989 resultados para Curriculum approaches


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Commonly adopted approaches to managing small-scale fisheries (SSFs) in developing countries do not ensure sustainability. Progress is impeded by a gap between innovative SSF research and slower-moving SSF management. The paper aims to bridge the gap by showing that the three primary bases of SSF management--ecosystem, stakeholders’ rights and resilience--are mutually consistent and complementary. It nominates the ecosystem approach as an appropriate starting point because it is established in national and international law and policy. Within this approach, the emerging resilience perspective and associated concepts of adaptive management and institutional learning can move management beyond traditional control and resource-use optimization, which largely ignore the different expectations of stakeholders; the complexity of ecosystem dynamics; and how ecological, social, political and economic subsystems are linked. Integrating a rights-based perspective helps balance the ecological bias of ecosystem-based and resilience approaches. The paper introduces three management implementation frameworks that can lend structure and order to research and management regardless of the management approach chosen. Finally, it outlines possible research approaches to overcome the heretofore limited capacity of fishery research to integrate across ecological, social and economic dimensions and so better serve the management objective of avoiding fishery failure by nurturing and preserving the ecological, social and institutional attributes that enable it to renew and reorganize itself. (PDF contains 29 pages)


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) convened a workshop on Evaluating Approaches and Technologies for Monitoring Organic Contaminants in the Aquatic Environment in Ann Arbor, MI on July 21-23, 2006. The primary objectives of this workshop were to: 1) identify the priority management information needs relative to organic contaminant loading; 2) explore the most appropriate approaches to estimating mass loading; and 3) evaluate the current status of the sensor technology. To meet these objectives, a mixture of leading research scientists, resource managers, and industry representatives were brought together for a focused two-day workshop. The workshop featured four plenary talks followed by breakout sessions in which arranged groups of participants where charged to respond to a series of focused discussion questions. At present, there are major concerns about the inadequacies in approaches and technologies for quantifying mass emissions and detection of organic contaminants for protecting municipal water supplies and receiving waters. Managers use estimates of land-based contaminant loadings to rivers, lakes, and oceans to assess relative risk among various contaminant sources, determine compliance with regulatory standards, and define progress in source reduction. However, accurately quantifying contaminant loading remains a major challenge. Loading occurs over a range of hydrologic conditions, requiring measurement technologies that can accommodate a broad range of ambient conditions. In addition, in situ chemical sensors that provide a means for acquiring continuous concentration measurements are still under development, particularly for organic contaminants that typically occur at low concentrations. Better approaches and strategies for estimating contaminant loading, including evaluations of both sampling design and sensor technologies, need to be identified. The following general recommendations were made in an effort to advance future organic contaminant monitoring: 1. Improve the understanding of material balance in aquatic systems and the relationship between potential surrogate measures (e.g., DOC, chlorophyll, particle size distribution) and target constituents. 2. Develop continuous real-time sensors to be used by managers as screening measures and triggers for more intensive monitoring. 3. Pursue surrogate measures and indicators of organic pollutant contamination, such as CDOM, turbidity, or non-equilibrium partitioning. 4. Develop continuous field-deployable sensors for PCBs, PAHs, pyrethroids, and emerging contaminants of concern and develop strategies that couple sampling approaches with tools that incorporate sensor synergy (i.e., measure appropriate surrogates along with the dissolved organics to allow full mass emission estimation).[PDF contains 20 pages]


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Capítulo del libro: Balluerka Lasa, Nekane; Alkorta Idiakez, Itziar (eds.) "Desarrollo curricular de las nuevas titulaciones de grado" (ISBN: 978-84-9860-533-4)


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Protein misfolding is a general causation of classical conformational diseases and many pathogenic changes that are the result of structural conversion. Here I review recent progress in clinical and computational approaches for each stage of the misfolding process, aiming to present readers an outline for swift comprehension of this field.


