985 resultados para Crimes against humanity -- Spain
Currently, acoustic isolation is one of the problems raised with building construction in Spain. The publication of the Basic Document for the protection against noise of the Technical Building Code has increased the demand of comfort for citizens. This has created the need to seek new composite materials that meet the new required acoustical building codes. In this paper we report the results of the newly developed composites that are able to improve the acoustic isolation of airborne noise. These composites were prepared from polypropylene (PP) reinforced with mechanical pulp fibers from softwood (Pinus radiata). Mechanical and acoustical properties of the composites from mechanical pulp (MP) and polypropylene (PP) have been investigated and compared to fiberglass (FG) composites. MP composites had lower tensile properties compared with FG composites, although these properties can be improved by incorporation of a coupling agent. The results of acoustical properties of MP composites were reported and compared with the conventional composites based on fiberglass and gypsum plasterboards. Finally, we suggest the application of MP composites as a light-weight building material to reduce acoustic transmitions
Using a panel of 48 provinces for four years we empirically analyze a series of temporary policies aimed at curbing fuel consumption implemented in Spain between March and June 2011. The first policy was a reduction in the speed limit in highways. The second policy was an increase in the biofuel content of fuels used in the transport sector. The third measure was a reduction of 5% in commuting and regional train fares that resulted in two major metropolitan areas reducing their overall fare for public transit. The results indicate that the speed limit reduction in highways reduced gasoline consumption by between 2% and 3%, while an increase in the biofuel content of gasoline increased this consumption. This last result is consistent with experimental evidence that indicates that mileage per liter falls with an increase in the biofuel content in gasolines. As for the reduction in transit fares, we do not find a significant effect for this policy. However, in specifications including the urban transit fare for the major cities in each province the estimated cross-price elasticity of the demand for gasoline -used as a proxy for car use- with respect to the price of transit is within the range reported in the literature. This is important since one of the main eficiency justification for subsidizing public transit rests on the positive value of this parameter and most of the estimates reported in the literature are quite dated.
A two page informational sheet about workplace sexual harassment produced by Iowa Commission on the Status of Women
The biodistribution of the 202 monoclonal antibody against CEA labeled with 88Y by the bicyclic DTPA anhydride method was studied in normal Balb/c mice. The in vitro binding to 1 X 10(7) CO112, LS174T and WiDR colon cancer cells was 21.0, 27.3 and 18.8%, respectively. The binding to an equal number of KM-3 leukemia cells and normal human lymphocytes was 8.9 and 3.2%, respectively. Liver, spleen, kidney and blood were the tissues that showed the highest uptake of radiolabeled antibody in vivo.
RESUME Le cancer du col de l'utérus, deuxième cause de mort par cancer chez la femme, a pu être associé à une infection par plusieurs types de virus du Papillome Humain (HPV), et en particulier HPV 16. Les vaccins prophylactiques sont efficaces à prévenir le cancer du col utérin alors que les lésions de haut grade sont généralement traitées par ablation chirurgicale et par d'éventuels traitements additionnels. Les risques de récurrence liés aux ablations et le taux de mortalité (50%) lié au cancer, démontrent le besoin de développer des stratégies alternatives afin de cibler les lésions précancéreuses. A ce jour, les vaccins thérapeutiques ont démontré peu de résultats cliniques, contrastant avec les régressions de tumeurs ectopiques observées après vaccination dans des modèles murins avec tumeurs associées à HPV. L'induction de réponses immunitaires protectrices dans la muqueuse génitale semble être cruciale pour l'efficacité des vaccins thérapeutiques HPV et évaluer leur efficacité dans un modèle murin avec tumeurs-HPV génitales représente un pré-requis important avant de procéder à des études cliniques. Par conséquent, nous avons établi un modèle murin orthotopique où des tumeurs se développent dans (a muqueuse génitale après une instillation intra-vaginale (i.vag) de cellules tumorales exprimant les oncogènes E6/E7 d'HPV 16 et transduites par un vecteur lentiviral codant la luciferase afin de suivre le développement de ces tumeurs in vivo par imagerie. La caractérisation histologique a démontré que les tumeurs grandissaient dans l'épithélium vaginal et en accord avec leur localisation, des cellules Τ CD8 spécifiques à E7 induites par la tumeur n'étaient détectées que dans la muqueuse génitale et les ganglions drainants. Une infiltration de cellules Τ régulatrices a aussi été mise en évidence, empêchant la régression spontanée de ces tumeurs. Par conséquent, ce modèle devrait être plus adéquat pour tester des stratégies thérapeutiques, étant donné qu'il partage certaines similarités immunologiques avec les lésions génitales naturelles causées par HPV. Etant donné que les oncogènes E6 et E7 d'HPV sont nécessaires à la maintenance du phénotype cancéreux des