1000 resultados para Développement psychosocial


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Inclut la bibliographie


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Le monde traverse un changement d’époque. Face aux déséquilibres économiques, distributifs et environnementaux du mode de développement prédominant, la communauté internationale vient d’adopter le Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030 et ses 17 objectifs. Le document que la Commission économique pour l’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes (CEPALC) présente aux états membres à l’occasion de sa trente-sixième session a pour but d’apporter un complément analytique à ce Programme dans la perspective structuraliste du développement et de l’optique des pays d’Amérique latine et des Caraïbes. Les propositions contenues dans ce document sont centrées sur la nécessité de promouvoir un changement structurel progressif qui favorise l’incorporation du savoir à la production, garantisse l’inclusion sociale et combatte les effets néfastes du changement climatique. Les réflexions et les propositions visant à avancer sur la voie d’un nouveau mode de développement sont axées sur la promotion de l’égalité et de la pérennité de l’environnement. La création de biens publics mondiaux et leurs équivalents à l’échelle régionale, ainsi que l’application de politiques nationales sont au coeur d’une vision structuraliste qui est appelée à évoluer vers un keynésianisme mondial et une stratégie de développement centrée sur un élan majeur pour l’environnement.


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Human mobility patterns are quite diverse nowadays and a very singular, extreme pattern is seen in the Brazilian scene: road wandering. Road wanderers are individuals who leave their home, family, work and other territories of a settled life and throw themselves into a life of solitary wandering along Brazilian highways. This study aimed to describe the lifestyle of road wanderers, investigate the reasons that led them choose this way of living and understand it against a background of modern human mobility patterns. A total of 63 interviews were conducted with individuals wandering on road shoulders. We found road wandering is associated with the following determinants: poverty; unemployment; marital conflicts; emotional suffering following the loss of loved ones; desires for adventure and freedom; and cultural symbols related to journey, migration, exodus and other modes of displacement. Despite its particularities, road wandering can be understood as a way of human mobility in the modern world.


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Les anomalies du développement des dents permanentes peuvent être dues à un traumatisme des dents primaires, étant donné la proximité de la racine des dents primaires avec les dents permanentes sous-jacentes. Nous décrivons le cas d'un garçon de 14 mois qui a été dirigé vers la clinique pédiatrique de l'École de médecine dentaire de l'Universidad Estadual Paulista d'Araçatuba, au Brésil, après avoir subi un grave traumatisme qui a causé l'intrusion de l'incisive centrale droite primaire. L'examen radiographique réalisé 4 ans après le traumatisme a révélé un changement morphologique évolutif dans le germe de la dent permanente. Au moment de son éruption, l'incisive centrale permanente présentait une malformation coronaire avec hypoplasie de l'émail. Nous avons conclu qu'un suivi radiographique est indiqué après un traumatisme afin de surveiller les séquelles qui peuvent survenir dans les dents permanentes, même avant leur éruption.


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As part of the international CUPID investigation, we compared physical and psychosocial risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders among nurses in Brazil and Italy. Using questionnaires, we collected information on musculoskeletal disorders and potential risk factors from 751 nurses employed in public hospitals. By fitting country-specific multiple logistic regression models, we investigated the association of stressful physical activities and psychosocial characteristics with site-specific and multisite pain, and associated sickness absence. We found no clear relationship between low back pain and occupational lifting, but neck and shoulder pain were more common among nurses who reported prolonged work with the arms in an elevated position. After adjustment for potential confounding variables, pain in the low back, neck and shoulder, multisite pain, and sickness absence were all associated with somatizing tendency in both countries. Our findings support a role of somatizing tendency in predisposition to musculoskeletal disorders, acting as an important mediator of the individual response to triggering exposures, such as work-load.


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The objective of this study was to present a panoramic view of the scientific production regarding Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS). This literature review was performed using the LILACS, MEDLINE, and SciELO databases. Sixty-eight references were selected, most of which were journal articles (88.24%) and studies related to final graduate study essays (10.29%); 75% of the references found dating from 2003 were included. The following are highlighted among the most frequent objectives: the analysis and evaluation of the new proposal for mental health care, represented by Psychiatric Reform and by CAPS, and the analysis of mental health professionals and their expectations towards the services. The authors hope the present review will help find pathways and implications that lead to new studies and practices in the everyday work of health care services.


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Objective: One of the factors associated with low rates of compliance in the treatment for alcoholism seems to be the intensity of craving for alcohol. This study aimed to evaluate the associations between alcohol craving and biopsychosocial addiction model-related variables and to verify whether these variables could predict treatment retention. Methods: The sample consisted of 257 male alcoholics who were enrolled in two different pharmacological trials conducted at the Universidade de Sao Paulo in Brazil. Based on four factors measured at baseline - biological (age, race, and family alcoholism), psychiatric (depression symptoms), social (financial and marital status), and addiction (craving intensity, severity of alcohol dependence, smoking status, drinking history, preferential beverage, daily intake of alcohol before treatment) - direct logistic regression was performed to analyze these factors' influence on treatment retention after controlling for medication groups and AA attendance. Results: Increasing age, participation in Alcoholics Anonymous groups, and beer preference among drinkers were independently associated with higher treatment retention. Conversely, higher scores for depression increased dropout rates. Conclusion: Health services should identify the treatment practices and therapists that improve retention. Information about patients' characteristics linked to dropouts should be studied to render treatment programs more responsive and attractive, combining pharmacological agents with more intensive and diversified psychosocial interventions.