992 resultados para BUCHANEK, ROSEMARY LOUISE


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The richness and turnover of coastal larval pools set upper limits for biodiversity in coastal systems. For particular local systems, such as embayments, the characteristics of the local larval pool are determined by the relative contributions of locally produced and external larvae. The balance between these sources partially reflects the extent of tidal exchange and is hence related to system size and flushing time. Larvae of benthic marine invertebrates were sampled from 8 bays along the Irish coast to investigate the effect of coastline configuration on the characteristics of the larval pool. Flushing time explained 34.5% of the variability in species richness from a series of daily samples. Many of the potentially relevant environmental variables are correlated, limiting the potential for individual variables to be examined in isolation. We therefore used a principal components analysis to describe the major patterns in environmental variability across bays. The second principal component separated bays along a gradient of increasing depth, salinity, tidal range and flushing time. Scores along this component were generally better predictors of the larval pool than single variables, explaining as much as 61.2% of the variation in species richness, diversity and similarity between dates. Deeper bays, with more saline water and longer flushing times, tended to have richer and more diverse larval pools, with a greater consistency in species composition between sample dates. No relationship was found between environmental variables and larval abundance. Our results suggest that flushing time, particularly when in combination with topographic variables, chlorophyll, tidal range and salinity, may be a useful predictor for the richness and turnover of local larval pools.


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During recent cruises aboard RV Polarstern in the Antarctic Peninsula region, a new species of benthic octopodid was discovered whose generic affinities based on morphological characteristics were uncertain. Molecular sequence analysis of six mitochondrial and nuclear genes allows this species to be placed with confidence within the genus Pareledone. The species is described herein and morphological diagnostic characters are provided for its identification.


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A long-synonymized species Benthoctopus normani (Massy 1907) (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) is redescribed from material collected over 30 years by the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton and the National Museums of Scotland. It can be distinguished from other octopodid specimens found in deep waters of the Northeast Atlantic by its biserial suckers, lack of ink sac, and simple ligula, which lacks transverse ridges. Examination of the collections led to the identification of a new species of Benthoctopus from the Northeast Atlantic, which is described herein.


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During January 2003 the bathymetric distribution of the cephalopod fauna of the South Georgia and Shag Rocks slope (100-900 m) was investigated using a commercial bottom trawl. Forty-four trawl stations caught 193 cephalopod specimens including six species of octopod and seven of squid. The benthic octopods Pareledone turqueti and Adelieledone polymorpha were abundant in shallow water at South Georgia, being replaced by Thaumeledone gunteri in greater depths. However, neither A. polymorpha nor T gunteri were caught on the adjacent Shag Rocks area. Two specimens of the deep-sea genus Graneledone were caught on the South Georgia slope. The most abundant squid species caught were Moroteuthis knipovitchi, Psychroteuthis glacialis and Slosarczykovia circumantarctica, which are primarily pelagic and may have been taken when their vertical migrations impinged on the slope.


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The holotype of the Antarctic octopodid Graneledone setebos was re-examined and found to lack the epidermal warts characteristic of the genus Graneledone. It is similar in its large size to another Southern Ocean species, Megaleledone senoi. A comparative study of G. setebos and specimens attributed to M. senoi led us to conclude that M. senoi is a junior synonym of G. setebos. Although M. senoi is not valid, the genus Megaleledone can be separated from other genera by the structure of the radula (which lacks marginal plates) and we therefore consider the genus to be valid. We propose the new combination of Megaleledone setebos and have refigured the beaks and radula of the holotype herein and expanded the description. A search of museum specimens and the literature shows that Megaleledone setebos is more common in Antarctic waters than previously supposed.


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Graneledone verrucosa (Verrill 1881), the type species of the genus Graneledone, is redescribed based on historical material and previously unreported specimens that have resulted from an increase in deep-sea fishing in the North East Atlantic. Graneledone verrucosa var. media (Joubin 1918) was found to be invalid and is herein synonymized with G. verrucosa. Graneledone verrucosa is shown to inhabit deep water throughout the North Atlantic; its distribution extends from 20degrees to 65degrees N and from 9degrees to 75degrees W. A revised diagnosis is given for the genus Graneledone Joubin, 1918.