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Technology generation and dissemination are important components of rural transformation programmes. Nigerian fisheries sub-sector is still hampered by low productivity (especially in aquaculture) and low output (capture fisheries and post-harvest technologies). Research institutions and the Universities have made efforts in developing improved technologies to find solution to these problems, yet the level of adoption of the technologies remain low. This is due to a combination of various factors among which are faulty agricultural policies; institutional framework and unfavourable socio-economic environment. Niger State plays an important role in production in Nigeria and host the only research institute with the mandate in inland fisheries. It is important therefore to know the effectiveness of various extension approaches used in disseminating the technologies developed and their impact on adopters. Forty fishers were randomly selected in Shiroro L.G.A. of the Niger State and interviewed. The study probed into their socio-economic characteristics, traditional practices, extent of awareness and adoption for fisheries technologies and the effectiveness and impact of various approaches used by the extension organizations to disseminate the technologies. The results show that the economically active age group of the fishers was in the range of 20-50 years (87.5%). Males (95%) dominate the fisher population. 47.5% of the respondents have average household size of 6-10 and 57.5% were below primary school in educational attainment. Only 57.5% belonged to cooperative societies, while 90.0% of the fishers have no access to credit other than personal finance. Majority of fish-farmers (60%) operate at homestead level with pond size less than 50 square meter, stock under polyculture fishing methods are at subsistence level, while 67.5% of processors use mud-oven to cure, by smoking, freshly caught fish. Disseminated aquaculture technologies have low level of awareness (5-20%) and adoption (2.5-22.5%). For capture fisheries and post-harvest technologies awareness levels of 47.5-72.5% and adoption levels of 27.5-50.0% were recorded. Method demonstration (87.5%), result demonstration (75.0%) and field days (47.5%) are the major approaches used by the ADP. Respondents were of the opinion that method demonstration (65%), result demonstration (57.5%) and field day (30.0%) are effective. 62.5% of respondents had enhanced income due impact of extension activities


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Competing uses, sensitive and valuable marine resources, and overlapping jurisdictions complicate management decision making in the marine environment. States are developing marine spatial planning capacity to help make better decisions, particularly as demand for ocean space and resources is growing because of emerging human uses (renewable energy, aquaculture) and traditional human uses (commercial fishing, commerce). This paper offers perspectives on marine spatial planning efforts being carried out in four states across the US, and demonstrates similarities and differences between them. The approach to marine spatial planning in each state is discussed with specific attention given to issues such as what is driving the effort, data availability, maturity of the effort, and level of resources devoted to it. Highlighting the similarities and differences illustrates state and region specific challenges and the approaches being used to meet them. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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The paper critically examines the factors militating against domestic fish production in artisanal, aquacultural and industrial sectors in Nigeria. Approaches towards increasing fish production from all these sectors were suggested and discussed in line with the National Economic Empowerment Development Strategy (NEEDS) and Poverty Alleviation programmes of the Federal Government to meet the nation's fish protein requirement within the next three years


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A presente pesquisa centrou-se em analisar as implicações do processo de supervisão e sua importância para a formação acadêmico-profissional em Serviço Social, tendo como pressuposto o acompanhamento sistemático realizado pelo assistente social junto ao discente, uma das dimensões que envolvem a supervisão, qual seja, a supervisão profissional ou de campo. O objetivo do estudo sobre essa dimensão da formação profissional refletiu o entendimento da realidade profissional, das transformações no mundo do trabalho e as respectivas formas de enfrentamento da questão social. Tratou do processo de supervisão acadêmico-profissional em Serviço Social no município de Ipatinga/MG a partir dos projetos de extensão universitária coordenados pelo curso de Serviço Social da UNIPAC/Campus Vale do aço, onde são desenvolvidas atividades que envolvem ações de assistentes sociais e se constituem em espaços sócio-ocupacionais onde se inserem estagiários. A hipótese do presente estudo é de que existe uma tensão entre a proposta das Diretrizes Curriculares da Associação Brasileira de Ensino em Serviço Social (ABESS), de 1996 e sua efetivação em um contexto de aceleramento de privatização do ensino superior e das condições de trabalho dos profissionais. Os pressupostos relacionados à direção social ou ao aparato legal para a profissão são norteados e conduzidos pelas diretrizes curriculares. E a direção assumida pela profissão a partir das mudanças que vinculam a ação profissional ao projeto societário da classe trabalhadora, demanda novas respostas profissionais, que vão se refletir diretamente numa exigência de um trabalho profissional que ultrapasse o mero fazer cotidiano. Para a apreensão do objeto de estudo, procurou-se discutir a formação profissional mediante o que está preconizado nas Diretrizes Curriculares de 1996. Num segundo momento discutiu-se acerca da mercantilização do ensino superior pós década de 1990 e a UNIPAC nesse contexto. Já no capítulo 3 foram analisadas as particularidades do processo de supervisão de campo no universo dos projetos de extensão da UNIPAC e as condições de trabalho dos supervisores de campo. Nas considerações mais conclusivas é apresentado um balanço da pesquisa realizada, buscando apontar possíveis desafios e tendências para a formação profissional dos assistentes sociais na atualidade.