cellules cervicales, elles représentent des antigènes cibles pour la vaccination thérapeutique. Nous avons démontré que des souris immunisées par voie sous-cutanée (s.c.) avec une dose d'un vaccin à base de polypeptide E7 d'HPV 16 et d'adjuvants, présentaient de nombreuses cellules Τ CD8 sécrétant de l'IFN-γ spécifiquement à E7 dans leurs organes lymphatiques mais également dans la muqueuse génitale. De plus, le manque de corrélation entre les réponses spécifiques mesurées dans la périphérie et dans la muqueuse génitale souligne la nécessité et l'importance de déterminer les réponses immunitaires localement là où les lésions dues à HPV se développent. Si une vaccination par voie muqueuse est plus propice à traiter/régresser des infections génitales/tumeurs que le voie parentérale est un sujet débattu. Nos données montrent que seule la voie s.c. était capable de régresser la quasi totalité des tumeurs génitales chez la souris bien que des réponses CD8 spécifiques à E7 similaires étaient mesurées dans la muqueuse génitale après des vaccinations intra-nasale et i.vag. Afin d'augmenter la réponse spécifique au vaccin dans la muqueuse génitale, des immunostimulants ont été administrés par voie i.vag après vaccination. Nous avons démontré qu'une application i.vag d'agonistes des Toll like receptors après une vaccination s.c. induisait de manière significative une augmentation des cellules Τ CD8 sécrétant de l'IFN-γ spécifiquement à E7 dans la muqueuse génitale. Plus précisément et concernant les CpG et Poly l:C, l'effet était probablement associé à une attraction locale des cellules Τ CD8 et deuxièmement dépendait respectivement des voies de signalisation TLR9 et TLR3/Mda5. Finalement, cette stratégie combinatoire a permis de régresser des grosses tumeurs génitales chez la souris, suggérant qu'une telle immunothérapie pourrait adéquatement traiter des lésions dues à HPV chez les femmes. SUMMARY Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer mortality in women worldwide and results from an infection with a subset of Human Papillomavirus (HPV), HPV 16 representing the most prevalent type. The available prophylactic vaccines are an effective strategy to prevent cervical cancer while already established high grade lesions usually require surgical ablation of lesion with possible additional treatments. Recurrence risks linked to conventional ablations and the high mortality (50%) related to cervical cancer demonstrate the need for alternative strategies like immunotherapies to target pre¬cancerous lesions. Until now, therapeutic vaccines only showed limited clinical results, which strongly contrast with the regression of ectopic tumors observed in the available murine HPV tumor models after vaccination. Induction of protective immune responses in the genital mucosa (GM) may be crucial for efficacy of HPV therapeutic vaccines and evaluating their efficacy in a murine model with genital HPV- tumors represents an important prerequisite for clinical trials. Thus, we have here established an orthotopic mouse model where tumors in the GM develop after an intravaginal (i.vag) instillation of HPV 16 E6/E7 oncogenes-expressing tumor cells transduced with a luciferase encoding lentivirus vector for in vivo imaging of tumor growth. Histological characterization showed that tumor grew within the vaginal epithelium and according to their mucosal location tumor- induced E7-specific CD8 Τ cells were restricted to the GM and genital draining lymph nodes together with high Τ regulatory cells infiltrates preventing spontaneous regression. Consequently, sharing several immunological similarities with natural genital HPV lesions, this novel genital tumor model may be more adequate to test therapeutic strategies. As E6 and/or E7 HPV oncogenes expression is required for the maintenance of the cancerous phenotype of cervical cells, they represent target antigens for therapeutic vaccination. We reported that mice subcutaneously (s.c.) immunized once with an adjuvanted HPV 16 E7 polypeptide vaccine harbored high E7-specific IFN-γ secreting CD8 Τ cells in their lymphoid organs and more importantly in the GM. In addition, the lack of correlation between specific responses measured in the periphery with those measured in the GM highlighted the necessity and relevance to determine the immune responses locally where HPV 16-induced lesions develop. Whether a mucosal route of immunization is better to treat/regress genital infections/tumors than parenteral immunization is still debated. Our data shows that although similar E7-specific IFN-γ secreting CD8 Τ cells responses were measured in the GM upon mucosal routes of E7 vaccine delivery (nasal and vaginal immunizations), only the s.c immunization was able to regress at least all genital tumors in mice. To further increase the vaccine-specific responses in the GM, immunostimulatory agents were i.vag administrated after vaccination. We demonstrated that a single i.vag application of toll like receptor (TLR) agonists after a s.c. E7 vaccination induced a significant increase of E7-specific IFN-γ secreting CD8 Τ cells in the GM. More precisely, regarding CpG and Poly l:C, the effect is most probably associated with a local attraction of total CD8 Τ cells and secondly depends on TLR9 and TLR3/Mda5 signaling pathways, respectively. Finally, this combinatorial strategy induced tumor regression in mice harboring large genital tumors, suggesting that such an immunotherapy could be adequate to treat HPV-induced lesions in women.