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The reproductive biology of two species of endemic Southern Ocean octopods was investigated around the sub-Antarctic islands of South Georgia and Shag Rocks. The females of both the species produce few, large eggs. This appears to be governed by phylogenetic constraint. No evidence was found for ontogenetic migration or seasonality associated with gonad maturation. Based on oocyte length frequency distributions and observations of oocyte development within the ovary, it is possible that both species could have either a single or multiple-batch spawning strategy. Pareledone turqueti ovaries contained fewer larger oocytes than those of Adefieledone polymorpha, which may help to reduce competition for resources immediately after hatching.


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Como viene siendo habitual en las últimas películas de Pedro Almodóvar, las imágenes de La piel que habito (2011) se organizan en programas iconográficos que en este caso emanan de operaciones “trans” realizadas tanto en el cuerpo (transexualidad, transgénesis y trasplante), como en el texto (transtextualidad). El presente trabajo se ocupa de la genealogía y formalización de dichos programas así como de cuestiones teóricas surgidas a lo largo del desarrollo de este estudio –la relación entre cuerpo e identidad o el llamado muro de pantallas, entre otras–, de indudable calado en el filme.


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The causes of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and of the characteristic pathological features—amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles—of AD brain are unknown, despite the enormous resources provided over the years for their investigation. Indeed, the only generally accepted risk factors are age, Down syndrome, carriage of the type 4 allele of the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE-e 4), and possibly brain injury. Following the authors' previous studies implicating herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1) in brain of APOE-e 4 carriers as a major cause of AD, the authors propose here, on the basis of their and others' recent studies, that not only does HSV1 generate the main components of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs)—ß -amyloid (Aß) and abnormally phosphorylated tau but also, by disrupting autophagy, it prevents degradation of these aberrant proteins, leading to their accumulation and deposition, and eventually to AD.


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This investigation describes the formulation and characterization of theologically structured vehicles (RSVs) designed for improved drug delivery to the vagina. Interactive, multicomponent, polymeric platforms were manufactured containing hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC, 5% w/w) polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP, 4% w/w), Pluronic (PL, 0 or 10% w/w), and either polycarbophil (PC, 3% w/w) or poly(methylvinylether-co-maleic anhydride) (Gantrez S97, 3% w/w) as a mucoadhesive agent. The rheological (torsional and dynamic), mechanical (compressional), and mucoadhesive properties were characterized and shown to be dependent upon the mucoadhesive agent used and the inclusion/exclusion of PL. The dynamic theological properties of the gel platforms were also assessed following dilution with simulated vaginal fluid (to mimic in vivo dilution). RSVs containing PC were more rheologically structured than comparator formulations containing GAN. This trend was also reflected in formulation hardness, compressibility, consistency, and syringeability. Moreover, formulations containing PL (10% w/w) were more theologically structured than formulations devoid of PL. Dilution with simulated vaginal fluids significantly decreased rheological structure, although RSVs still retained a highly elastic stnicture (G' > G '' and tan delta <1). Furthermore, RSVs exhibited sustained drug release properties that were shown to be dependent upon their rheological structure. It is considered that these semisolid drug delivery systems may be useful as site-retentive platforms for the sustained delivery of therapeutic agents to the vagina.


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Rheologically structured vehicle (RSV) gels were developed as delivery systems for vaginal mucosal vaccination with an HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (CN54gp140). RSVs comprised a mucoadhesive matrix forming and vaginal fluid absorbing polymer. The mucoadhesive and rheological properties of the RSVs were evaluated in vitro, and the distribution, antigenicity and release of CN54gp140 were analysed by ELISA. CN54gp140 was uniformly distributed within the RSVs and continuously released in vitro in an antigenically intact form over 24 h. Vaginal administration to rabbits induced specific serum IgG, and IgG and IgA in genital tract secretions. The RSVs are a viable delivery modality for vaginal immunization.