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Esta tese tem por objetivo discutir a política científico-educacional do curso de Letras, por meio da análise do projeto político-pedagógico (PPP) que norteia a formação do acadêmico e do futuro professor de Língua Portuguesa. A compreensão de que toda esfera da atividade humana elabora os seus gêneros mais ou menos estáveis, segundo os quais os sujeitos se relacionam e interagem socialmente (BAKHTIN, 1997) é significativa, pois permite afirmar que o PPP é um documento norteador de uma política científico-educacional, podendo se manifestar nas práticas discursivas próprias da vida universitária de um curso. No PPP se delineiam, entre outros princípios, concepções filosófico-educacionais e abordagens teóricas e metodológicas que fundamentam o discurso científico-educacional e os saberes instituídos do curso de Letras. Em virtude disso, procurou-se traçar um percurso histórico das referências locais e globais, a partir de concepções sobre ser, tempo, acontecimento e alteridade, advindas do saber literário (BARTHES, 1992 e BAKHTIN, 2010) e da trajetória universitária em foco, articuladas à conjuntura que vem marcando o movimento por mudanças nas ciências e na educação. Investigou-se, em seguida, o PPP do curso de Letras, analisando esse gênero do discurso acadêmico-universitário, consoante a forma e tipo de interação em relação com a situação concreta de enunciação e com o horizonte histórico e social mais amplo (BAKHTIN/VOLOCHINOV, 1992), em que se configuram novos sentidos que convergem e/ou confrontam com discursos e saberes historicamente instituídos do curso. Refletiu-se, pois, se a introdução de novas disciplinas em estudos da linguagem resulta de uma transição consensual de uma Linguística do enunciado para uma Linguística da enunciação ou marca uma crise de paradigma(s) no âmbito da Linguística. Procedeu-se, por fim, a uma análise dos discursos dos acadêmicos de Letras da UFPA-Marabá, a fim de compreender os sentidos que constroem sobre o curso, sobre o projeto político-pedagógico, a imagem que constroem da instituição, de si mesmos, como acadêmicos e futuros professores de Língua Portuguesa. Objetivou-se, com isso, confrontar a política científico-educacional proposta pelo PPP com o discurso desses sujeitos, a fim de compreender seus posicionamentos diante da formação que permeia o projeto, bem como sua avaliação a respeito do discurso de integração curricular. Procurou-se, por fim, focalizar outras referências de cursos de Letras, com o objetivo de cotejar os posicionamentos de diferentes PPP em relação ao perfil que pretendem construir de professor de Língua Portuguesa, consoante o quadro curricular proposto em estudos da linguagem. Toma-se como córpus os PPPs dos Cursos de Letras do Câmpus Universitário de Marabá e de Belém, da Universidade Federal do Pará e, da Universidade Federal de Goiás (Câmpus de Catalão e Câmpus de Goiânia), para então compará-los com depoimentos escritos dos acadêmicos de Letras da UFPA-Marabá


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