A hallmark of schizophrenia pathophysiology is the dysfunction of cortical inhibitory GABA neurons expressing parvalbumin, which are essential for coordinating neuronal synchrony during various sensory and cognitive tasks. The high metabolic requirements of these fast-spiking cells may render them susceptible to redox dysregulation and oxidative stress. Using mice carrying a genetic redox imbalance, we demonstrate that extracellular perineuronal nets, which constitute a specialized polyanionic matrix enwrapping most of these interneurons as they mature, play a critical role in the protection against oxidative stress. These nets limit the effect of genetically impaired antioxidant systems and/or excessive reactive oxygen species produced by severe environmental insults. We observe an inverse relationship between the robustness of the perineuronal nets around parvalbumin cells and the degree of intracellular oxidative stress they display. Enzymatic degradation of the perineuronal nets renders mature parvalbumin cells and fast rhythmic neuronal synchrony more susceptible to oxidative stress. In parallel, parvalbumin cells enwrapped with mature perineuronal nets are better protected than immature parvalbumin cells surrounded by less-condensed perineuronal nets. Although the perineuronal nets act as a protective shield, they are also themselves sensitive to excess oxidative stress. The protection might therefore reflect a balance between the oxidative burden on perineuronal net degradation and the capacity of the system to maintain the nets. Abnormal perineuronal nets, as observed in the postmortem patient brain, may thus underlie the vulnerability and functional impairment of pivotal inhibitory circuits in schizophrenia.
Two new forms of non-specific crossreacting antigens (NCAs) were identified in the Nonidet P40 (NP-40) extracts of normal granulocytes by precipitation with the monoclonal antibody (MAb) 192 directed against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and already known to crossreact with the perchloric acid soluble NCA-55. The NP-40 soluble NCAs recognized by MAb 192 have apparent mol. wts of 90,000 and 160,000 in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Both NCAs appear to consist of a single monomeric polypeptide chain, since they have the same electrophoretic mobility in SDS-PAGE under reduced and non-reduced conditions. When granulocytes were extracted with perchloric acid instead of NP-40, only the 55,000 mol. wt antigen, corresponding to the previously described NCA-55, was precipitated by MAb 192. Furthermore, it was shown that NCA-55 is not a degradation product of NCA-90 or NCA-160 due to the perchloric acid treatment because exposure to perchloric acid of NCA preparations purified from NP-40 extracts did not change their apparent mol. wts in SDS-PAGE. It was also shown that NCA-160 is not a granulocytic form of CEA because it was not precipitated by the MAb 35 reacting exclusively with CEA. Immunocytochemical studies of granulocytes and macrophages showed that MAb 192 stained both types of cells whereas MAb 47 stained only the granulocytes and MAb 35 none of these cells. In granulocytes both MAbs reacted with antigens associated with granules and also present at the periphery of the nucleus as well as in the Golgi apparatus. The NCA-90 identified by MAb 192 was found by sequential immunodepletion to be antigenically distinct from the NCA-95 precipitated by MAb 47. The epitope recognized by MAb 192 on CEA and NCA molecules appears to be on the peptidic moiety because the antigens deglycosylated by the enzyme Endo F were still precipitated by this MAb. Taken together, the results indicate that MAb 192 identifies two novel forms of NCA (NCA-90 and NCA-160) in NP-40 extracts of granulocytes, which are distinct from CEA and the previously described NCA-55 and NCA-95 identified by MAbs 192 and 47, respectively, in perchloric acid extracts of granulocytes.
