt werden.