997 resultados para Crítica decolonial


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TFor companies to remain competitive should seek investment in the project management through new tools. The method Critical Chain has been considered an innovative way to manage projects, to promote change and give great results. However, there are still some questions to be answered and there are few papers reporting on the implementation of CCPM method in real environment of multiple projects. This work analyze the deployment process of Critical Chain at a company in the technology sector, in order to check the risk factors, advantages and difficulties in that process. Showing not only the likely benefits, but also the possible difficulties, mainly cultural and behavioral, inherent in all business transformation processes in order to support the implementation of all theoretical architecture for corporate reality


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Management information systems such as ERP can bring to businesses many competitive advantages. There is a great demand for systems projects to consulting firms that have knowledge to manage this particular type of project. However, the rate of system projects that cannot achieve success is very high. The methodology of Project Management, standardized by the Project Management Institute, is a globally recognized standard and used even in projects involving information technology. In the present study, was made a case study of an ERP system implementation project in a large company, by a consulting firm. From this analysis and on contributions from the literature, recommendations were proposed for the project management, in order to better direct the PMI methodology in large projects involving systems like ERP


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This paper presents the trajectory traced by the Literary Criticism on the poetry of Alfonsina Storni, an Argentine writer of the early twentieth century. The first literary production of Alfonsina Storni, called modernist or tardorromántica (SARLO, 1988), is produced in the period 1916-1925; from Ocre (1926), she marks a break, confirmed in their last two books of poetry, Mundo de siete Pozos (1935) and Mascarilla y Trébol (1938), with the label of vanguardism and new aesthetic experiences such as antisoneto. Regarding the Criticism built over the poetic work of Alfonsina Storni by his contemporaries, we have three positions of reading: approaches biographical criticism and proposals for readings of critics and poets linked to Vanguard Argentina and made some critical texts by women from the middle academic. According to Salomone (2006), the criticism made by third trend marks another landmark of the constitutive deed of Alfonsina Storni, show tensions and positions that differ from the hegemonic critical. Subsequently, there is setting up a Women's Literature, along with a normative critique, which will consider the production book produced by women as produced by a subject biological woman, and that represents certain textuality with naturalized features peculiar to women. Today, in light of the Critical Feminist and contributions of Discourse Analysis, especially on the concepts and the connections between language and power, a critical reading of the production female, consists of texts of women writers since the mid-nineteenth century, is focused as a result of an ideological perspective and typically androcentric patriarchal, for example, on poems by Alfonsina Storni. According to Alice Salomone (2006), from the 80s of last century, the look on the production literary Latin American writers has another approach, which she calls "critical current: feminist criticism and modernity cultural".


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This paper aims at gathering evidences about the reception of Odorico Mendes Greek andRoman translations among his contemporaries. Some of the most celebrated lusophone writersof the 19th Century such as Joaquim Manoel de Macedo, Gonçalves Dias and AntónioFeliciano de Castilho left us their reviews on the work of Mendes, the most productiveand controversial Brazilian translator of the time. The analysis of those data provides valuabledocuments of translation criticism that could constitute evidence of translation practices andmethods in an historical period in which Ancient Literature poetic translations were mostlyproduced.


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Is there a place inside Marxism for the debate on individuality? Does the historical-critical pedagogy need a theory of individual’s education? The article answers affirmatively to both questions and analyses the pillars of a Marxist theory of human individuals’ education. The start point is the relation between the processes of objectification and appropriation that were originated by the work activity. The relation between objectification and appropriation is analysed from a dialectical materialistic historical perspective. This perspective implies the understanding of the contradiction generates by class struggle that gives to the sociocultural development both the meanings of humanization and alienation. In this sense, individual’s education is understood as part of historical self-building process of humankind. The direction of this movement is from humanity in itself to humanity for itself that means a process that promotes the development of free and universal individuality.


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This paper analyses a PhD dissertation which was written by Ademir Lazarini with the purpose to present a radical criticism to the Dermeval Saviani´s interpretation of the relation between the capital and the school education. The dissertation argues that the Historical-Critical Pedagogy based on Saviani’s works is very distant from the Marxian theory of capitalist society. The paper detects fundamental mistakes inside the criticism formulated by the author of the dissertation and the examination of those mistakes revealed a lack of comprehension of the materialistic historical dialectical method.


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The present work aims to draw some reflections on the role of art in integral education, particularly of art as a school subject. The paper focuses on the contribution of art to the development the individual and the higher psychological functions. The arguments presented here are based on the studies on art made by Lev Vygotsky and Georg Lukács and also on the educational studies made by Dermeval Saviani. We expect to contribute to the defense of the necessity of an integral education in which art, integrated with science and philosophy, opposes itself to the predominantly fetishistic and unilateral character of the activities that constitutes the life in the contemporary capitalist society.


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The paper defends that the historical-cultural psychology needs the mediation of the historical-critical pedagogy in order to contribute to the school educational practice. In this direction, the paper analyses, in the field of the relations between Psychology and Pedagogy, a criteria for the human development characterization. Considering both, psychology and pedagogy, inside the historical process of social class struggle, the paper defends that human beings develop themselves by using the mediations which makes possible the movement from the condition of “being in itself” to the condition of “being for itself”.


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Teacher training is a frequent academic theme and object of various approaches. This article aims at presenting a few contributions of historical-critical pedagogy to this debate. It takes into account the concept of human-being, development and role of the school, opposing current parameters which empty and devalue teachers and, consequently, school education.


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This article aims to show elements based on historical-cultural psychology, which are reiterative of historically systematized scientific knowledge transmission as condition of human development and essential function of school education. In that way, it points the sign appropriation as decisive mark in the natural psychic basis overcoming towards to culturally established psychophysical properties formation, characterizing the psychism as an interfuncional system answerable for the constitution of the subjective image of objective reality. In the face of such presuppositions, it firms the role of school education in the mentioned image formation, highlighting the qualitative differences resultant of education based to quotidian and spontaneous concepts, as well as scientific ones. It pleads that the defense of sign quality offered to appropriation by school education is the main intersection point between the historical-cultural psychology and the historical-critical pedagogy.