In 1875, 7 years prior to the description of the Koch bacillus, Klebs visualized the first Streptococcus pneumoniae in a pleural fluid. Since then, this organism has played a determinant role in biomedical science. From a biological point of view, it was largely implicated in the development of passive and active immunization by serotherapy and vaccination, respectively. Genetic transformation was also first observed in S. pneumoniae, leading to the discovery of DNA. From a clinical point of view, S. pneumoniae is still today a prime cause of otitis media in children and of pneumonia in all age groups, as well as a predominant cause of meningitis and bacteremia. In adults, bacteremia is still entailed with a mortality of over 25%. Although S. pneumoniae remained very sensitive to penicillin for many years, penicillin-resistance has emerged and increased dramatically over the last 15 years. During this period of time, the frequency of penicillin-resistant isolates has increased from < or = 1% to frequencies varying from 20 to 60% in geographic areas as diverse as South Africa, Spain, France, Hungary, Iceland, Alaska, and numerous regions of the United States and South America. In Switzerland, the current frequency of penicillin-resistant pneumococci ranges between 5 and > or = 10%. The increase in penicillin-resistant pneumococci correlates with the intensive use of beta-lactam antibiotics. The mechanism of resistance is not due to bacterial production of penicillinase, but to an alteration of the bacterial target of penicillin, the so-called penicillin-binding proteins. Resistance is subdivided into (i) inter mediate level resistance (minimal inhibitory concentration [MIC] of penicillin of 0.1-1 mg/L) and (ii) high level resistance (MCI > or = 2 mg/L). The clinical significance of intermediate resistance remains poorly defined. On the other hand, highly resistant strains were responsible for numerous therapeutical failures, especially in cases of meningitis. Antibiotics recommended against penicillin-resistant pneumococci include cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, imipenem and in some instances vancomycin. However, penicillin-resistant pneumococci tend to present cross-resistances to all the antibotics of the beta-lactam family and could even become resistant to the last resort drugs mentioned above. Thus, in conclusion, the explosion of resistance to penicillin in pneumococci is a ubiquitous phenomenon which must be fought against by (i) a strict utilization of antibiotics, (ii) the practice of microbiological sampling of infected foci before treatment, (iii) the systematic surveillance of resistance profiles of pneumococci against antibiotics and (iv) the adequate vaccination of populations at risk.
Genetic polymorphisms near IL28B are associated with spontaneous and treatment-induced clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV), two processes that require the appropriate activation of the host immune responses. Intrahepatic inflammation is believed to mirror such activation, but its relationship with IL28B polymorphisms has yet to be fully appreciated. We analyzed the association of IL28B polymorphisms with histological and follow-up features in 2335 chronically HCV-infected Caucasian patients. Assessable phenotypes before any antiviral treatment included necroinflammatory activity (n = 1,098), fibrosis (n = 1,527), fibrosis progression rate (n = 1,312), and hepatocellular carcinoma development (n = 1,915). Associations of alleles with the phenotypes were evaluated by univariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression, accounting for all relevant covariates. The rare G allele at IL28B marker rs8099917-previously shown to be at risk of treatment failure-was associated with lower activity (P = 0.04), lower fibrosis (P = 0.02) with a trend toward lower fibrosis progression rate (P = 0.06). When stratified according to HCV genotype, most significant associations were observed in patients infected with non-1 genotypes (P = 0.003 for activity, P = 0.001 for fibrosis, and P = 0.02 for fibrosis progression rate), where the odds ratio of having necroinflammation or rapid fibrosis progression for patients with IL28B genotypes TG or GG versus TT were 0.48 (95% confidence intervals 0.30-0.78) and 0.56 (0.35-0.92), respectively. IL28B polymorphisms were not predictive of the development of hepatocellular carcinoma. CONCLUSION: In chronic hepatitis C, IL28B variants associated with poor response to interferon therapy may predict slower fibrosis progression, especially in patients infected with non-1 HCV genotypes.
In this paper we construct a data set on EU cohesion aid to Spain during the planning period 1994-99. The data are disaggregated by region, year and function and attempt to approximate the timing of actual executed expenditure on assisted projects.